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Prostitution - A Victim-less Industry?

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Maybe in Bangkok its different and I am sure that we both have different experiences.

My friend is still busy with his theses. Will defitely ask him for a copy once its done and will gladly make copies incase anyone is interested.

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I won't go into my personal experiences here, but from the posts it appears that the women in the farang-servicing sector come from a variety of backgrounds. I suspect that the darker/more abusive aspects are more apparent in the lower priced regions of the local Thai brothels, as already pointed out by Kat, and from my limited personal observations I confirm this.

I don't think anybody is suggesting that there are no victims?

The differences of opinion seem to be about the proportion and the reasons, i.e. nature of prostitution, or largely due to it being illegal.

I'd also be interested to read your friends papers, Jimbo, maybe you could let us know when it is available, or pm me.

Maybe in Bangkok its different and I am sure that we both have different experiences.

My friend is still busy with his theses. Will defitely ask him for a copy once its done and will gladly make copies incase anyone is interested.

Yes Jimbo, I'd like to second or third that request. I've been researching these issues on my own and it would be good for me to talk or read the work of another researcher.

whether Mia Nois are prostitutes?  Kept boys?  Dependent unpaid wives?

I can't help but wonder why this issue is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo important to IJWT.

He blithely ignores every valid point made by other posters and continues to obsess about this single bit of linguistic hair-splitting.

As I've said before, it is a very sad comment on IJWT's personal view of women that he has difficulty telling the difference between a prostitute and a housewife.

I can't imagine what his personal relationships are like (and I'd rather not try), but judging from his obsession with this particular issue, I'd have to say that he's probably a very lonely man.

Anyone who can not tell the difference between a commercial and emotional relationship is a very pathetic man.

I pity him.

Pudgi you are assuming that, even realizing the anonimity of the internet, that IJWT is a man. You may be right but you can't assume that. Either way IJWT's question is a valid point to the discussion.

Prostitution is a word used for receiving benefit for unworthy services. Where is the line drawn? My point is you can't draw a line if you are going to discuss openly.

I got a little 'singe' earlier for suggesting that my job: One which I don't particulary like, really wouldn't choose if I could get the income elsewhere, that is more of a necessary evil than a valued benefit... fits the description. (Unless you can only think that because no sex is involved it's ok.)

Sorry I can't make such long posts as you in one go but remember I have suggested in earlier posts that there are victims in all walks of life. And that crimes with obvious victims should be punished.

:o Coffee!!! :D

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