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Taxis In Bangkok: Can They Refuse A Fare ?


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It happens everywhere in Asia. I'll probably get abused for this, but if I'm desperate (late, peak hour, raining, all cabs playing the same game, New Years Eve, or whatever) I'll sometimes barter with them if they won't turn the meter on. Several times I've got home cheaper than the metered rate - funny when they realise that themselves, but tough luck, deals a deal, and don't hold your breath for a tip funny man.

I generally find cabbies to be 'salt of the earth' good people, good humoured (despite a crappy job), keen for a chat if you want it, otherwise content to keep to themselves. Even if I get a bad one I never go out of my way to antagonise them - something as simple as slamming a door or mouthing off could get you into a world of hurt. They have the numbers, they have the radios, by default they will not be on your side! Spending up to 20 hours a day in BKK traffic can make a man snap.

Taxis and tuk tuk drivers who cruise Silom, hang around the Oriental, Peninsular, Kho San etc - well they're another breed altogether.

If you want to report a driver, you go ahead - personally I don't think it's worth the time, but who knows? I would probably do it if one tried to screw me from the airport, especially having paid an extra 50THB not to be screwed.

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Have been refused before as I have been in my own country. No biggie, just find one that will take you.

I generally like the cabbies in Bkk, had a few who try it on and don't turn on the meter and the ones who try to grab you and get a flat fare for the ride. All part of the experience.

One in particular made me smile. his radiator went as we were driving down to Patts so he pulled over on to the side of the road and legged it across 4 lanes of traffic to a building site where he appered with a water bucket bigger than him. I then watched him move this in stages back across the four lanes of traffic in order to cool the taxi down. He apologised, I was smiling, the builder was a bucket down as he just ditched it on the side of the road and we were off again. Only in Thailand...

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They have every right to refuse dont argue with them and take the next taxi lazy joe. (Driving around all day 10+ hours sitting on your butt you would refuse too sometimes!) I feel sorry for some of them, they have breathing problems and some cant stop shaking and tremble like crazy ; ;

P.S The main reason they would probably refuse is because they have to return the Taxi at a certain time, so If its not on the way he wont budge.

Edited by DragonQuest
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Taxi shift change is usually mid-afternoon and early morning - yet cabbies refuse fares at all hours. Don't let this be used as an excuse to refuse you in the evening... and no, they do NOT have the right to refuse, if there is a shift change they should indicate that by covering their meter or turning it on.

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I had 8 taxis in a row refuse to take me the other day. Sometimes there is no "next one".

p.s. I was going from Pra Athit Rd. to Ratchaprarop. Not even that far.

Edited by girlx
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