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To all the main Administrators.  Could you please find a way to make a permanent post section such as you have for Visas etc, for all of us expats concerning Hospitals, their Rating for Treatments, their Cost, and the Services rendered to Foreigners both for Men and Women.  I noticed we have a lot of areas being covered but not this area which is also very important to us Expats.  Things such as this and for Pregnancy for foreign women who need to be given the best advice possible to choose a good hospital.  Just came across a member who had a terrible time. Her name was Sun, and under the Babies topic.  Please consider my request and have such permanent topic so that all of us in case of Emergency can know the best hospitals to go that is nearest to all of us, rather than pick a hospital recommended from someone who may not be familiar etc.   It just might save the day for someone and or their life.    :blues:
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I have to agree with Dave Yo this time. At least get the word out on what are the hospitals to avoid. Maybe there is somewhere else we can get the information on hospitals in Bangkok and the provinces?



Ok, a very good idea. I have already set up an emergency web page.



That web site will be linked from here, from thaivisa.com website, and external web sites are welcome to link to it as well - of course.

Until then, please help us to post your CONTENT and emergency numbers here in this thread!

We must keep the emergency web page updated and accurate, and that will be done here in this thread. I will pin this thread as well, when we are on the track!

Fire, Ambulances, hospitals, pregnancy, emergency english speaking laywers. Embassy emergency numners, not just their

office numbers!!!


Ok I will submit the name, address, phone numbers and emergency contact information on two of the Hospitals I know personally that are very good with Expats or any foreigner visiting in Bangkok.  These two will be Yanhee Hospital and Bumrungrad.   The particular hospitals mentioned are one of the best i know of overall.  I will also set up a rating system of 1 to 5 meaning 1 will be very poor, 2 will be fair, 3 will be good, 4 will be very good and 5 will be excellent. Be advised that foreigners visiting in Thailand have to pay more in Baht than those staying long term and those that are Thailand Citizens.  The Thai citizens are billed the lowest fees.  I will also include as to whether the hospitals here mentioned will take outside health insurance especially for foreign travelers.  I know Bumrungrad does.  So when I get done within a day or two I will post it here and then you as Super Administrators can sort it out, then perhaps give the hospital a courtesy call so you can do the verifications etc., and make your classifications and then post it for us expats.  Thanks a bunch guys.  This definitely is worth something, and hopefully please do make sure you also advise everyone somehow  that this particular site is not to discuss visas or anything else except only related to and connected to Hospitals or emergency situations.  This should be only for quick viewing and you can insert a comment section for you fellas to look at it and take it under advisement and include it in if it is worthwhile and important. The reason I bring this subject up is because many tend to abuse the forum to some extent and topics tend to fly all over this forum in different places.  Either they cannot read or understand just what that topic section specifically is meant for and they go ahead anyway and put their comments in that is off the subject to some extent.   I do not know if you understand what I am saying here  but this is the best I can describe to you of what is in my head.  Whew.   Take care  DaveYo       :o  :blues:

Thanks to the administrtors for their prompt actions. Good idea Dave. Hopefully those in Bangkok and the other major areas can make this a useful and accurate site.


Thank you LP Custom 69 for your support on my idea.  I really do appreciate it.  Just wanted to let you know personally from me.   :cool:    :blues:

Daveyo, George, thanks for this site, after my general posting about having babies, it's good to see the support network really opening up & although people on other parts of this forum have had conflicts etc I hope this link will remain specifically dedicated to the medical, dental, legal needs that we all, as foregners living here, need to know & hope that the horror inflected on SUN(having babies in Thailand post) never has to happen again.

Good job

No Problem Boo.  And thanks for your support too.  By the way I forgot to say that Dental and Handicap Services will be also included because I found out that there is a limited amount of services that help the  Handicap and those who are Hard of Hearing.  This is of major concern.  Reason is many Expats are indeed getting up there in age and also Retired!   As of the legal, I do believe if one connects to links concerning Embassies, they might provide a list of legal assistances that only Embassies will accept as legit.  I got that after connecting to the USA Embassy here.   But I am not sure if the other countries are doing the same. This is a big question  I would like to pose to the super administrators and it is as follows - How far should the legal information go pertaining to Hospitals and Dental?   Someone in Thailand needs to contact the legal sources there (in Thailand) to inquire if these Lawyer Firms handle and do legal cases involving various hospitals and Dental  and its personnel?  Thailand has different rules involving Civil cases and I am not that familiar in this area let alone have had any experience dealing with that particular situation.  Dr. Pat Pong  and the rest of the Super Administrators, can you make a comment to me concerning your position in this area of what your intentions might be on this topic?  How far do you wish to do the legal on this site? ???    :blues:

Right, I have been speaking to a couple of friends & we have come up with some info about samui......

Maternity can only be dealt with on samui at Nathon Government hospital, so far, I have had bad reports about the doctors & their lack of interest, but this is to be expected on an island with funding way to low to deal with the amount of people living there.(Thai's who are not registering in the province when they arrive to work cause the population census & therefore the funding for the islands medical expenses to be very, very incorrect)

What I have learned though, is that there is a female gynocologyst (Thai) in Nathon, that speaks great English & is very forceful with the hospital with regards to the correct care of her patients & once I have her full contact details I will add them on here. Apart from that there is no other midwife info or maternity info that I know.

With regards to private hospitals, eveyone I have spoken to has recommended Samui International for their level of care, professionalism & experience & their prices are not too bad. Bandon Hospital on the other hand has become something of a legend on its own with regards to the poor service, lack of competent staff & general crapness(!) their prices are also incredably high with not a lot of services coming back in exchange. (This is based on the general opinion of all farang I know in Samui)

I also had a couple of freinds who after a motorbike accident were taken to Bandon, they had severe lacerations & cuts all over their bodies & one of them had a  concussion, she was left in the room for about 10 hours, without so much as a nurse coming to see them, she was vomiting & dizzy & the emergency call button if not working was ignored all night, when I arrived the next morning to see them & was told of this, I spoke to a doctor, who told me, "what did they expect driving a motorbike at night without a crash helmet" in very very bad english. (although this is true, i didn't expect this attitude, especially as they were paying 12k baht per night for the room) after a bit more harrassing on my part, they took my friends for a ct scan & I was told after that, that the nurse was in every 10 minutes until they were discharged 5 days later (I can be very scathing & put most people to shame, given the right ammo, ha ha ha)

I know you cannot judge a hospital on one persons story so if anyone has anything else to say on this matter, please either back up this information or add your opinions as this site is for the benefit of all of us. :o


Today - I had great Difficulty in finding this thread.

I didn't notice yesterday that it was under Farang Girls !!

I originally came to it through "New Posts"

So another Suggestion:

Two Buttons on the Forum Main Page for:


2) a direct Link to here - for Info to be added

to the Emergency site.

Would it be helpful to the Administrators to produce

a Format for Contributors to fill - As Far as Possible ...



To Roger 13   Just read your description of Hospital Stay.  I am somewhat sure that posting such medical information of yourself is a bit too far because medical information is private.

Example:    Name and address and phone number of hospital and location.  Any Emergency Phone numbers.

Treatment: Rating either 1 to 5 (in this case 5 being excellent) or describe it in brief terms.

Responding Factor:  Are they prompt and attentive or make you wait for long periods of time.  

Incident:  General or Emergency or Maternity or Dental

Treatment:  Hives

Costs:   High, Medium, Low or Total amount of Bill or brief breakdown of bill such as you did which is very good.

Accommodation: Hospital or Dental overall Description

Services:  Do they have Emergency Services, Maternity, Cancer Services, Pharmacy Services etc.

Personal Observation or Opinion Summary:   Describes to us the overall  Conditions of Stay, Any Opinions you think it might be best for us to know, and its Staff for treatment and any possible Known Reputation and what to expect overall from this Place.

Keep Details and descriptions very brief under the Personal Observation or Opinion Summaries.  This part also helps us to know overall before going there.

Granted as time goes on the list will begin to get bigger and bigger and some additions or updates will have to be done on it hopefully at least 3 times a year as others describe same hospital etc to keep all of us current.

What we really truly need is to have a link to the super administrators mail to submit our experiences and such information and they will review the material and they post it themselves the required information as needed to their permanent site which no one can tamper with it.  They do need to look at it first because sometimes people submit private medical information that others need not to know about without realizing it.   I am sure that they will treat all other medical information given to them that should not be posted as completely strictly confidential and be kept private.

I am still awaiting word from Dr. Pat Pong and any other super administrators to give us some guidance of what they would like for us to do.  Any help from them is a plus.

As always

:o  :D    :blues:


Hi DaveYo,

Thanks for your Feedback

I have amended my Original Post.

In my opinion, I can see nothing wrong

if someone chooses to give details of his/her

treatment - which again in my opinion is of

more help to those reading the post.

Most people here have hidden their identity

anyway, and when it is placed on the

Emergency Site, presumably it will not be

attributed to an individual.

Also, the Admin. if they wish,  can decide to

edit out any personal treatment when it is

being transferred to the Emegency Site,

in which case, Members will still be able to

read the Original Post here.

I am sure that others will chip in with their opinions...


Hey Roger 13.  I did say you can put in a description of treatment, going into the category of personal observation and Opinion summary!   The other is rating only from 1 to 5, meaning 1 is poor, 2 being fair, 3 being average, 4 being good, and 5 being excellent.  When one rates the overall services rendered and the bill and the hospitality this is where it should go.  It helps us to quick scan it and make faster comparisons to other hospitals.  By the way everybody, I will be in Bangkok on July 24th, and my stay is brief till Aug 4th when I return back to USA to wrap up the final business here before moving to Bangkok for long term.   If anyone would like to meet me please leave me a message here so I can get in touch ASAP.   Thanks    :o :blues:

It was great for having this site thanks for everybody who support this ideas. because as I work here in Thailand some of the hospital are not quite good especially when you had a card for free service from the company you are working.

If you are card holder they won't give you much priority because for sure its free service.  very bad.. I had experience once..co'z I'm using my card from the company.    :o

Von, please explain what free card coming from the Company is, and what hospital, or Dental Services Rejected such Card.  It will help us expats so that we don't get such card and run into the problems you having.  The key to the success of this particular Emergency Site is to provide as much  information for all of us to make our LIVES EASIER when we live in Thailand and go to the Best Hospitals and Dental places.  Also if anyone has problems getting prescriptions etc, what places is good getting prescription refills and which places is very hard.  You know once we have this down pat and everything in order, many places will wonder why no foreigners are coming in to do business with them, and many will wonder why so many are flocking to them and literally waiting in line!  The secret is communication and cooperation.  Bottom line.   :o  :blues:

Hi Von,

I think you found this Site helpful to you

because we told you the name of our Hospital.

So you can now help us - if you tell us the

name of your Hospital



May I suggest that the Current Link on the Emergency site

that Links to just


be changed to the first posting on this Topic - That is :


Otherwise contributors will have difficulty finding this thread.

I think the Emergency Site is an Excellent Idea and will give it all my support.

I will post details of Private hospitals I have been to in

Latprao & Ramkamhaeng Roads.



Emergency in Thailand

Ok I will submit the name, address, phone numbers and emergency contact information on two of the Hospitals I know personally that are very good with Expats or any foreigner visiting in Bangkok.  These two will be Yanhee Hospital and Bumrungrad.  

Dave, please post all the details if possible. Thanks in advance.



the best hospital for medical, dental, and vision is Bangkok Pattaya hospotal on Sukimvit road Pattaya. They have their own website. The best insurance is bupa, blue cross world wide. Have offices in Bangkok, and Pattaya. They also have their own website. Bupa.com

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