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DJ Pat

Backpacker: Pain in the arse?  

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nothing special against the BP folks. never ever was a real BP myself.

BUT ...

Got nothing against 'them', but we'd be better off without them?

a BP is not at all interested in quality but only low price. ....

IF there would be no more ... BPs traveling around, Thailands QUALITY OF ACCOMODATION could finally INCREASE.

INCREASE IN PRICE surely, following your twisted logic.

Sorry, you got it wrong this time, taking the piss is one thing, but you sound serious?

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So boring to hear this same old complaint every few weeks.

Only an idiot would assume all backpackers (those who travel with a backpack rather than a suitcase) fit the authors description.

It would be fairer to say 'Khao san road enthusiasts' and even then it would be unfair.

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It's also not easy to stretch a budget over a long time,

it's likely that you have debit/credit cards, traveller cheques, passport, tickets etc, in there. To 'lose' all these things because they're out of sight, even if only briefly, could be disastrous.

If you've got all these cards and cash, why are you on a budget?

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If you've got all these cards and cash, why are you on a budget?

Erm...... because I'm not someone with unlimited funds? Your stupid question deserves a stupid answer, however I'll go with - I had one debit and one credit card. One is handy for not carrying around too much cash at any time, the other for emergencies.

Lots of contracts I work on have millions of pounds involved yet there's still a budget.... :o

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The group of people refered to as 'backpackers', who have in common that they travel with backpacks, are people from this planet, so they do have things like passport, tickets and debit/credit cards, which doesn't mean they have or are willing to spend a lot of money. Most likely, they make informed choices as to how and what to spend their money on, just as DJs and other humans do.

I agree they can be quite a windup at times, though.

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I've absolutely nothing against these free travelling young whippersnappers but...

Your opening gambit, which preceded a long list of things you DO have against them. I'd love to see the list of things you'd come up with against a section of society you say you do have something against - it'd be a record breaker :o

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so, by your definition, anyone who is not completely free-spending and keeps an eye what funds they have available, is a tight arse??? Right-ho, that's cleared that one up then....

Masquerading as a pauper is what I'm getting at.

Making a can of 330ml Chang beer last six hours is unnecessary.

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Making a can of 330ml Chang beer last six hours is unnecessary.


I guess you are the kind that rather drink 6 chang in 1 hour.... :o

Some dont like to get drunk every time they sniff on a beer bottle.

Why is that a problem for you? They do you any harm by sitting with the bottle for 6 hrs..???

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Making a can of 330ml Chang beer last six hours is unnecessary.


I guess you are the kind that rather drink 6 chang in 1 hour.... :o

Some dont like to get drunk every time they sniff on a beer bottle.

Why is that a problem for you? They do you any harm by sitting with the bottle for 6 hrs..???

I'm think that maybe the beer will go flat, or warm.

I could do 6 changs in an hour but I'm not going to try til later.

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So hang on, I've got to go to a bar down KSR, watch as a backpacker purchases a beer then six hours later whip out my thermometer and check the beer?

I'm a bit skint so I may be nursing a beer in them six hours.

Absolutely my point!

So why are you against they do it.....when you have no info on why they do it.

Why dont you just let ppl live....?

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brit girls especially seem quite slutty, hitting on anything that will look at them... don't know how they get any play here though with all the pretty thai girls around. :o

True, many British girls do fit that description, but they're not alone. I once bumped into some yank ladies in Bangkok and they were horrendous. You can usually tell they are American because their ass is up round their ears somewhere.

And yes, most Thai girls are pretty, gorgeous in fact, but lets not forget that LoS also has some right bush pigs aswell.

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But you wouldn't want blind predjudice get in the way of some decent facts now would we???

No, but they could take a bath now & then!

seeing that we are dealing in generalisations, then it is safe to say that the smelly backpacker must be English then....... :D

even safer to say that the Aussie ones are criminals... :o

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Refering to those BACKPACKERS as you call them. Of course you have your bad( Israels's) but you have also got your good. You cant judge someone by ther appearance. What about those sad people who drag a case on wheels behind them? I agree about some of these ppl that come to Thailand and never go anywhere except Samui or Panghan(spelling) . Then you ask them. Where have you been in Thailand? And they list the above. I agree that they have no idea about this country. But you cant say that about all of them. They are not as lucky as us to be living here. But i havent seen a thread on those who come here with there suitcase on wheels and getting the first bus/taxi to Pattaya(havent been , dont really want to) and say that they have done Thailand. Lets leave your average BP alone as most of them are alright. As has been said before. You cant blame them from doing what you would like to do if you were 20/30 years younger

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Refering to those BACKPACKERS as you call them. Of course you have your bad( Israels's)  but you have also got your good. You cant judge someone by ther appearance. What about those sad people who drag a case on wheels behind them? I agree about some of these ppl that come to Thailand and never go anywhere except Samui or Panghan(spelling) . Then you ask them. Where have you been in Thailand? And they list the above. I agree that they have no idea about this country. But you cant say that about all of them. They are not as lucky as us to be living here. But i havent seen a thread on those who come here with there suitcase on wheels and getting the first bus/taxi to Pattaya(havent been , dont really want to) and say that they have done Thailand. Lets leave your average BP alone as most of them are alright. As has been said before. You cant blame them from doing what you would like to do if you were 20/30 years younger

Well said Jockstar. I was actually a bp many eons ago. Me and a mate did the world over 9 months, with backpacks. Spent 4 weeks in los and went all over. Only stayed in sh1t holes a couple of times, and mainly stayed in mid-range guesthouses. Met some right down and outs though trying to scab money or whatever and some smelly buggers as well.

Carried on around the rest of SE Asia, Oz, NZ, Hawaii, States and Canada. Many other bps are doing this kind of trip who you'll see wandering the streets here, and not all are losers - just getting out and seeing the world. At least they're making the effort, so many armchair travellers around who know sweet Fanny Adams about Jack sh1t. Although, I do agree that the rough looking, new-age hippie should smarten themselves up or <deleted> off! Those that walk around with their tops off are also in this same category, and not to mention the pain in the ass Israelies :o

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