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My wife will born a baby january 2005. At this time we stay in Norway, so the baby will be born in Norway. The norwegian government will give the baby automatic

Norwegian passport.

How can the baby obtain a Thai passport? Thai embassey in Norway?

Do the baby have to travel back to Thailand with a touristvisa in a Norwegian passport?

Will it be problem for the baby to stay in Thailand without thaipassport, I heard that Thailand don't accept dual passport?

Someone who know how to do?

My wife will born a baby january 2005. At this time we stay in Norway, so the baby will be born in Norway. The norwegian government will give the baby automatic

Norwegian passport.

How can the baby obtain a Thai passport? Thai embassey in Norway?

Do the baby have to travel back to Thailand with a touristvisa in a Norwegian passport?

Will it be problem for the baby to stay in Thailand without thaipassport, I heard that Thailand don't accept dual passport?

Someone who know how to do?

i'm not an expert on such matters but i can offer the following advice, as no one else has bothered...

How can the baby obtain a Thai passport? Thai embassey in Norway?
yes if you have all of the requisite documentation. telephone the embassy in norway if you are in doubt. you could always apply for one when you get to thailand...

i assume you have a good reason for wanting a thai passport for the kid... it would be a cold day in he.ll before i'd let my child have anything other than a UK passport...

Do the baby have to travel back to Thailand with a tourist visa in a Norwegian passport?

depends on how long you intend to stay... again telephone the embassy in norway...

Thai Embassy - Oslo, Norway...

Eilert Sundts gate 4, N-0259 Oslo

Phone: +47 2212 8660

Fax: +47 2204 9969


I live in the US, so I can't comment on how this is done in Norway, but this is what I did.

I have two kids born in the US. We planned a trip to Thailand where my Thai wife and two kids would stay for about 4 months. Both of my kids have US passports so we were told by the Thai embassy that they would need visas to stay in Thailand and that they would need to be extended since tourist visas couldn't be obtained for that length of time. In the past my first born had traveled to Thailand for a period of less than two months without a visa. Some Thai officials told us he needed a visa while others told us he didn't so long as he was traveling with his mother. In the end, he never had a problem not having a visa.

In any case, (sorry about the tangent) we decided to apply for Thai passports for our kids through the Thai embassy in the US. Here are the steps that we had to follow:

1) Obtain Thai birth certificates. To do this we had to get the US birth certificates certified which involved having the State of Maryland (where they were born) offically certify the birth certificates and the having the US Federal State Department create an official Thai translation of the US birth certificates. With the certified US birth certificates and Thai embassy provided application forms and fees paid, we received Thai birth certificates for our kids.

2) Using the Thai birth certificates we applied for Thai passports for our kids. We also submitted photographs and fees along with the applications.

The whole process took about 2 months and we fortunately received their passports from the Thai embassy only two days before our trip.

Is it legal for them to have both US and Thai passports? I really don't know for sure, but some people have told me that it is not allowed and that when it comes time to renew the US passports they may have problems or be required to relinquish their Thai passports. I do know of a young woman who has both a US and Thai passport because she was born in the US to a couple working for the Thai government in New York.

When we went to Thailand, we showed the US passports everywhere until we arrived in Thailand. In Thailand, we had to fill out arrival/departure cards that were stapled to their Thai passports. On the return, we planned on showing only the Thai passports in Thailand, but we needed proof that the kids were allowed to stay in the US, so the airline asked us if we had visas or US passports for them. We showed the US passports and all was well. When arriving back in the US, we had no problems showing just the US passports even though there were no stamps entered into their US passports.


Sounds like you got some poor first hand advice from the Thai Embassy. It should be common knowledge in Thai embassies that Thai nationals who give birth to children outside their homeland can register their children and get a Thai Birth certificate and consequently a Thai passport (don't lose the birth certificate as you cannot get another one, just a copy of the original).

My daughter flies in and of Thailand frequently and has no problems as long as the correct passport is shown, no matter how long the duration.

By the way always go through the Thai passport section at the airport with your wife when entering Thailand it's much quicker.

I live in the US, 1) Obtain Thai birth certificates. ...

2) Using the Thai birth certificates we applied for Thai passports for our kids. We also submitted photographs and fees along with the applications.

The whole process took about 2 months and we fortunately received their passports from the Thai embassy only two days before our trip.


Yeah, I'm about to go through this process but in the State of New Jersey. Its

a pain-in-de-butt, but what can you do?

Your question about the dual citizenship is addressed in these forums - do a search and you can find in-depth discussions on this issue. Apparently, its no problem to have dual US/Thai citizenship in this day and age for children of a Thai mother/US father at least.

Thanks for all post. I contact Royal Thai embassy in Oslo 6 weeks ago by E-mail, but no answer. 4 weeks ago a send a letter and a new E-mail, still no answer.

have you tried telephoning them? i assume they have phones in norway :o


all legal and above board to have dual nationality. This topic has been discussed extensively on this site. Do a search and you will find out how it all works

I live in the US, so I can't comment on how this is done in Norway, but this is what I did.

I have two kids born in the US....

In any case, (sorry about the tangent) we decided to apply for Thai passports for our kids through the Thai embassy in the US. Here are the steps that we had to follow:

1) Obtain Thai birth certificates. To do this we had to get the US birth certificates certified which involved having the State of Maryland (where they were born) offically certify the birth certificates and the having the US Federal State Department create an official Thai translation of the US birth certificates. With the certified US birth certificates and Thai embassy provided application forms and fees paid, we received Thai birth certificates for our kids.

2) Using the Thai birth certificates we applied for Thai passports for our kids. We also submitted photographs and fees along with the applications.

The whole process took about 2 months and we fortunately received their passports from the Thai embassy only two days before our trip.


I'm about to go through this at the Thai Consulate in New York with my 1 year old daughtert whose mother is Thai. I was aware that the US state department office of Authentication must authenticate the US birth Certificate of my daughter, but i did not know that the State Department did the official translation into Thai. After the authentication of the birth certificates, who did you get to do the translations for you (could you give me contact information - a URL, address, and/or phone number please) ?


I can confirm at least one thing for sure. The children can have 2 passports (according to nationalities of their parents). If the baby have born in Thailand, the Thai passport can be obtained by visiting a Foreign Ministry (birth certificate is required, photos they make at the ministry) and the other passport can be obtained at your Embassy.

When travelling with baby, one should use a Thai passport while departing Thailand, and a foreign passport to enter into your country, and reversed why travelling back.

I assume that if the baby have born outside Thailand, a Thai passport still can be obtained while visiting Thailand at the Foreign Ministry. It will be simplier to translate the birth cerificate into Thai locally.



I'm not completely sure that the birth certificates were translated, but I assume that they were. In any case, I didn't get anyone to translate them for me. Here are a few useful links that I used when getting the Thai birth certificates and the Thai passports:



Because I live in the Washington DC area, I was able to drive to Annapolis to get the State authentication, drive to Washington DC to get the US State Department Office of Authentication to authenticate the birth certificates, then go to the Thai Embassy to submit the birth certificate applications all in less than a day.


I'm not completely sure that the birth certificates were translated, but I assume that they were. In any case, I didn't get anyone to translate them for me. Here are a few useful links that I used when getting the Thai birth certificates and the Thai passports:



Because I live in the Washington DC area, I was able to drive to Annapolis to get the State authentication, drive to Washington DC to get the US State Department Office of Authentication to authenticate the birth certificates, then go to the Thai Embassy to submit the birth certificate applications all in less than a day.

Thats the way to do it. Your an animal . I could drive down to DC in 6 hours for walk in service at the Authentication Office - at least they only charge 6 bucks a pop. My brother has a condo in downtown and I could (probably) crash at his place.

I'll probably do that piece by mail.

Thanks for the links - I've found these already; if you try to find links to the Consulate in NYC you get forwarded to a LA Consulate Web Site, with the applications and forms in the Thai Language. Could'nt find instructions for passport application and birth certificate application for the NYC consulate, but assume that its the same as for the DC Embassy.

Take care and enjoy the LoS. :o

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