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Back in old blighty, I started a 'casual' relationship with a falang girl. Actually she was quite fit, before you start. I saw her on a few occasions, and it was just no strings attached sex. About two weeks ago I txt her and get no reply. Last night I go to the club and she is there. Talking to a fat ugly guy.

He dissapeared and we got talking. Lights come on at 2am, and I suggest we go back to my place. She said oh I know where there is a stoppy back. So we went there. Walking through the bar full of swallow necks and navy tatt's, sizing me up, she said do you want a drink, or do you want to go to my room?

'MY ROOM' alarm bells are ringing. I walked her home twice and she lives with her parents around the corner from me. So I was curious and said ok, lets go to your room. Why the fuk she had a room i was thinking. Anyway we go up the stairs and up some more stairs, then we arrive at her room. We go inside and I feel like i'm in Thailand. Bit of kissing and groping, then I get to thinking.. "Why does she have a room when she lives round the corner with her parents?"

So as you do I asked her why she has a room. She said, oh I like my own place on a weekend, give my parents a bit of peace etc. I enquired further and asked if she stays here all weekend. Yes she said. So luckily I have a Thai education on these matters, and I proceeded to open all the wardrobes and draws.

Guess what. NOTHING!. Not a scrap of clothing. Nothing of her belongings there at all. Just looked like a short time room. What with the unsavory customers down stairs, people coming and going out of different rooms. I enquired further in a very tactfull manner. "Are you a hooker" just came out of my mouth. Well she said I can't beleive you said that. "Are you though??" Well she went ballistic. "What do you think I am" she said. "A hooker perhaps" I retorted.

I said, just get me out of here please. "Don't go, not like this" she said. I walked she followed. Got downstairs and dark clouds were gathering. The front door was locked, so I asked the bar stuard to let me out. No problem, he opened the door, and I walked out. I said to her, "Ok if i'm wrong, come on home I will even drop you off at your mam's" No she said. I will stay here.

<deleted>. I really dont know on this one. Previous to this when we were 'casual' she would often stand me up after txtin me. Always around 1.30am. Then no more txt's. Then a silly txt the next day, like 'oh sorry I fell asleep'.

What's cookin my noodle is, ok if I was in Thailand, I would totally accept it. But surely not in Blighty. I mean she has a good job and a career. She's 20 yr old. She's not short of money either.

What's scarin me noodle is that, maybe i misinterpritad the whole event and accused her of being a hooker. But why did she have a hotel room? Why was none of her belongings in that room. Why didn't she just come back to my place, im single? She's been back before. Why did she choose to stay there and not come back?

I'm open to critisim on this one as long as it's constructive. Maybe i'm wrong, but my Thai education told me that this was all 'very wrong'.

The jury is out on this one, but I think I know the verdict.

At least in Thailand you know where you stand. :o

Comment's appreciated.... :D


Even if she was hooking, so what?

You didn't mention that she was asking for money or something so I guess she was willing to give it to you for free. Seems to me like a compliment so I don't really understand why you walked out on that. For once your are allowed to think with your small head and you missed it. Pity :o


i am absolutely agreed to meom.You got a golden chance and you missed it.How dumb you are ! What if she's a hooker,You always got a condom dear.Be a Man.and Start behaving like a Man. :o


Sorry guys, I am with medicinebox. This woman is bad news and med used his BRAIN.

Walk out is what you do when they get weird.

Sorry guys, I am with medicinebox. This woman is bad news and med used his BRAIN.

Walk out is what you do when they get weird.

Reminds me of the time I visited this whorehouse called Interpol, specialised in Polish women. I really liked Tanya or whatever her name was but when I went back there the third time the ugliest tart you can imagine opened the door. I'm not thinking to much so I go inside and surprise surprise Tanya is not available and instead there's only the ugly one.

Anyway as the saying goes " if you enter a whorehouse you have to pay the whore" and unlike Thailand in Europe there's usually a couple of coke crazed pimps around as well so I feel kinda uncomfortable but what can do?

So I go down on this ugly girl and god she smell awfull it's like a shrimpboat down under. So I think best to get it over with quick but while she's fiddling with the condom she says I can come without if I want. Thank god for shrimp that really sobered me up so in no time I finished and left as quick as possible.



noun {C} (INFORMAL nympho)


Being addicted to sex

Too much feminine or sexual energy

Lack of balance

An overactive 2nd chakra

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