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Sin Sod Part Deuce :-)


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Let's face it, more than 90% of the Thai 'ladies' who marry farangs are 'b%r girls' and we all know their correct title. So all I can say is, that any man must be plum crazy to pay the family of a prost####e anything.

Yes I do see you point about there title , but it would be the same as paying a Mistress ,massuse , ect wouldnt it?

yes sarcasm is involved :o

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Offer her 15 - 20k per month, no sin sod, no marraige, no kids and no 50% of your assets later. After a few years upgrade if all isn't going well. When I married I paid no sin sod, nor was it requested. It is a personal choice of course but above is another (cheaper) alternative. :o

Are you saying you pay pay a salary to your wife? You actually PAY for a woman to be your wife?

Where the farang is much older than the Thai lady then a 'wife for pay' arrangement is probably the safest arrangement if he wants to keep his sanity and assets. --Equal age partnerships are much more likely to be affection based and my comments apply less.

Once a deal is struck.The farang should then counter all requests for extra money and the implied threats to 'go back -----' if the money doesn't materialise with a shrug of the shoulders and a walk down Beach Road to see whats available as a new wife for rent.

The lady of course, wants the maximum cash reward possible and quickly 'falls in love' with farang and talks of marriage and lifetime together. The only safe response is laughter and a quick trip down Soi 6 to rub the point home.

It seems that Thai ladies are culture bound to work for their families first and elderly farangs are mere ATMs.

They may stay with you short time, long time, weeks at a time, months even years at a time. Or marry and go USA Europe but always they are working for family. They are there for the money. The pressure from family to send cash never stops. Thats why they were sent to meet farangs and thats why they got involved with you.

Some of these ladies are decent and loving carers but their whole upbringing has stressed their duty to the family not some rich farang who may in reality leave at any time and anyway is usually old and decrepid.

Pay monthly. Negotiate terms to suit. Be generous not stingy.

Have an exit strategy for when she tries to change the terms of employment. Ignore all the bull----.

Never, ever under any circumstances say 'I love you'. -- Say 'I take care you. You take care me!' --'You no like. Goodbye'.

I see many 'wife for rent' arrangements that have worked well for years. The original bedding in process can be difficult and a couple of false starts is usual. Avoiding high maintenance GoGo girls or 'non working girls' from Discos always helps.

In my experience virtually all females in Pattaya --whether they work bar,opticians,shops, restaurants, dentists,library,town hall or anywhere else-- If they approach and make a fuss of older farangs are here for one reason only. MONEY.

15 to 20k a month is an absolute bargain if you can make it stick. Both partners to the deal are getting what they want.

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Offer her 15 - 20k per month, no sin sod, no marraige, no kids and no 50% of your assets later. After a few years upgrade if all isn't going well. When I married I paid no sin sod, nor was it requested. It is a personal choice of course but above is another (cheaper) alternative. :o

Are you saying you pay pay a salary to your wife? You actually PAY for a woman to be your wife?

Where the farang is much older than the Thai lady then a 'wife for pay' arrangement is probably the safest arrangement if he wants to keep his sanity and assets. --Equal age partnerships are much more likely to be affection based and my comments apply less.

Once a deal is struck.The farang should then counter all requests for extra money and the implied threats to 'go back -----' if the money doesn't materialise with a shrug of the shoulders and a walk down Beach Road to see whats available as a new wife for rent.

The lady of course, wants the maximum cash reward possible and quickly 'falls in love' with farang and talks of marriage and lifetime together. The only safe response is laughter and a quick trip down Soi 6 to rub the point home.

It seems that Thai ladies are culture bound to work for their families first and elderly farangs are mere ATMs.

They may stay with you short time, long time, weeks at a time, months even years at a time. Or marry and go USA Europe but always they are working for family. They are there for the money. The pressure from family to send cash never stops. Thats why they were sent to meet farangs and thats why they got involved with you.

Some of these ladies are decent and loving carers but their whole upbringing has stressed their duty to the family not some rich farang who may in reality leave at any time and anyway is usually old and decrepid.

Pay monthly. Negotiate terms to suit. Be generous not stingy.

Have an exit strategy for when she tries to change the terms of employment. Ignore all the bull----.

Never, ever under any circumstances say 'I love you'. -- Say 'I take care you. You take care me!' --'You no like. Goodbye'.

I see many 'wife for rent' arrangements that have worked well for years. The original bedding in process can be difficult and a couple of false starts is usual. Avoiding high maintenance GoGo girls or 'non working girls' from Discos always helps.

In my experience virtually all females in Pattaya --whether they work bar,opticians,shops, restaurants, dentists,library,town hall or anywhere else-- If they approach and make a fuss of older farangs are here for one reason only. MONEY.

15 to 20k a month is an absolute bargain if you can make it stick. Both partners to the deal are getting what they want.

Dude, you have been around bar girls far too long.

Ordinary Thai women DO NOT ask for money this way.

My Thai wife has never asked for 1c from me.

Your post is actually quite sad.

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Actually 'ordinary' Thai women don't earn much more than between 6,000 bt and 12,000 per month. It is the 'extraordinary' ones who earn more than 15k per month, based on national figures for income per capita (I used 2006 figures). If I made 10k and my wife made 100k, I most certainly would be asking her for money.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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My last posted thread concerning my Sin Sod saga went like this.........

I was informed today that for the most part the guest would not be giving anything to us, but rather we should be treating them? Also, when I questioned my GF about the return of the Sin Sot, she said that anything returned would be used for the honeymoon and such. As for the ring thing, she asked and received an engagement ring and a wedding ring and also said she needs to get some "gold?" My response was "Are we getting close to the end of all the things you need?" Her response? "That's the Thai tradition." Actually, it was A LOT more than that, but since I don't speak Thai, just suffice to say I got an ear full!

Yesterday it went from bad to worse, if that's possible, and I reached the "tipping point."

It seems as though the closer the wedding date became, the more the Sin Sod request increased (1 million to maybe over two?). The local monk jumped in with his request for 30,000 THB, the Pattaya apartment needed a new AC unit (28,000 THB), some more gold had to be purchased, etc., etc. When I said the money train was at an end, my GF stormed off and sent me a text message saying that it was too much drama and that I should not have lead her on? I just said fine, just return the wedding ring and keep everything else. She said that I get NOTHING back and that I wasn't getting <deleted>**ed for free. Yikes! Wake-up call down on Soi Bua Khoa for the big boy! I was out of our apartment and checked into a new place before 7 AM this morning.

With all that said, I'd just like to warn other potential "Farang Sin Sod ATM Machines" to take it slow and hang onto your dough! :o Thank goodness I'm not out my life savings, but I'm certainly a bit more dubious of that lovely Thai smile and the "It's up to you" mentality. When left up to me, I was always informed that that's not what they want to hear.

Life goes on........

Even though I paid a sin sod when I married my wife, many of the guests, usually the older ones actually gave us small gifts of money in envelopes or material gifts for the house (cooking stuff, clocks, blankets, ect.). Wow, you sure did get out of that one good and in a hurry.

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I know for alot of expats the thought and reasons for Sinsod are hard to fathom and rightfully so, Its not part of our own culture so for alot of the westerners in LOS It's understandable why they get pretty p1ssed about it. It is however an engraved part of Thai culture that has been going on for centuries and will probably go on for many years to come. It is not just adhered to or respected by the ''mere'' Issanites which is obviously what many people on this forum believe.

We are westerners yes but we are not superior to the average Thai regardless of what one might believe, Therefore If a girl you ''fancy'' has parents who are demanding 1 milion Baht upwards and you cannot afford it then you are clearly punching above your weight, or she does'nt care enough about you enough to beg her parents to get the price lowered. If you are hit with a price tag you cannot meet then walk away and start afresh. There are plenty of fish in the sea especially in the Gulf Of Thailand. It's HERE and It's not going away anytime soon so deal withh it chaps.

Your logic being whatever figure her parents pull out the local mango tree is a fair reflection of their little darlings status and worth? I'd hazard a guess in 90% of cases the Farang gets upset because he knows the same skit is being played out as your local market deal. Farang-billionaire-treble it?

Unless she's an astronaut or your quite happy paying anything, then 400,000 baht is about the sky from my experiences of living here long enough to know.

Unless your Tata Young of course -from the pictures I saw of her bash she looked liked she ended up owning the sky!

I can only assume there are a lot of sin sot scenarios between 400,000 and Tata Young. You're missing out the Noble and Sansiri-buying class for a start. 400,000 was my experience, masters student, silver Toyota saloon, Chinese parentage etc etc. A long way below hi-so. The wedding envelopes (all very Goodfellas!) paid for the wedding costs and the sin sot is effectively in trust for my wife (as farang are preceived as divorce-loving). I can live with that!

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The wedding envelopes (all very Goodfellas!) paid for the wedding costs and the sin sot is effectively in trust for my wife (as farang are preceived as divorce-loving). I can live with that!

Pretty close to what has happend for us. The sinsod was used to pay the wedding costs (100K THB) and the guests(350x) gave envelopes that covered most of the honeymoon. The father who is old and has very little money, bless his heart, raised 100 chickens and grew extra rice in time for the wedding.

So I count myself as being very happy with my extended family.

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My last posted thread concerning my Sin Sod saga went like this.........

I was informed today that for the most part the guest would not be giving anything to us, but rather we should be treating them? Also, when I questioned my GF about the return of the Sin Sot, she said that anything returned would be used for the honeymoon and such. As for the ring thing, she asked and received an engagement ring and a wedding ring and also said she needs to get some "gold?" My response was "Are we getting close to the end of all the things you need?" Her response? "That's the Thai tradition." Actually, it was A LOT more than that, but since I don't speak Thai, just suffice to say I got an ear full!

Yesterday it went from bad to worse, if that's possible, and I reached the "tipping point."

It seems as though the closer the wedding date became, the more the Sin Sod request increased (1 million to maybe over two?). The local monk jumped in with his request for 30,000 THB, the Pattaya apartment needed a new AC unit (28,000 THB), some more gold had to be purchased, etc., etc. When I said the money train was at an end, my GF stormed off and sent me a text message saying that it was too much drama and that I should not have lead her on? I just said fine, just return the wedding ring and keep everything else. She said that I get NOTHING back and that I wasn't getting <deleted>**ed for free. Yikes! Wake-up call down on Soi Bua Khoa for the big boy! I was out of our apartment and checked into a new place before 7 AM this morning.

With all that said, I'd just like to warn other potential "Farang Sin Sod ATM Machines" to take it slow and hang onto your dough! :o Thank goodness I'm not out my life savings, but I'm certainly a bit more dubious of that lovely Thai smile and the "It's up to you" mentality. When left up to me, I was always informed that that's not what they want to hear.

Life goes on........

Chicowoodduck - what you doing in Thailand? - retired, on holiday, working?

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When we discussed marraige with my wife's parents, Sin Sot was never mentioned until one of her Aunts got involved. "How much is he paying" a lot of arguements ensued which at the time I didn't really understand. Then my wife asked me the question, would I be willing to pay a dowry. I said no way. I was marrying her and by doing so was commiting myself to take care of her. Her parents immediately accepted my statement, aunt was miffed and skulked off.

When it came to the wedding we sent money to pay for everything. That night after everyone has rolled out the door legless M & D took me and my wife up to their room where mother proceeded to show me the full accounts of the wedding, including every receipt and then gave me back my change ! Which was almost HALF what I had sent !

Maybe I was lucky (time will tell) but we were together for almost 4 years before we got married, we have been married now for 4 years and yes she is taken care off. She now has a retirement (/holiday) home up country with a nice bit of land, and I have a great wife.

Nope - you were'nt lucky - you married into a decent family. Good for you.

Actually, most Thai's are decent people. Most guys who get ripped off with Sin Sot have no-one to blame except themselves for their stupidity.

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Reading about this sin sod thing has given me a great idea. On Monday I will be going to an orphanage, adopt 10 girls aged 15. Next year I can sell them (Thai sin sod style) to farangs at a mill a piece.....wow 10 cool ones in a year, not bad eh!! Who said farangs cannot make money in Thailand? :o:D

Deffo seems a good idea.

Or adopt one now and marry her later, or even adopt a couple so you also have a Mia noi in waiting.

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Offer her 15 - 20k per month, no sin sod, no marraige, no kids and no 50% of your assets later. After a few years upgrade if all isn't going well. When I married I paid no sin sod, nor was it requested. It is a personal choice of course but above is another (cheaper) alternative. :o

Are you saying you pay pay a salary to your wife? You actually PAY for a woman to be your wife?

Dude, you have been around bar girls far too long.

Ordinary Thai women DO NOT ask for money this way.

My Thai wife has never asked for 1c from me.

Your post is actually quite sad.

My post suggested a low cost arrangement for the older farang wanting a younger Thai companion/carer with a lower risk of emotional/mental and financial damage.

Young farangs/ Thai relationships are different. I imagine you fall into that group. I wish you every happiness. My plan is to help the typical elderly Pattaya walking ATM.

There is nothing 'ordinary' about young women who seek out old farangs in places like Pattaya. This and other boards have many heartbreaking stories of how farangs have lost heavily from their liasons. Some sell up everything in their homeland and then lose it all here. Then what?

No doubt, some marriages last long enough for the old guy to die of natural causes or move back to farangland for final nursing care. The more likely outcome is that the young woman will part him from a large part of his cash, sometimes all of it, and then move on. He is often left with a depleted bank balance and a wrecked retirement. She by then has usually achieved all her objectives of accumulating land, a house, gold and other cash assets.

The house scam is also played on younger victims who overlook the fact that a Thai marriage gives the wife half the assets unless legally ring fenced beforehand. But not many rapturous lovers bother, after all their girl is different.

You have to admire the incredible skill of these allegedly 'uneducated' farm girls at manipulating 'highly educated' farangs. If there were qualifications in it then the average Thai lady would have a PhD.

My suggestion of a simple Mia For Rent agreement could save a lot of heartache for my fellow farangs. Most Thai ladies will resist as the rewards of the long con are more certain and probably much greater. But I suspect that most would give it a trial if paid enough and would then try and turn it into a 'love' relationship.

This scheme is not for everyone. It takes a certain hard hearted determination to reject all the emotional blackmail that is usually applied on behalf of sick brothers (which cynic said husband), accident victims, pressing bank loans etc etc. But if you enter into a fair deal where the lady is well rewarded for her undoubted advanced skills at taking care.....it will work.

As Gravelrash so rightly said "Offer her 15 - 20k per month, no sin sod, no marraige, no kids and no 50% of your assets later. After a few years upgrade if all isn't going well. When I married I paid no sin sod, nor was it requested. It is a personal choice of course but above is another (cheaper) alternative."

Good luck

BTW I am Travelmad not Dude. He is another poster.

Edited by Travelmad
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Dude, you have been around bar girls far too long.

Ordinary Thai women DO NOT ask for money this way.

My Thai wife has never asked for 1c from me.

Your post is actually quite sad.

It is actually quite sad that you are married and have never given your wife 1c. Men support their wives, in the natural order of things.

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Offer her 15 - 20k per month, no sin sod, no marraige, no kids and no 50% of your assets later. After a few years upgrade if all isn't going well. When I married I paid no sin sod, nor was it requested. It is a personal choice of course but above is another (cheaper) alternative. :o

Are you saying you pay pay a salary to your wife? You actually PAY for a woman to be your wife?

Dude, you have been around bar girls far too long.

Ordinary Thai women DO NOT ask for money this way.

My Thai wife has never asked for 1c from me.

Your post is actually quite sad.

My post suggested a low cost arrangement for the older farang wanting a younger Thai companion/carer with a lower risk of emotional/mental and financial damage.

Young farangs/ Thai relationships are different. I imagine you fall into that group. I wish you every happiness. My plan is to help the typical elderly Pattaya walking ATM.

There is nothing 'ordinary' about young women who seek out old farangs in places like Pattaya. This and other boards have many heartbreaking stories of how farangs have lost heavily from their liasons. Some sell up everything in their homeland and then lose it all here. Then what?

No doubt, some marriages last long enough for the old guy to die of natural causes or move back to farangland for final nursing care. The more likely outcome is that the young woman will part him from a large part of his cash, sometimes all of it, and then move on. He is often left with a depleted bank balance and a wrecked retirement. She by then has usually achieved all her objectives of accumulating land, a house, gold and other cash assets.

The house scam is also played on younger victims who overlook the fact that a Thai marriage gives the wife half the assets unless legally ring fenced beforehand. But not many rapturous lovers bother, after all their girl is different.

You have to admire the incredible skill of these allegedly 'uneducated' farm girls at manipulating 'highly educated' farangs. If there were qualifications in it then the average Thai lady would have a PhD.

My suggestion of a simple Mia For Rent agreement could save a lot of heartache for my fellow farangs. Most Thai ladies will resist as the rewards of the long con are more certain and probably much greater. But I suspect that most would give it a trial if paid enough and would then try and turn it into a 'love' relationship.

This scheme is not for everyone. It takes a certain hard hearted determination to reject all the emotional blackmail that is usually applied on behalf of sick brothers (which cynic said husband), accident victims, pressing bank loans etc etc. But if you enter into a fair deal where the lady is well rewarded for her undoubted advanced skills at taking care.....it will work.

As Gravelrash so rightly said "Offer her 15 - 20k per month, no sin sod, no marraige, no kids and no 50% of your assets later. After a few years upgrade if all isn't going well. When I married I paid no sin sod, nor was it requested. It is a personal choice of course but above is another (cheaper) alternative."

Good luck

BTW I am Travelmad not Dude. He is another poster.

In most of the instances I have seen here, either existing or proposed Farang Man/Thai Lady matchs, the woman wants sin sod AND monthly payment to both her & family, if she can get away with it. I personally have not been involved in any relationship here that did not involve me handing them money. In most cases, if they got no money, they had no interest in me. There are likely exceptions to this, if the couple is of similar age and under 25 or so, but under 25 Farangs (who are residents here) are not to numerous.

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Dude, you have been around bar girls far too long.

Ordinary Thai women DO NOT ask for money this way.

My Thai wife has never asked for 1c from me.

Your post is actually quite sad.

It is actually quite sad that you are married and have never given your wife 1c. Men support their wives, in the natural order of things.

He said she never ASKED him for money, maybe he gives her money & she does not have to ask. Some posters on this forum often brag that they give their ladies no money. I personally have never seen such a situation with my foreign aquaintences, who live here. The man always pays.

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Dude, you have been around bar girls far too long.

Ordinary Thai women DO NOT ask for money this way.

My Thai wife has never asked for 1c from me.

Your post is actually quite sad.

It is actually quite sad that you are married and have never given your wife 1c. Men support their wives, in the natural order of things.

He said she never ASKED him for money, maybe he gives her money & she does not have to ask. Some posters on this forum often brag that they give their ladies no money. I personally have never seen such a situation with my foreign aquaintences, who live here. The man always pays.

I stand corrected. Yes the post said that 'ordinary thai woman do not ask for money this way'. Maybe his wife holds out a begging bowl, or bows seven times first and then gets her few baht...I would love to know.

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Offer her 15 - 20k per month, no sin sod, no marraige, no kids and no 50% of your assets later. After a few years upgrade if all isn't going well. When I married I paid no sin sod, nor was it requested. It is a personal choice of course but above is another (cheaper) alternative. :o

Are you saying you pay pay a salary to your wife? You actually PAY for a woman to be your wife?

Dude, you have been around bar girls far too long.

Ordinary Thai women DO NOT ask for money this way.

My Thai wife has never asked for 1c from me.

Your post is actually quite sad.

My post suggested a low cost arrangement for the older farang wanting a younger Thai companion/carer with a lower risk of emotional/mental and financial damage.

Young farangs/ Thai relationships are different. I imagine you fall into that group. I wish you every happiness. My plan is to help the typical elderly Pattaya walking ATM.

There is nothing 'ordinary' about young women who seek out old farangs in places like Pattaya. This and other boards have many heartbreaking stories of how farangs have lost heavily from their liasons. Some sell up everything in their homeland and then lose it all here. Then what?

No doubt, some marriages last long enough for the old guy to die of natural causes or move back to farangland for final nursing care. The more likely outcome is that the young woman will part him from a large part of his cash, sometimes all of it, and then move on. He is often left with a depleted bank balance and a wrecked retirement. She by then has usually achieved all her objectives of accumulating land, a house, gold and other cash assets.

The house scam is also played on younger victims who overlook the fact that a Thai marriage gives the wife half the assets unless legally ring fenced beforehand. But not many rapturous lovers bother, after all their girl is different.

You have to admire the incredible skill of these allegedly 'uneducated' farm girls at manipulating 'highly educated' farangs. If there were qualifications in it then the average Thai lady would have a PhD.

My suggestion of a simple Mia For Rent agreement could save a lot of heartache for my fellow farangs. Most Thai ladies will resist as the rewards of the long con are more certain and probably much greater. But I suspect that most would give it a trial if paid enough and would then try and turn it into a 'love' relationship.

This scheme is not for everyone. It takes a certain hard hearted determination to reject all the emotional blackmail that is usually applied on behalf of sick brothers (which cynic said husband), accident victims, pressing bank loans etc etc. But if you enter into a fair deal where the lady is well rewarded for her undoubted advanced skills at taking care.....it will work.

As Gravelrash so rightly said "Offer her 15 - 20k per month, no sin sod, no marraige, no kids and no 50% of your assets later. After a few years upgrade if all isn't going well. When I married I paid no sin sod, nor was it requested. It is a personal choice of course but above is another (cheaper) alternative."

Good luck

BTW I am Travelmad not Dude. He is another poster.

I agree with you 100%

If one is rich enough to pay for love and is willing to be ripped off for as long as they are together...then good luck to him. May he live a long and happy life.

The fact is these girls don't give a toss if you are rich or poor, her, her family and the whole village will band together and take you for whatever they can.

There is an exception....

If the girl truely loves you the family will suport her all the way, if she wants to rob you, they will suport her in this too.

I was lucky I found a girl who really loves me. No sin sod asked, no salary asked, no sick bufolo's, no nothing.

I even offered to buy the family home and the lod man refused...he felt "greng jai"

There are men that need to buy love, i understand this. I never knew there was a monthly payment attached and you know?...guys here seem to think it is completely normal.

Thats what i feel is really sad.

great post dude, You know what ur talking about

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Going rate in Udon, 2million baht???? :D :D :D

My wife comes a fairly well to do family. Not old money, first generation type money. She gets angry when I laugh about her mothers wishes for 6 million baht for her US educated daughter. I ask what is it that she brings to the table?

Eventually I bought some land and put a 7 unit town house on it, 3 million baht or so. I told my wife she can consider that her sin sot because if we divorce it is hers, no matter what happens. So she gets that and half of everything (or more thanks to divorce laws that favor women).

Another one bites the dust... :o

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I was informed today ...

Anything that starts like this has little red flags going up everywhere for me. You should be the one informing, not the one being informed.

It took me awhile to get "up to speed," on the whole Sin Sod routine, hence my Sin Sod Part Deuce thread, but after a few months of going back and forth with my GF about "required Sin Sod amounts," the bubble burst and I just walked away, not so much poorer, but rather a bit wiser. :o On my next adventure, I won't bring a bank book to the table, just a smile and my continued good attitude about how lucky I am to be living in the LOS!

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The threads when ladies are involved always turn towards the negative when those paranoid enough attempt to read between the lines.

But one thing always seems to ring true, and that is that Money is a big issue for many of us inherently materialistic creatures who enjoy the serenity of the east, but are also somehow tied to the logic and practices of the west……..

I wish to digress a little to make a point about my opinions of sin-sod.

One of the reasons (but not limited to) for breaking up with my Ex (who was a flight attendant with an international airline on a very good salary) was that she never had any intention to pay her way and expected the man to pay for her - she was from an extra ordinarily wealthy background (in Thailand I would estimate the house to be a 40MB+, its huge, and there is also another one on the property for the uncle) and she just expected things to be done that way. It went against my grain and I’m by no means stingy.

My recently new girlfriend pays her way. She is again from a particularly wealthy background or similar status mentioned above. The financial question mark that often exists in many of the threads I read can be cancelled out, particularly on my part, although often my GF’s parents may not be entirely satisfied with me when the time comes.

I make this point about money because I would be doing the same thing back home. For whatever reasons it is natural for me protect my interests and the fact that a lady would be interested in me and not any money I may have. The filter here for me is that I naturally end up meeting and dating girls who are from similar socio-economic backgrounds or better.

When I invite my lady out to a restraunt (or any activity), I expect that I’lI pay. I also expect that an offer will be made to share. If in the example of my ex girlfriend, I would expect in this modern age for a lady to at least hold her own and offer to foot the odd bill here or there. This is one of the reasons that in things started to wear thin for me in my previous relationship.

I am now friends with her (my ex) previous ex (there has always been an overlap in friendship groups here in Bangkok and I know many people through other friends Thai and western), her (my ex) previous ex also had similar issues with money (and he was not as wealthy as her, although a partner of popular night club in Bangkok (sorry for the convoluted explanation), so it might not be so much a culture issue)

Now – With all this in mind…. The ‘money’ the ‘quality of girl’ involved etc etc etc… If there are no alarm bells then its OK, no matter what the money is involved with sin-sod etc.

If I couldn’t afford the sin-sod I would expect some form of compromise, after all I would expect my better half to be making a love choice rather than a financial career move.

I must admit to expecting a sin-sod of 1-2MB+ when the time comes. This is what some of my friends, Thai marrying Thai have paid, also other friends have paid less, i.e often 400,000 B depending on their status and what they can afford – in this circumstance my Thai friend borrowed more from the perspective father in law to save face as a whole, which I think is a lovely compromise).

I will admit on this forum that I expect this sin-sod back (I wouldn’t be so happy being expected to pay this sum otherwise). I’m also told that many of the costs would likely be shared or covered.

This implies to me that the sin-sod in Thailand is simply a means of face for both of the families involved in the partnership and is more of a joining of forces.

Apologies for rambling on but I hope I’ve been able to accurately bring the observations I have made into the foray to even out the playing field a little in the Sin-sod Vs No Sin-sod discussion.

(edited for spelling)

Edited by richard_smith237
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