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Can We Make Chiang Mai A Better Place To Live?

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1) I have deleted two wildly off topic posts which in future I suggest would be better done via PM.

2) A reminder to not make ANY comments re moderators or moderation in the open forum. Irrespective of whether it is positive or negative it is against the rules and must be dealt with accordingly.

3) there have been some aggressive posts put up that border on being flames - we may not agree with the other person but we must respect their right to an opinion. If you don't agree then either put up a constructed argument or keep quiet.

4) it is acceptable to say "I don't know but I feel that .........". It is also acceptable to say "I think that..........." These are personal opinions based on our own knowledge and understanding.

5) factual information must be based on verifiable sources. I have a personal dislike and mistrust of "government sources state ............." or "everyone knows that..............." use a link to the site for others to check. Anything less is hearsay and not fact.

Finally - this subject has veered off into another pollution topic which is in my opinion a very important topic and one that should be discussed but this topic is "Can we make Chiang Mai a better place to live". Reducing air pollution is a factor but so is reduction of crime, improving the roads, health services, schools for everyone's children not just those fortunate to have parents able to pay the high cost of private education. Think about road curbing and footpaths.

These things and many more, affect how we live in this city and in combination will make it much better



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After reading this and a few other threads it seems to me that Mobs00 and perhaps one or two others are intent on sticking their noses in other peoples (Thais) business. This could prove to be rather detrimental to their health as has been proven in the past on more than one occasion.

After reading this and a few other threads it seems to me that Mobs00 and perhaps one or two others are intent on sticking their noses in other peoples (Thais) business. This could prove to be rather detrimental to their health as has been proven in the past on more than one occasion.

the kid is out playing in the streets again huh

After reading this and a few other threads it seems to me that Mobs00 and perhaps one or two others are intent on sticking their noses in other peoples (Thais) business. This could prove to be rather detrimental to their health as has been proven in the past on more than one occasion.

Are you warning us or sending idle threats from behind your PC?

“Men are generally idle, and ready to satisfy themselves, and intimidate the industry of others, by calling that impossible which is only difficult”

Samuel Johnson


No I think BB means, that pushing around policies that could raise costs for Thai business owners, and that wouldn't make them happy. And that in the past people who have made these people unhappy have wound up in a predicament...


well i assume he is new to the forum i guess and maybe new to chiangmai .. like us who had been in chiangmai for a long time ..

we were once .. believer also whahahhahahahahahahhaha

let the kids play is how there will grow

wow i got my 1000 post !!!! dear nice mod please don't delete my 1000 post ok :o

yo crow boy go get a mask .. the air id getting bad - and also there is a SORE THROAT virus out there ,,

rider should wear mask to protect themself


Just returned from a crappy drive to the beautifully clean and refreshing BKK. Had the pleasure of donating to the armed bandits in brown 4 times for no reason. Was so happy to get back to the pollution and pace of this terrible place called Chiang Mai

After reading this and a few other threads it seems to me that Mobs00 and perhaps one or two others are intent on sticking their noses in other peoples (Thais) business. This could prove to be rather detrimental to their health as has been proven in the past on more than one occasion.

Are you warning us or sending idle threats from behind your PC?

If you knew BB, you would not be mouthing off, you would be shaking behind your computer. :o

After reading this and a few other threads it seems to me that Mobs00 and perhaps one or two others are intent on sticking their noses in other peoples (Thais) business. This could prove to be rather detrimental to their health as has been proven in the past on more than one occasion.

Are you warning us or sending idle threats from behind your PC?

If you knew BB, you would not be mouthing off, you would be shaking behind your computer. :o

gee even more kids join the playground, fun people.

After reading this and a few other threads it seems to me that Mobs00 and perhaps one or two others are intent on sticking their noses in other peoples (Thais) business. This could prove to be rather detrimental to their health as has been proven in the past on more than one occasion.

the kid is out playing in the streets again huh

gee even more kids join the playground, fun people.

kash excuse my ignorance but I'm not quite sure what these inane statements are meant to mean. Can you please enlighten me.

Are you warning us or sending idle threats from behind your PC?

Take it anyway you wish Mobs00 . Obviously by the naivety of your numerous posts you haven't been in Thailand very long and don't have a great deal of understanding on the way the country runs or the nature of the people. I don't make idle threats from behind my PC or laptop for that matter, let's discuss this in person at Tuskers on the 2nd of February.

Ah yes, there's still a few baht in the Blinky Bill/Tuskers kitty to burn. Anyone else interested in the education of Mr kash and Mr Mobs00. Big task I would I would think.


would love to meet up also , :o whahahah would love to see the face in person .. cos alot of time. the real face is much much friendly then the .. line ..


miss a beer or two also but 2nd feb is my wedding .. i might be in chiangmai on 31st now sure if i got time to go for a beer for 1-2 hour .

would love to meet up also , :o whahahah would love to see the face in person .. cos alot of time. the real face is much much friendly then the .. line ..


miss a beer or two also but 2nd feb is my wedding .. i might be in chiangmai on 31st now sure if i got time to go for a beer for 1-2 hour .

Crikey Maxie, I'd love to see you again but I'm presently on assignment somewhere else. Can you put your wedding off for a week or 2? I'm sure your mum and Mini's (Ann's) mum wouldn't mind.


Wire me half a million baht i would even postphone my own funneral for you

whahhahahaha ....

PM me for my bank account whahhahahahahahha.. confirm 3 days before my wedding whahahhaha


And sometimes I have to repeat myself to make sure that we all stay on topic and avoid posts which could be construed as being a personal attack.

Ok back to topic please - how do we make Chiang Mai and even better place to live than it currently is?


  • 1 month later...

I bought a car that uses E20 fuel. Just waiting for that fuel to be sold in CM.

Got a small compost factory up at the farm. Wanting to start an ACTUAL recycling factory

We used to use biogas from our pig farms (when we had farm pigs)

I made a solar water heating system for the swimming pool (gets cold in the winter...)

And I keep calling up on the phone ANY burning that is done ANYWHERE.

We give one or 2 scholarships a year to under-privileged kids that want to go to university.

We have NEVER paid one baht to any sticky-fingered cop.

Donated land for sports fields and 2 temples.

I sponsor 2 football (soccer) teams.

Keep people on payroll that don't really work - but they're poor...TIT

More things to do than one could shake a stick at!

BEWARE... don't harass the drivers of pollution factories... It could go very pear-shaped.

I bought a car that uses E20 fuel. Just waiting for that fuel to be sold in CM.

Got a small compost factory up at the farm. Wanting to start an ACTUAL recycling factory

We used to use biogas from our pig farms (when we had farm pigs)

I made a solar water heating system for the swimming pool (gets cold in the winter...)

And I keep calling up on the phone ANY burning that is done ANYWHERE.

We give one or 2 scholarships a year to under-privileged kids that want to go to university.

We have NEVER paid one baht to any sticky-fingered cop.

Donated land for sports fields and 2 temples.

I sponsor 2 football (soccer) teams.

Keep people on payroll that don't really work - but they're poor...TIT

More things to do than one could shake a stick at!

BEWARE... don't harass the drivers of pollution factories... It could go very pear-shaped.

just wondered if you have driven on E20, and if so, any performance issues compared to the normal fare?

btw you seem like a good bloke and have a common sense approach to life

how does one harness biogas from a pig farm? I have visions that look disturbing and if I found something that resembled that vision I cannot post here due to the rules of TV :o

I bought a car that uses E20 fuel. Just waiting for that fuel to be sold in CM.

Got a small compost factory up at the farm. Wanting to start an ACTUAL recycling factory

We used to use biogas from our pig farms (when we had farm pigs)

I made a solar water heating system for the swimming pool (gets cold in the winter...)

And I keep calling up on the phone ANY burning that is done ANYWHERE.

We give one or 2 scholarships a year to under-privileged kids that want to go to university.

We have NEVER paid one baht to any sticky-fingered cop.

Donated land for sports fields and 2 temples.

I sponsor 2 football (soccer) teams.

Keep people on payroll that don't really work - but they're poor...TIT

More things to do than one could shake a stick at!

BEWARE... don't harass the drivers of pollution factories... It could go very pear-shaped.

just wondered if you have driven on E20, and if so, any performance issues compared to the normal fare?

btw you seem like a good bloke and have a common sense approach to life

how does one harness biogas from a pig farm? I have visions that look disturbing and if I found something that resembled that vision I cannot post here due to the rules of TV :o


Cheers for the kudos! Tho' some people have called me a daft old hippie!

No, I haven't driven the car yet. I'm away in Indonesia at the moment and the car will arrive / i'll pick it up on 7 April. It's a Camry 2.4, top of the line (bloody expensive tho')... As there's no petrol station to purchase E20 in CM yet, I'll be using premium fuel. I plan to keep a log book between the different fuels I will use.

Biogas.. the MOAC (Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives) has all the specs for biogas generation plants. Depends on the size of the farm firstly. Basically, the manure flows down to a holding tank, the holding tank has a slew way for a gas tank, and the dregs are seperated from the lot (can be dried, mixed with soil, and used as fertilizer). Don't have the dwg with me and this internet system here is way too slow. Look it up on the website (MOAC) interesting and simple. BTW - we used the gas to power a motor generator for the fans and lights for the pigsties and workshop. Had up to 120 pigs at a time.


It seems to me that the government should be providing incentives and enacting laws to slowly but surely have people use cleaner motorcycles, tuk tuks, etc. For one thing, they could raise the minimum wage and give incentives for people to buy cleaner fuel/transportation. Speaking of which, a cleaner public transportation system (ie: tuk tuks, since I have yet to have taken the official public buses, for obvious reasons) would be a good step! Can we change the colors of those buses to something a bit more conspicuous for a start or buy more of those buses/retrofit tuk tuks with cleaner technology (bigger or smaller buses as the need demands it). And this little invention could persuade a few, poor Thai folks burning plastic (if given a few satangs) that they should give it away to a government or farang joint-venture (http://cornucopierre.blogspot.com/2008/01/plastic2petrol-cheaply.html#links)

I am generously giving the first satang!

And this is, folks, my 2 satangs in the matter!

2 + 1! Jeesh! I better start saving!

  • 2 weeks later...

This may be of interest to some of you.

Northern Thai Group Bulletin

6 April 2008

Tuesday, April 8th 2008 - 300th Meeting

At the Alliance Française - Chiang Mai - 7:30 pm

"Making Chiang Mai a Great Place to Live"

A Talk by Captain Deuntemduang Na Chiengmai, Ph.D., Mayor of Chiang Mai


A. Outline of talk:

1. Chiang Mai Municipality

1.1. Area of responsibility.

1.2. Duties and responsibilities

2. Priorities

2.1. Cultural conservation and preservation

2.2. City environmental development

2.2.1. Green city

2.2.2. Air quality control and measurement

2.2.2. Solid waste management

2.2.3. Waste water treatment

2.3. Quality of Life

2.3.1. Public Health Services

2.3.2. Education

2.4. Public participatory process


:D :D Got my new vehicle after being away for almost 2 months (slave-drivers!!!), picked up the new car, drove around for awhile, noticed that the dealer hadn't kept their promise and give me a full FREE tank.... :D:o but was pleasantly surprised when I pulled into a PTT station and saw that they have E20 fuel available. dam_n near the same price as diesel!

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