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English Guy Bulldozes House


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can maybe also say serves HIM right too for being a hot head and losing his house. whats he gonna do now?

and whats the cleaner got to do with anything?

perhaps she is the mia noy and the reason the wife retuned to pattaya ! :D

My thoughts too!

Chap gets caught servicing the maid; wife goes beserk and trundles off to to do the 'dirty' in Pataya, chap drinks FAR to much booze and bulldozes his own house! Wow! What a TOSSER he must be! :o

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  • 1 month later...
This infantile "I'll show you" bulldozing tantrum is about poor impulse control, lack of anger management skills, and probably a hefty dose of spirits punctuated by wicked hangovers. The "I'll show you" outburst is a response to an inner perception of losing face and a childish attempt to re-establish respect.

I am very familiar with Lung Yueng and lung Tung and respect their works highly.

sounds like your the type to give the mother 400 thousand baht to stay on then eh........

Well, one can at least be compassionate. Where are the poor girl and her Thai boyfriend supposed to live?


Thank you Sunrise07.

I will be looking out for your posts in future. (You did mean it as a joke didn't you!)

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His course of action seems perfectly reasonable (and legal as the police did not intervene) given the circumstances.

It would be a similar situation to if one leased some undeveloped land for 30 years to build a house. Once the house is built, it can be registered in the name of a foreign owner. At the end of the lease period, if the Thai owner did not want to renew for another 30 years or pay a fair price for the house, I would demolish the house and return the land to its bare state as it was when first leased. I wouldn't give the Thai landowner an improved pieces of land at the end of the lease period for nothing.

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  • 1 month later...
I guess if you marry a BG it'e best to build a wood house, just pack it up on the ol pick up and move on down to the cleaners

good idea. You could even put it together with KD Screws instead of nails so it would be easy to disassemble and reassemble elsewhere.

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(and legal as the police did not intervene)

Not necessary true. Out where this incident happened the police will not respond to domestic disputes. This is because the next day the couple will be back as one, same as before the altercation. Even wife beating isn't acted upon.

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This infantile "I'll show you" bulldozing tantrum is about poor impulse control, lack of anger management skills, and probably a hefty dose of spirits punctuated by wicked hangovers. The "I'll show you" outburst is a response to an inner perception of losing face and a childish attempt to re-establish respect.

I am very familiar with Lung Yueng and lung Tung and respect their works highly.

Not too sure about your judgement on this one, seems a bit biased if you dont mind me saying so, could it be that Lung Yueng and Lung Tung who's work you have so muct respect for were the Master blocklayers in this construction?

Just a thought..........


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Would have better to:

Leave the house there for a few months.

Hire a special effects company to covertly implant 'Ghosts' (wailing at night, laser beam ghosts) connect sewer line to all the internal taps, spray fake cobwebs, tee hee

The land and the house would be dangerous grounds.

Offer to have the house demolished and land 'cleaned' (by the cleaner yuk yuk) for B400K

Perfect solution!!! I love it!!!!

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Would have better to:

Leave the house there for a few months.

Hire a special effects company to covertly implant 'Ghosts' (wailing at night, laser beam ghosts) connect sewer line to all the internal taps, spray fake cobwebs, tee hee

The land and the house would be dangerous grounds.

Offer to have the house demolished and land 'cleaned' (by the cleaner yuk yuk) for B400K

Perfect solution!!! I love it!!!!

The point is being over looked in that the land belonged to the mother in law and she wanted 400,00 Baht, so I'm told, for the English guy to have access to his house. Where the house is/was, there would be no chance of him being able to sell. All these solutions to this problem don't bear any relevance to the situation. He fell out with his missus. Had a house he couldn't live in. What else could he have done other than to take what is/was his ?

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Surely then the first lesson is do not build on your mother in laws land ,buy a plot in your wifes name.

Our land is in my wifes name . I suppose the house actually belongs to me as I paid for it . I dont know where I would stand should if (god forbid) something happend to my wife or our relationship. I would presume the land would then go to her parents till we have children and then it would go to them .

I think I could be tempted to do as the guy did, but you know the saying "never invest what you can't afford to lose " and although £20k is still a decent ammount of money I am sure It wouldn't quite cripple me.

As for the BG thing, well it could happen with any woman ,in any part of the world , the law allways seems to be on the womans side .Its sad when things don't work but in my experiance the relationships I have seen fail are where the ferang has been set up with a girl some 25years younger than him self. ,surely that age difference would not work very often in any country.

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Surely then the first lesson is do not build on your mother in laws land ,buy a plot in your wifes name.

Our land is in my wifes name . I suppose the house actually belongs to me as I paid for it . I dont know where I would stand should if (god forbid) something happend to my wife or our relationship. I would presume the land would then go to her parents till we have children and then it would go to them .

I think I could be tempted to do as the guy did, but you know the saying "never invest what you can't afford to lose " and although £20k is still a decent ammount of money I am sure It wouldn't quite cripple me.

As for the BG thing, well it could happen with any woman ,in any part of the world , the law allways seems to be on the womans side .Its sad when things don't work but in my experiance the relationships I have seen fail are where the ferang has been set up with a girl some 25years younger than him self. ,surely that age difference would not work very often in any country.

If something happened to your wife, I believe you'd get 6 months to sell it. Best bet would then be to lease it back until your death. The owner of the land would then get a free house. Or will I be corrected ?
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