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Can Someone Translate For Me


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A friend is starting a business selling Thai beauty products and wants a little Thai script on the bottles. if anyone could translate for me I would really appreciate it.

here is what she wants done............

Nature's Essentials

Emotional Qualities

Especially for you

Choose the moment

Spirit, body & soul


Float away

Thank you in advance

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IMHO ,I think it needs not to translate in TH .

Firstly, when you translate in TH it will be a bit funny and TH people will not get it.

Moreover, many Thai people think english labeled brands are classy.

I will give you an example , Philosophy cosmetic has many types of their products and their quotes when we translate in TH is too drama http://www.philosophy.com/web/store/shop_10001_-1_10001

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Bambina is right, the English used there is very idiomatic and would not be easily translated into Thai in a way that makes sense. Also, it seems to me that the volume of words used there is so much that a bottle of cosmetics would be swamped by barely readable Thai script. Even if you used some of those lines on their own the nature of the translation is such that a lot of words would have to be used.

Why not suggest printing a single Thai word on the products, you could for example transliterate the brand name into Thai. That way it would remain readable.

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Ok i will pass along the message,

thanks for replying

Two alternatives to consider: 1. use romantic or soothing Thai words which would be meaningful to Thai people, although not direct translations of what you have suggested; 2. use place names in Thailand which are evocative of the feelings you are trying to convey. Some of these names may be in commercial use already so you would need an attorney to check registered trademarks and tradenames. Good luck.

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