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Tefl in thailand / visa dilemmas

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Hi everyone.  I've been recruited in the UK to teach at a school in Bangkok at the end of the month.  My non-immigrant B has just been obtained over here in London, with a director of the school as the Guarantor address given on the application form.  I am then meant to sign the contract when I get there.  I've also bought my flight, a one-way ticket as the contract would be for a year, leaving 28th.

 I've since read/ realised a lot of stuff about this school, and now I don't want to work for them!  (reasons: 28 hours a week contact teaching, 15 hours at weekends, I pay 6,000 baht for them to sort my work permit etc).  I know there are other language schools in Thailand I'd rather work for, where the pay would be better and hours less.  I am frantically applying over the internet, but am not sure of wrapping something up quickly, before the time of my flight.

  Can I go to Thailand on the non-immigrant B, and then just disappear and join a new language school and get them to sort a new visa/work permit out, or do non-immigrant B's always have to be sorted before arriving in the country?  Or... can I go there on a tourist visa, find employment, and then get the school to sort new visa/work permit?  Or should I just continue to try and find work from the UK, get a new non-immigrant B, and perhaps change my flight?

   If anyone has any suggestions I'd be very grateful.  And if anyone could recommend a humane language school in a great setting that is sympathetic to qualified teachers with not much experience, I'd also be grateful!


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IMHO just come over , you can do any of your previous options. It's a lot easier once you are here, just suss out the good and bad employers/schools, meet a few teachers in Bkk...you'll be well away

Good lUck


ps prob easier to come in on a tourist visa, and let your next employers sort out the permit, leave, return in ImmB..etc

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