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Critisising Thai's


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I read a mildly amusing attack on Tata Young on the website mangosause.com, the same sort of things I have read elsewhere about other artists.

The author of the piece was rewarded with an absolute stack of replys from Thais who were seriously angry, throwing such things as "you have over extended your welcome in Thailand, you will never be able to do this and that again.." etc, etc.

All these people had taken his comments as personal attacks & were acting like kids throwing mud.

It put in my mind Mr Taksin and his complete dissability to accept any criticism whatsoever. You know when newspapers did they were literally threatened by his cronies.

Also on this forum I read people (mainly expats) getting all pissed off when other foreign people make criticisms about Thailand or the Thai's, why? They make comments like, "If you don't like it leave". Isn't that a bit sad?

I'm British, so like all other Brits and Americans and most other Western nations i'm well used to having my country attacked and criticised. When foreign journalists take the piss out of the spice girls though I don't act like i've been stabbed or invaded.

Basically what i'm trying to say is that Thailand (like Britain) is not a perfect country, Thai's (like Brits) are not the master race and there are things in Thailand worth criticising just as there are in Britain. If you wish to make a point on Thailand good or bad, make it! Then discuss. All people who hate farang dissing Thailand are just living in bubbles. Freedom of speech innit!

And finally just as the Spice Girls are crap i'd like to say that for the record so is Tata Young! Absolute talentless rubbish :o

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I read a mildly amusing attack on Tata Young on the website mangosause.com, the same sort of things I have read elsewhere about other artists.

The author of the piece was rewarded with an absolute stack of replys from Thais who were seriously angry, throwing such things as "you have over extended your welcome in Thailand, you will never be able to do this and that again.." etc, etc.

All these people had taken his comments as personal attacks & were acting like kids throwing mud.

It put in my mind Mr Taksin and his complete dissability to accept any criticism whatsoever. You know when newspapers did they were literally threatened by his cronies.

Also on this forum I read people (mainly expats) getting all pissed off when other foreign people make criticisms about Thailand or the Thai's, why? They make comments like, "If you don't like it leave". Isn't that a bit sad?

I'm British, so like all other Brits and Americans and most other Western nations i'm well used to having my country attacked and criticised. When foreign journalists take the piss out of the spice girls though I don't act like i've been stabbed or invaded.

Basically what i'm trying to say is that Thailand (like Britain) is not a perfect country, Thai's (like Brits) are not the master race and there are things in Thailand worth criticising just as there are in Britain. If you wish to make a point on Thailand good or bad, make it! Then discuss. All people who hate farang dissing Thailand are just living in bubbles. Freedom of speech innit!

And finally just as the Spice Girls are crap i'd like to say that for the record so is Tata Young! Absolute talentless rubbish :o

its a major problem for the country , as they wont criticise the boss or anyone who makes a dumb request , as they worry about not getting promotion in their jobs, or being victimised .

yes thais just cannot handle any criticism .

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someone said attack is the best form of defense??

Taksin is getting better at listening as he meets other world leaders.

There are cartoons and comments that appear about Western Leaders that you could be hung for in Thailand but at the end of it the decision to buy anything from Thailand is made by the buyer NOT the seller.

So if the seller can not take a little CONSTRUCTIVE. not the rubbish a lot of foreigner write at forums . the he will not sell much and just be laughed at.

i read a book (by an American!) dale Carnegie. i always smile when i see the words he wrote. NEVER CONDEMN CRITICISE OR COMPLAIN.

Good advice in the context of his book 'how to make friends' but maybe not the way for world peace.

if a Thai attacks someone for saying Tata Young is not as talented as Madonna then possibly the problem lies with the Thai and better they keep quiet?

However i have seen Westerners post comments about Tata Young that go beyon CONSTRUCTIVE:-(

Education and tolerance of all others is my key :o

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It's sort of akin to a Pakistani guy standing at an English bus stop saying "the busses in this country never come on time" - I know how many people in the UK would respond to that, and it'd be in a similar sort of context as many of the Thai responses above...

But then, that's UK culture and one of the first things newbies learn to do - Whinge like h3ll :o

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It's sort of akin to a Pakistani guy standing at an English bus stop saying "the busses in this country never come on time" - I know how many people in the UK would respond to that, and it'd be in a similar sort of context as many of the Thai responses above...

Errr.. most of the people in the queue would actually agree with him and start complaining as well about the buses.

Now, if he pushed in at the front of the queue his innards would be outards before he could blink. Pushing in is a capital offence. :o

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The author of the piece was rewarded with an absolute stack of replys from Thais who were seriously angry, throwing such things as "you have over extended your welcome in Thailand, you will never be able to do this and that again.." etc, etc.
If a country uses power to deny it's citizens freedom of speech, then the people of that country will accept it as the norm, and think that they should deny others of the same right.
Also on this forum I read people (mainly expats) getting all pissed off when other foreign people make criticisms about Thailand or the Thai's, why? They make comments like, "If you don't like it leave".

I don't get these people either, perhaps they have not been here long enough to see the country's bad points and are still in a kind of newbie phase. Perhaps they have just been brainwashed by their girlfriends that Thailand and Thais are perfect. Perhaps they don't understand that there is such a thing as constructive crtiticism.

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In an attempt to try and learn something about this type of topic I went to the literature.......there I found a piece written by a thai woman who was a teacher at a University. SHe mentioned that when a fellow teacher was on duty at an exam hall and caught two students cheating, he confiscated their papers and told them they would fail. The next week he was called into the bosses office and given a two week 'holiday' to re-think his actions. Asked why he did that, he replied he thought it was his duty to report cheaters in an exam. His boss told him that he should have thought about the students family first.......they may lose face for having their kids caught out for cheating !!!!

Now I ask you, does this make an ounce of sense? How can this behaviour, these ideas, lead to success,/improvement/development and or betterment of the nation ? Me.......ngong !!! :o

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My Thai Fiance is never wrong,and when she is wrong she is always right lol,But they do like to make stupid excuses just to save losing face.

As for people saying "leave then",Maybe they are embarrassed about the predicament of their country and cannot argue the fact that it's wrong even though they won' admit it.

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It's sort of akin to a Pakistani guy standing at an English bus stop saying "the busses in this country never come on time" - I know how many people in the UK would respond to that, and it'd be in a similar sort of context as many of the Thai responses above...

But then, that's UK culture and one of the first things newbies learn to do - Whinge like h3ll :D

I don't agree in the slightest & for that matter nor would anyone in the bus q. You see that Pakistani would be viewed by a lot of people as being British. No chance for non Thai's here. Not even Indians that have lived here all their life & have never left Thailand, they will still never be Thai.

Case example.

In the UK the blacks for many years (and still are) targeted by police, pulled over on numerous occasions. Do they complain? Of course! What do their fellow countrymen say?? If you don't like it then go back to Jamaica? I think not!

So if i'm paying taxes & I have a problem with 2 tier pricing based on the colour of my skin (which I do) I should just say hey, ho! Never mind, i'm a farang which means i'm rich & ripe picking for everybody to overcharge. also, lets say i'm the victim of an inept driver crashing into my car. Not too many inept drivers around though. I shouldn't have a problem when the inevitable bill gets placed in my hands even if it was nowhere near my fault.

You don't get rights by sitting on your arse. :o

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Could be a poor example on my behalf and point missed. How about going for "asylum seeker" fresh of the boat/channel tunnel/whatever that so many British people are moaning about nowadays.

Couldn't we be considered in the same league by the Thais, don't you think?

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Double post - soz.

Regardless, I can see your point Savage when it comes to dealing with the "system" - there are prejudices there against farangs that we haven't even got the right to complain about, that or it goes widely ignored.

But on a "social acceptance" level, prehaps you can see the comparisons.

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So before if you did this you had your head cut off here in Thailand and the rest of Asia. So the ones who survivied learned this quickly or left quickly.

They still act like its going to happen if they do it now though?

Thats why they cant think me thinks!

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Could be a poor example on my behalf and point missed. How about going for "asylum seeker" fresh of the boat/channel tunnel/whatever that so many British people are moaning about nowadays.

Couldn't we be considered in the same league by the Thais, don't you think?

You said it POOR EXAMPLE.

even i can see that Westerners 'usually' come to Thailand to relax and spend money.

The Asylum seekers like to relax and be paid to do it.

Way off topic too!

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For your general well being, to put it plainly, do not critisise the Thais or Thailand........

At least, while one is IN Thailand..... :o

Cool I'm not in Thailand:

You can say Thai's are a lot of things, but they are definately not, racist, ignorant, hypocritical, blinkered, greedy, devious, two faced, lying, nationalistic and unprofoundly proud people.

So as long as you are aware that they are none of the above, you can relax and enjoy.


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Could be a poor example on my behalf and point missed. How about going for "asylum seeker" fresh of the boat/channel tunnel/whatever that so many British people are moaning about nowadays.

Couldn't we be considered in the same league by the Thais, don't you think?

No, absolutely not.

No farangs have a snowballs chance in ###### of staying here without substantial capital whereas most of the "asylum seekers" are in reality just economical migrants.

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Talking about face. Don't tell me that this is a Thai issue only. I have met quite a few farangs couldn't handle the slightest face-losing situations. A lot are here as well, even between farangs. Not to mention when a comment is from a Thai!

And for the original topic, I will go on a bit later.

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For your general well being, to put it plainly, do not critisise the Thais or Thailand........

At least, while one is IN Thailand..... :o

Cool I'm not in Thailand:

You can say Thai's are a lot of things, but they are definately not, racist, ignorant, hypocritical, blinkered, greedy, devious, two faced, lying, nationalistic and unprofoundly proud people.

So as long as you are aware that they are none of the above, you can relax and enjoy.


They would have won 5 gold medals if there had been a considerate driving and walking straight on a pavement contest! :D

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This topic has been discussed in many forms in the past on Thaivisa and it's a good one for Farangs to "hash-out" why Thais behave as they do. After being married to a Thai for almost 25 years now, I don't give a sh1t! As good 'ol Rudyard said: "East is East" etc.

I'm happy in our relationship and her family and our Thai friends and acceptance/understanding goes both ways. Either you like it here or you don't...

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In an attempt to try and learn something about this type of topic I went to the literature.......there I found a piece written by a thai woman who was a teacher at a University. SHe mentioned that when a fellow teacher was on duty at an exam hall and caught two students cheating, he confiscated their papers and told them they would fail. The next week he was called into the bosses office and given a two week 'holiday' to re-think his actions. Asked why he did that, he replied he thought it was his duty to report cheaters in an exam. His boss told him that he should have thought about the students family first.......they may lose face for having their kids caught out for cheating !!!!

Now I ask you, does this make an ounce of sense? How can this behaviour, these ideas, lead to success,/improvement/development and or betterment of the nation ? Me.......ngong !!! :o

Shame on you Ned! You're not criticising a certain well known politician's (Mr T) son who was caught cheating in final exams at a certain well known Uni (RU), but was exonerated by the Dean, because "students are youths who don't know any better, and in any case everyone does it" (or words to that effect), are you? So logically, if he can get away with it, how can anyone else in the Realm be at fault for such minor misdemeanors? See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil, and everything will be wine and roses. Trust me, I'm a politician.............. :D

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For your general well being, to put it plainly, do not critisise the Thais or Thailand........

At least, while one is IN Thailand..... :o

Cool I'm not in Thailand:

You can say Thai's are a lot of things, but they are definately not, racist, ignorant, hypocritical, blinkered, greedy, devious, two faced, lying, nationalistic and unprofoundly proud people.

So as long as you are aware that they are none of the above, you can relax and enjoy.


Danm, Georgie. You just nailed the old lady's family down to a tee! :D

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