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View Talay 1 Electricity Bill


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Anyone tell me of electricity bills at View Talay 1 are direct from Electricity Authority or 'managed'. If so what is the unit price there? Friends moved in recently and are puzzled by the variations in bill from month to month which, in their view doesn't reflect usage.


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I lived in VT2 for nearly 3 years and the bills based on the number of units were very consistant until the last month or two and then the units rocketed up. I refused one bill as it was impossible. The price varies with the unit charge and the surcharge (and the usage for mega users), currently a unit price of 2.596 and a surcharge of 0.661 making a total of 3.257 baht per unit.

After I moved out, the management company for my condo raised the price to Bt5 per unit to compensate for their paying it and collecting it with the rent. As I used about 600 units a month, that would have cost me an extra Bt1000 or so per month or about an extra 8% rent !!!

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I don't live in a VT condo, but I live in two-bedroom condo in Jomtien. My Dec electric bill was about B750 and my Jan electric bill was B2200. My bills usually are around B1300-1800 in the winter, depending how much time I'm home and using the air con.

I had thought the condo staff read the meters, but when I inquired at the front desk, they said, no, someone from the electric company does it, but that one month they might come early in the month, and the next time late in the month, which would explain the variation in my last two months' bills. I wonder if a similar factor might be in play in the variation of the bills in the VT1 example in the OP?

Are the VT1 meters in a locked cabinet, or can the owner take his own periodic readings to cross check with the bills? In my condo, the meters are in a locked closet.

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Thanks for the responses. In Bangkok, the reading always takes place around the same time, {though at different times of the month by area} and bills arrive as expected. I've always received the full white official bill rather than a 'summary'.

Any more info most welcome.


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Thanks for the responses. In Bangkok, the reading always takes place around the same time, {though at different times of the month by area} and bills arrive as expected. I've always received the full white official bill rather than a 'summary'.

Any more info most welcome.


They already have an individual meter for their condo ! ... Why do they not find it ... and read it now and again ?

This would answer their question.


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^ My understanding is that the meters for the whole floor are in a locked area, and access is problematic.


I think if you were paying electric bills to the landlord (ie. not opening your own account) it would be fair enough to have an agreed unit charge & "visual" access to your meter.


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Each condo meter for View Talay 1 is located in a room near the elevators on each floor. You need to go downstairs and have the security or office staff unlock the door. They will stay there with you and lock the door again when you are finished looking at your meter.

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If you have a bank account, you can arrange with electricity company for the monthly bills to be deducted from that account with a paper copy of the bill sent to you monthly. That is what I have done for my view talay 1 condo.

As another poster rightly says, the electricity meter can be read whenever if you ask the guard to open the meter cupboard.

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^ My understanding is that the meters for the whole floor are in a locked area, and access is problematic.


Then this is the problem you need to address ! They can give no good reason not to allow

the tennant to view his own meter.


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The issues they need to address are, to be confirm the number of units {by accessing the metre regularly} being consumed and at what rate they being charged per unit. The latter seems to be subject to question, is it 5 baht per unit or the correct 3.xx?


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My electricity bill comes from the Electricity Authority and is paid by direct debit from my bank. The last year shows bills paid by the bank on 8 Jan. 07, 26 Jan, 9 Mar, 10 Apr, 8 May, 7 Jun, 11 Jul, 25 Jul, 6 Sept, 8 Oct, 29 Oct, 12 Dec, 9 Jan and 30 Jan. 08 Seems I pay 3.45 baht per unit, or 3,57 or 3.67 or 3.77 or 3.80 - the cheapest being the latest bill for 9 Jan 2008 and the most expensive being the 8 Jan 2007! Looking further I see that I paid 3.96 per unit in August 2005! Seems my electricity is getting cheaper.

And why I sometimes get 2 bills in 1 month God alone knows - so far.

I am not in VT.

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^ My understanding is that the meters for the whole floor are in a locked area, and access is problematic.


I think if you were paying electric bills to the landlord (ie. not opening your own account) it would be fair enough to have an agreed unit charge & "visual" access to your meter.


Yes, this could be the situation. In which case your friends should arrange to pay their

own bills direct to the electric company. It's possible the unit was rented before the sale

and that the previous owner had contracted the management company to pay the bill

and charge the previous tennant(s). If this was the case then the company always charges

more than the standard rate. normally 5-7 Baht/unit, versus 3+ Baht.

Now this is a nice little earner for them for practically no work, so your friends will need to insist.


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The issues they need to address are, to be confirm the number of units {by accessing the metre regularly} being consumed and at what rate they being charged per unit. The latter seems to be subject to question, is it 5 baht per unit or the correct 3.xx?


I had lots of expensive electricity bills at VT5 at first. It turned out that the VT head/sales office had forgotten to have me sign a piece of paper for the electricity company. It was thus using a "temporary" meter (at 5+ baht/unit), instead of one in my name (at 2-3 bath/unit). Even after signing the piece of paper to get my own meter, it took the electric company several months to start using the normal rate, because they don't just update the name attached to a meter number -- they exchange the meter for one with a new number, which is attached to your name...

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What ? meters don't have the unit cost on them. A bloke comes round with a little hand held printer and he punches in your meter number and it dispenses a little paper slip with your bill on it. I agree that you have no control over the unit charge but it is on their website and I'm not sure the electric board can rip you off in the same way a landlord can ask for XYZ per unit instead of the actual cost.

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i feel like im getting ripped off as well, my bill came to 1700 baht, but i never used the air-condition, I live in bangkok, seems kinda high, I feel like the girls in the office are doing it and make you pay more while they pocket the change every month from every tenant......., and i live in a mansion so I should start asking other peolpe whAT THEY pay maby I can get a better Idea.

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