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Stop Looking At The Effing Mirror, Woman


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Does your missus keep admiring herself incessantly in the mirror every chance she gets?

I know Thai girls are particularly vain, but spending half the day looking at themselves is a bit boring, surely. I’ve been looking at my mug for over 30 years and find anything more than a cursory glance is enough, not saying that I’m an ugly spud, I’ve got better things to do, like…drink beer.

I understand that a lady likes to look beautiful and all that, but surely her appearance will not change that much in 3 nano-seconds. The amount of times the missus trips over something every time she walks past the mirror is staggering.


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i have heard that once a girl has worked in a bar for a few months & spent many hours dancing in front of those large mirrors, it becomes a habit that they just can't let go of... :D

just make sure that these girls are kept away from street lights lest they are overcome with an urge to wrap their tackle round them & slide up & down provocatively :o

it's different in our house cos i'm the one constantly preening myself in front of the mirror... but when you're as good looking as me... it's nice to look at yourself frequently... :D


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i have heard that once a girl has worked in a bar for a few months & spent many hours dancing in front of those large mirrors, it becomes a habit that they just can't let go of... :D

My girlfriend never worked in a bar before, but she does look at herself (especially the hair) every time we walk past a mirror. Doesn't bother me, actually. :o

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i have heard that once a girl has worked in a bar for a few months & spent many hours dancing in front of those large mirrors, it becomes a habit that they just can't let go of...  :D

My girlfriend never worked in a bar before, but she does look at herself (especially the hair) every time we walk past a mirror. Doesn't bother me, actually. :o

Khun fontok, firstly, you probably look at the mirror more times than she does. I can see by you avatar that you are not vain in the least.

Secondly, ignorance is bliss. You will never actually know if she was a holesaler before. I've done some things and nobody ever knew/knows in the bedroom. So before you put her on a pedastal why don't you check her out. www.thaiprivateeye.com.

Thirdly, don't think I'm having a pop at you, because I quite like your post's. You are a very rational person.

As the Oracle said to Neo, "Not too bright though" :D

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Probably a bit hard on 'her in doors' at first post yesterday, she was pissing me off. Re-evaluating today, she isn't actually that bad when it comes to mirror and hair thing, only maybe 100 glances a day compared with the national average of 150.

Not a bg, found her in a restaurant a few years ago and I did the chasing.

Back to the mirror thing, it's not just the bgs that are over-prone to this, the black & whites are possibly the worst violators. Ever seen one riding her bike when she has her college books aloft protecting her hair from the wind and sun, can't be the eyes or she'd wear shades, surely? Come to think of it, not many of them do, Thais in general, even when riding their machines flat out at 100kph with all those huge 'Harry the Bastard' flying insects around, still don't wear them. :o:D

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I once went ten pin bowling at MBK........what a nightmare that place is.....anyway........the whole time I was there I noticed a girl sitting looking in the mirror that was part of the decoration on a huge concrete pylon near where you sit .......she did not stop the whole time. When we were leaving she was still looking at her noggin !! What the fvkxc ?? :o

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I remember a couple of years back the owner of a pole dancing establishment near Clinton Plaza saying he could not get his stock on the dancefloor even on promise of free drinks etc.

He put a large mirror on the dancefloor wall and couldnt get the girls off the dancefloor to talk to the customers!!!!

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Not complaining MaiC, don't get stressed, just an observation. The misses is gorgeous already without having to wear the mirror out.

Ned, I can just picture her.

Here's another one. A bunch of us were in a bar a couple of years ago and it took the b/g ages to grab the bottle off the shelf behind the bar. We didn't realise what she was doing at first, her arm was outstretched but nowhere near the bottle. Realised she was staring at the mirror just inches from it, transfixed the whole time and had forgotten about the bottle. Quite comical, looked like she'd hung herself using her own arm. :o

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Not complaining MaiC, don't get stressed, just an observation. The misses is gorgeous already without having to wear the mirror out.

Ned, I can just picture her.

Here's another one. A bunch of us were in a bar a couple of years ago and it took the b/g ages to grab the bottle off the shelf behind the bar. We didn't realise what she was doing at first, her arm was outstretched but nowhere near the bottle. Realised she was staring at the mirror just inches from it, transfixed the whole time and had forgotten about the bottle. Quite comical, looked like she'd hung herself using her own arm.  :o

Not complaining?? I have seen other posts byt other farangs talking about their GF wife Some posts are about how their GF talks on the phone how she chews her food and how she goes to the bathroom whatever the case just go with the flow man I live in the states and farang girls do the same thing Women are Women.

Thai women some have low self esteem. Some women have high self esteem Some are very vain Thai women are beautiful. I don't know where this thread is going I'm not streesed seems many farang on here are so worried of what other people are doing around you.

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IamMaic, you do need to stop taking everything so personally. It is just an observation.

The two girls that work for us (neither an ex BG, just normal girls) are constantly fixing their hair, checking their eyebrows whatever. However, I have noticed that quite a few Thai guys also do alot of mirror checking, usually in the rearview mirror of their motorbikes. But hopefully not while driving! :o

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IamMaic, you do need to stop taking everything so personally. It is just an observation.

The two girls that work for us (neither an ex BG, just normal girls) are constantly fixing their hair, checking their eyebrows whatever. However, I have noticed that quite a few Thai guys also do alot of mirror checking, usually in the rearview mirror of their motorbikes. But hopefully not while driving! :D

what do you do sbk?

u have a bar or shop?

is that on haad rin? :o

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However, I have noticed that quite a few Thai guys also do alot of mirror checking, usually in the rearview mirror of their motorbikes.

A few??? Try going into the male toilets in any Siam shopping center. Done it once (and once only!) - Every single sink was occupied by one or more Thai guys applying combs and got knows what else to their faces.

Can appreciate the logic behind looking smart in public places, but this is vain with bells on.

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