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l am hoping someone can help with a remedy/cure for headlice in our kids hair( short of scalping them ),,,,, l am sure it comes from their school and it would be impossible to get anything done about it there ,,,,,so we need something that can be used often ,, (nothing radioactive or inflammable :o ) ,,,, thanks for any help




A few drops of Tea Tree Oil in their shampoo is a very effective natural remedy. It doesn't kill the eggs though, so a repeat treatment will be required every few days until the problem is cleared :o

We used it all the time when shampooing in the UK (with five kids it was impossible to stop one or other bringing a few 'friends' home), much nicer than those 'orrible insecticide things.

EDIT by the way, it also works for those types of wildlife that live in hair located other than on the head :D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

A few drops of Tea Tree Oil in their shampoo is a very effective natural remedy. It doesn't kill the eggs though, so a repeat treatment will be required every few days until the problem is cleared :D

We used it all the time when shampooing in the UK (with five kids it was impossible to stop one or other bringing a few 'friends' home), much nicer than those 'orrible insecticide things.

EDIT by the way, it also works for those types of wildlife that live in hair located other than on the head :D

Crossy ,, thanks heaps for that mate ,,,,, now you wouldn't happen to know if it can be bought in LOS ,, or should l get some sent over from Aus ?? and l hope l dont need to worry about the other critters :o



You can buy tea tree oil at the Body Shop. Good luck with the head lice. They are a pain in the neck!

Thanks Goldenbead ,,, is there 1 near Udon Thanni ,,, or only in BK ??




Smothering them is another way. You soak the hair very thoroughly with oil (most any kind works) and then cover the hair with plastic wrap, being sure to squish out any air pockets. Leave on for half an hour, then shampoo. Repeat a week or two later, as needed, as it won't kill nits either. Obviously, you don't use this method on very young children who will mess with the plastic wrap.

Just go to the local pharmacy and tell them the problem. They have a cream that works great,repeat in 7 days and costs about25bht.

thanks for the replies guys ,,, l will try the local pharmacy first ,, then the plastic wrap,,, while l wait for some tea tree oil to arrive ,, got a mate comming across next week, he can stuff some in his bag,, so dont have to wait too long ,,between the 3 something should work :o



Just go to the local pharmacy and tell them the problem. They have a cream that works great,repeat in 7 days and costs about25bht.

thanks for the replies guys ,,, l will try the local pharmacy first ,, then the plastic wrap,,, while l wait for some tea tree oil to arrive ,, got a mate comming across next week, he can stuff some in his bag,, so dont have to wait too long ,,between the 3 something should work :o



I agree with the use of Tea Tree Oil and products containing it as have tried these on my daughter and her cousin's heads', however I would be wary of the 'local pharmacy' as generally the Thai mediactions designed for headlice treatments contain chemicals that are related to sheepdip and can have unfortunate side effects--or so I'm informed.

Just go to the local pharmacy and tell them the problem. They have a cream that works great,repeat in 7 days and costs about25bht.

thanks for the replies guys ,,, l will try the local pharmacy first ,, then the plastic wrap,,, while l wait for some tea tree oil to arrive ,, got a mate comming across next week, he can stuff some in his bag,, so dont have to wait too long ,,between the 3 something should work :o



I agree with the use of Tea Tree Oil and products containing it as have tried these on my daughter and her cousin's heads', however I would be wary of the 'local pharmacy' as generally the Thai mediactions designed for headlice treatments contain chemicals that are related to sheepdip and can have unfortunate side effects--or so I'm informed.

thanks haybilly,,,,, l went to the local pharmacy last night ,,,, good thing they had nothing to help ,,,dont want to take any chances,,,, l will stick to the tea tree oil l think




We've always used a lice comb with hair conditioner.

Simply wash your children's hair, apply hair conditioner and then comb through with a lice comb.

Repeating this every night for for a week gets rid of them.

But you need to treat all your kids, change their bedding daily and perhaps treat the adults too.

I certainly would not use chemicals for something so easily cleared up with a little bit of effort.

  • 2 weeks later...
We've always used a lice comb with hair conditioner.

Simply wash your children's hair, apply hair conditioner and then comb through with a lice comb.

Repeating this every night for for a week gets rid of them.

But you need to treat all your kids, change their bedding daily and perhaps treat the adults too.

I certainly would not use chemicals for something so easily cleared up with a little bit of effort.

I also agree with this method--it is one preferred by my daugher's aunt except she uses some kind of hair oil and the fine tooth comb and elbow-grease--works pretty good but seriously labour intensive and this is where it tends to come unstuck as most people are not prepared to do it for long enough and the little buggers come back from just one or 2 eggs left hanging around.


fine tooth comb, conditioner in the hair, and a bonding session for mom, dad or other family member: every day or every other day, until they hit puberty; then the problem mostly goes away (but then u get other, more complex problems....)... most girls lose the lice by then, though my army kid still has a few here and there but she cut her hair and combs out every day .... the boy keeps hair short now (we went through the rasta stage until the bugs overrode his desire for rastas even if bob marley had several different species in his hair....) the youngest still has but combs her own hair (long and thick but blond so see the lice not the nits) and then i do a once a week overhall...

i ALWAYS comb my own hair out also.... on a 'yaneverknow' basis....



fine tooth comb, conditioner in the hair, and a bonding session for mom, dad or other family member: every day or every other day, until they hit puberty; then the problem mostly goes away (but then u get other, more complex problems....)... most girls lose the lice by then, though my army kid still has a few here and there but she cut her hair and combs out every day .... the boy keeps hair short now (we went through the rasta stage until the bugs overrode his desire for rastas even if bob marley had several different species in his hair....) the youngest still has but combs her own hair (long and thick but blond so see the lice not the nits) and then i do a once a week overhall...

i ALWAYS comb my own hair out also.... on a 'yaneverknow' basis....



:o ,, thanks bina ,,,, just an update,,, l tried the vinegar first , it seems to have worked a treat ,,, no foreign bodies for the last 2 weeks ,,, l haven't been able to get a fine toothed comb as yet ,,, but still looking ,,, thanks for all the help




I guess thats one of the things I should add to my list of first world stuff which I get brought out regularly. Some proper child safe cure for nits, lice and the like. I too do not trust pharmacies here for anything wihch I do not already understand.



thailand have great licecombs... i bought back five this past time, now need new ones... its the plastic two sided ones that are really fine...

work ownders

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