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Getting Old


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aw this is a nice thread... i turn 32 in a couple days and i am feeling a bit down about it... nice to hear something positive.

this is quite obviously an attempt to denigrate, obfuscate and otherwise belittle middleaged concerns. Listen honey...I didn't get to be 57 y.o. without considerable suffering...get out the rope, strike up the drum and tuba 'let's lynch her...'

'ye old fck...whaddaye gonna dew?...drape over the rope widdout fallin down an' hurtin' yer back?...har, har, har... :o:D:D '

"bbbut, this cannot be allowed widdout being vigorously contested...' 'contest all ye want but get me a cup of tea while yer at it...where's me fags' :D

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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Coming from the UK, I often find it depressing how old people, those who are supposed to be wise and experienced, still seem to become bitter, sinicle and even angry about some incredibly trivial matters. Surely by now, old man, you should have learned that whingeing and moaning will get you nowhere.

sinicling comes with old age. there's no way to circumvent it. i sinicle when i get up in the morning, sinicle over my coffee, then i sinicle very long over my breakfast eggs and the maid tells her husband "the old man is sinicling again... perhaps not enough chillies in the eggs". later i sinicle at lunch and especially watching TV before my afternoon nap makes me sinicling like anything. the truth is that i'm driving my wife raving mad with my sinicling and she threatened already that she might start sinicling too :o


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Great post! I've enjoyed my thirties as much as my twenties and, now being 40, expect the next ten years to be as good as the last 10.

Do I regret getting old, YES! Not because I am or expect to be less satisfied with life, but because I'm getting closer to death. I admit, I do worry about life in my 60s and upwards because I have no real knowledge of what it will be like.

It's entertaining reading the posts from young members that think they have a monopoly on life's pleasures. As we age, we are much more capable of understanding perspectives. Basing happiness, as an earlier poster, on train commuters is ludicrous. If I was a student with no worries except making it to class, I better be smiling.

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Its great to be getting old…

Hair colour if you have any left goes with anything you wear…

Every DVD/Film you have is like watching it 1st time, because you cannot remember what its about…..

Younger people let you take the seat because your old and need it…

Everyday new things happen, because you can no longer remember what you did yesterday…

You no longer need to do anything….

The list is endless :o

Somehow it appears to be great getting old, even better here where the sunshine’s everyday …. Do we have rain ? somehow cannot remember

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Reading the OP struck a chord with me. I feel exactly the same (apart from the speedos and bulging belly), but am now 35.

I got into a high management level in UK banking at a very early age, and spent 12 years chasing the money, promotion, status, etc. My father who is now 71, and very healthy, was on his death bed 3 years ago and gave me a big wake up call. In the following months I started to think about what life was all about. To the shock of my family and friends I gave up the £100k a year job, the Audi, the big house, and came to live here.

Never been so happy with my inner self as I am now. Contented I think probably sums it up. Blinded by the materialism and ratrace, all I could see was the next deal/ promotion/ payrise, and actually lost track of life as we know it. However much you have is never enough, I think another 10 years of chasing the corporate dream would probably have killed me.

Who knows what's around the corner? Personally I don't give a stuff, as I now know I have lived a small part of my life as it was meant to be lived. Berate me for being a youngster who knows nothing if you wish, but I think I am a 65 yr old trapped in a 35 yr old body. Maybe starting too young gave me too much <deleted> in too few years, maybe I have become a hippy, maybe my father's illness made me realise that life is about living, who knows?

Too many people, especially in the UK, 'make do'. They have shit lives and resign themselves to the fact they cannot improve their situation.

As my father (who has just returned from a month stay with me) always told me ; you only get one chance, there are no rehearsals, so live it and enjoy it!

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You got a wise father sweetchariot .

I also agree with your statements regarding your choices in life , its similar

to my perspective and philosophy .

I take my hat of for those who are able to choose for themselves ,

regardless what the ' outside world ' thinks is normal or not .

I think they are just a jealous bunch .

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Thats great sweetchariot as long as you can afford to live the lifestyle that makes you happy it is never to early to enjoy life. And I can tell you after 24 years of practice "retirement is great" and it only keeps getting better. Like ignis said you get to watch the movies and read the books much more frequently since you don't remember what it is about. I think the memory is like a filing cabinet, it is all neatly organised and easy to find things but as you get older it starts to fill up and some things get misfiled. You usually do find them again but it can take a while. Live every day to enjoy and you will fit right in the LOS. :o

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Thats great sweetchariot as long as you can afford to live the lifestyle that makes you happy it is never to early to enjoy life. And I can tell you after 24 years of practice "retirement is great" and it only keeps getting better. Like ignis said you get to watch the movies and read the books much more frequently since you don't remember what it is about. I think the memory is like a filing cabinet, it is all neatly organised and easy to find things but as you get older it starts to fill up and some things get misfiled. You usually do find them again but it can take a while. Live every day to enjoy and you will fit right in the LOS. :o

Haha, I'll have to get back to you on that one. By the way, where's the 100k you borrowed from me last week?


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Coming from the UK, I often find it depressing how old people, those who are supposed to be wise and experienced, still seem to become bitter, sinicle and even angry about some incredibly trivial matters. Surely by now, old man, you should have learned that whingeing and moaning will get you nowhere.

sinicling comes with old age. there's no way to circumvent it. i sinicle when i get up in the morning, sinicle over my coffee, then i sinicle very long over my breakfast eggs and the maid tells her husband "the old man is sinicling again... perhaps not enough chillies in the eggs". later i sinicle at lunch and especially watching TV before my afternoon nap makes me sinicling like anything. the truth is that i'm driving my wife raving mad with my sinicling and she threatened already that she might start sinicling too :o

With razor sharp wit like that you should be a comedian.

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I have been awaiting this "old age" thing too happen for many years. Right now I am in TianJin, China, and with temps just below 0C reading the forum for some thoughts of warm weather.

I will turn 69 in 6 weeks, and still running at full throttle. I like riding my Sports Bikes on race tracks and in the canyons, can never resist a pretty face, and just enjoy life.

When I hear people that are young enough to be my children or even grandchildren complaining of being "old" I just do not understand.

As to the grey hair, well this year I accidently found a solution. I had a 21 YO "Wild One" from Iran, complete with some tatoos and a lip ring, that I drank one too many bottles of wine with. In the morning when we woke up, she suggested she could really improve my appearance. So suffering a bit from a hang-over, and sitting with my head resting on her breast in the bathtub, all that warm water, and soap, all was wonderful, until I felt the razor removing that ugly grey hair....you know what, I like having a head like a Buhdist Monk, now....

If you don't like your grey hair, cut it off, if you don't like that watermelon size belly exercise, and cut down on the beer.

Here in China, nobody could believe I was more than 50 YO and had to dig out the passport to prove otherwise.

If you believe you are old, then you proably are....if you just want to live life, then just do it. Only difference I see now, is , I have a lot more experience and memories than I did when I was 30. (Course there are some aches a pains, but I know some football players that are not yet 30 that have the same problems. ).

Looking forward to getting back to Thailand later this year.

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Great scene in the film the Perfect Storm. Lady of age who runs the proper drinking bar in the fishing town/village, tells the younger lady that she can remember every fun thing she did in youth by looking at the lines on her face, each one a special memory and well worth the effort.

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"getting old"

means something different for every individual (i think). when i was 28 and had my first gray hair i was fishing for compliments in a bar in Osaka. the personal hostess assigned to me asked me how old i am. i said "43" and got as an answer "you don't look much older than 39." :o

after my 30th birthday i bought my first pair of blue jeans (and even wore them!) something i wouldn't have done in the years before.

when i was 42 i took over a company as CEO. sitting in the office of the chap from whom i had to take over and making some small talk (i was already aware of the sh*tty balance sheet) when my future secretary entered to have him sign some letters. he unfolded some reading glasses, read and signed. in the evening my wife asked me about my predecessor and i told her "some old chap who needs reading glasses. he must be at least 50 or perhaps even older. no wonder the company makes losses".

when i was 45 (my hair completely gray) and holidaying in Pattaya i was p*ssed off. no more "hey sexy man, prease sit down!" but "hello papa, prease sit down" :D

when i was 50 nothing really happened. was retired for 4 years, worked in my garden ("yard" in american) 4-5 hours daily. shaping bushes to grow like trees and trees to grow like bushes. knew every bird nest on my one acre lot. had a figure/shape any greek God would have envied me for.

after my 60th birthday i started to... you think i tell you? a sh*t i will! :D

Edited by Naam
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One of the secrets to growing old gracefully is not to become fat !

As we can all see, too many young people today are grossly obese

due to lack of exercise.

The problem is that when you do finally get down from a size fifteen

to a size twelve your skin never shrinks ... you end up as a size twelve

living in a size fifteen skin :o


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Thank you for such a wonderful post BEENTHEREDONETHAT. It actually brought tears to my eyes! (Yes I am a girl BTW!) Too often we only hear from grumpy old men and people bitter about what life didn't give them, and then there's people like you, who are genuinely content with their life and shares that with us. I'm only 30 and I love getting older. No more angsty teenage years, no more caring how others judge you because you know who you are and that's what matters, less self doubt and so on. I know people my age who loathe growing old because of the wrinkles and effects of gravity but people concerned with such things are obviously missing the point of living so leave them to it. Thanks again for such a positive post :o

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Its nice that you find positives, many many older people are not like you and complain about everything and anything.

I was in Thailand last month and met a friend who is in his 40's (im in my 20''s :o) and he moaned about everything about Thailand, after all i wanted to do was go home and not see him again because he is depressing.

More elder people should grow old gracefully, may not be an easy thing to do as I may find out in a few decades :D

Also does your arse really sag alot when you reach your 60's? I mean is there like a layer of skin that just dangles there? Just teasing

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Also does your arse really sag alot when you reach your 60's? I mean is there like a layer of skin that just dangles there? Just teasing

believe or not the arse (on a male) shrinks. and that no matter how much more the belly sticks out :o ladies don't have this problem (i think) :D

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Coming from the UK, I often find it depressing how old people, those who are supposed to be wise and experienced, still seem to become bitter, sinicle and even angry about some incredibly trivial matters. Surely by now, old man, you should have learned that whingeing and moaning will get you nowhere.

sinicling comes with old age. there's no way to circumvent it. i sinicle when i get up in the morning, sinicle over my coffee, then i sinicle very long over my breakfast eggs and the maid tells her husband "the old man is sinicling again... perhaps not enough chillies in the eggs". later i sinicle at lunch and especially watching TV before my afternoon nap makes me sinicling like anything. the truth is that i'm driving my wife raving mad with my sinicling and she threatened already that she might start sinicling too :o

Isn't it true that we all sinicle regardless of age or gender. Personally I'm a bit suspicious of people who don't. I find I moan when I'm in or on the edge of pain, under stress, or plain dog tired.

I'm definitely suspicious of 60 somethings trying to be 20 somethings, although you have to acknowledge that some people are genuinely young for their age. Otherwise it comes across as somebody symptomatically handling the ageing process and often results in a heavy landing.

Even more galling are the people (usually young) who on the one hand berate the old gits, and then display their own gittish failings by saying old people should be this or should do that. I guess they are really saying 'older people should be young'. Who needs it? And as if young is all it's cracked up to be anyway!! Time of mostly wasted time chasing shadows, and financial lack as I recall.

It's too easy to say these are the positive people and these are the negative people, and I am one of the positive people. Heck, young people have the right to be young, but when I hear things like this you have to reason that some people are just staying too young for too long. It isn't nice to be part of.

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One reason we forget things, is that we have so many memories!

Now that is a good one. :o

It's so good that I was going to repeat it to an "old" friend of mine, but I forgot what the exact quote was! :D Old? The only thing that word reminds me of is dirt.....as in dirt nap, of which I hope is a loooong way off for me. 60 is the new 40 is my motto!

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Getting older.

Many of my friends died before me, I was older then them.

Died of cancer, overdose or just plain suicide.

My dog died because it was hit by a car.

Then my car was stolen and never found back.

Insurance company never paid back.

Had a GF in my home country and decided to buy a house (In my Name) GF left me and I end up with a 60.000 Euro debt which I am still try to pay off.

My father died of cancer, never had the opportunity to say goodby while he was still alive.

A dear friend of me jumped of a building, I saw it happening.Getting old

Sister of the wife of my brother is getting abused every day (In Malasia) , she phones me once a month.

Another friend jumped in front of a train, I was the only witness.

My company is involved in fraud and they ask me to sign a document that I do not know anything about it.

Getting old means I just am getting so much more aware....

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Getting older.

Many of my friends died before me, I was older then them.

Died of cancer, overdose or just plain suicide.

My dog died because it was hit by a car.

Then my car was stolen and never found back.

Insurance company never paid back.

Had a GF in my home country and decided to buy a house (In my Name) GF left me and I end up with a 60.000 Euro debt which I am still try to pay off.

My father died of cancer, never had the opportunity to say goodby while he was still alive.

A dear friend of me jumped of a building, I saw it happening.Getting old

Sister of the wife of my brother is getting abused every day (In Malasia) , she phones me once a month.

Another friend jumped in front of a train, I was the only witness.

My company is involved in fraud and they ask me to sign a document that I do not know anything about it.

Getting old means I just am getting so much more aware....

I guess as we get older we're not so good at dodging the bullets and to be sure there are a lot flying around. Reasons to be cheerful ?- yes, at least you can cut through all the crap, see no good reason to put up with fools, and don't have to do it all again.

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Coming from the UK, I often find it depressing how old people, those who are supposed to be wise and experienced, still seem to become bitter, sinicle and even angry about some incredibly trivial matters. Surely by now, old man, you should have learned that whingeing and moaning will get you nowhere.

sinicling comes with old age. there's no way to circumvent it. i sinicle when i get up in the morning, sinicle over my coffee, then i sinicle very long over my breakfast eggs and the maid tells her husband "the old man is sinicling again... perhaps not enough chillies in the eggs". later i sinicle at lunch and especially watching TV before my afternoon nap makes me sinicling like anything. the truth is that i'm driving my wife raving mad with my sinicling and she threatened already that she might start sinicling too :o

Stop it, you are killing me Naam. :D

By the way, how many wheels does a sinicling have?

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The nature of my recent illness has meant that I felt as though a huge part of my life had been taken away from me as I felt old even though I am not old. This feeling lasted a year or so and now I am living with a permanent disability I am me/young again. Sure there are things I can't do and things I regret not having access to... but I have a far greater understanding of what it's like to be old so, when it happens to me it won't be so much of a shock :o

I have a greater respect and understanding of older people now to boot

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Don’t live constantly thinking about: “if only…” . There will be many things we might have done differently, but we have to feel the past is dust. Focus on what you can do now to improve your life. This does not mean we cannot cherish fond memories; but, at the same time we need to give most importance to the present moment.

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To consider oneself to be old or young, former U.S. Prez Jimmy Carter said it best.....

" You're old when REGRETS take place DREAMS."

Couldn't agree more.

In Jimmy Carter's case the quote should read, "Only the good die young". His entire presidency was an embarrassment to the United States of America.

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To consider oneself to be old or young, former U.S. Prez Jimmy Carter said it best.....

" You're old when REGRETS take place DREAMS."

Couldn't agree more.

In Jimmy Carter's case the quote should read, "Only the good die young". His entire presidency was an embarrassment to the United States of America.

that goes without saying. think of all the hundreds of thousands innocent civilians killed or maimed because Carter started wars in Viet Nam, Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq :o

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To consider oneself to be old or young, former U.S. Prez Jimmy Carter said it best.....

" You're old when REGRETS take place DREAMS."

Couldn't agree more.

In Jimmy Carter's case the quote should read, "Only the good die young". His entire presidency was an embarrassment to the United States of America.

that goes without saying. think of all the hundreds of thousands innocent civilians killed or maimed because Carter started wars in Viet Nam, Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq :o

Blimey!!! now this thread really has gotten tedious. What next the Franco/Prussian war? :D

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To consider oneself to be old or young, former U.S. Prez Jimmy Carter said it best.....

" You're old when REGRETS take place DREAMS."

Couldn't agree more.

In Jimmy Carter's case the quote should read, "Only the good die young". His entire presidency was an embarrassment to the United States of America.

that goes without saying. think of all the hundreds of thousands innocent civilians killed or maimed because Carter started wars in Viet Nam, Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq :o

Blimey!!! now this thread really has gotten tedious. What next the Franco/Prussian war? :D

we are not THAT old! :D

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To consider oneself to be old or young, former U.S. Prez Jimmy Carter said it best.....

" You're old when REGRETS take place DREAMS."

Couldn't agree more.

In Jimmy Carter's case the quote should read, "Only the good die young". His entire presidency was an embarrassment to the United States of America.

that goes without saying. think of all the hundreds of thousands innocent civilians killed or maimed because Carter started wars in Viet Nam, Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq :o

Blimey!!! now this thread really has gotten tedious. What next the Franco/Prussian war? :D

we are not THAT old! :D

:D Actually, I don't even know when the dam_n war started. Was referring to the general tone of the last few postings. guess I'm more of a lightweight old git really!

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Getting older.

Many of my friends died before me, I was older then them.

Died of cancer, overdose or just plain suicide.

My dog died because it was hit by a car.

Then my car was stolen and never found back.

Insurance company never paid back.

Had a GF in my home country and decided to buy a house (In my Name) GF left me and I end up with a 60.000 Euro debt which I am still try to pay off.

My father died of cancer, never had the opportunity to say goodby while he was still alive.

A dear friend of me jumped of a building, I saw it happening.Getting old

Sister of the wife of my brother is getting abused every day (In Malasia) , she phones me once a month.

Another friend jumped in front of a train, I was the only witness.

My company is involved in fraud and they ask me to sign a document that I do not know anything about it.

Getting old means I just am getting so much more aware....

Now that is a miserable old man. Anyone else have a sadder tale? With more angst please.

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