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Parking In Pattaya


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I was considering driving down to Pattaya from Bangkok this weekend, just staying at a cheap hotel near Walking Street. What I'm wondering about is, do I just park on Second Road nearby, hoping to find a spot?

Is there a "better" alternative?

Any problems with parking on the street for 2 days?

Sorry for the silly question, but am very new to driving in Thailand and am not sure about the traffic rules for parking.

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You could put it in the RGP car park, or similar, but that costs money.

Some of the sois aroound the area have cars parked, but they can get damaged.

I would suggest that up Soi VC (next to the VC Hotel) on the right (VC Hotel is on the left) there is an open area where people park cars. Don't know the cost, if any, but better to be off the street.

(This is an area about 150m from WS.)

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Forget the temple or the sois and do it all with the hotel. Go to the Welcome Plaza on 2nd Road a few hundred metres on the right after the South Pattaya Road junction heading north. Huge car park for residents and whilst the hotel may knock you Bt950 or so (potential discounts available), your car is safe. Park your car on the street to save Bt200 or Bt300 on a hotel and watch it get scratched before your very eyes.

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I too would be very careful about leaving your car in the street,yesterday my car got keyed all down one side after being parked only 20 minutes,3 weeks ago i saw a farangs pickup being constantly stoned by a group of motobike taxi drivers,probably because his car was slightly blocking there customer veiwing area.Far too many shops bars taxi touts think they own the roads here.So yes i would either come on the bus or get a safe hotel parking spot...

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Some cheap hotels in that area have parking, I assume yours does not.

Assuming your car is "nice", you might be better off staying at a cheaper hotel with parking further North from Walking Street then paying for a Baht Bus when you go out if you are not driving.

Royal Garden parking will be something like 400 Baht a day ??

I think the most I've paid before is about 200 Baht for a long night out.

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I understand from the missus that overnight in the car park at the new Avenue centre is Bt500 !!!!!

I have overnighted in the temple but you have to be very careful where you park it and be dam_n sure that there is not some big do on the following day.

Edited by torrenova
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