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Sin Sods


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Is there any leglislation regarding marriage sin sods, are they refundable, can only one be paid?

I ask as I know of a girl in Phuket that is only 19 & has already married twice in the last 2 years with sin sods paid both times.

She is about to marry next month for a third time to a 40 year old English dive teacher who has just now let her work at his shop

Maybe third time lucky?

I know the history of sin sods but surely it cant be right for someone to marry 3 times within 2 years, or can it???

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Put the Sin Sod aside for a minute.

It's Thailand.

She's 19 (about 13 when compared to the west).

He's 40.

She's had 2 failed marriages already.

Her age suggests she's known him 5 minutes.

The word love/blind or oldish fool are also no doubt in there somewhere.

Sorry matey but.......................................Does this really need or warrant an intelligent reply from the forum?

Talk some sense into him please.

Edited by makavelithedon
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Is there any leglislation regarding marriage sin sods, are they refundable, can only one be paid?

I ask as I know of a girl in Phuket that is only 19 & has already married twice in the last 2 years with sin sods paid both times.

She is about to marry next month for a third time to a 40 year old English dive teacher who has just now let her work at his shop

Maybe third time lucky?

I know the history of sin sods but surely it cant be right for someone to marry 3 times within 2 years, or can it???

She must be very sweet? Sounds like a good catch.


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Is there any leglislation regarding marriage sin sods, are they refundable, can only one be paid?

I ask as I know of a girl in Phuket that is only 19 & has already married twice in the last 2 years with sin sods paid both times.

She is about to marry next month for a third time to a 40 year old English dive teacher who has just now let her work at his shop

Maybe third time lucky?

I know the history of sin sods but surely it cant be right for someone to marry 3 times within 2 years, or can it???

Ah now at least her value is going down, she's not NEW now, I think maybe one Buffalo :o

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Is there any leglislation regarding marriage sin sods, are they refundable, can only one be paid?

I ask as I know of a girl in Phuket that is only 19 & has already married twice in the last 2 years with sin sods paid both times.

She is about to marry next month for a third time to a 40 year old English dive teacher who has just now let her work at his shop

Maybe third time lucky?

I know the history of sin sods but surely it cant be right for someone to marry 3 times within 2 years, or can it???

No its not right, but it seems some girls see it as easy money. I know of one in my village who has married 4 times (farangs) each time taking between 100-300000 baht, with all her family joining in each time.........nuff said.

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The whole point of sinsods was that the girl/girls family got the money upfront in case of break up as there were no divorce settlements in courts in Thailand. Clearly they are non-refundable.

However I have to say I am incredibly impressed that a girl has been able to collect three times at the age of 19. That is something of a record.

To be honest it is unusual that the sinsod is even paid in te south and given that this is in the Phuket forum I am surprised there is a sinsod at all.

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The whole point of sinsods was that the girl/girls family got the money upfront in case of break up as there were no divorce settlements in courts in Thailand. Clearly they are non-refundable.

However I have to say I am incredibly impressed that a girl has been able to collect three times at the age of 19. That is something of a record.

To be honest it is unusual that the sinsod is even paid in te south and given that this is in the Phuket forum I am surprised there is a sinsod at all.

I don't know where this chump is from it really doesn't matter, all guys are brainless at least the brain doesn't reside in the cranium and when 40 years old meeting a 19 year old. My advice is have a good time, pay for your good time, make her happy with gratitude and move on. I used to know some girls long ago now very old that had 10 to 15 airline tickets to various places around the world to go and meet that t-ruk that was here in Thailand for only a couple weeks. Listen guys these chicks don't want to leave Thailand, get it! You visit here and fall in love with them but most never want to leave and their true identity is with the bar you found them in. You are the security and the bar is the identity. Most can never leave here because they know Thailand is the best country in the world, dummy.


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Of course they are not refundable, they are a gift.

As a previous poster has commented Sin Sod's are not normally required by family of southern girls so this girl is clearly in the South making a business from what she has on offer. As long as there are takers why shouldn't she try it on.

When another lump sum is on the horizon and she elbows this one out, I wonder who will leave the business?

Tell him to look in the mirror and try to see why the girl fancies him.

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Of course they are not refundable, they are a gift.

As a previous poster has commented Sin Sod's are not normally required by family of southern girls so this girl is clearly in the South making a business from what she has on offer. As long as there are takers why shouldn't she try it on.

When another lump sum is on the horizon and she elbows this one out, I wonder who will leave the business?

Tell him to look in the mirror and try to see why the girl fancies him.

Thats a bit harsh, look in the mirror whooo ! :o

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Sounds like a bar girl I saw recently celebrating her birthday for the 3rd time within a few months with a big party at the bar paid for by some sucker.

When I meet a Thai girl the first thing I ask to see is her But Prachachon or idendity card to see who she is, where she really comes from and how old she actually is as opposed to how old she claims to be.

If somebody refuses you know they have something to hide.

Sin Sot means you are marrying something fresh and unmarried, not a girl who has been married before 2 times.

You can say "sort dtae mai sot" in Thai. Single but not fresh. Sot can be a way of saying a person is a virgin.

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Sounds like a bar girl I saw recently celebrating her birthday for the 3rd time within a few months with a big party at the bar paid for by some sucker.

When I meet a Thai girl the first thing I ask to see is her But Prachachon or idendity card to see who she is, where she really comes from and how old she actually is as opposed to how old she claims to be.

If somebody refuses you know they have something to hide.

Sin Sot means you are marrying something fresh and unmarried, not a girl who has been married before 2 times.

You can say "sort dtae mai sot" in Thai. Single but not fresh. Sot can be a way of saying a person is a virgin.


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Is there any leglislation regarding marriage sin sods, are they refundable, can only one be paid?

I ask as I know of a girl in Phuket that is only 19 & has already married twice in the last 2 years with sin sods paid both times.

She is about to marry next month for a third time to a 40 year old English dive teacher who has just now let her work at his shop

Maybe third time lucky?

I know the history of sin sods but surely it cant be right for someone to marry 3 times within 2 years, or can it???

Setting aside all the myriad jokes we could make in English about sins and sods, I THINK from the context that you are writing about dowries, yes?

If so, could we please keep this English language forum in English? Otherwise we might be driven to the conclusion that you are simply showing off your superior Thai to ignorant 14 year-only-expat-newbies like myself.

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Setting aside all the myriad jokes we could make in English about sins and sods, I THINK from the context that you are writing about dowries, yes?

If so, could we please keep this English language forum in English? Otherwise we might be driven to the conclusion that you are simply showing off your superior Thai to ignorant 14 year-only-expat-newbies like myself.

No we are talking about Sin Sod's which is money paid by the prospective husband to his future wife

A Dowry is money paid by the prospective wife to her future husband

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Is there any leglislation regarding marriage sin sods, are they refundable, can only one be paid?

I ask as I know of a girl in Phuket that is only 19 & has already married twice in the last 2 years with sin sods paid both times.

She is about to marry next month for a third time to a 40 year old English dive teacher who has just now let her work at his shop

Maybe third time lucky?

I know the history of sin sods but surely it cant be right for someone to marry 3 times within 2 years, or can it???

Why not ask the lady to make you a deal?

After a year of being married you will pay the sin sod.

As I am a betting man, I'll wager that puts an end to the relationship.

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Setting aside all the myriad jokes we could make in English about sins and sods, I THINK from the context that you are writing about dowries, yes?

If so, could we please keep this English language forum in English? Otherwise we might be driven to the conclusion that you are simply showing off your superior Thai to ignorant 14 year-only-expat-newbies like myself.

No we are talking about Sin Sod's which is money paid by the prospective husband to his future wife

A Dowry is money paid by the prospective wife to her future husband

OK, smartmahout, but at least we've got you into the right language now. That's what language is meant to do y'know? Communicate.

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Setting aside all the myriad jokes we could make in English about sins and sods, I THINK from the context that you are writing about dowries, yes?

If so, could we please keep this English language forum in English? Otherwise we might be driven to the conclusion that you are simply showing off your superior Thai to ignorant 14 year-only-expat-newbies like myself.

No we are talking about Sin Sod's which is money paid by the prospective husband to his future wife

A Dowry is money paid by the prospective wife to her future husband

OK, smartmahout, but at least we've got you into the right language now. That's what language is meant to do y'know? Communicate.

Why the big fuss? The OP simply used the word "sin sod" in his post; it's not like he wrote a whole paragraph in Thai. There have been tons of previous posts on this topic using this word, and from the responses, it seems a lot of the folks here know what it is. If you do not, then you are probably not knowledgeable enough to help the OP and therefore should keep quiet while other people do answer his question.

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only an old ugly loser man would PAY for his wife!

I guess you missed the post prior to yours, for you make it obvious you do not understand:

"There have been tons of previous posts on this topic using this word, and from the responses, it seems a lot of the folks here know what it is. If you do not, then you are probably not knowledgeable enough to help the OP and therefore should keep quiet while other people do answer his question."

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  • 4 weeks later...

My understanding of a Sin Sot was that it was originally paid to the parents of the bride and usually used to provide a house for the couple or to help with the children. NOT to prop up Mum and Dad in the village :D . I believe as the girl is "damaged goods" so to speak there is no need to pay the Sin Sot :D . Also as you are not Thai and never will be and therefore will never be a part of Thai custom (unless it suits them) there is no need to pay the Sin Sot :o . I have seen it paid out in the traditional wedding (in gold which is the custom) ceremonies but has nearly always been returned (or the majority of it) to the couple after the event. Despite it being officially abolished in 1935 (I think) the Thai hierachial system does still prevail (watch a Thai soapie !). Thai men marry for money or position and lets face it you are the one who is raising the standards here, what is she bringing to the table ? Her family should be grateful that you are doing this. In the old days the local poor village farmer used to make a gift of his daughter to the higher up as a concubine in order to (hopefully) raise his stake in the situation :D . If she didn't play the game and didn't please him she was sent back and the whole family was disgraced ! :D This "con" that you have to follow tradition is all it is and is usually set up by money grabbing parents and the girl is being "sold" so that they can big note themselves at the expense of a stupid farang and waste the money on gambling and gold (which will be sold when the time arrises). Is she marrying for love and to live a prosperous life or just for the coin ? This question has been asked a million times but...where did your friend meet this girl, the local bank or Bangla road ? While I have seen some good relationships come from a bar they are few and far between and the guy has usually been taken before and learned how to play the game :D . I hope your friend does well but the track record doesn't make it look promising. I wish him luck. :D

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Here is some interesting reading the first from the forum


and the second, rather scathing, but with more than an element of truth in it (although I feel that everyones situation is different and it should be read in context) from Stickman


Make what you will of them :o:D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is there any leglislation regarding marriage sin sods, are they refundable, can only one be paid?

I ask as I know of a girl in Phuket that is only 19 & has already married twice in the last 2 years with sin sods paid both times.

She is about to marry next month for a third time to a 40 year old English dive teacher who has just now let her work at his shop

Maybe third time lucky?

I know the history of sin sods but surely it cant be right for someone to marry 3 times within 2 years, or can it???

to marry for 3 time at 19,..?....I know thai lady in newcastle(uk),...7 times,.....but what the heck!! its thai custom :o

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Is there any leglislation regarding marriage sin sods, are they refundable, can only one be paid?

I ask as I know of a girl in Phuket that is only 19 & has already married twice in the last 2 years with sin sods paid both times.

She is about to marry next month for a third time to a 40 year old English dive teacher who has just now let her work at his shop

Maybe third time lucky?

I know the history of sin sods but surely it cant be right for someone to marry 3 times within 2 years, or can it???

gotta be trolling!

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