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Topic Disappeared


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A few hours ago I posted a new topic:

"Burmese women in Thai 'human zoo' "

which is the headline of a BBC NEWS article:


I posted the whole article including images.

I really don't understand why it disappeared and/or what happened....? :o

If there was anything against the rules I would appreciate a message from the Mod who deleted the topic and why, if that was the case, of course.


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Thank you George, much appreciated.

Would it be possible to insert a, sort of standard, reason why a topic was removed or deleted; it would save a lot of time for everybody.

In this case it was not necessary to delete the complete topic as my message was detailed with images; Guesthouse who was earlier posting about this item just posted a link, nothing more; the two could have been merged maybe.


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Normally we do a topic merge LaoPo when there are duplicate topics running, but at busy times mods/admin can opt to delete one instead.

Hope you understand... it's certainly no reflection on the value of your thread vs another... it's just a question of timing.

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