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Burapha: My Children Are Staying


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You can't just pull figures from the air and call them "statistics". Statistics is about collecting and interpreting quantitative data. Only then can you estimate parameters...or whatever.

I have absolutely no reason to disbelieve the unfortunate experiences that some parents have had with BEST school and if blame should be laid for these incidents then, by all means, lay it firmly on the Principal of the school.

But, please listen to others, including myself, who have nothing but praise for the school, its staff and the standard of the education, training and coaching that the children receive.

My daughter has attended BEST school for three years. She is bright, she is polite and she is well-behaved. Yes, I know that these merits could apply to her wherever she is being educated and I know that there are better schools in Thailand but, please, accept my opinion without the usual "You're wrong, so wrong" or the "Better she be educated as far away from BEST as possible" comments from a few parents who have subscribed to this topic and previous topics about BEST.

My wife and I, and the many other parents who we have met through this school and its activities, are satisfied with what the school provides and the standards that go with it........SATISFIED, did you get that? Our daughter, her friends and other children whom we have met are happy at the school and the bilingual curriculum does work. These children are eager to defend their school and their teachers against the disapprovals and criticisms that now appear far too frequently on this Forum. They are happy with the atmosphere at the school; they say that the classroom discipline is fair and that the teachers really do care about the education and the welfare of the children they teach.

So, I'll say once again, I do not intend to demean whatever unfortunate experiences that some parents have had with BEST but, if these experiences have caused resentment and dissatisfaction with this school and you feel that you have good reason to look elsewhere, then please, please, take out you children and put them somewhere else and stop knocking BEST.

It's true that we don't hear similar complaints about Satit or Wutichot or the other schools in the town. Maybe because, using the dubious logic (in the name of "statistics") that a previous poster has used, there are even less parents from these schools using ThaiVisa. That doesn't surprise me as they are predominantly Thai.

Do what you think is best (no pun intended) and move on. Leave BEST to those many hundreds of parents and their children who have nothing but praise for the school. Thank you..... and you know who.

And, for those subscribers, who seem keen to slate the school subjectively and from 'afar', or without knowing the issues, move on to another topic. How about yet another "Bangkok Pattaya Hospital - Revisited" topic? That's always been a great target for the bashers of this Forum!! :D

You have expressed very well what other parents think so I have nothing to add to your post. :o

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I find it amusing that users who registered yesterday suddenly all come to the defense of a school. Suspect if nothing else!

In fact is it suspicious to be a new user or is it suspicious to express an opinion that is not yours on the forum? Do you think that the person who advertises for REPS isn't suspicious also? We are all suspicious because we are all anonymous. It is the difference between journalism where you have to verify your sources and a forum where anybody can express any opinion.

I am just a parent who talked to another parent a week ago at Burapha school. He just said to go and see all the bul… written on the Thaivisa forum about the school. I won't bother you very long because I have better things to do with my spare time. Taking care of my children for example.

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I am a parent who moved my children after almost 6 years, my opinion is that it has gone downhill and I saw nothing being done to rectify the problems they have, and hence my 2 are now at the Satit English Program.

I am not a Best basher and I think all the threads here would be better served if the purpose was to help this school fix the problems they have, it is a middle ground school as far as fee's are concerned and it has a distinct place in the market for this reason.

Maybe rather than us all just recommending moving kids we could have a civilized discussion on the problems we faced so that the people who wish to have their children remain and still have faith in the school can take these up with the PTA, I am sure if they do so in enough force they will get results.

It was a good school at one point and I have no doubt it can be again if the problems are addressed.

Kindergarten was a wonderful start to my mobs school life, with great teachers and a good curriculum.

For older children I personally think they have not yet got everything they need in place as far as discipline and administration is concerned, these are all problems that can be fixed however.

During the 6 years my two were there we never had a problem with any of the teachers, it simply got very run down and I started to notice the older kids had very little respect for the teachers or other students and this worried me along with the distinct lack of facilities.

I really believe this is all the result of a very fast expansion, and therefore is something that time can fix if there is the will.

Let’s be positive for the people who do not have the means to pay double and move, remember we are talking about the future of 1000+ kids.

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I am a parent who moved my children after almost 6 years, my opinion is that it has gone downhill and I saw nothing being done to rectify the problems they have, and hence my 2 are now at the Satit English Program.

I am not a Best basher and I think all the threads here would be better served if the purpose was to help this school fix the problems they have, it is a middle ground school as far as fee's are concerned and it has a distinct place in the market for this reason.

Maybe rather than us all just recommending moving kids we could have a civilized discussion on the problems we faced so that the people who wish to have their children remain and still have faith in the school can take these up with the PTA, I am sure if they do so in enough force they will get results.

It was a good school at one point and I have no doubt it can be again if the problems are addressed.

Kindergarten was a wonderful start to my mobs school life, with great teachers and a good curriculum.

For older children I personally think they have not yet got everything they need in place as far as discipline and administration is concerned, these are all problems that can be fixed however.

During the 6 years my two were there we never had a problem with any of the teachers, it simply got very run down and I started to notice the older kids had very little respect for the teachers or other students and this worried me along with the distinct lack of facilities.

I really believe this is all the result of a very fast expansion, and therefore is something that time can fix if there is the will.

Let's be positive for the people who do not have the means to pay double and move, remember we are talking about the future of 1000+ kids.

I consider this to be the responsibility of the parents!

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During the 6 years my two were there we never had a problem with any of the teachers, it simply got very run down and I started to notice the older kids had very little respect for the teachers or other students and this worried me along with the distinct lack of facilities.

I really believe this is all the result of a very fast expansion, and therefore is something that time can fix if there is the will.

Let's be positive for the people who do not have the means to pay double and move, remember we are talking about the future of 1000+ kids.

I consider this to be the responsibility of the parents!

I was expecting this, and I agree to an extent, however are you suggesting that at school children should not be tought respect? we all entrust our children to teachers for the major part of their waking hours during the first 15-20 years of their life so I believe there is a responsibility to do more than just educate them in the required subjects. (respect is a required subject as far as I am conserned)

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During the 6 years my two were there we never had a problem with any of the teachers, it simply got very run down and I started to notice the older kids had very little respect for the teachers or other students and this worried me along with the distinct lack of facilities.

I really believe this is all the result of a very fast expansion, and therefore is something that time can fix if there is the will.

Let's be positive for the people who do not have the means to pay double and move, remember we are talking about the future of 1000+ kids.

I consider this to be the responsibility of the parents!

I was expecting this, and I agree to an extent, however are you suggesting that at school children should not be tought respect? we all entrust our children to teachers for the major part of their waking hours during the first 15-20 years of their life so I believe there is a responsibility to do more than just educate them in the required subjects. (respect is a required subject as far as I am conserned)

Yes, I agree teachers should also teach respect. But, don't forget, teachers have approximately 25 students under their care, whilst parents have 2/3. Makes it a lot easier for parents, in my humble opinion. And if respect is taught at home, then it makes it easier for teachers to carry on that respect at school :o .

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  • 2 weeks later...
The fees are reasonable and the bus that picks up the children every morning is always in time. In addition the minibus service is very convenient and avoids adding another car to Pattaya's traffic every morning and evening.

I see this Minibus every morning picking up children on my street. It is filled with little children, no seat belts and it looked to me that there must have be 20 children inside. It's a death van if it turns over. No safety for the children.

I read so unfair comments about the school that I wonder whether if it is not coming from the same Farangs that say that Thai people are idiots, poorly educated, don't know how to drive...

I must be missing something, is there a place where Thai people CAN drive? I haven't seen a Thai yet who is able to drive safely.

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During the 6 years my two were there we never had a problem with any of the teachers, it simply got very run down and I started to notice the older kids had very little respect for the teachers or other students and this worried me along with the distinct lack of facilities.

I really believe this is all the result of a very fast expansion, and therefore is something that time can fix if there is the will.

Let's be positive for the people who do not have the means to pay double and move, remember we are talking about the future of 1000+ kids.

I consider this to be the responsibility of the parents!

I was expecting this, and I agree to an extent, however are you suggesting that at school children should not be tought respect? we all entrust our children to teachers for the major part of their waking hours during the first 15-20 years of their life so I believe there is a responsibility to do more than just educate them in the required subjects. (respect is a required subject as far as I am conserned)

Yes, I agree teachers should also teach respect. But, don't forget, teachers have approximately 25 students under their care, whilst parents have 2/3. Makes it a lot easier for parents, in my humble opinion. And if respect is taught at home, then it makes it easier for teachers to carry on that respect at school :o .

I was under the impression that respect was something you EARNED....not GOT

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During the 6 years my two were there we never had a problem with any of the teachers, it simply got very run down and I started to notice the older kids had very little respect for the teachers or other students and this worried me along with the distinct lack of facilities.

I really believe this is all the result of a very fast expansion, and therefore is something that time can fix if there is the will.

Let's be positive for the people who do not have the means to pay double and move, remember we are talking about the future of 1000+ kids.

I consider this to be the responsibility of the parents!

I was expecting this, and I agree to an extent, however are you suggesting that at school children should not be tought respect? we all entrust our children to teachers for the major part of their waking hours during the first 15-20 years of their life so I believe there is a responsibility to do more than just educate them in the required subjects. (respect is a required subject as far as I am conserned)

Yes, I agree teachers should also teach respect. But, don't forget, teachers have approximately 25 students under their care, whilst parents have 2/3. Makes it a lot easier for parents, in my humble opinion. And if respect is taught at home, then it makes it easier for teachers to carry on that respect at school :o .

I was under the impression that respect was something you EARNED....not GOT

As an adult you are correct, however as a child it is something you are taught and learn by example, at home and at school

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I reckon if you get it any other way, by definition it's not respect.

You can't instill it.....it comes from one to another....regardless of age.....anything else is something else...

How does a baby "earn" your respect? a child must learn how to respect others, being taught by example, however if I wanted to your respect I would of course need to earn it as you would mine. Its not rocket science :o

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You really have got the wrong end of the stick haven't you??????

YOU have to earn the respect of the baby!!

If you can't see how to respect a child....then WOW!

If you don't understand that then you really don't understand what respect is do you?

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If you were taught it ...it wasn't respect...fear maybe or obedience but not respect................I don't respect anyone just because they are bigger and older than me...they have to earn it.

"I'll teach you to respect me" is from a Dickensian era.

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If you were taught it ...it wasn't respect...fear maybe or obedience but not respect................I don't respect anyone just because they are bigger and older than me...they have to earn it.

"I'll teach you to respect me" is from a Dickensian era.

There is a difference between showing someone respect and respecting them as a person. I was taught to respect my elders because they are further down the road than me. I may disagree with them or see a number of flaws in their character, intellect or behaviour but I still show them respect.

My Thai father-in-law is a good example. The way he conducts himself, the decisions he makes, etc. are not worthy of much respect in my opinion but I still show him respect because of his age and status as the father of my wife.

Adults should not start from the basis of having to earn the respect of a child. The child should automatically show respect to the adult becasue they are an adult.

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You really have got the wrong end of the stick haven't you??????

YOU have to earn the respect of the baby!!

If you can't see how to respect a child....then WOW!

If you don't understand that then you really don't understand what respect is do you?

No you have the wrong stick completely, we started by talking about Children respecting not parents respecting children. I am a parent and respect my children, however I also teach them to respect others, I lead by example.

Do you have children at best or any other school in Pattaya?

Your posts show that you have very little understanding of respect for others.

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You really have got the wrong end of the stick haven't you??????

YOU have to earn the respect of the baby!!

If you can't see how to respect a child....then WOW!

If you don't understand that then you really don't understand what respect is do you?

No you have the wrong stick completely, we started by talking about Children respecting not parents respecting children. I am a parent and respect my children, however I also teach them to respect others, I lead by example.

Do you have children at best or any other school in Pattaya?

Your posts show that you have very little understanding of respect for others.

Mr. Chanman, I will agree with you wholeheartedly on all of the sensible and constructive points that you have made throughout this entire topic. I don't think that this person has any children attending any school in the Pattaya area.

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You really have got the wrong end of the stick haven't you??????

YOU have to earn the respect of the baby!!

If you can't see how to respect a child....then WOW!

If you don't understand that then you really don't understand what respect is do you?

No you have the wrong stick completely, we started by talking about Children respecting not parents respecting children. I am a parent and respect my children, however I also teach them to respect others, I lead by example.

Do you have children at best or any other school in Pattaya?

Your posts show that you have very little understanding of respect for others.

people have to EARN my respect!

......and I certainly wouldn't respect an idiot no matter how old he was!!!!

Edited by wilko
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You really have got the wrong end of the stick haven't you??????

YOU have to earn the respect of the baby!!

If you can't see how to respect a child....then WOW!

If you don't understand that then you really don't understand what respect is do you?

No you have the wrong stick completely, we started by talking about Children respecting not parents respecting children. I am a parent and respect my children, however I also teach them to respect others, I lead by example.

Do you have children at best or any other school in Pattaya?

Your posts show that you have very little understanding of respect for others.

people have to EARN my respect!

......and I certainly wouldn't respect an idiot no matter how old he was!!!!

So you obviously have no self respect :o

Say no more, every time you make another post you just prove others right.

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Now there's a post..QED

I have spent a lot of time as an educationalist and one of the most unpleasant parts of the job is listening to parents talking crap about education and bringing up children.

It amazes me how if they are advised by a doctor or engineer they take the advice unquestioningly (not a good idea) but when it come to education everyone's and expert!

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I think closing this thread was probably a main objective by those latter day registrants.

REPS is in Rayong, isn't it? Isn't that a bit far from Pattaya?

Pattaya too far from Rayong? Nope - I have a daughter that goes to school in Rayong, and I drive her from Pattaya every day. It's actually a quite relaxing & scenic drive :o

I agree, we drive our children to REPS at Ban Chang every day and it is a much easier and nicer drive than driving down Sukhumvit every day (and safer), it might take a little longer but to us it is well worth the extra effort!

And REPS do have a school bus that picks up in Pattaya and Jomtien areas but I am not sure about how much or how long it takes.

REPS school van drops 1st kid at TESCO Lotus on Sukumvit rd,at 4.10pm. 3,000 bht. per month

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Now there's a post..QED

I have spent a lot of time as an educationalist and one of the most unpleasant parts of the job is listening to parents talking crap about education and bringing up children.

It amazes me how if they are advised by a doctor or engineer they take the advice unquestioningly (not a good idea) but when it come to education everyone's and expert!

Just remember.

He who pays the piper chooses the tune. :o

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Isn't that where Garden International School is?

How is it different from GIS or is it the same school in a different name?

It is right next door to GIS (or actually just behind it now that they have moved to the new building) and they do share some of the GIS facilities which is very useful.

It is different from GIS because they are totally separate schools, GIS is an international school with an international teaching curriculum and international prices. REPS is a bilingual Thai/English school and as such should be judged in this category and not as an international school. The prices for REPS are much lower than the international schools and on a par with other bilingual schools that are not anywhere near the same standard as REPS.

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