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Prison For British Flier On Flight From Thailand

sriracha john

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Irresponsibilty of the highest order.

It is worth noting that the airline itself appears to have also been quite irresponsible in this case. If the passenger was sh*t-faced and obnoxious, then this should have been plainly evident BEFORE he boarded, not well into the flight. The airline has ultimate responsibility for the safety of the passengers, crew and aircraft. If a passenger poses a potential problem, then the airline should keep them off the flight. But they rarely do because of the greed factor. I hope the guy who got tossed on his keyster sues the airline for a small fortune for failing to adequately ensure his safety. In similar circumstances, I know I would.

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It's got nothing to do with diazepam and alcohol - 10 years ago I used to be addicted to both and never assaulted anyone. Airlines should ban alcohol on flights.

Why should us responsible drinkers suffer because some don't know how to mix their alcohol and pharmaceuticals? I need my couple of glasses of wine on a long flight.

Irresponsibilty of the highest order.

It is worth noting that the airline itself appears to have also been quite irresponsible in this case. If the passenger was sh*t-faced and obnoxious, then this should have been plainly evident BEFORE he boarded, not well into the flight. The airline has ultimate responsibility for the safety of the passengers, crew and aircraft. If a passenger poses a potential problem, then the airline should keep them off the flight. But they rarely do because of the greed factor. I hope the guy who got tossed on his keyster sues the airline for a small fortune for failing to adequately ensure his safety. In similar circumstances, I know I would.

No, I think he got wasted as the flight progressed, by drinking wine on top of his pill popping.

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Airlines should ban alcohol on flights.

What? Because one or two people act like idiots you want us all to suffer. No, i don't get p1ssed but i like a can or two of lager to get me into napping mode.

Because most air rage is due to alcohol.

They should dispense temazepam, diazepam, trazedone, ambien, opium - all of which are much safer than alcohol and give a much better sleep;)

They should also give free nicotine gum and free sexual gratification.

Coffee should not be allowed as it reduces chance of sleep :o

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6 months is far too severe for throwing someone out of a seat.

If he stabbed them or seriously wounded them then fair enough. Knives are banned because one or two people hijack the planes.

Alcohol should therefore be banned as one or two people throw others out of seats after drinking.

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6 months is far too severe for throwing someone out of a seat.

If he stabbed them or seriously wounded them then fair enough. Knives are banned because one or two people hijack the planes.

Alcohol should therefore be banned as one or two people throw others out of seats after drinking.

It does seem a bit harsh and not in line with other similar cases where famous people or business big shots were involved.

They tend to get found not guilty though ie the British Military attache and the guy from REM Peter Buck

Lulu's exhubby the hairdresser only got fined 1800 GBP

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6 months is far too severe for throwing someone out of a seat.

If he stabbed them or seriously wounded them then fair enough. Knives are banned because one or two people hijack the planes.

Alcohol should therefore be banned as one or two people throw others out of seats after drinking.

It was also assault wasnt it ? it is not nice when you are forced into close pxoximity to these scenes,i think the sentance was fair,.
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Airlines should ban alcohol on flights.

What? Because one or two people act like idiots you want us all to suffer. No, i don't get p1ssed but i like a can or two of lager to get me into napping mode.

Because most air rage is due to alcohol.

They should dispense temazepam, diazepam, trazedone, ambien, opium - all of which are much safer than alcohol and give a much better sleep;)

They should also give free nicotine gum and free sexual gratification.

Coffee should not be allowed as it reduces chance of sleep :o

Now if this airline materialises im there,for sure ! :D
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Actually, in Thailand you can't get diazapam over the counter, you need a prescription. I always take it on flights and drink. I get so relaxed I can hardly move.

I've never gotten violent or obnoxious--Ok, well 10 mg. and a couple of beers and I am likely to wet my pants, but that's about it!

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Actually, in Thailand you can't get diazapam over the counter, you need a prescription. I always take it on flights and drink. I get so relaxed I can hardly move.

I've never gotten violent or obnoxious--Ok, well 10 mg. and a couple of beers and I am likely to wet my pants, but that's about it!

I was offeredit in two drug stores a couple of months ago. I said no as I have a bad history with it.

Edited by Neeranam
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6 months is far too severe for throwing someone out of a seat.

If he stabbed them or seriously wounded them then fair enough. Knives are banned because one or two people hijack the planes.

Alcohol should therefore be banned as one or two people throw others out of seats after drinking.

Personally I think it wasn't severe enough. In this day and age noone needs to be scared like that on a plane. IMO, he should be taken out back and beaten with a sock full of padlocks. Unfortunately, the U.K. is too soft on criminals.

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They should dispense temazepam, diazepam, trazedone, ambien, opium

They should also give free sexual gratification.

"Hef Airlines" used to offer those passenger comforts...



but in a sad historical commentary....

After Hugh Hefner settled in LA in 1976, the glamorous marketing tool for a Playboy lifestyle was sold to Aero Mexico, and is now used to deliver mail around South America.
:o Edited by sriracha john
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Actually, in Thailand you can't get diazapam over the counter, you need a prescription. I always take it on flights and drink. I get so relaxed I can hardly move.

I've never gotten violent or obnoxious--Ok, well 10 mg. and a couple of beers and I am likely to wet my pants, but that's about it!

I was offeredit in two drug stores a couple of months ago. I said no as I have a bad history with it.

Well TiT - by law your should have a prescription but in reality many pharmacy's will sel it OTC.

There are quite a few that will not though and I can recall two occasions where I was in a queue behind guy's being flat out refused - I think it depends a lot on location too.

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Wow, your lucky to get offered diazapam--usually, I have to ask for it. I am seldom in a pharmacy when they come up and start offering me drugs I am not even looking for! Now, I have been offered similar drugs on the street. I've also been offered yaa baa, yaa ice, ecstacy and ganja is a pretty common standby. While touring the Golden Triangle area, I've been offered opium in a variety of forms.

That said, it's still illegal, and the majority of pharmacies won't sell it to you. There was one in Chiang Mai that was a few years ago, but that was the last one I knew about.

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and banned for life from BA,

thats not a punishment , thats a reward.


Seriously, I can't believe so many people casually saying they take stuff like diazapam to get through long haul flights ... leaving aside the possible side effects if you mix it with booze like the idiot in this case, I just don't want to take that stuff ... I can *usually* sleep on flights, but even if I can't I've got a book, iPod, in-flight entertainment (assuming it's not TG :D ) or I'll just ask for a beer and kick back for a few hours until I doze off ...

Heavy duty chemicals (or even light ones) ... not for me thanks


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If anyone really thinks that smokers are capable of uncontrollable violence during a 12 hour flight because they can't light up then they need their heads checked!

Smokers and reformed smokers will tell you its utter bull crap. These people commit air rage because they are mentally unstable or they are smashed out of their faces on drink/drugs.

Agree'd man!

The first and last flight I got to smoke on was eight years ago on a flight from Frankfurt to BKK on a Qantas airline.

There was an area away from the passengers at the back of the plane to spark up and enjoy the fumes. :o

All other flights from there on in were non-smoking. Did it bother me that I couldn't smoke on the planes? Not a flicker.

Perhaps the only smokers that are targeted by the non-smoking lobby are these crazy ones who have no spine or self-control?

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He was unlucky he was on the return leg to England. British plod take a dim view of those kinds of antics on aircraft.

I have a friend that flew Etihad from LHR to BKK and had to be subdued by staff on the plane. He was tied down to the seat with restraints. He was taken off the plane at BKK by Thai police, who merely waited on him sobering up before releasing him. Apparently they were extremely friendly and allowed him to keep the two bottles of spirits he had on his carry on.

"Unlucky"??? Sounds like you think he should've got away with his behaviour . . . . .

I thought it was very clear in the first sentence what I meant. He was unlucky landing in England as they punish such behaviour severely.

Nowhere do I condone his actions or "think he should've [sic] got away with his behaviour".

Ok - apologies if I misunderstood you.


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Well, I've been smoking for 43years and the only time that I will go back to England is when there is a fatality in my family or when I am Dead, and then that won't bother me anyway. If the last two seat are available to smoke. I would take it because I know if I am not alcohicially intoxicated i would be violent to others, meaning those who wish to improve my life without my permission.

On long hauls, I make sure I am eating nicorette and I haven't slept for 24 hours to save you innocents from my behaviour. Nicotine depreviatiion, you haven't seen anything yet!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come travel with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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6 months is far too severe for throwing someone out of a seat.

If he stabbed them or seriously wounded them then fair enough. Knives are banned because one or two people hijack the planes.

Alcohol should therefore be banned as one or two people throw others out of seats after drinking.

It does seem a bit harsh and not in line with other similar cases where famous people or business big shots were involved.

They tend to get found not guilty though ie the British Military attache and the guy from REM Peter Buck

Lulu's exhubby the hairdresser only got fined 1800 GBP

I'm not sure it's that harsh, I hate unprovoked violence of any type and especially on a flight there is no excuse.

Regarding famous people getting away with it, again I'm not so sure. Ian Brown (ex Stone Roses lead singer, quite famous to anyone British and under 40) was jailed for around 6 months for making a threat during an argument with an air hostess (I believe he made a stupid comment that he was going to cut her hands off). There was no physical violence involved - so if he can be jailed for this then I think a 6 month sentence for an unprovoked physical assault is not too far off the mark. I know that if it was a member of my family that was thrown into the aisle then I would be calling for at least that.

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Please correct me if I'm wrong. Diazepam is a prescription drug in the UK but I know for a fact it can be bought at any big chemist in Thailand. My friends use it as a way of taking away the boredom of long flights to and from Thailand to Europe. Well, it certainly worked for this bloke. He certainly wasn't bored.

6 months! Wonder if he has any previous.

Bored? I wonder why? Ther are plenty of good books to be purchased prior to a flight. Plus there is the well arranged in-flight entertainment system. Music, Films, Games, News and Radio. The guy should have got a 'grip' of himself?

Irresponsibilty of the highest order. He is devastated at what he managed to accomplish. Too late now

He's a greese monkey.....reading isn't an option.

Spelling isn't an option for you by the looks of it :o

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It's got nothing to do with diazepam and alcohol - 10 years ago I used to be addicted to both and never assaulted anyone. Airlines should ban alcohol on flights.

You what? Some of us enjoy a glass of wine or a beer, just because you can't have your drugs or alcohol doesn't mean everyone else should not have.

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They should dispense temazepam, diazepam, trazedone, ambien, opium

They should also give free sexual gratification.

"Hef Airlines" used to offer those passenger comforts...



but in a sad historical commentary....

After Hugh Hefner settled in LA in 1976, the glamorous marketing tool for a Playboy lifestyle was sold to Aero Mexico, and is now used to deliver mail around South America.


Sadly stopped services in 2005. :D

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