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Settlement Visa

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Well guys, 15mins ago my wife opened her packet and guess what?


I just want to say without advise from this forum and the help of scouse, we would not have done it.

Thanks goes to moss, manhout, mark r, jim bob, mo jangles, many many more.

I cant thank you all enough.

I know its early, but im gona get drunk, then im off to argos for a rice cooker :D

Once again, thanks to everyone, and i told you there was nothing to worry about :o ha ha.

I cant describe what im feeling, i am one very happy man.

I told my wife if we got it, i would run around outside naked and knock on everyones door, but i think its a bit chilly for that :D

Cheers all

Scotty........... get in there...

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Hi Scotty, i know we dont really know each other but i have followed all your posts very intensly and feel like i know you very well (LOL) I just wanted to say that its great news for the both of u and i bet it must feel like u won the lottery, I will be going through the same as you later this year and this gives me great hope and confidense when i see this kind of great news! The very best of health and happiness to the both of you!! WTG guys!!

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, but I don't fancy your bank account after shopping for her warm clothes!

Thank the Lord, I din't think I could have got through another week, let alone a 2nd attempt. :o

As for the Over Draft, 'Nuf Said :D

On a more serious note, they have an incredible ability to adapt, my wife landed on New Years Day and my heating promptly broke down, not a single word of complaint.

Well done Scotty and good luck for the future.


And I really don't want to hear another word about your Over draft :D

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Alright guys,

Well the mrs will be here on wednesday, cant wait for that, I just want to share a few points in how we set out the visa, and what I provided, I dont know, maybe it can help someone along the way.

Firstly as you all know, I was sh**ting it, and have been for months.

I contacted scouse, and he offered me great advise, and let me know the help would be there if needed.

Well to cut the story short, scouse provided me with a fantastic covering letter, outlining when we met, about myself, the wifes sittuation, etc etc etc.

Everything they needed to know, was explained to them in the letter.

I then got myself some plastic sleeve pockets, and printed on paper, what would be inside theses sleeves, Mr *****s itemised phone bills ( jan-march ) ( april-june ) Mr *****s bank statements ( last six months ) and so on and so on.

I then got myself a nice big ring binder, and put all the documents inside, no index, no nothing.

The covering letter I put to the front of the ring binder, followed by the vaf 4 form.

I then included the following.

1. Our marriage certificate + 1 translated to English, my wifes T.B certificate, copy of her I.D, her passport, one passport photo.

2. Twelve months of itemised phone bills from my mobile phone contract.

3. Eight months of itemised phone calls from when I called her from the internet ( voip-discount )

4. All my used international phone cards.

5. Copy of my passport I.D, stamps.

6. Last six months bank statements

7. Last four months payslips

8. My contract of employment

9. Photos of me, my wife and family together ( around 40 photos )

10. Flight itinerys, hotel reciepts

11. Proof of me taking care of the wife ( bank statements from my other account which I fund for her to use while in Thailand )

12. Letter from my mother, welcoming my wife, my mothers tennency agreement, 3 utility bills, plus a photo of every bedroom, living room, kitchen.

13. Jiffy bags from when I sent gifts to the mrs through out our relationship.

I think that was it, I put them all in sleeves, explaining what was inside.

We put the application in monday, my wife was called on the phone on wednesday and asked these questions.

My D.O.B how old am I, my full name, where I live, who I live with, my wifes D.O.B, my hobbies, what I like to do in our spare time, what plans does she have for the future in England, why she loves me, how, when and where did we meet, how many times I have visited her.

The phone call lasted around 30 mins, and my wife said the women was kind and friendly.

Just for the record, my wife used to work in a bar in bkk during the day, and if she was asked about her former employment, we always said we would tell the truth, and we did.

When submitting the application, I was £740 overdrawn, sorry moss :o , and I have no savings what so ever.

Anyway the visa was granted after three days.

I have just posted this as maybe it could help someone along the way.

Im not saying do it this way, im just saying this is how I did it, and it worked for me.

Big thanks to you all again, and a big big big thanks to the scouse.


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