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The Comb-over...is It Acceptable?


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So my question is really how effective is this......do you think it fools people and is it an acceptable form of hair style for the sexually -re-awakened?

The women these guys end up with would accept them if they a glass eye and a wooden leg.

Actually I woke up with a girl once with ......... ah never mind.

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Kissing a man without a beard is like eating beef without salt = William Shakespeare 456 BC

As an aside the boss decides that the pubes need a trim. What's the policy on this then?

Never bothered before and it's not as if it's choking.

Sexy or not? the bald chap down below?????

Could be a new forum?

giddy up

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many young as well as old are going bald ,its fashionable to have cropped hair nowadays

Don't know about Thailand, but in China if you are bald it means that your are intelligent. I am not sure why, maybe your brain is too big and it pushed all your hair out.

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You see blokes going from a side parting all the way down the side until they are growing it out of their ears and sweeping it over. Now anyone tell me Bobby Charlton looked better with that <deleted> combover or with his bald coot and little short on the sides ? Of course not.

One positive thing attributable to women's liberation is the ability for some to choose a male partner without direct reference to the latest hair setting trends that "celebrities" use.

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So incredibly wrong. There are a couple of dudes in my village that do the comb over. One's about 40, the other about 60. They are amusing to watch when it's raining or windy or taking off a hat as they go into the smoothing hair 100 times action while looking around nervously to make sure no one notices they're actually bald!! :o

If my husband (Thai) lets his hair grow a bit it ages him by 10 years as he's very thin on top, but as soon as he cuts it down to a blade 1 with the clippers, it instantly makes him look so much younger. He would like to shave it bald but it's considered a bit strange in the village if you're not a monk and have a completely shaved head so only does it when we go away on holidays!

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Scientifically speaking I have been getting bald all my life so that's it and nothing besides.

Logically thinking balder I get the wiser I am.

The comb-over is just wrong but don't nobody make fun off my hair-do.

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Many "older" men come to Thailand and find that for one reason or another their sex life gets a fillip.....

In turn this leads to a renewed vanity and concern about their appearance. I've noticed some pretty dire attempts at covering up the vagaries of old age, among them the "comb-over"....Hair is grown long on one aside of the head and then combed over the crown in order to cover up the bald patch in the middle.

So my question is really how effective is this......do you think it fools people and is it an acceptable form of hair style for the sexually -re-awakened?


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Shave your hair , that way problem is solved and you dont have to worry about how you look , and if you really wanna look good

do the same to your back , the girls love it :o

You forgot to mention your ar*e as well

Mate ,not gonna go there

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why as men get older does hair stop growing on our heads and start sprouting out our ears and noses?

i suppose i can have a comb over and a moustache from the unloved and unwanted hair - NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am not going bald i tell myself - i am just developing a solar panel for a s_x machine :o

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I began losing my hair at thirty and it has slowly continued now for eight years.

I keep it shaved short, and I honestly believe that I'm more hansome now than I was in my twenties.

Losing my hair was the best thing to ever happen to me. :D

If your losing your hair my advice is that if you shave it short.

Not only will you look younger but also a bit tougher.


I'm just guessing your icon is a picture of your self and I must admit you look quite dashing old bean... :o

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I began losing my hair at thirty and it has slowly continued now for eight years.

I keep it shaved short, and I honestly believe that I'm more hansome now than I was in my twenties.

Losing my hair was the best thing to ever happen to me. :D

If your losing your hair my advice is that if you shave it short.

Not only will you look younger but also a bit tougher.


I'm just guessing your icon is a picture of your self and I must admit you look quite dashing old bean... :D

My wife insists that I shave my back though :o

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This is one of the funniest threads! A comb-over is deeply sad and fools not one person. Like so many have said, if you go bald, trim it back to the boards - looks better and takes years off you!

Let's not talk about pony tails!!!

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I began losing my hair at thirty and it has slowly continued now for eight years.

I keep it shaved short, and I honestly believe that I'm more hansome now than I was in my twenties.

Losing my hair was the best thing to ever happen to me. :D

If your losing your hair my advice is that if you shave it short.

Not only will you look younger but also a bit tougher.


I'm just guessing your icon is a picture of your self and I must admit you look quite dashing old bean... :D

My wife insists that I shave my back though :o


Would you consider a body waxing? :D

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i agree. i think a man with a cropped head is quite sexy. i cannot take a man with a combover seriously. even my dad doesnt have one!

the combover is just wrong. i have seen many a man like that in a strong wind....not a good look by anyones stretch of the imagination.

<<<<< Charges off to the barbers to shave my head :o

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All three of my adult sons are going bald prematurely, and I have way too much hair (very long, very thick, and blond). I was almost embarrassed for my sons' sakes to stand with them in the wedding photos last year. Rather than a comb-over, I naturally get an eye-over, with my bangs (fringe) covering my bushy eyebrows, and I can chew on my blond ponytail which is way too thick. And no, there is no shortage of testosterone. Hair is manly, sexy.

But if you don't have it, don't pretend you have it.

Sorry to be so negative, but I never thought bald men looked sexy, and I do think that men with hair look sexy.

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I'd bet that 'most' women feel the same (whether they'll honestly tell you that though is another issue...). Just take how enjoyable it is to play with your wife/mia noi/gf's hair -assuming she has good/thick/soft/nice smelling hair of course-. It's not so much of a stretch that gals feel the same. When you leave her with a cueball of skin to play with, that limits all kinds of options.

The main advantage that bald dudes have IMO is aerodynamic. For comb-overs, even that minor advantage is often negated.


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Asian men seem the worse for comb-overs and other anti-balding solutions. At least they don't do the shaved head that seems so popular with westerners these days.


And worse than a comb-over are those who go with a poneytail. Geez, grow-up and look in the mirror......YOU'RE bald, not ugly! :o

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