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my fave nanny goat gave birth to a great set of twins that are exact copies of their boer mix father;

she now has cellulotisis on her udder and has run two weeks of three different antibiotics, painkillers, and supportive treatment and the prognosis is not good (will not do an udder amputation due to cost, conditions for keeping her after the operation, and bad bad cold weather-- we are having freezing cold weather and we are not set up for this weather when animals are sick) which brings me to the pics:

her two babes were nursing from one side, and being ill, she has stopped producing. the weather went to about 0 cent. and her babes got 36 temp (hypothermia).

guess where they spent three days?? husband protecting (goat) baby in our bed; baby with me in front office; one p.o.'d boxer not enjoying twin goat babies at home; baby watching tv...

now both safely back at the petting zoo in my office at night, with herd during day... these will be dok mai's last kids. ( unfortunately we will probably have to cull her .... think about all this next time someone thinks of 'raising a few 'whatevers' for making money... '








Edited by Boo
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hi, seonai,

since i switched jobs, ive been doing stuff by 'remote'; i sent the doc off to visit her as the guy in place of me (sort of ) says she's not eating....

doc called to say, her rumen is pretty empty, he lanced her udder and out came a lot of gunk, he scraped it all off and sewed her up, she's getting massive amounts of b vitamins, antibiotics, probiotics (actimil yougurt) and finally worker went off to big zoo to get richer, tastier hay... havent asked either... now with the 'big chill' on us, i have a feeling this is the last days... for an animal that is skin and bones, and not eating and getting antibiotics plus the stress of treatment, cold is a major killer: even if she is under infra red heaters and in a good basic stall... her system is too stressed out to make it i think... have had no time to see her as new job is far away from home by busses and long hours.... has she been any other animal she would have been culled... which is why its bad to make large animals your 'pet' animals... cost factors vs practicality....

i know i did my best, and the situation being what it is, there's not much more i can do... thats the shit side of farming of course....

now having to place out my billy goat as he is jumping the fence and roaming around the amusement park scaring people... will probably sell him off cheap even if he is worth much more since now is off season for males (no breeding now and no one wants to feed a non working male until he has to work.... men, take note please...)...


pic of avram and me; he's about to grab my hair which he loves to chew on (all goats like to grab hair and chew)


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