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Ever Seen A Ghost In Thailand?


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Has anyone ever seen a ghost?

I believe in ghosts and have felt the presence of them. There are many ghosts where I come from in Scotland - I used to live near Crathes castle which is famous for "the green lady".

The Scottish ones are usually harmless but the Thai ones are nasty and can cause a lot of pain.


Some people have told me that because I had some food stick in my throat, that a "pee pret" may have entered my body :D and maybe I should get exorcised.

Anyone ever been exorcised? If so, is it painful? Where do I get it done? :o

Edited by Neeranam
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Has anyone ever seen a ghost?

I believe in ghosts and have felt the presence of them. There are many ghosts where I come from in Scotland - I used to live near Crathes castle which is famous for "the green lady".

The Scottish ones are usually harmless but the Thai ones are nasty and can cause a lot of pain.


No not really,

I remember as a kid we went to the Isle of Arran off Scotland's west coast. An old earth fort there dating from the old days and I wandered down with my brother. It was very spooky in the late evening, there was the certain feeling about the place, and we both ran like hel_l.

After I grew up, no, never seen one.

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I was once doing my pre-run walm-ups on Pattaya Beach front (about 5:30 am) when a horrible apparition stepped out from behind a tree and offered to put the willies up me.

As the OP stated "the Thai ones are nasty and can cause a lot of pain"...

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I was once doing my pre-run walm-ups on Pattaya Beach front (about 5:30 am) when a horrible apparition stepped out from behind a tree and offered to put the willies up me.

very funny :o but i think you made a few errors in your posting..........whats a" walm up"...is that similar to a warm up :D and i think you accidently put the words" offered to" :D

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I was once doing my pre-run walm-ups on Pattaya Beach front (about 5:30 am) when a horrible apparition stepped out from behind a tree and offered to put the willies up me.

very funny :o but i think you made a few errors in your posting..........whats a" walm up"...is that similar to a warm up :D and i think you accidently put the words" offered to" :D

Classic "sitting in a glass house throwing....".


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I haven't ever seen one but I've felt them often. Being in Khao Lak after the tsunami you would have had to have been a robot to not feel them there, seriously. My husband had a phi am (incubus) experience of it sitting on his chest a few years ago.

edit, spelling

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I was just waiting for a ghost thread on ThaiVisa. The Old and New Testaments both seem to treat ghosts (or some similar things) as real. Don't most cultures have ghost stories or ghost beliefs?

Indeed they do, at least in my experience during my travels.

Belief in supernatual beings abounds in everything from tribal tales to texts like the old and new testaments but no matter how gruesome the tales or seemingly profound the writing, I think I am with Bendix here - at the risk of being labeled an 'unbeliever' once again, I find proof in very short supply indeed.

Ghosts, devils, people with wings, gods, alien visitations, zombies risen from the dead, miracles, afterlives in places with streets paved with gold or gifts of virgins, et al.. I like fiction and campfire tales as much as the next person but have never felt the temptation to take one on as a system of belief. :o

Reality works just fine for me...

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Ghosts, one of the stories spread by control freaks, religious nutters etc trying to scare the gullible into believing they have "The Answer" to life the universe and everything!!!

Nice little moneymaker for anyone selling amulets or performing exorcisms.

Total crock of <deleted>.

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Ghosts, devils, people with wings, gods, alien visitations, zombies risen from the dead, miracles, afterlives in places with streets paved with gold or gifts of virgins, et al.. I like fiction and campfire tales as much as the next person but have never felt the temptation to take one on as a system of belief. :o

Reality works just fine for me...

dam_n right. Such extra-terrestial beliefs pander to people's innate need to believe that there is more to life than there in fact is. But this is it, folks. We're born and then we live and then we die. For most civilisations, this is rather alarming, hence the need to focus on other worlds etc.

I find it extraordinary that after centuries of belief about ghosts, decades of belief about other things such as Big Foot or Nessie and UFOs there is a complete lack of credible imperical data to prove their existence.

Phi am experiences? Heartburn or wind, more like.

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Many years ago I was waiting at a bus-stop in Reading with some other people one December evening when someone I used to know from school and had not seen for years, appeared. We stood aside from the main queue and chatted awhile, then he said, "Oh look! ... over there, isn't that another old school-pal?" I swung round to look, didn't recognise anyone and turned back around to find theis old friend Alex, had vanished. I asked the other people if they had seen where he went, but they said they hadn't noticed where he went, so others at the bus-stop definitely did see him. Two years later, I was passing through the village Alex lived in and decided to take some photographs of a rather unusual barn there, and bumped into one of the locals. I asked if Alex still lived in the village, to which the reply was, "Well kind of ... In the graveyard over there." I was told he had been killed some 10 years ago, by a bus in Reading! Aparrently he had been crossing the wet road, slipped and fell as a bus was turning the corner and died a couple of days later in hospital. Well, I somewhat doubted this, so went over to the graveyard and there, was his tombstone ... I've never felt soooo horribly cold in my life as I looked on at the grave!

However, Apetley's comment is about control freaks and religious nutters, is a very valid one, and I have certainly encountered a few people like this, so I suppose there is some truth in their existence. I certainly have never taken an interest in this kind of thing, or encountered any other examples in locations which have a reputation for Ghosts etc, so it's not as if I am 'sensitive' to these things.

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I stayed over at my sisters a number of years ago......she lives in an area that was market gardens before it was developed.....I woke and sensed rather than saw someone outside the bedroom door....I thought it ws my sis going to the toilet and tried to go back to sleep....something didnt seem right and I opened my eyes....there was an old Italian lady standing over the bed...I reached up and she disappeared...Freaked me out that one....I have never slept in that room since and I still dont sleep good when I stay there.

Previously in the UK, there was a cemetry behind our house.....James Anratty is buried there apparantly.....we saw many odd things there....

My father when he was in the RAF....they had a bar with a pool table and every morning the balls were in the pockets and the cue on the table...no matter how it was left the night before...They thought it was some prankster so they set a trap for him....they all hung around hiding outside the bar. There was one door to the whole building...sometime after midnight they heard the sounds of balls being hit....raced inside....all the balls in the pockets and no one in the place.

I am a believer in ghosts.....I guess whether you see them or not depends on how receptive you are. If you dont believe in them then you will always find a "scientific" reason to explain them away.

Edited by gburns57au
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Has anyone ever seen a ghost?

I believe in ghosts and have felt the presence of them. There are many ghosts where I come from in Scotland - I used to live near Crathes castle which is famous for "the green lady".

The Scottish ones are usually harmless but the Thai ones are nasty and can cause a lot of pain.


Some people have told me that because I had some food stick in my throat, that a "pee pret" may have entered my body :D and maybe I should get exorcised.

Anyone ever been exorcised? If so, is it painful? Where do I get it done? :o

Many years ago I was waiting at a bus-stop in Reading with some other people one December evening when someone I used to know from school and had not seen for years, appeared. We stood aside from the main queue and chatted awhile, then he said, "Oh look! ... over there, isn't that another old school-pal?" I swung round to look, didn't recognise anyone and turned back around to find theis old friend Alex, had vanished. I asked the other people if they had seen where he went, but they said they hadn't noticed where he went, so others at the bus-stop definitely did see him. Two years later, I was passing through the village Alex lived in and decided to take some photographs of a rather unusual barn there, and bumped into one of the locals. I asked if Alex still lived in the village, to which the reply was, "Well kind of ... In the graveyard over there." I was told he had been killed some 10 years ago, by a bus in Reading! Aparrently he had been crossing the wet road, slipped and fell as a bus was turning the corner and died a couple of days later in hospital. Well, I somewhat doubted this, so went over to the graveyard and there, was his tombstone ... I've never felt soooo horribly cold in my life as I looked on at the grave!

However, Apetley's comment is about control freaks and religious nutters, is a very valid one, and I have certainly encountered a few people like this, so I suppose there is some truth in their existence. I certainly have never taken an interest in this kind of thing, or encountered any other examples in locations which have a reputation for Ghosts etc, so it's not as if I am 'sensitive' to these things.

To the OP, yes my organisation has great programs for that, just sign up.

Sam as my name is Alex does that mean it could be me?


Anyway I am a sceptic when it comes to ghost and other stuff but had a real experience myself.

I do not call them ghost just spiritual energy.

Here it goes.

I was called by my mother on a wednessday that my father was very ill and needed to have an MRI and CT scan.

He had the scans the next day and results would be in on Friday.

On the Friday afternoon I was called and informed that he was terminal due to cancer spreaded throughout his body.

I was scheduled for a flight to BKK that same evening and so I did, not knowing he was about to die.

On Sunday nite my brother called me and asked me to come to my homecountry as soon as possible.

So I booked a flight back to SG and from there to my home country.

Flight to SG was on Monday and my flight home on Tuesday.

During my flight to SG I fell asleep and had a dream.

In that dream I talked with my father, he asked me do I have to wait for you, I said dear dad if you are in pain please let go.

Then I woke up and noticed a very strange smell that dissapeared in a few seconds, it was 16:00.

After arriving in SG I called my brother and he confirmed my father died on that time (taking into account the time difference).

It gets more weird.

So I went to the funeral and say goodby to my dad and the next day I went back to SG.

The next week was weird.

I had many dreams.

I could see my father watching me.

Then while sleeping I could feel his fear while being in the hospital, this was really bad.

I hear the conversation my brother had with the nurse and could see how he was dressed.

I called my mother and told this and she was astonished.

How you know this, you have not been there.

Yes I think there is a life after.

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I was just waiting for a ghost thread on ThaiVisa. The Old and New Testaments both seem to treat ghosts (or some similar things) as real. Don't most cultures have ghost stories or ghost beliefs?

Im pretty sure that all the ghost stories in the various countries started as a way to scare the kids to behave.


Doesnt the New testament also talk about someone that actually walked on water?


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I have had that incubus thing happen to me three times now, waking up and feeling totaly paralyzed. The last time was in Thailand in October. Pretty scary at the time but still kinda feel like it may be just a dream, can't say i have ever seen a ghost or even felt one, just that can't move situation?

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I haven't ever seen one but I've felt them often. Being in Khao Lak after the tsunami you would have had to have been a robot to not feel them there, seriously. My husband had a phi am (incubus) experience of it sitting on his chest a few years ago.

edit, spelling

I felt one in khao lak as well. I'm not really sure what it was, but after sharing my experience with all the thais, they said it was a ghost for sure.

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when i was a kid i wanted to grow up to be a parapsychologist, so i did everything i could in hopes that i would see a ghost. never did. i have been in some very weird supernatural situations, and even in some in which other people say they have seen ghosts, but i have not. i have a scientific mind and don't even believe in a god without proof so definitely don't accept the existence of ghosts. i think when we are dead we're dead.

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when i was a kid i wanted to grow up to be a parapsychologist, so i did everything i could in hopes that i would see a ghost. never did. i have been in some very weird supernatural situations, and even in some in which other people say they have seen ghosts, but i have not. i have a scientific mind and don't even believe in a god without proof so definitely don't accept the existence of ghosts. i think when we are dead we're dead.

I recommend you attend a one-on-one session with a known medium who will give you messages and facts that would otherwise be impossible. I was also like you, science and science only...until you meet one of these folks who throw all that out the window. You normally have to have some sensitivity to see spirits, but a medium can provide you with everything but a visual, and the best ones work for free.

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