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Tourists Killed Near Death Bridge


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Murder of British tourists deals blow to tourism

BANGKOK: -- The governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), Mrs. Juthamas Siriwan, today admitted that last week's murder of a young British couple in the western province of Kanchanaburi had served to damage Thailand's reputation as a tourist destination.

Speaking five days after the fatal shooting of Vanessa Arscott and Adam Lloyd, which has drawn media attention across the globe, Mrs. Juthamas Siriwan said that the intense media coverage of the murder would have an inevitable impact on the local tourist industry.

The murder could prove a setback to the growth of the British tourist market, which grew by 18 percent over the first seven months of this year.

Nonetheless, Mrs. Juthamas noted that the murder was not an ordinary occurrence, and expressed hope that it would not effect the tourist industry for more than a week.

Journalists in the UK, where the news has made front page headlines, have been told that Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is hot on the case, and that the murderer, thought to be a local police sergeant, will be brought to justice as soon as possible.

-- TNA 2004-09-13

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Nonetheless, Mrs. Juthamas noted that the murder was not an ordinary occurrence, and expressed hope that it would not effect the tourist industry for more than a week.

She probably could have done better without adding "one week" in there.


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Nonetheless, Mrs. Juthamas noted that the murder was not an ordinary occurrence, and expressed hope that it would not effect the tourist industry for more than a week.

actually by making that comment (.....a week), it shows

1. how little understanding some thais have of western sensibilities and

2. exactly where the priorities of the authorities lie in this case that is shaming the name of thailand around the world.

3. a blatant lie seeing as murder by firearm is a very ordinary occurrence in this country and tourists should be made aware of it and how easily upset (some would call it childishness) thais can get if they perceive themselves to have been insulted. (the resulting tantrum often resulting in violence, the only way many thai males have of expressing themselves.)

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Thai Police Offer Reward for Capture of Britons' Killer

KANCHANABURI: -- Thai police posted a reward for information leading to the capture of a one of their own who is suspected of murdering two British backpackers last week.

A £1,400 (100,000 Baht) bounty was being offered for help in capturing Sergeant Major Somchai Visetsingha, suspected of killing Adam Lloyd, 25, and Vanessa Arscott, 24, both from Devon, last Thursday, police spokesman Major General Pongsapat Pongcharoen said today.

The offer came after British Embassy officials held talks with senior police officials and forensics experts today to discuss the case.

Police have been conducting an intensive manhunt for the suspect in the shooting, which took place in the Kanchanaburi province, 70 miles west of the capital, Bangkok.

The area attracts many foreign tourists because it is the site of the infamous bridge over the River Kwai, where Japanese troops built a railway using prisoners of war during the Second World War.

Witnesses said they saw the victims arguing with Somchai at a riverside restaurant around 2 a.m. He later allegedly approached the couple in a car, shot the man, and then ran down the woman as she tried to flee before shooting her at close range.

Both victims died from multiple gunshot wounds.

An arrest warrant was issued for Somchai after his private car was found with bloodstains and pieces of human flesh stuck to its exterior.

Thai media, citing police sources, said the suspect has been negotiating his surrender through relatives, but the reward offer raises doubts about the reports.

Kanchanaburi has rough terrain with heavy jungle, and borders Burma, making it a favourable area for a fugitive.

--scotsman.com 2004-09-13

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Thai Police Offer Reward for Capture of Britons' Killer

...Thai media, citing police sources, said the suspect has been negotiating his surrender through relatives, but the reward offer raises doubts about the reports....

--scotsman.com 2004-09-13

If true, arrest the relatives for harbouring him. :o (Don't tell me, TIT and no such offence?)

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By the way, many murders are committed by these actions 90 percent of the time as follows: Love Triangles, An Argument between someone, Jealousy and the need to keep witnesses from going against you in court or Interferences from others. In fact over 50 percent of such is actually caused because a woman is involved in some way or another either directly or indirectly.

...and 95% of such is actually caused because 2 men are involved.

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******* I just received a response from the embassy - at the bottom, and I also noticed that another individual had already posted the same letter. That is at least two so far. Please keep it up.

If everyone can just keep writing to the Embassy ([email protected]),

the British Chamber of Commerce (7th Floor, 208 Wireless Road, Lumphini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Tel: +66 (0) 2651-5350-3 Fax: +66 (0) 2651-5354 E-mail: [email protected]),

Tony Blair (http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page848.asp)

Written correspondence:

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

King Charles Street



Recently, two British subjects were murdered in Thailand by a Thai policeman. The man has apparently gone missing, and although in this country, policemen are usually immune from prosecution, I hope that you and your office will be able to apply pressure on the Thai government to capture and punish him for his actions.

Thank you for your time

The Queen of England,

Address all correspondence to "The Private Secretary of Her Majesty the Queen," not the queen herself. Request that the correspondence be communicated to her royal person.

Contact the queen at the following address: Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace, London SW1A 1AA, England.

It will cost nothing and may help. I am in no way saying that justice will be served, but maybe just some small amount of justice will come about because of our efforts. I am not British, but I will still write to the Queen. The two people were her subjects and deserve her efforts. I really cannot think of anything more worthy of my time than doing whatever I can come up with - no matter how unlikely it is to suceed, than trying to find someone from the West who can put pressure on the Thai government to capture and prosecute this man. Maybe once he is in prison, a new fate will befall him.

To everyone on this forum who is speculting about the two, for a moment just think that their you are in a room with their parents. What would you say? It is a very real possibility that one of their parents, a brother, sister or friend will read this board. It is a small, small world.

Dear Mr Sharron

Thank you for your e-mail.

The British Embassy has been in very close contact with the Thai authorities and remain to have continued contact.

We hope and trust that the perpetrator of this crime will swiftly be brought to justice.


Fiona Borisuth


British Embassy

1031 Wireless Road

Lumpini, Pathumwan

Bangkok 10330

Direct Line: +66 (0) 2305 8253

Fax: +66 (0) 2255 6051

Public Opening Hours: Mon-Thurs (8-11 am, 1-3.30 pm)

Fri (8 am - 12 pm only)


FTN: 8419 2253

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Thai Police Offer Reward for Capture of Britons' Killer

KANCHANABURI: -- Thai police posted a reward for information leading to the capture of a one of their own who is suspected of murdering two British backpackers last week.

A £1,400 (100,000 Baht) bounty was being offered for help in capturing Sergeant Major Somchai Visetsingha...

--scotsman.com 2004-09-13

I just saw on UBC channel 76 (one of the few that are still working) a police program which showed a picture of the policeman (Somchai Visetsingha) and the reward of 100,000 baht with a telephone number (0-3424-3751-9). The 'voice-over' said (translated by g/f) "Call this number if you see him".

I saw the caption - showing the picture of Visetsinga - four times for about 20 seconds each time. Near the end of the 20 seconds, the 100,000 baht appears over his face:


The majority of the programme was an interview with a woman who helped steal a car and take it from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi, and a report on the murder of a woman and daughter in bkk by a man who lent her 20,000 baht.

Edited by RDN
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Perhaps the suspect would miraculously appear in police custody if the British government's Foreign Office issued a formal warning to its citizens about travel to Thailand? Whatever the reasons or background this couple are sadly not the first and won't be the last.

B.T.W. has anybody tried to talk about this incident with their Thai other half? What kind of reaction do you get?

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Not at all surprised that it hasn't come up as a topic of interest - discussion of such awkward subject matter is rarely initiated by Thais. The reaction I get is of mild disinterest combined with the predictable 'I think they start something first' follow up. Then it's back to papaya bok bok, which obviously is of far greater importance.

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Not at all surprised that it hasn't come up as a topic of interest - discussion of such awkward subject matter is rarely initiated by Thais. The reaction I get is of mild disinterest

discussions about crimes,or news topics of any sort seem to be rare among thais , especially at feeding time , anything that is likely to bring about conflicting views amongst a group of people would only serve to spoil the enjoyment of the food.

its a thai thing and it doesnt necessarily mean they are unfeeling about murders of either foriegners or their own.

analysis of events is not as high on the list of priorities for most thais as it is for westerners, who will argue and discuss anything and everything , often in a heated manner, until the cows come home.just look at the hot air machine that is fox news.

agreement is rarely reached and the end result is much the same as with the thai method of non-discussion.

i.e. nothing is changed , murders are still committed and wars will still be fought and arsenal will carry on winning and the food , as always, will be delicious.

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Immigration checkpoints intensify search for police sergeant

SATUN: -- Immigration officers at checkpoints along Thailand's borders have stepped up security to prevent the police sergeant accused of murdering two young British tourists last week from fleeing the country.

Yesterday at the Tammalang Checkpoint in the southern province of Satun, immigration and police officers were on high alert for the possible escape of Pol. Sgt. Mah. Somchai Wisetsingh, who is thought to have murdered Vanessa Arscott and Adam Lloyd in the western province of Kanchanaburi last Thursday.

Police are particularly concerned that the renegade police officer could try to escape from Satun onto Malaysia's Langkawi Island, which has an international airport.

Marine police officers are also making close inspections of local fishing boats and small passenger boats in the area.

At the nearby Wangprachan Checkpoint, which allows overland access to the Malaysian state of Perlis, immigration officers have also been ordered to step up controls.

-- TNA 2004-09-14

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Along tangents started by other posters.  1) as related to the possible actions of the victim 2) as related to the Thai police and as a comparison to crime here  3) as related to the possible actions of the victim  


The Heng Flowchart:

1. Read post

2. Post about status or economic issues? No--> ignore

Yes V

3. Post reinforces elitist snobbery? Yes--> smug agreement

No V

4. Post empty sarcastic comment plus change topic to snobbery issue

Standard repertoire: 1. Teachers are poor

2. White people are low status

3. Thais (especially Chinese) are high status

4. Heng is high status

5. Heng has this, that, or t'other thing and you don't

Wait for reply. No reply--> drop topic


5. Reply in agreement? Yes--> smug agreement

No V

6. Reply is moronic? Yes--> deserved mockery of moron

No V

7. Replier compares unfavorably to the Heng economically? No--> Impossible!

Yes V

8. Shift topic to something involving standard economic putdown repertoire

Recent choices: 1. Farang lower status than Thai in Japan (wrong, but

dissembling nicely in denial)

2. Farang in trouble due to their own low status/nastiness

3. Farang would have nicer life if rich/high status like the Heng

Wait for reply. No reply--> drop topic

Yes V

9. Reply in agreement? Yes--> smug agreement

No V

10. Reply accuses Heng of inaccuracy/exaggeration? Yes--> "I never said... blah blah blah <object of accusation>," even though it is exactly what the Heng said.

No V

11. Revert to step 7.

Ad nauseum, amen.


P.S. Dare anyone to find a Heng thread that doesn't follow this pattern. I'm thinking of naming a syndrome after it.

P.P.S. Heng, the Japanese bars in Japan never had any trouble with me- not because I'm white, but because I SPEAK NIHONGO [and I've even been to the places there that have "Japanese Only" signs on them still]. If there are TRULY Japanese-managed bars here (not Thai-managed all Thai staff) I could probably get in by showing I know the routine- not that I'd want to waste the money in the process.

P.P.P.S Well, this darn editor doesn't keep extra initial spaces in posts, so my formatting became donkey doodoo. Oh well.

You got Heng's thought processes down to a tee, Steve, but can you really expect any different to come from a person who blames the Thai poor for their idiocy in borrowing money at high interest rates from money lenders and then going bust.

And just to bring this topic back to the original thread, rather than the above distraction, am I imagining it, or wasn't the culprit/"suspect" reported to be in police custody on the very next day following this sad event? If I'm not imagining it, how on earth did he get out of the nick so easily and why aren't the papers questioning this? The longer he stays out of jail, the more damage it'll do for the Thai tourist industry abroad, as there's nothing the British press like more than a tale of vice and corruption in the sun and Sun.

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yes i really believe the admins here should ban ppl like heng who take things so far off topic, this is a serious discussion about the murder of 2 young uk ppl by all reports by a thai policeman, heng we realise that u r a thai chinky american but pls try to stick to the topic in hand smile.gif


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The discussions are getting a little out of hand. Let me give two examples

- My sister in law that had to flee from bangkok in fear of her life and her chirldrens because she couldn't pay a small debt.

- A prominant politican in Chonburi how got shot and killed in his car.

Not long ago there was a case of a woman who got her hand chopped off.

Please let us have some dignaty and confine the comments to what is relevent. Start another thread for other issues, rather like a book of condolances.

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Can you guess Heng's family business?

Child Prostitution? Organizing Cambodian beggars? Illegal logging through National Forest encroachment

OR All of the above

Warm but not quite. How's about that favourite old lucrative pastime that wealthy merchants use against late-paying customers and impoverished farmers, when they want to boost the bulging coffers. Think "Jaws".

How is anyone ever going to recognise this cop, with 100,000 baht slapped across his face? I thought eyes being blocked out was reserved for victims of crime, not the perps (unless perhaps they were minors)!

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