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DJ Pat

Backpacker: Pain in the arse?  

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I've absolutely nothing against these free travelling young whippersnappers but they can be annoying to a point...like when they take the Lonely Planet as gospel.


Haggling even where the price is fixed and thinking it's amusing.

Nursing a can of Chang for six hours

Religously hanging out at Khao San Road and only venturing as far as the next full moon party, then again what else would we expect them to do...

Wearing sarongs or baggy clothes and smelling awful

Taking your backpack out with you thus causing a hindrance to others

Having two backpacks and wearing the smaller one on your chest

Thinking you've sussed Thailand because you've 'done' Chiang mai, Koh Phangan and the Grand Palace

Making statements about the nightlife scene being immoral and sick

Carrying around a bottle of luke warm water

Saying everything is "Sooo coool" (mainly girls)

Asking if the ice is safe

Stinking of mosquito repellant

Stinking of B.O.

Stroppily walking out of an establishment because you can save 3 baht on the same product elsewhere

Being generally patronising to the locals who think you're a tightarse <deleted> anyway

Saying you may "stay on and teach English"

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I like backpackers, they are cannon fodder to the tuk tuk / tailor / gift shop industry, thus allowing me free passage to do my thing.

I also know plenty of fellows who aren't backpackers and fit your description too, except for the Khao San road and sarong thing.

And the backpack thing.

And the smaller backpack on the front thing.

And the ice thing.

And the teaching English thing.

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I've got a back pack.

We use it if we are going somewhere, and dont need to take enough clothes to fill a suit case, but too much to put in a plastic bag.

I've never been to Ko Pang Na, khao snag road, or a full moon party,though and dont drink chang.

We had a party once and it was full moon but I think this was just a coinsidence.

Am I a backpacker?

oh and I dont use mossy repelant, if find the BO puts them off anyway

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You don't know

Well I could be

I've never called the night life sick and imoral, but have been sick after an imoral night out.

I did ask some one once was the ice safe, he told me yes, but later someone stole it, and I have carried around a bottle of warm water, it was cold when i bought it though.

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I like backpackers, they are cannon fodder to the tuk tuk / tailor / gift shop industry

Someone's gotta be stupid enough I suppose.

My first trip to LOS

We were upwardly mobile backpackers, me, my brother and two mates spent a week in Bangkok, hotel was called the residence I think, opposite the BBC school, just round the corner from Siam centre.

We did the tours and - without our consent - the mini bus driver dropped us off at the gem warehouse, where we were given free drinks, shown a movie about mining and producing gems in Thailand and followed around a gem shop by happy serving ladies, life is what you make it, we were happy enough to lead those ladies in circles but I can easily see how more sensible people could get irate at becoming grist in the great LOS sales pit.

Other tours took us to tailors and souvenier shops, the irony of being asked if I wanted a suit when I looked like a convict with bleached white hair and a nipple ring through my nose was refreshingly new then.

After BKKers we did Krabi and the islands, all in all it took about 10 days to get out of the tuk tuk / minivan gravy train, it felt like we'd beaten the system - it was then that the lonely planet did indeed become our bible.

Like I said, backpackers serve a purpose, they cancel out a lot of the <deleted> that gets served up to farangs here, who else would buy the nike flip flops that are scientifically made to only last the remainder of the backpackers trip before they give up the ghost?

A backpacker on the skytrain? Fair game, like you need a bergen tent and two weeks survival equipment to go to the world trade centre for two hours window shopping anyway, kick them in the shins.

Finally, does anyone go to Kho Pagn Ngan who isn't a backpacker?

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Like I said, backpackers serve a purpose, they cancel out a lot of the <deleted> that gets served up to farangs here, who else would buy the nike flip flops that are scientifically made to only last the remainder of the backpackers trip before they give up the ghost?

I suppose they are "middle men" in a sense.

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Thailand should welcome backpackers high on the tourist list. True they do not spend much money but value is Thailands #1 feature. Rich people, couples and families don't want to put up with a tourist industry riddled with scams. They can go to much nicer destinations which cost more money.

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I'm not a backpacker...

But i fit the description  :o

Awwww Wolfie. Now you've gone and disillusioned me. I was certain that you were a superstar. :D

I'm the infamous backpacker, BO smelling superstar Dr PP.

I sing, dance and do magic tricks, all for a bottle of chang.

Sometimes i even drink warm water out of the bottle

(usually with a spoonful of coffee in it, and some added caffine tablets)

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They are a pain in the arse when they get on the Skytrain with their backpacks on.

Why do they have no f*****g idea that they are hitting people with their packs everytime they move? I suspect stupidity and bad drugs! :D

I love backpackers, I love blacks, I love Asians, I love Jews, I love gays, I love Thai girls, but I don t like people who hate others based on the way they look, walk or talk. Please, let s this forum not become a racist oriented place.

thank you :o

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I don t like people who hate others based on the way they look, walk or talk. Please, let s this forum not become a racist oriented place.

Backpackers are hardly a race of people are they? I've met hundreds of backpackers and am merely relaying my experiences of what I know they do.

Seeing a backpacker struggling to get his pack onto the canal boat is a funny and bizarre sight.

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Well Speedy,

A raw nerve must have been hit there!

That’s the first time I have been called a racist. Me, a young socialist when I was younger selling Socialist Worker on the streets of London some 20 years or so ago! Right!

I find Backpackers to be a nuisance at best and downright embarrassing at worse.

The worse examples of them incite racist attitudes. You can see the Thai’s looking at them like they are a piece of Farang <deleted>, unwashed, smelly and visibly loud in their appearance.

Get it?

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You can see the Thai’s looking at them like they are a piece of Farang <deleted>, unwashed, smelly and visibly loud in their appearance.

Get it?

Many Thais are baffled by the backpacker phenomenom.

I was younger selling Socialist Worker on the streets of London some 20 years or so ago

That was you outside Safeways right?

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I was younger selling Socialist Worker on the streets of London some 20 years or so ago....... :o

Never sold the S.W. but do remember standing outside tube stations all those years ago trying to flog the "organs of the Socialist/communist/republician/feminist /workers/sinn F.and Scottish nationalist movements"

At that time the revolution was of course just around the corner,the US had been kicked out of "Nam"the CIA were messing up Chile,the Sandinistas were all the rage in Nicarag....etc.and there was great parties everyweek with the likes of our(sexy) "sisters" aka ...Jane Fonda,Vanessa Redgrave,Joan Bayez and Julie Christie(a cracker).....c"mon.....whats a idealistic guy gonna... do???

Anyway "back" to backpackers and 20 odd years on they have got older like most of us,made a bit of dosh in there lives,got decent jobs ....plumbers,brickies,Members of Parliament,millionaires,schoolteachers and then remember the times when they went off to far flung destinations like France/Spain/Greece and even Thailand via Kabul ...unlike like the plebs whos idea of adventure was /is 2 weeks hols in Blackpool or Saff-End...mate :D

Now look into the mirror,whether you are in the boondocks of Issan,the backstreets of Klon Toey,flogging booze to tourists in Pat or sailing your new 76 ft motor cruiser out of you private harbour in Phuket.....you have come back.

By all means knock the B.Ps (little A/Hs) for their childish behaviour,their farting around,stupid antics.. but dont put them all down after all in another 20 years or so just like you they will....... :D:D

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