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Ever Seen A Ghost In Thailand?


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^ But what's this got to do with ghosts?

Ahh... plenty..

Look around and you will see the newly converted believe in ghosts squatting on their chests, despite the other distinctly non buddhist attitudes.

Weak of mind, as I say........... :o

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- Buddhism is not a religion, it is a belief system that is much more attractive than the above, but still attracts those westerners that are weak of mind, or need a crutch.

Buddhism is a religion. The Westerners that I've met, who've converted to Buddhism, are of very strong mind.

What about Thais who convert to Islam or Christianity - are they of weak mind too.

Exactly how much do you know about Buddhism?

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From the screenplay for ANNIE HALL by Woody Allen (as Alvy):

ALVY (Sighing and addressing the audience) What do you do when you get stuck in a movie line with a guylike this behind you? I mean, it's just maddening!

(The man in line moves toward Alvy. Both address the audience now.)

MAN IN LINE Wait a minute, why can't I give my opinion? It's a free country!

ALVY I mean, d- He can give you- Do you hafta give it so loud? I mean, aren't you ashamed to pontificate like that? And-and the funny part of it is, M-Marshall McLuhan, you don't know anything about Marshall McLuhan's...work!

MAN IN LINE (Overlapping) Wait a minute! Really? Really? I happen to teach a class at Columbia called "TV Media and Culture"! So I think that my insights into Mr. McLuhan-well, have a great deal of validity.

ALVY Oh, do yuh?


ALVY Well, that's funny, because I happen to have Mr. McLuhan right here. So ... so, here, just let me-I mean, all right. Come over here ... a second.

(Alvy gestures to the camera which follows him and the man in line to the back of the crowded lobby. He moves over to a large stand-up movie poster and pulls Marshall McLuhan from behind the poster.)


ALVY (To McLuhan) Tell him.

MCLUHAN (To the man in line) I hear-I heard what you were saying. You-you know nothing of my work. You mean my whole fallacy is wrong. How you ever got to teach a course in anything is totally amazing.

ALVY (To the camera) Boy, if life were only like this!

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....... personalised accounts of out of body experiences do NOT count - all they prove is the amazing power of the human mind and imagination).

I whole heartedly agree, but this does only prove this to the people who do think in rational/modern scientific terms - like you!

Then, however - who does the thinking? :D Who perceives, feels, smells... our senses, the brain, via electrical impulses transforms the events into the Idea of "Me", thus this "me" perceives what we understand as self, which in turn then is only a product of the Environment seen, heard, tasted, felt, smelt and so on - much of these functions are explained by science today, science even claims that there is a spot in the brain what causes the illusionary experience of this "me"...

Then there comes the question why there is this "me", why there is this function, what for?

Only for the "sake" of Illusion?

It looks like nature, the existence of the universe... is only a cosmic joke, a grand spoil, just for the fun of it - well rationality reduces the taste of a strawberry to: "genuine Strawberry Flavor"... I personally LOVE to experience the taste of sweet, fragrant ripe Strawberries and try to keep this thing, the "grand thinker", the human mind, as much at bay as possible - it'll spoil the fun!

Who do you gonna call?.... Ghost Busters, not to forget it's only a comedy - life isn't!

Not to say that, that what hasn't been proven can't happen or isn't - the Planet was always a sphere not only from then on when people agreed that it is! :o

If one hasn't tasted Chocolate, or a humble Mango - how will the world tell him how it tastes?

As much as painted cakes can't satisfy hunger.........

Edited by Samuian
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I'm kinda neutral in my belief in ghosts, however there is one experience in my life that would certainly lean me towards the supernatural.

My brother was going through a very bad patch in his life and had been saying how he felt like someone or something had been watching over him recently. He was staying at my place this one night and was sleeping on the sofa downstairs. I was sleeping in my bedroom upstairs. I got up to use the lavatory and I didn't know at the time but my brother could not sleep and was awake downstairs. As I passed the landing heading to the bathroom, that's when it happened. A force which I cannot describe but I felt, as if it had brush pasted my very soul, charged up from downstairs, straight pasted me and through the wall in to the bathroom. I quiet frankly nearly s##t myself but what made the whole thing even more real was my brothers nervous shout up the stairs a fraction of a second later asking…."whow, did you feel that?" It's one thing to experience something yourself but for two people to experience the same thing. Well…it got me and my brother thinking and we still discuss it years on.

Edited by chameleon1977
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Wow the disbelivers I assume have never seen a Ghost? My first ghost I saw when I was 17. I said to a friend that I had seen the Ghost but then she explained what I had seen. Even though I was stoned my friend explained exactly what I saw.

The next experience was when I met an Aboriginal man, and when he died he came to me as a bird with beautiful colours around my head early in the morning. When I told my partner that some one had something bad happen to them I did not know what had happened. Latter that day we found out this man had died about the same time this occurance had happened.

Another time was when we were on holiday and my partner noticed a light above me when I was a sleep. Again in a very sacred area for Aboriginal spirits.

Do I believe in ghosts. You bet. Other people have yet to experience this and the ones that don't can't open up to the fact that it might be true.

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Wow the disbelivers I assume have never seen a Ghost? My first ghost I saw when I was 17. I said to a friend that I had seen the Ghost but then she explained what I had seen. Even though I was stoned my friend explained exactly what I saw.

Wow, dude! Was that the Samantha (aka Weeping Willow) chick?

I think you and I smoked the same bowl with her, man..

She could tell me exactly what I was thinking at any moment!

Lying in the desert sand absorbing cosmic wisdom while lizards preened the hair on our pubes..

Made a believer out of me, man...

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Before I had even heard of any of the sleep paralysis or incubi or succubi etc I remember having this unbelievably vivid dream/experience.

I was lying in my bed and having a conversation with this chick that was in the room. She didn't seem particulary ugly or attractive. The conversation I can't really remember but it wasn't anything scary or bad, in fact I wasn't in fear of her either. As soon as this chick came close to me she climbed on top of me and began 'dry humping' me.

I was only 7 or 8 years old and didn't know what the fck sex was then so I was like 'ok she's doing something she likes.' Nothing that actually felt like 'physical contact' nor was i terror stricken (I did get a bit bit uneasy though after awhile) ensured.

During the whole experience I couldn't move and was completely paralysed.

The thing that really stood out was that the passage of time was far too sharp for it 'too just of been a dream.' I can remember the passage of early morning darkness into the dull gray of dawn.

Eventually the chick/succubi got up again, said some more stuff I can't remember and then departed.

It felt like I wasn't awake nor was asleep. I told my mum but she didn't want to hear about it.

I put the whole thing down to growing up and the dreams you have as a kid.

I had before and after that the usual nightmares and dreams but nothing quite like that which is what stood out so much.

It was only years later when I read up on the paranormal I though to myself, 'was that sneaky chick' a succubus up to no good? Whatever it was it's certainly stuck in my mind.

I really think that as kids we are more receptive to the whole paranormal vibe than as adults, which is why I think when a kid says they've seen something wierd the adults who come along can't see a thing.

I think that certain people can really 'tune in' to the paranormal a lot more than others.

Thai specific I've never seen any weird stuff at all, although I've heard (from thais) a few ghost stories.

The freaky thing is that the thais really are into the supernatural, much more than any other country I've been to.

I first heard of the Pee Pom from a few girls from Isaan and that is no joking matter if you bring it up with Thais.

The only other one is Nam and Pai which is a potion that supposedly bewitches the drinker of it.

Some folk like Bendix are by their style and nature totally scientific in their approach to things like this.

I see where he is coming from saying it's a load of bs.

If I had never seen anything weird I'd probably say exactly the same thing.

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On a purely mathematical basis, if people are re-incarnated then there must have been a stable number of people as you could never increase the number nor decrease it. Of course, religions plying this myth will have some "clever" answer but like all religions, the argument lacks credibility.

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Science has not proven the existence of ghosts.....

It has not disproved it either

The same could be said of your brain. :o

As 'ghosts' are by nature paranormal, surely the onus is on the believers to prove the existance, rather the unbelievers to prove the non-existence?

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On a purely mathematical basis, if people are re-incarnated then there must have been a stable number of people as you could never increase the number nor decrease it.

Did you do these maths with your calculator or just counting your fingers? :o Since when there are only people on this planet? I guess with "People" you refer to the human race... :D Ahhh.. well... What is all the material world around us, made of and how do we perceive this, so how much are we really able to to perceive the "reality" around us?

Remember Matter=Energy?

Why can't we see those giant patterns of Energy, creating Matter?

Would it be right to argue then, if we can't see this, it isn't so, Quarks, Atoms and Molecules don't exist...and Einstein was wrong, I think this isn't rational, it's ignorant!

I think there is no reason to argue that this or that doesn't exist, it's about one had an experience others did not yet - to prove the paranormal is as easy as to tell a deaf man how Beethovens 5th sounds like or a blind what the color red looks like.....try to listen the clapping of a single hand!

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If the OP or anyone else who has posted here wants to claim that they have seen ghosts or any other spiritual manifestation, of course they did. Who am I to doubt them? However:

TV Poster as Witness: Yes, I saw my Thai 'wife' leaving my house with all my credit cards, bank passbooks, and money.

Attorney for Thai 'Wife': Yes, but you also posted on TV.com/forum that you have seen ghosts.

Judge: Case dismissed.

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:D I think everybody has the right to believe in whatever they want! I personally see things "outside the square" so to speak.I have never actually seen a ghost myself but that doesn't mean i don't believe in them.I have felt a very strong presence of someone though. :D Not everyone will come across a supernatural experiece in their life time but many will and many have.So if you don't believe please don't ridicule people that say they have! thank you :o
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Science has not proven the existence of ghosts.....

It has not disproved it either

The same could be said of your brain. :D

As 'ghosts' are by nature paranormal, surely the onus is on the believers to prove the existance, rather the unbelievers to prove the non-existence?

Actually the sheer volume of people who have seen ghosts through the centuries puts the onus on the disbelievers such as yourself to prove that they dont exist....give me a scientific explanation for my experiences.....

and the following...

age around 10.....walking home from school in the UK.... I see an airplane with the wing on fire overhead...I see it so clearly that I could see the passengers through the window rocking backward and forward....I raced home and told my Mum...we watched the news that night....nothing....2 weeks later an emergency landing at Heathrow....an engine caught fire on a plane as it was making its approach....we did not live on the flight paths.

In Oz...mid 1980's......had a dream a friend had a car accident...nothing bad just some front end damage...I told her about it and she laughed it off....about 4 weeks later I drive into the works carpark....and sure enough there was her car with front end damage. She didnt talk to me for ages :D

Late 1990's...again a dream about a friends boyfriend and an accident in a hotel carpark.....about two weeks later she told me her boyfriend had an accident in the hotel carpark the week before...I did not mention the dream to her at anytime before or since.

I have had many incidents like these ones.....but these three stick out in my memory.

BTW Bendix.....I had a dream aboout you the other night....nah you dont want to know cos you dont believe......right??.................. :o:D

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Science has not proven the existence of ghosts.....

It has not disproved it either

The same could be said of your brain. :o

As 'ghosts' are by nature paranormal, surely the onus is on the believers to prove the existance, rather the unbelievers to prove the non-existence?

Also you state ghosts are by nature paranormal.....so they do exist then??.....just outside of normal.

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Science has not proven the existence of ghosts.....

It has not disproved it either

The same could be said of your brain. :D

As 'ghosts' are by nature paranormal, surely the onus is on the believers to prove the existance, rather the unbelievers to prove the non-existence?

Actually the sheer volume of people who have seen ghosts through the centuries puts the onus on the disbelievers such as yourself to prove that they dont exist....give me a scientific explanation for my experiences.....

and the following...

age around 10.....walking home from school in the UK.... I see an airplane with the wing on fire overhead...I see it so clearly that I could see the passengers through the window rocking backward and forward....I raced home and told my Mum...we watched the news that night....nothing....2 weeks later an emergency landing at Heathrow....an engine caught fire on a plane as it was making its approach....we did not live on the flight paths.

In Oz...mid 1980's......had a dream a friend had a car accident...nothing bad just some front end damage...I told her about it and she laughed it off....about 4 weeks later I drive into the works carpark....and sure enough there was her car with front end damage. She didnt talk to me for ages :D

Late 1990's...again a dream about a friends boyfriend and an accident in a hotel carpark.....about two weeks later she told me her boyfriend had an accident in the hotel carpark the week before...I did not mention the dream to her at anytime before or since.

I have had many incidents like these ones.....but these three stick out in my memory.

BTW Bendix.....I had a dream aboout you the other night....nah you dont want to know cos you dont believe......right??.................. :o:D

Premonitions I think are different and I get those all the time, way too numerous to list here.

Maybe if you are susceptible to premonitions, more likely to see ghosts?

I don't know.

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Premonitions I think are different and I get those all the time, way too numerous to list here.

Maybe if you are susceptible to premonitions, more likely to see ghosts?

I don't know.

Maybe ask the non believers if they have had a premonition before.....Such things are bunkum to them and coincidence.....but they happen and cant be explained....pretty much the same for ghosts.

There are many things that cannot be proven by science.....it doesnt mean that they dont exist...just that they cant be explained.

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A question please: to all those who believe they may have encountered – for want of a better word: a ghost!

Firstly: are you familiar with the taste, or more accurately – the smell – of ozone? You may have previously come across this odour without quite realising what it in fact actually was, for example:

On a hot summers day after a long dry spell, just as a thunderstorm approaches, and just before it actually rains, you notice that the air suddenly seems fresh – clean – or incorrectly but descriptively accurately: super oxygenated. This may occur before lightening actually forms, or during an actual lightening display!

The taste, or perhaps more accurately the smell: is the taste of ozone, caused by the downdraft of an approaching thunderhead delivering highly-ionised oxygen particles from within a storm cloud down to ground level, ahead of the now approaching storm front.

This is the smell/taste of ozone: please do not confuse this smell with that which occurs, just as the rain actually starts falling, which is something entirely different and not relevant for our purpose.

You will also have smelt/tasted ozone in a funfair near the dodgem cars, or if you were ever near an old generator: Ozone is formed in such places by the arcing effect of high-voltages upon oxygen molecules.

Now having defined the smell/taste of ozone – my question to all those who believe they may have encountered – for want of a better word: a ghost!

Did they associate the smell/taste of ozone with that experience?

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A question please: to all those who believe they may have encountered – for want of a better word: a ghost!

Firstly: are you familiar with the taste, or more accurately – the smell – of ozone? You may have previously come across this odour without quite realising what it in fact actually was, for example:

On a hot summers day after a long dry spell, just as a thunderstorm approaches, and just before it actually rains, you notice that the air suddenly seems fresh – clean – or incorrectly but descriptively accurately: super oxygenated. This may occur before lightening actually forms, or during an actual lightening display!

The taste, or perhaps more accurately the smell: is the taste of ozone, caused by the downdraft of an approaching thunderhead delivering highly-ionised oxygen particles from within a storm cloud down to ground level, ahead of the now approaching storm front.

This is the smell/taste of ozone: please do not confuse this smell with that which occurs, just as the rain actually starts falling, which is something entirely different and not relevant for our purpose.

You will also have smelt/tasted ozone in a funfair near the dodgem cars, or if you were ever near an old generator: Ozone is formed in such places by the arcing effect of high-voltages upon oxygen molecules.

Now having defined the smell/taste of ozone – my question to all those who believe they may have encountered – for want of a better word: a ghost!

Did they associate the smell/taste of ozone with that experience?

Definitely, no.

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