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Border Means Testing At Mae Sai

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Does this law just affect just land-crossing border runners, or does it also affect legitimate businessmen that travel in and out of Don Muang?

I have a non-immigrant “B”, 90-day. I fly out every 90 days to either Singapore or Hong Kong (I have other businesses there, also)

I notice that the sign in Don Muang, at Customs/Immigration, says that I may not exit the Kingdom with in excess of 50,000 THB.

But, I must come back with 40,000 THB to cover myself and my “family” (my wife is also a foreigner)

What about other currencies? I generally carry a fair amount of Thai Baht, and a mix of “real” (non-third-world-shithole) currencies like Euro’s, Pound Sterling and USD. When I travel, I generally have no less than a $5,000 USD equivalent on me in mixed currencies.

Are they going to try to enforce this at Don Muang, or just where day runners cross at land borders?

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That's exactly right. Bank of Thailand regulations state that one is only allowed to take 10,000 in Thai currency from Thailand.

So of course, if you arrive back at immigration in Mae Sai with 20,000 baht in your pocket, and it was illegal to take out more than 10,000 baht, might an immigration officer ask "where did the other 10,000 baht come from?".

Yes indeedy. Very messy situation as it seems that Immigration wants to follow the exact letter of the law all of a sudden. Makes everyone subject to arrest, unless falling into the B10K cash-showing category.

The only technically acceptable way to comply is to withdraw the extra funds necessary at the soon-to-be-installed ATM booth just in front of the Thai immigration window?

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About twice a year I go to Myanmar for 10 days or so and return through Tachilek. I will go again this new year. I go with a Myanmar visa, enter at Yangon or Tachilek, go to Mandalay, and return through Tachilek to Mae Sai. Do you think this rule applies to anyone arriving wanting the 30 day entry permit, or only applies to day trippers? My passport is full of 3 years worth of Thai 30 day entry stamps, but when I come through Mae Sai it is always after about 10 days in Myanmar. Think this makes a difference? I hate to carry 10kBaht around Myanmar for 10 days.

Thanks, Drew

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Oh man after being a border walker/runner for 4 years in the north at Mai Sai how sweet it is to finally have a Non-Imm O type one year multi-entry visa. I really feel for you folks that have that 30 day sword hanging over your head. The visa really does take a lot of stress off life here, so if you have the means and documents like I did for 4 years but was just too lazy, by all means it is worth the minor hassle to get a proper visa. If you are a border runner and this money rumor is for real, better to carry a few Benjies ($100USD) bills than a wad of Thai thousands, and try to time it with a friend or two for safety.

All the best.


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My wife's older brother is a senior officer at the Immigration Bureau in Bangkok. I asked him if he knew about how much baht (as cash) can be brought into or taken out of Thailand. He has heard (naturally) about the means test issue at the Mae Sai border crossing and we will just have to "watch this space" as he expects that there will be a change soon.

Clarifying the point about the movement of baht, he said that we can bring as much money into Thailand as we feel is necessary. He didn't specify that there was any upper limit nor did he indicate that there was a minimum!

When we, or Thai people, leave Thailand from Don Muang, Phuket, Chiang Mai airports, or wherever departure point takes us away from Thailand and its neighbouriing countries, 50,000 baht is the maximum permitted sum in cash. Some sort of official authorisation is needed if it is necessary to take out more baht. However, if we, or Thai people, are crossing to a country which shares a border with Thailand, then 500,000 baht in cash can be exported.

So, John from Sri Racha and Bubba, I hope this information helps.

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Are there different “cash export” laws at different exit points out of the Kingdom? Why do you folks say 10,000THB is the maximum that can be carried out, when the sign in Don Muang clearly says 50,000 THB is the max Thai currency that can be carried out of the Kingdom??

You are right. 50k is Thai currency is the max amount that can be freely taken out by a tourist.

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I stand corrected. From the TAT web site:

"Any amount of foreign currency may be brought into the country. Visitors may take foreign currency out of Thailand, but no more than the amount stated in the customs declaration made on arrival. Travellers leaving Thailand may take out no more than 50,000 baht per person in Thai currency."

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My wife's older brother is a senior officer at the Immigration Bureau in Bangkok.

Clarifying the point about the movement of baht, he said that we can bring as much money into Thailand as we feel is necessary. He didn't specify that there was any upper limit nor did he indicate that there was a minimum!

unfortunately there is less clarification? He says there's no minimum to bring in, but I thought the whole point of this discussion was there IS a minimum of 10 - 40K?


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Are there different “cash export” laws at different exit points out of the Kingdom?  Why do you folks say 10,000THB is the maximum that can be carried out, when the sign in Don Muang clearly says 50,000 THB is the max Thai currency that can be carried out of the Kingdom??

You are right. 50k is Thai currency is the max amount that can be freely taken out by a tourist.

I was always bewildered by that one. I mean why on earth would anyone want to take mucho thai baht out of here anyhow? What good will thai currency be anywhere outside bordering countries other than to exchange? They can keep their baht here when I'm leaving. I'll take USD thanks

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"okay fair enough you want to harrass the 30 day "tourists" but what about the people here on one year non-immigrant B or O visas?

Well, that will be interesting as we who have one year visa extensions have to prove our means every year when we re-apply. We also must buy a re-entry permit at Immigration for 1,900 baht before departing in order to keep our visa in effect when we return. My guess is that the re-entry permit will negate the need to carry the 10-20K as proof of means.

I hope you are right.

I went back to the photo of the proclamation.

I think the critical words are "... for the issue of a visa in a passport...."

If you already have your 1 year extension and a re-entry permit, you will have shown that you have funds.

Also you are not being "issued a visa", you already have it, and are re-enrering under the same visa!!

I wonder what they propose to do with people who do not have the cash?

They cannot go back into the country they have just left, they cannot enter Thailand?

Catch 22?

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That's exactly right. Bank of Thailand regulations state that one is only allowed to take 10,000 in Thai currency from Thailand.

This is no longer the case.

It was increased to 50,000 about 2-3 years ago.

But it does not leave much leeway if you need 40,000 for a family to come back.

My guess is there will be a howl of protest from the neighbours, when the money spent there drops.

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Unbiased Ovenman..... so more a hobbit I guess than a troll!!!

Enjoying this thread........

In Pakistan on your way out from Karachi airport the cops at the road block would stop the taxi and try and get to see your money........ and to practice sleight of hand as well....... in Karachi with armed "police" it takes a lot to keep a handle on things.

I know my missus would worry not the least at how tempting the money would be in my pocket to spend on CD's and DVD's....... let alone thieves etc....... a friend had a bag snatched off the front of a scooter in ChiangMai the othernight.

These sort of things are so demeaning....... why not go the whole hog and start up with FEC's?

Where are these destitute foreigners? What does the Thai govt spend on them?

There really seems no thought behind all of this.

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I wonder what they propose to do with people who do not have the cash?

They cannot go back into the country they have just left, they cannot enter Thailand?

Catch 22?

^ Won't they just do that thing they were talking about before where they give you a 5 day (or so) stamp into Thailand and you then have to prove you've got the needed money at you're nearest Immigration office?

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What about if people went as a group. One went out, came back showed the 10-20K. Then gave it to the next bloke who does the same, and repeat?

No doubt this is exactly what'll happen- or the whole thing will be side stepped by visa agents who show their own cash (the same cash) for each foreign tourist/visa runner.


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Got this through from one of the Chiangmai magazine editors this morning .....

"Saw the No 2 man at CM Immigration yesterday and he agreed with me that all

that cash posed a serious security risk. Said he would talk to the Mae Sai

man and 'suggest' that bank books, ATM balance slips etc were satisfactory.

By the way, Mae Sai is the only known land crossing to implement this so

far. They do have the right to do it individually, it seems."

Perhaps some good news in there - it saved me a trip out to Immigration at least

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What about if people went as a group. One went out, came back showed the 10-20K. Then gave it to the next bloke who does the same, and repeat?

and you are a bloody teacher. GO HOME

I'm not really a teacher per se (I love using that!) check my grammar knowledge in the teachers room (it's terrible). But I'll get me coat!

I don't think it's about the money, more about, as others have said, getting robbed etc.

Sorry though :o

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I dont know,but i think here in this forum are so many guys who are staying in Thailand a long time and probably speak thai very well,why not just call the Ministry of foreign affairs and ask about these new regulations,i think better than guessing and suggest,or even better to go there if stay in bkk

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If people come on a group tour to Thailand. Do they as tourists also have to show 10,000 Baht? Does this not affect TAT's idea of 20 million visitors?

I wonder how many armed robberies will take place. Seams now, more tourists are finding violent deaths. Clearly this will increase it.

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10 or 20k its not the problem. A thai bankbook for non immigrants, creditcard or travecheck for tourist not accepted?

Another stupid rules from the immigration. 60 tourist in a bus to visarun in Cambodia. They need policeescort or end up like a lukurative target for robbery.

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I went back to the photo of the proclamation.

I think the critical words are "... for the issue of a visa in a passport...."

If you already have your 1 year extension and a re-entry permit, you will have shown that you have funds.

Also you are not being "issued a visa", you already have it, and are re-enrering under the same visa!!

I wonder what they propose to do with people who do not have the cash?

They cannot go back into the country they have just left, they cannot enter Thailand?

Catch 22?

Thanks again, Astral. Are you saying that a one-year multiple entry B visa (which requires exiting the country every 90 days and reentering without any sizeable fee) doesn't require another visa? Just a stamp in the passport? So the 20K shouldn't apply? But does that agree with some of the things the immigration officers there have been telling our posters?

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Blondie, as a 30 Day stamp is also not a Visa, as has been mentioned here quite often, I might assume tha tthe whole new regulation is only targeted at passport holders from these few Countries who get a 14 Day Visa at Arrival.

No, I don't think so.

I rather believe this is just another bad use of language, as seen in the requirements of ..... less than 10 000 Baht.

So, I guess, everything is open again, including the need to show 10000 or 20000 Baht also for those with One Year B or O Visas.

Time will tell......

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