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Haunted Places In Thailand?

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They show many programs in the states about supposedly haunted places Do they do the same in Thailand?? I live in florida and got involved with a friend he looks at supposedly haunted sites and I went with him one day Actually it was near where I live, We had gone to a nearby state park and found an old house near railroad tracks Usually my friend goes at night but we went during the day, he didn't want me to afraid he said :o Supposedly the house has a spirit there the legend is that a man lived there and had killed himself People in the area have seen a man standing on the tracks at night. But they drive on Thanks for all replies just wondering how people in LOS feel about this.


Well I don't live in thailand that is why i was asking :D I have been to some places here in the states with friends but the police patrol the places very well and i do not want to get into trouble. but while i was at those places i got a very strange feeling.

I work security in the US and supposedly the place i work at is haunted and I work the night shift 12:30 am to 8:30 am I never heard anything or seen anything but have seen the front doors(mechanical) open by themselves and the elevators go up and down by themselves. :o


Believe it or Not:

Big Buddha Temple at Koh Samui was until the early 1900's a cemetary for children. Apparently to a time before that time it was against custom and belief to cremate children under the age of seven. They were intered, for that area, on the Island of Koh Faan (Current site of Big Buddha). :o At this time a monk in Chaweng decided that Koh Faan would be a good place for a meditation pagoda. :D All?? of the bodies were exumed and a cremation ceremony was performed for the children. Work began on the pagoda soon after. Two months into the project the monk died and all work stopped. For around 50 years the island had remained in it's unihabited state until the current monk took up the work (building the Phra Yai instead) in the early 1970's.

Since that time many people staying at the temple have reported ghostly visits mostly from small children but a more sinister visitor is reported as a very old lady. Sometimes these visions are reported as very lifelike dreams where the old lady tries to hold the person down or some of the children try lead them into the water.

:D Coffee!!! :D

Well I don't live in thailand that is why i was asking :D I have been to some places here in the states with friends but the police patrol the places very well and i do not want to get into trouble. but while i was at those places i got a very strange feeling.

I work security in the US and supposedly the place i work at is haunted and I work the night shift 12:30 am to 8:30 am I never heard anything or seen anything but have seen the front doors(mechanical) open by themselves and the elevators go up and down by themselves. :o


those dam american ghosts.

when they gonna realise they can walk through doors and definately no need to take the elevator.



I have looked on the internet for any thailand hauntings are there any websites??

splitlid I work in an old hospital and i do believe it is haunted it is from the 1950's it is used as a services building now. My first night here the lady i was taking over for did not tell me anything about the place and I was walking down one of the halls and it felt to me like someone ran up behind me So I thought it was her joking around and turned around and said "Ok Good Joke" No One was behind me. :o

Last year I walked the ground where the World Trade Center once stood. As a former bad mother######er who for the past thirty years has tried to follow the teachings of the Lord Buddha, I thought I was mentally and emotionally and spiritually prepared for anything this world could dish out, but nothing could have prepared me for that. I don't regret it ... it was something I had to do ... but I can never do it again in this lifetime.

I have not been there yet Did you feel anything strange?? I have the first anniversary ceremonies on tape and when they started reading names it got very windy all of a sudden :o My mom said it was the people who died during the attacks :D


Many of the temples, especially those that do cremations are supposed to be haunted. Most of the little spirit houses you see at the side of a road are put there to appease a local ghost, often someone who died at that spot.

Personally I find one of the most haunted places to be the TV Forum, judging by the number of phantom posts.

Last year I walked the ground where the World Trade Center once stood. As a former bad mother######er who for the past thirty years has tried to follow the teachings of the Lord Buddha, I thought I was mentally and emotionally and spiritually prepared for anything this world could dish out, but nothing could have prepared me for that. I don't regret it ... it was something I had to do ... but I can never do it again in this lifetime.

I have not been there yet Did you feel anything strange?? I have the first anniversary ceremonies on tape and when they started reading names it got very windy all of a sudden :o My mom said it was the people who died during the attacks :D

I saw Ground Zero a year after 9/11. Didn't feel anything, although you can probably make yourself feel something. It was a huge ###### hole. Can't even begin to imagine what it would have been like standing around there that day.

Did get lots of chills at Dachau, but then again, it was winter in Germany....


How about the corcodile swamp, soon to be Suvarnabhumi airport?

Now this could be a breeding ground for some ghosts.


It's not too difficult to freak the Thai staff I work with out with a ghost story - they do exist as far as they are concerned. To top it off, the office where I work was once a private nightclub in the 80's where somebody got shot, so therefore there's definitely a ghost here. You won't catch any of the Thai staff working alone here.

I had a dream that the new house I was moving into was next to an old cemetery. I made the mistake of telling my girlfriend about this dream who then (after she was completely freaked out), went on to tell my maids. It took me a week to get my girlfriend to convince the maids that the new house doesn't actually have any ghosts in it*!!!

But as for genuinely haunted places, I don't know, but then I'm extremely cynical to begin with...

* (My Thai is nowhere near good enough to DIY - "ban phom mai mee ben phi, jing jing" ?? )


Ooh, ghost stories! :o

My husband has a good one, he loves to cast net fish and when he was young he made his extra spending money by fishing early morning before school. He said one time he was walking along listening & looking for fish (it was still dark out) when he saw the shape of a man about 50m away from him. He said he tried to catch up with the man but the faster he went the faster the man went. He started running and still couldn't catch up with him (but the man did not appear to be running). As the man reached the shore, he disappeared. My husband came to shore too and realized the man had disappeared right next to the Muslim cemetary. When I challenged him on the dark part of the story he said the moon was out and it was clear enough to see the man's shape. But he said the really creepy part was the man made no splashing noises as he went through the water and that the water did not appear to be disturbed!

yes, Thais love ghost stories, just don't tell one about your own house! :D

Last year I walked the ground where the World Trade Center once stood. As a former bad mother######er who for the past thirty years has tried to follow the teachings of the Lord Buddha, I thought I was mentally and emotionally and spiritually prepared for anything this world could dish out, but nothing could have prepared me for that. I don't regret it ... it was something I had to do ... but I can never do it again in this lifetime.

I have not been there yet Did you feel anything strange?? I have the first anniversary ceremonies on tape and when they started reading names it got very windy all of a sudden :D My mom said it was the people who died during the attacks :D

In asia one gets a similar sense in Hiroshima, and recently there has been a number of ghosts of innocent women and children haunting various bombsites in Irak. :o


There's once quite busy ghost (Pii Pbled I think it is pronounced...feel free to jump down my throat). 100 foot tall and omniscipent at all temples.

Surprisingly enough, although 100ft tall, not many Thai people proclaim to have actually seen it. Must be the ghost equivelent of the Bangkok Elephants.


about 2 years ago, I moved into this apartment near patunam. (don't want to name names to protect the innocent.) when I got the place all set up, I invited my girlfriend at the time over for a house warming. as soon as she entered my room, she said that there was somebody looking at her from the corner of the room. I looked and saw nobody. so, I said quote, "you must be joking." she looked at me seriously. so, I didn't say anything anymore.

later, she asked me if I had spoke to the ghosts in the room before I moved in. (?) evidently, it is a thai custom to "bless" a new home before moving in. I replied that I didn't. so, the next day, she brought me a buddha amulet to "bless" the room.

I still have the amulet, and it is in my room near my bed.

on another occasion, I did a day trip to pattaya. just wanted to get away for a change of pace. as was my routine at the time, I went to this hotel along walking street. normally, they gave me a room on the 8 floor, but because the place was full on this particular day, they gave me a room on the fourth floor. after partying a little, I got tired and decided to make it a early night. it was around 11pm as I recall. I was dead tired so as soon as I laid down, I was fast asleep. sometime during the night, I heard a noise coming from the bathroom that woke me up. a cold chill went up my spine because the sound was like someone was gibbering something. you can imagine how fast I got up and turn on the light. ...scared like ######, I looked at my watch. it was about 3am. all of a sudden, I heard the noise again. in silence, I sat there on my bed listening to the noise. ..what was it? I said to myself. for about 10 minutes, I just sat there trying to figure out what was going on. fact of the matter, I was still groggy from waking up so quickly. anyway, after another 5 minutes, I finally got the courage to wander near the bathroom to see what the noise was coming from. all during this time, I kept having this feeling that someone or something was in the room with me. I decided to turn on the light in the bathroom before entering. I turned on the light as soon as I could. the light gave me courage. when I entered the bathroom, there was the noise again. it didn't seem to come from anywhere. all of a sudden, the noise stopped, and everything suddently stood still. not a sound. the walls seem to be pressing down on me. all of a sudden, I thought to myself, I need to get out of here for a little bit. I left the room in a hurry, and went wandering down walking street in a groggy state. after wandering around tired, and sleepy for about 3 hours, I said to myself, I need to sleep, and no ##### ghost is going to scare me out of my room. so, I went back to my room at the hotel cursing the ghosts to come and get me. as soon as I laid down on the bed, I went to sleep. that was how tired I was. when I woke up, it was about 8am. not feeling comfortable in the room, I quickly went downstairs to the lobby to read the paper. my eyes were wide open from last nights excitement. I was still tired. not scared. more like in a numb state. while in the lobby, I told the reception folks about all the noises I heard in the room last night. they just looked at me, and said nothing. get this, not more than 30 minutes later, about a dozen monks in yellow robes came down the stairs, and left the hotel. evidently, they stayed in the hotel for the night. I thought to myself that maybe it was the monks that were making the noises last night. but the gibberish that I heard was still clear in my head, even to this day, and I am convinced it was not anyone praying, or somebody in a conversation. ..more like a crazy persons ramblings. then, I thought to myself, "why would 12 monks stay at this hotel when they normally stay at the temples?" needless to say, I never stay at that hotel anymore.

..true story.

I told some thai friends about this experience of mine once, and they replied that I was a lucky person. I replied quote sarcastically, "yeah, right."

once, I had 2 birds shit on my head at the same time. I know it was 2 birds because I looked up when it happened to me. the amount of bird shit that landed on my head was enough to fill my hand. that is more shit than one bird can shit at one time. this thai lady who saw it happened just laughed at me, and said I was lucky. her point was that not too many people have the experience of 2 birds shitting on them at the same time.

my reply to that was again - "yeah, right."

sometimes, I think to myself that maybe it would be better if I wasn't so lucky.

about 2 years ago, I moved into this apartment near patunam. (don't want to name names to protect the innocent.) when I got the place all set up, I invited my girlfriend at the time over for a house warming. as soon as she entered my room, she said that there was somebody looking at her from the corner of the room. I looked and saw nobody. so, I said quote, "you must be joking." she looked at me seriously. so, I didn't say anything anymore.

later, she asked me if I had spoke to the ghosts in the room before I moved in. (?) evidently, it is a thai custom to "bless" a new home before moving in. I replied that I didn't. so, the next day, she brought me a buddha amulet to "bless" the room.

I still have the amulet, and it is in my room near my bed.

on another occasion, I did a day trip to pattaya. just wanted to get away for a change of pace. as was my routine at the time, I went to this hotel along walking street. normally, they gave me a room on the 8 floor, but because the place was full on this particular day, they gave me a room on the fourth floor. after partying a little, I got tired and decided to make it a early night. it was around 11pm as I recall. I was dead tired so as soon as I laid down, I was fast asleep. sometime during the night, I heard a noise coming from the bathroom that woke me up. a cold chill went up my spine because the sound was like someone was gibbering something. you can imagine how fast I got up and turn on the light. ...scared like ######, I looked at my watch. it was about 3am. all of a sudden, I heard the noise again. in silence, I sat there on my bed listening to the noise. ..what was it? I said to myself. for about 10 minutes, I just sat there trying to figure out what was going on. fact of the matter, I was still groggy from waking up so quickly. anyway, after another 5 minutes, I finally got the courage to wander near the bathroom to see what the noise was coming from. all during this time, I kept having this feeling that someone or something was in the room with me. I decided to turn on the light in the bathroom before entering. I turned on the light as soon as I could. the light gave me courage. when I entered the bathroom, there was the noise again. it didn't seem to come from anywhere. all of a sudden, the noise stopped, and everything suddently stood still. not a sound. the walls seem to be pressing down on me. all of a sudden, I thought to myself, I need to get out of here for a little bit. I left the room in a hurry, and went wandering down walking street in a groggy state.

SOOOOOOOO SPOOKY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if i were u, i would have run aimlessly all of a sudden outta there!



I did see something while the wife and I were working on the new house a few weeks ago, on the neighbour's roof. It looked like a white robe running from the edge in diagonal all the way to the top, no arms or legs or head, not a single noise of footsteps on the tiles, 5 meters away... I checked the backyard, no one, no plastic bag or anything..I turned around and told my wife and showed her my arms, goosebumps and hairs standing up. She did not seem to appreciate me seeing that.

The whole family helped us move the next day and she told them about it over lunch. Father in law said it was a bull*it story, others kept quiet.

I've been an amateur astronomer for years and seen some of strange things in the sky that could always be explained but this... I like a good ghost story but never thought I'd actually see somthing like that someday. Hoping it comes back actually :o

Maybe it was a straight jacket? :D

BTW, there is a Thai TV show about ghosts stories and haunted places. no idea what it's called, it's on late in evenings.


There is a website in the states called shadowlands.com it lists all the supposedly haunted sites in the US and I have been reading mostly about florida

When I was in Thailand Last August 2003 I had a dream I was being chased I just kept running and running My Older brother was killed in an accident back in 1985 in Thailand Well back to the dream I finally was cornered by the person or animal that was chasing me It sounded like an animal, Then in the dream i turned around and saw my brother standing there It looked like he was about to change into something horrible, Then my wife woke me up. She wnted to know who Nirun was I was yelling that out loud and it started to scare her, That's my brothers name. She got so scared she started praying right there and then. I know this has nothing to do with ghost's or does it?? I only had that dream while i was in thailand and that was the first time It bothered me for a few days afterward, When I got back to the states This is the scary part My mom was cleaning my room for my return and she had accidently left my brothers picture on my bed!!!! It usually is on my night stand Spooky I have not had that dream again since my return to the states.

Last year I walked the ground where the World Trade Center once stood. As a former bad mother######er who for the past thirty years has tried to follow the teachings of the Lord Buddha, I thought I was mentally and emotionally and spiritually prepared for anything this world could dish out, but nothing could have prepared me for that. I don't regret it ... it was something I had to do ... but I can never do it again in this lifetime.

What did you experienced?


I lived in an old house where 200 years ago a guy slaughtered his wife.

One night, the head of my bed moved up two times (one inch). I'm a sceptic and I'm not a real believer in ghosts (or spirits or whatever we call them...) but that experience made me think.....

The landlady lived in the apartment where the murder took place, and I regret I never asked her if she had noticed anything special in the house...


oh my buddha i hate Haunted story. >_<

Scare me to death.


but why don't u try to stay over night at my university (It's an old palace) alot of mystery things. If u wanna prove PM me or send me e-mail.


A person who studied there


oh my buddha i hate Haunted story. >_<

Scare me to death.


but why don't u try to stay over night at my university (It's an old palace) alot of mystery things. If u wanna prove PM me or send me e-mail.


A person who studied there


I have never thought of staying in a place overnight, espacially alone supposedly where i work it's haunted but not so sure the front door and elevator opening could just be mechanical thing.

I have been researching this on the internet and found a website about "The Entity" Supposedly a woman moved into a house and the ghost there was very violent supposedly it raped her!!

Well I kept reading and they had photos on the site And they did checks on the photos and the images appeared on the negative also They said that is hard to fake!!

One photo shows what looks like the neck and part of the shoulder of a human being This appeared after the reserchers said "Show Yourself" :D

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