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Police Ready To Arrest Breakers Of Smoking Ban From Feb 10

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It really does come down to whose vice is being attacked, yours or someone elses. We all have them. Was interesting to note the reaction here re the alcohol ban for 3 days over the election. Not banning drinking, but merely at venues. Panic ensued.

So now we have the smokers peed off, and non-smokers gloating over it. Many people came here to escape big brother govts, but will applaud anything that doesn't intrude on their lives...yet. Of course smoking is bad, just like many things we often don't think about.

So how about banning alcohol? Harmless, hurts no one else. Perhaps the beaten wives and children or victims of drunk driving, liver disease or drunken hooliganism might disagree.

How about banning girlie bars? Harmless right? Or is it really messing up numerous women, regardless who enterered that trade voluntarily or otherwise.

Banning polluting vehicles.

Banning divorce.

Banning Fast Food.

Banning many pharmaceticals.

Drugs are banned already but how many take them any way.


Meat...we don't actually need it, should we be killing animals for an eating pleasure?

Do you use platic bags, kill for God, do you encourage your wife to take the pill for your pleasure, drive an internal combustion engine, use solar hot water, is unprotected sex ok, etc etc.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Who here will step up to the plate?

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Does the smoking ban effect outdoor seating areas of pubs/restos/other venues? what about beer-bars?

Outdoor venues aren't usually "air conditioned" .. except by Mother Nature.


ban smoking in air-conditioned pubs, discos and clubs from February 11, Metropolitan Police Friday had all of Bangkok's 88 police stations ready to arrest and fine any rule breakers.

Country's 1st-priority task - and nothing is more important than THIS, indeed...... :o

:D Smokers are walking Ash-Holes.

I used to know a guy named Lou who I worked with in Saudi Arabia. Weighed about 270 lbs. Last time I saw him was after he had his 3 month long radiation treatments in Bangkok. One minute a day of radiation to his throat and jaw. One week of the radiation treatment, then at least a week recuperation in hospital. He was on his way back to the U.S.,where he later died, for Chemotherepy treatments then. At that time he must have weighed about 140 pounds. He had much of jaw removed due to the cancer of his mouth and jaw, and had to eat mostly liqued food. Smoking does that kind of thing to you.

Like I said, smokers are walking ash-holes.



Well I am a non smoker, but the self rightousness of some non smoker here gives me cancer too.

Well maybe its not often in your poor life that you are right, -- so enjoy it.

ban smoking in air-conditioned pubs, discos and clubs from February 11, Metropolitan Police Friday had all of Bangkok's 88 police stations ready to arrest and fine any rule breakers.

Country's 1st-priority task - and nothing is more important than THIS, indeed...... :o

:D Smokers are walking Ash-Holes.

I used to know a guy named Lou who I worked with in Saudi Arabia. Weighed about 270 lbs. Last time I saw him was after he had his 3 month long radiation treatments in Bangkok. One minute a day of radiation to his throat and jaw. One week of the radiation treatment, then at least a week recuperation in hospital. He was on his way back to the U.S.,where he later died, for Chemotherepy treatments then. At that time he must have weighed about 140 pounds. He had much of jaw removed due to the cancer of his mouth and jaw, and had to eat mostly liqued food. Smoking does that kind of thing to you.

Like I said, smokers are walking ash-holes.


You really show compassion



I think your reasoning is lacking, since in the real world we cannot cure all ills at the same time. And we do put different importance to different issues of course. That should not make us give up on doing something (anything) positive, like asking smokers to go outside for a fix. Not a very drastic thing to ask, for a radically improved indoor environment. We do not ask for smoking to be banned, just restricted.

It is a bit like the people who are stopped by the police for say speeding, a minor offence if not doing 250kph, they often get angry and say to the officer: "why do you waste your time hazzling me, you should be out arresting murderers and rapists". Sure, but what about armed robbery? Police are too busy solving murder and rape cases... Reductio ad absurdum.

I love this forum!

Edit: Some more thoughts.

To add to the complexity of this issue, we must examine if the smoking ban is for the purpose of protecting the staff, the customers, or the smokers themselves. Or all of the above? In a society where the state pays for all-inclusive health care, the taxpayers bears the burdens of the added cost of caring for addicts. On the other hand, the state will save money later, when the addict dies prematurely.

In a society where most people get a very minimal, if any, health care from the government, they are at a greater liberty to put their health at risk, since the taxpayers do not have to pay for their care.

Most of us will not die of lung cancer caused by secondary smoke, but just having to endure the unpleasntness of a smokefilled room is enough to ask for smoking to be (gently) regulated. I loved the poster who wanted to mix his poisonous chemicals in the bar, and tough luck if he happened to spill some on you standing nearby...

OK, enough for now, over to you guys!


I feel a bit stupid, or perhaps ignorant is a better word.

I just realised that there is a related thread running to 16 pages, basically discussing the same things as in this thread. So all I have posted has been said already, several times over. I got to page 4, and lost all appetite for further readings.

I hope to meet up again on a more interesting topic. Sorry to have wasted bandwidth like this.

Edit: For final rant

It still amazes me how the diehard smokers, Songkran revellers, street racers or other people dead set to spoil other peoples enjoyment by referring to some illusionary "rights". The right to be a-holes?

Good nite!

I think it is not so much about smokers rights versus non smokers, drinkers, etc as it is about the governments rightful wish to lower healcare costs. Not only healthcare for smokers but for second hand smokeers. Although drunks get into fights and alcoholism also destroys lives and families, a person drinking does not force alcohol down the throats of others nearby. Unfortunately smoking forces smoke to be breathed by others not to mention the smell sticking to hair and clothes. A non smoke producing nicotine delivery system is fine as it does not force others to suffer.

Smoke free pubs will show adolescents that it is indeed "cool" to be at the club and not smoke. Smoking and alcohol do indeed make society pay dearly both in disease, suffering, and death. Normal social drinking is not associated with the devastating damage caused by abuse and/or addiction.

I don't see where healthcare costs are the problem. Average smoker lives five years less than a nonsmoker and hospital stays are shorter as they die quicker once in hospital. Thats 5 less years of retirement money plus the taxes received off of the sale of them to cover healthcare expenses. It just protecting the people who don't care for all the negatives associated with smoking.


So they are soooo concerned about getting exposed to second-hand smoke WHILE GETTING DRUNK IN THE PUB.

Logical, no???

I am for a TOTAL BAN ON ALCOHOL, STARTING IMMEDIATELY. And leave the smokers in peace, they do NOT cause accidents, fights etc.


Thanh (non-smoker by the way but don't mind it the least bit)

I have to agree with you. Smoking turns you into a person who smells (and slowly but quietly dies of cancer).

But alcohol turns people into...... well look around at what you saw on your last night out...

Typical of rude, inconsiderate and selfish smokers who INSIST on other people ingesting their foul, cigarette smoke and bodily emissions.....stinking breath.

At least a drinkers can CHOOSE whether to get drunk or not, no such choice with ignorant smokers all about.

Would you be happy if people all around you, pharted, nonstop whilst you were having a drink?

I bet not, unless you are a canine.


May I point out once again that the smokers are not banned, only their smoke. Smoke being an inanimate object it can’t object.


I don't understand all this arguments and comments above because most of them are going personal and start insulting the 2 groups non-smokers vs. smokers. Who really comes to the point. Written are a lot of words but who' s getting affectet .Open-air Pubs / - Restaurants can still have smoker places or they declare there places as smoker-location with non-smoking area. Any kind of closed Restaurants have to ban the smokers but what the hel_l is an closed Pub/Restaurant. Units with no Entrance doors are open or what, Opnen air places with a high fence or a wall they are now closed locations ???


So they are soooo concerned about getting exposed to second-hand smoke WHILE GETTING DRUNK IN THE PUB.

Logical, no???

I am for a TOTAL BAN ON ALCOHOL, STARTING IMMEDIATELY. And leave the smokers in peace, they do NOT cause accidents, fights etc.


Thanh (non-smoker by the way but don't mind it the least bit)

I have to agree with you. Smoking turns you into a person who smells (and slowly but quietly dies of cancer).

But alcohol turns people into...... well look around at what you saw on your last night out...

Typical of rude, inconsiderate and selfish smokers who INSIST on other people ingesting their foul, cigarette smoke and bodily emissions.....stinking breath.

At least a drinkers can CHOOSE whether to get drunk or not, no such choice with ignorant smokers all about.

Would you be happy if people all around you, pharted, nonstop whilst you were having a drink?

I bet not, unless you are a canine.

I repeat it ONCE MORE for those who can't or decide not to read:

I AM NOT A SMOKER. But fed up with the constant smoker-bashing. YES you HAVE the choice not to get exposed by not going to where smokers are! Get that into your head. While i have NO choice going to 7-Eleven to get food, being overrun by a drunk driver. Get THAT into your head too!

YOU are typical of an alcoholic - can't live without the booze and on the way blame anyone and everything for your misery. And to hide your own problems, bash those of others.

I will stay out of this discussion from now on, keep bashing 'em and keep drinking in your "smoke free" environment, then get your lung cancer on the way home in Bangkok's roads while you're trying to keep your vehicle in control.


..........Metropolitan Police Friday had all of Bangkok's 88 police stations ready to arrest and fine any rule breakers.

Without fear or favour?? :o

Please let's remember that smokers have rights too. So how about some legal 'smokers only' pubs/restaurants. Non smokers can avoid them if they wish but can't complain if they enter. Desicion to be smoking or non-smoking should be left up to the proprietor.

As a 40 year+ smoker don't blame/penalise me that I'm hooked..blame/penalise the tobacco companies and the governments that did nothing about it, except take the profit & tax, when I was young.

"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." - Billy Madison

"Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it." Applies to every post you ever made. Do you ever actually make "rational" points? Is every post a personal attack on someone? Your world is a dark miserable place.


<deleted> is everyone complaining, smoke as much as you like, its still gona be better then taking a strole down the road, with all those shit busses, taxis, cars, motorbikes and god knows what else.

face it, everyone has had a reduced life expectency by taking a walk in any place in bangkok...smoking is first a right that people enjoy, and stripping that away from them when going out is.....DUMB.

<deleted> is everyone complaining, smoke as much as you like, its still gona be better then taking a strole down the road, with all those shit busses, taxis, cars, motorbikes and god knows what else.

face it, everyone has had a reduced life expectency by taking a walk in any place in bangkok...smoking is first a right that people enjoy, and stripping that away from them when going out is.....DUMB.

Another selfish, inconsiderate smoker.

If you believe your post, it proves, and I agree..........

YOU are dumb.

Please let's remember that smokers have rights too. So how about some legal 'smokers only' pubs/restaurants. Non smokers can avoid them if they wish but can't complain if they enter. Desicion to be smoking or non-smoking should be left up to the proprietor.

As a 40 year+ smoker don't blame/penalise me that I'm hooked..blame/penalise the tobacco companies and the governments that did nothing about it, except take the profit & tax, when I was young.

"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." - Billy Madison

"Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it." Applies to every post you ever made. Do you ever actually make "rational" points? Is every post a personal attack on someone? Your world is a dark miserable place.

Go back and re-read my posts and see who makes no rational posts.

I'll wait....

Ok, done....understand now?

We won. It's over. Good triumphed over evil.

It's your world that is dark and miserable as we condemn you the dark corners of oblivion forever.

Get that point?


Hopefully all the inconveniences of this legislation, its random enforcement and gradual changes in public attitude will help at least some people to quit. Surely they will help many more not to start and of course also protect non-smokers.

Of course I do feel for owners of such venues, who will be the real victims: pay up or the police will get thei money by other means.

But I do see very much the bright and funny side of this maybe 1000st idiotic regulation forced on the citizens of Thailand; they openly and visibly give a shit about these laws. Every time I see a guy riding a motorbike without a helmet through the local police check (on license check days) it brightens my day:


Maybe all this western logic, and 'a law is a law' and all this BS, finally we can leave all that and any other responsibility we felt safely behind. :o

Or do I misunderstand the message of the Thai lawmakers here completely?!

Somebody enlighten me...


Smokers in general would have to be the most ignorant and selfish people about.

No regard for what you do that affects others who have no way of dodging your filthy habit.

The disregard for everyone who has to clean up after your selfish, weak minded actions. From the cleaners to the environment, you all put your stinking blight onto the inhabitants of this planet without care or thought.

The sooner we see you being carted of to the lockup and fined for it the better.

If I was in government, I would simply triple and then double the taxes on it to really really make you pay for your weak minded stupidity.

Smokers in general would have to be the most ignorant and selfish people about.

No regard for what you do that affects others who have no way of dodging your filthy habit.

The disregard for everyone who has to clean up after your selfish, weak minded actions. From the cleaners to the environment, you all put your stinking blight onto the inhabitants of this planet without care or thought.

The sooner we see you being carted of to the lockup and fined for it the better.

If I was in government, I would simply triple and then double the taxes on it to really really make you pay for your weak minded stupidity.

Hope you don't drive a car or a motorbike, and you never catch a bus or an airplane! :o

<deleted> is everyone complaining, smoke as much as you like, its still gona be better then taking a strole down the road, with all those shit busses, taxis, cars, motorbikes and god knows what else.

face it, everyone has had a reduced life expectency by taking a walk in any place in bangkok...smoking is first a right that people enjoy, and stripping that away from them when going out is.....DUMB.

Why do you assume everyone lives in such an environment? Bkk elite yet again! Many live in clean air at home and dont want to be engulfed in smoke at any time or anyplace at all!

So pleased its all gonna change!

According to the usual Anti-Smoke Nazis ....

by Nazis you mean -people who DOES NOT like to inhale the smoke you enjoy so much and leave them no any other choice but to breath in, and dare express their objections?

well, then according to your terminology what will be the proper name for those who FORCE others to do something they don't like and don't want to do, AND especially what is harmful to others ?

once again, the truth is :

smokers do harm those around them by forcing them to inhale the smoke unwillingly.

non-smokers - do not harm smokers around them by refusing to inhale that smoke and/ or insisting they STOP smoking in their presence, but do it elsewhere. they DO NOT force them to stop smoking entirely - let them smoke till fumes come out from all their holes ! but if someone refuses to inhale those fumes - he is called Nazi!

I bet you have no slightest idea regarding WHAT Nazis are ! they won't fuss too much with those who opposes them - but inflict the explicitly chosen methods of execution. IF the imposed regulations (NOT the total prohibition - but controlled smoking in public areas) of simply forbidding them to smoke in certain places cause smokers as much suffering as Nazis used to cause innocent people - well, then it is the suffering they create themselves for themselves ! why others should suffer too?

People say that if I don't want to deal with the smoke, then don't go to a club. Well, I like going out and having a few drinks, and listening to some music. Why should I have to subject myself to poisons to do it? Also, I would think that less than half the people in a place are smoking. So why should the majority of people have to be poisoned because a few want to kill themselves. People that smoke have an option, they can go into a special smoking room in a club, or go outside and have a cigarette. Kind of hard to go into a special breathing room or to go outside when I want to take a breath.

so, if you voice up your objection against that - then you are .... Nazi ! :o

well, that is according to many "repressed" smokers

:D Smokers are walking Ash-Holes.

I used to know a guy named Lou who I worked with in Saudi Arabia. Weighed about 270 lbs. Last time I saw him was after he had his 3 month long radiation treatments in Bangkok. One minute a day of radiation to his throat and jaw. One week of the radiation treatment, then at least a week recuperation in hospital. He was on his way back to the U.S.,where he later died, for Chemotherepy treatments then. At that time he must have weighed about 140 pounds. He had much of jaw removed due to the cancer of his mouth and jaw, and had to eat mostly liqued food. Smoking does that kind of thing to you.

Like I said, smokers are walking ash-holes.


you are big bad Anti-smoke Nazi too ! :o

May I point out once again that the smokers are not banned, only their smoke. Smoke being an inanimate object it can’t object.

oh! and this - outrageously "Nazi" comment ! :D

:o Yes I agree there are more important issues than the banning of smoking in airconditioned facilities or else where. I am very concerned particularly re your comment that breasts have become a threat to national security are we facing mass masectomies? Please expand on the comment...
What a joke! In a country where you can deliberately run someone over with a Benz and kill them and get of scott free and shot someone in the head in a night club at point blank range and get off, but you will end up being arrested for smoking a cigarette. Oh I forgot breasts are a threat to national security, so nothing is absurd anymore/

great i hope they enfore this law as smoking is a dirty stinking habit with no respect for others who dont smoke who sit near to them and have to inhale their crap.


At the time of writing this post the date is February 11th.

The ban is now in force.

I urge all non-smokers who are assaulted by the toxic chemicals emitting from the cigarettes belonging to the unlawful, ignorant and arrogant smokers, to summons the aid of the local authorities and insist that the full force of the anti-smoking law be immediately applied.

I'm afraid this is the only way that smokers will get the message.

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