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Tot Internet


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My TOT internet here in Chiang Mai (Amphur Muang) used to work fine. Then a few months ago something strange started happening. Suddenly I would no longer have a connection. My router would say I was connected but in fact no data would go through. I'd disconnect manually and then try to reconnect but couldn't. After ten minutes or so I'd try again and I'd be reconnected. Invariably the same thing would happen again later.

Often, however, this happens multiple times in the same day. It's really frustrating.

I called up tech support at TOT and got a technician to come over to my house. He took a look at the telephone wires that led into my house and proclaimed them "dirty." After snipping away and screwing the whole system up and then repatching some lengths of cable to undo the damage he'd done the problem, of course, remained. I tried to explain to him that "dirty wires" wasn't the problem or the connection wouldn't work fine for ten hours at a time. The problem was with TOT, to which he replied "Oh no. TOT very good!"

This is the third technician I've had come out to the house. I'm at wits' end. Anybody have any idea what to do? Or what might be the problem? Anyone suffering the same situation?

Edited by ollylama
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I have had problems with Sonetworks for the last few days. Intermittent connection - great for a couple of hours then I have problems. Tonight, for example I can see Asia based websites, but not European ones.

My situation looks like a bandwidth issue.

Understand your frustration !

Edited by Contractor
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The real, properly affiliated internat'l schools in Thailand are in a category (price and quality wise) that bears no resemblance to Thai govt. schools. Thai schools give stupid multiple choice tests that require limited thought, and students simply regurgitate the memorized material. Class sizes of 40 to 55, poor facilities, inadequate teachers. By contrast, most of the real international schools require them to solve a math problem, write an original essay in proper English, think creatively, etc. Many intn'l school teachers earn 75K to 125K and are fully certified as professional educators in their home country.

If you can't afford to educate your child properly, you run the risk of giving them 18 worthless years that prepares them for nothing except being a salesclerk who can't even use a calculator. Or, a rice farmer, or a sex worker.

Very, very well put if a tad over the top. It is true that government schools generally lag far behind. There are many, many reasons for that.

Thailand is miserably short of teachers who are underpaid and overworked, but --- on the other hand --- it is true that many are not very effective. They are government employees, for a start! Thailand is not learning, it seems, about the dangers of making teachers civil servants or about unionization, which IMHO, breeds medicrity, not merit.

But --- and it is a big "but" --- from an international perspective, Thailand does a very good job with its educational system relative to other developing countries. It takes a lot of time --- generationlly, even --- to improve. Consider that in order to train effective teachers, it is necessary that they themselves have to be educated well. Then, certain cultural problems have to be overcome. The principal one in Thailand, in the view of some people, is "social regimentation." Could say more, but always talk too much!

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I had the "intermittent connection" problem with TOT for about a week about 2 months ago. then it was fine for several weeks. Now I've got the problem back for the past 2 days. TOT already changed my wires before the problem occurred the first time. Glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem, although I'm sure it doesn't help you.

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I've been on TOT's alleged-512k service for several weeks now, and had assumed the breaks were part of their normal product, although they are less-frequent than on 1222 dial-up ! :o

You can upgrade to TOT's from 500k to 1mb service for only 90bht more per month (promotion)

It makes a difference, but not during peak hours. 2MB's is only 1000Bht now. I am going to jump up.

I have also noticed TOT dropping out a few times a day.

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  • 1 month later...
My TOT internet here in Chiang Mai (Amphur Muang) used to work fine. Then a few months ago something strange started happening. Suddenly I would no longer have a connection. My router would say I was connected but in fact no data would go through. I'd disconnect manually and then try to reconnect but couldn't. After ten minutes or so I'd try again and I'd be reconnected. Invariably the same thing would happen again later.

Often, however, this happens multiple times in the same day. It's really frustrating.

I called up tech support at TOT and got a technician to come over to my house. He took a look at the telephone wires that led into my house and proclaimed them "dirty." After snipping away and screwing the whole system up and then repatching some lengths of cable to undo the damage he'd done the problem, of course, remained. I tried to explain to him that "dirty wires" wasn't the problem or the connection wouldn't work fine for ten hours at a time. The problem was with TOT, to which he replied "Oh no. TOT very good!"

This is the third technician I've had come out to the house. I'm at wits' end. Anybody have any idea what to do? Or what might be the problem? Anyone suffering the same situation?

Ahhh... this has been an ongoing battle with TOT for a couple of years let alone recently! I live in Mae Rim and first started with their cybergold 512K. I was lucky to get 100K - on a good day!!! :D A couple of months ago I upgraded to 1.5 G. So, daily (sometimes 3 times a day) I test with My Test broadband test site. Granted, there were a few slow downs due to traffic getting re-directed as there are sometimes fibre optic cables subsea that get damaged by plonker boat handlers (wouldn't call them captians...). My tests? Hmmmm, I've seen 1.1G twice!!! Mean average of 400K. And the lowest (without stalling out) at 63K. Whined and moaned to the TOT office. Showed the manager the saved web pages of My Test and his statement was " Your house is too far away". My reply, "Put a repeater in line", his, "Not enough customers to do so", mine, "Perhaps you would have more customers if you did so!!", and so - on - and - so - forth..... ad infinum. Maybe when they get 5G I'll be able to get 1G... The upside?? The price got reduced to 700 B / mo. :o

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I'm afraid i don't know how you can solve this problem as the same has been happening to me for pretty much the same length of time. I empathise with you.

I find hitting things works quite well.

I tried TT&T but they said they couldn't service the estate because of the contractural issues. Asked TOT to "shoot the line" (test the quality / impedence / attenuation) but they haven't. Next is the smear campaign eg: threats of writing all the newspapers and posting in various telecom mags & websites where future investors may see. :o

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oddly i fixed the original problem by changing the ip address of my router. seems there was some conflict with something on tot's end. it works much better now. i have no idea why. mystery.

After nearly three years of acceptable service, I have been experiencing the same "dropped connection" problems on TOT as you, starting about 1 or 2 months ago. I upgraded from 512kps to 1mbs about three months ago. (Of course, average real download time remains 50Kps to 120kps!)

Can you give us a step-by-step tutorial on how you did that? (changing ip address of router?)

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My TOT internet here in Chiang Mai (Amphur Muang) used to work fine. Then a few months ago something strange started happening. Suddenly I would no longer have a connection. My router would say I was connected but in fact no data would go through. I'd disconnect manually and then try to reconnect but couldn't. After ten minutes or so I'd try again and I'd be reconnected. Invariably the same thing would happen again later.

Often, however, this happens multiple times in the same day. It's really frustrating.

I called up tech support at TOT and got a technician to come over to my house. He took a look at the telephone wires that led into my house and proclaimed them "dirty." After snipping away and screwing the whole system up and then repatching some lengths of cable to undo the damage he'd done the problem, of course, remained. I tried to explain to him that "dirty wires" wasn't the problem or the connection wouldn't work fine for ten hours at a time. The problem was with TOT, to which he replied "Oh no. TOT very good!"

This is the third technician I've had come out to the house. I'm at wits' end. Anybody have any idea what to do? Or what might be the problem? Anyone suffering the same situation?

I am with TTanT and have the 1 gig premiere package. After the initial problems of choosing the right package and getting connected it has worked very well. I can download at up to 100kbs. Its just over a thousand baht a month, so if you are not tied in to a contract and can get it where you are? I would change. I have reccomended this to 4 people who have all changed or upgraded. They are all very pleased with he results.

If any one out there is stuck on the old Indy package or have not changed there TTan T package for over a year? You will probably noticed that the speed has slowed down considerably? Upgrade and feel the speed:)

Hope this helps?

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"I am with TTanT and have the 1 gig premiere package. After the initial problems of choosing the right package and getting connected it has worked very well. I can download at up to 100kbs. Its just over a thousand baht a month, so if you are not tied in to a contract and can get it where you are? I would change. I have reccomended this to 4 people who have all changed or upgraded. They are all very pleased with he results."

I am having troubles now as well last few days. Slow service or complete loss of access. I use Ji-net usually with great results. I think it is CM or Thai servers causing the troubles it but will need to investigate. I pay 1350 B/ mo. I'd switch to something cheaper, but I'd have to know they don't give you hassles like bumping down your access speed for downloading big files like torrents for a couple hrs at a time. I've heard this can happen with Maxnet or TOT packages. Anybody experience this or is it just a rumor ?

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"I am with TTanT and have the 1 gig premiere package. After the initial problems of choosing the right package and getting connected it has worked very well. I can download at up to 100kbs. Its just over a thousand baht a month, so if you are not tied in to a contract and can get it where you are? I would change. I have reccomended this to 4 people who have all changed or upgraded. They are all very pleased with he results."

I am having troubles now as well last few days. Slow service or complete loss of access. I use Ji-net usually with great results. I think it is CM or Thai servers causing the troubles it but will need to investigate. I pay 1350 B/ mo. I'd switch to something cheaper, but I'd have to know they don't give you hassles like bumping down your access speed for downloading big files like torrents for a couple hrs at a time. I've heard this can happen with Maxnet or TOT packages. Anybody experience this or is it just a rumor ?

I am and have been downloading well over 10 gig of data every week for the last 5 months. I download mainly films and tv stuff.My pc is running at 100kbs for often days at a time without any problems or disconections.

I will probably regret telling everyone this ? As, if you all switch it will probably slow it down eventually? This is what happened with the old Indy package on Maxnet.

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oddly i fixed the original problem by changing the ip address of my router. seems there was some conflict with something on tot's end. it works much better now. i have no idea why. mystery.

After nearly three years of acceptable service, I have been experiencing the same "dropped connection" problems on TOT as you, starting about 1 or 2 months ago. I upgraded from 512kps to 1mbs about three months ago. (Of course, average real download time remains 50Kps to 120kps!)

Can you give us a step-by-step tutorial on how you did that? (changing ip address of router?)

it depends on your router/modem. most routers can be accessed by typing in your browser address bar. then a page should pop up with configuration options. there should be some place on one of those pages where you can change to something else - i suggest

Good luck!

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I don't know how the rest of you are doing but here in Wang Tan (between the airport and Hangdong), our TOT service has been down for some 27 hours. Several of us have called the TOT help desk but of course the girls who answer the phone simply imply that it "must be you modem" and walk you thru useless modem reboot processes and I suspect that they know full well that their broadband access in this area is down.

Fortunately, I maintain dialup service with Internet Thailand for just this reason - when TOT goes down (pun intended), at least I have dialup which keeps me from actually having to get out of my house and get a real life...


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My TOT line (near CMU) has been very good, except all web sites will occasionally stop responding for a minute or two. Then all is fine.

But recently I have had a number of periods of a few hours in which I can't reach UK based web sites, especially the BBC.

To get around the problem I use a US based proxy, then all the web sites appear by magic.

My suspicion is a problem with the C&W connection from CAT to London interchange - not a TOT problem then.

Anyone else with the same problem?

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