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How Important Is Beauty To You?


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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and although you think you've got a "stunner", others might see her as just okay, or even plain or too boyish or whatever. How many times have you looked at the girlfriends of other falangs and wondered what he sees in her - well maybe other men think the same about you :o


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Well you're a 6.5/7 ot of 10 maybe how did you come by this mediocre rating??? Is this based on looks/intelligence/performance in bed combined???

Did all those girls give you a notch on your broad sword to determine this? Why would I want to stay with some geek like you when as an 11 I can have any stunner I like too.I'm married to a like score so the point is try looking beyond the surface and maybe you are with a stunner but you are still a doughnut brain.

Mods isn't this demeaning to women in the sense that we have to be 'rated' come on really.How many blockheads do Thai girls sleep with guys like this who want a stunner sheesh go and start a sex perverts forum you know where alll you superficial people can claim they have slept with countless 'stunners' before getting hitched to the 'love of their life doughnut' and start other threads about sick buffalos or maintance.

Why are these threads so guy orientated.OK girls how many toads have you slep with before you found a real snake?

more like a bump on the old pork sword.

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How stunningly shallow and childish. The OP is surprised by how many farangs he sees with women who aren't beautiful (per his taste).

OP- at some point you may wish to consider striving to grow past the age where you're comparing yourself to everyone else in the showers. You might find that if you grow up a little you'll see the world differently and savor more of the diverse richness of life.

Really, I enjoyed your posts on retirement planning and health costs, but where did this come from?

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and although you think you've got a "stunner", others might see her as just okay, or even plain or too boyish or whatever. How many times have you looked at the girlfriends of other falangs and wondered what he sees in her - well maybe other men think the same about you :o


bingo. i have worked with some very attractive people in the past, but after a while, this initial attractiveness begins to wane when i see their personalities. on the other hand, i have worked with some quite average looking people who become more attractive to me once i get to know them. i have had people say to me 'why do you think they are so good looking - i cant see it', but to me they are very attractive.

give me mister average with a great personality (or at least compatible with me) to mister handsome, any day. looks are quite secondary. of course a partner has to appeal to ME but what other people think is not even a consideration.

i am a bigger girl, but not gross. i am strong, healthy and fit. i am intelligent and have a good sense of humour. some men dont go for my body type, but men that i have met of late love my body type. everyone is different and people who dwell on the physical are not my type anyway.

a woman who FEELS sexy IS sexy.

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Before moving to Cha-am, I lived in a serviced apartment in Ladphrao. My room was on an 'atrium', so most days I left my door open to catch a breeze .. and make the room less claustrophobic. Every day, at least one cleaning person would make the rounds mopping the walkway. "Nit" was quite unattractive, a young woman from Buriram. Her arms and face were scarred from a motorcycle accident and she stood too short due to short legs. I had no idea whether she had a husband or boyfriend.

But it turned out that "Nit" had an extraordinary personality. Every day I lived there and was seated at my computer, upon passing my doorway, she would stop, wai very politely and greet me. She always asked if I was okay and had I eaten yet. :o

"Nit" ran all sorts of errands for me. She fetched drinking water from the dispenser on the street. She fetched my laundry to and from the washer lady, and often refused a tip for the errand. I never did figure her system for accepting tips. But it seemed that each time she did accept a tip, she would buy some sweets from the minimart and, on her next trip past my room, would offer me a taste.

"Nit" never wavered in her courtesy in the 4 months I lived there. When she knew I was leaving she helped me organize my packing. On the day before I left, I gave her Bt 500. She refused a number of times, saying that we were friends. She finally took the money, but continued to look confused.

So as to beauty, I have my own ideas. :D

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and although you think you've got a "stunner", others might see her as just okay, or even plain or too boyish or whatever. How many times have you looked at the girlfriends of other falangs and wondered what he sees in her - well maybe other men think the same about you :o


Yep, spot on. I was thinking along the same lines as I scrolled down this thread.

The OP would probably look at my Thai wife and place me in the "wonder what he sees in her" bracket. Like I care... To me, she's the loveliest, most adorable woman in the world and no, I'm not just being gallant or defensive of her looks or my taste; I really have those feelings for her. When you really know someone, love them and care for them, then they induce those feelings in you.

I hope the OP discovers this for himself one day.

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Before moving to Cha-am, I lived in a serviced apartment in Ladphrao. My room was on an 'atrium', so most days I left my door open to catch a breeze .. and make the room less claustrophobic. Every day, at least one cleaning person would make the rounds mopping the walkway. "Nit" was quite unattractive, a young woman from Buriram. Her arms and face were scarred from a motorcycle accident and she stood too short due to short legs. I had no idea whether she had a husband or boyfriend.

But it turned out that "Nit" had an extraordinary personality. Every day I lived there and was seated at my computer, upon passing my doorway, she would stop, wai very politely and greet me. She always asked if I was okay and had I eaten yet. :o

"Nit" ran all sorts of errands for me. She fetched drinking water from the dispenser on the street. She fetched my laundry to and from the washer lady, and often refused a tip for the errand. I never did figure her system for accepting tips. But it seemed that each time she did accept a tip, she would buy some sweets from the minimart and, on her next trip past my room, would offer me a taste.

"Nit" never wavered in her courtesy in the 4 months I lived there. When she knew I was leaving she helped me organize my packing. On the day before I left, I gave her Bt 500. She refused a number of times, saying that we were friends. She finally took the money, but continued to look confused.

So as to beauty, I have my own ideas. :D

You saw more in her than others because you appear to be a gentleman.

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You saw more in her than others because you appear to be a gentleman.

Thank you micksterbs .. but appearances are often deceiving.:o

I do believe in looking at the whole person .. and probably would never feel confident enough to marry a stunner, even if I could find one. At 67, my shopping days are long past as well.

FWIW, my dad used to say, "Don't believe a dam_n thing you hear and only half of what you see."

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You saw more in her than others because you appear to be a gentleman.

Thank you micksterbs .. but appearances are often deceiving. :o

I do believe in looking at the whole person .. and probably would never feel confident enough to marry a stunner, even if I could find one. At 67, my shopping days are long past as well.

FWIW, my dad used to say, "Don't believe a dam_n thing you hear and only half of what you see."

Oh alright then; you contribute to a thread like a gentleman... :D

Your dad had his head screwed-on. I'm tempted to put up some of my dad's homilies regarding the fair sex but they're deliciously non-pc.

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There is nothing wrong with wanting a "10" in beauty, personality and intelligence if that is what you are looking for in life. My only caveat is to make sure that you take a good look in the mirror and make sure that you are also a "10" in the things that she is looking for in her life. If it is an equal deal then you a probably OK however if it is not an equal deal, IMO there is a good chance that it may fall apart somewhere down the line. :o

I give myself a 10, but im in my mid 20's and in my prime, give it 10 years plus im sure i would slip to maybe a 9 and a half.

My wife is a 10, took me many dates many females but my wife has the looks, moreimportantly she gets along with my friends, likes watching sport, smart, has a great job, brought up very well, lights up a room when she enters.

I truly think there is no better female on earth, there may be some who match that but none that is better

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and although you think you've got a "stunner", others might see her as just okay, or even plain or too boyish or whatever. How many times have you looked at the girlfriends of other falangs and wondered what he sees in her - well maybe other men think the same about you :o


Yep, spot on. I was thinking along the same lines as I scrolled down this thread.

The OP would probably look at my Thai wife and place me in the "wonder what he sees in her" bracket. Like I care... To me, she's the loveliest, most adorable woman in the world and no, I'm not just being gallant or defensive of her looks or my taste; I really have those feelings for her. When you really know someone, love them and care for them, then they induce those feelings in you.

I hope the OP discovers this for himself one day.

That was so lovely. Nice one micksterbs! :D How refreshing to read a profound post (rather than a superficial one..... :D )

Edited by Andiamo
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and although you think you've got a "stunner", others might see her as just okay, or even plain or too boyish or whatever. How many times have you looked at the girlfriends of other falangs and wondered what he sees in her - well maybe other men think the same about you :o


Yep, spot on. I was thinking along the same lines as I scrolled down this thread.

The OP would probably look at my Thai wife and place me in the "wonder what he sees in her" bracket. Like I care... To me, she's the loveliest, most adorable woman in the world and no, I'm not just being gallant or defensive of her looks or my taste; I really have those feelings for her. When you really know someone, love them and care for them, then they induce those feelings in you.

I hope the OP discovers this for himself one day.

That was so lovely. Nice one micksterbs! :D How refreshing to read a profound post (rather than a superficial one..... :D )

Aww... :D

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I factor in all 5 senses. Visual is by far the most important but I will make sure she has a decent natural smell (bad BO is a real turnoff for me), pleasant sounding voice (nothing shrill, just a natural pleasant sound), feels good to touch (firm etc), and a decent taste (not excessively salty, spicy or sour).

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I'll be honest, I have always coveted beautiful women. I am not a bad looking guy myself, a 6.5/7 out of 10 maybe, but I have never seriously considered staying with any women that was lower down or even on the same step of the ladder of attractivenss as myself.

My women now is a stunner, actually better than what I am used to, but if anything it has made my discerning taste even more refined. Another poster wrote this on another thread.

In fact, once you get it out of your system and seeing beautiful women becomes commonplace, it stops being of such importance. Hopefully, if I get married some day, it will be to someone that I can trust who actually cares about me, instead of some pretty airhead

This is so far away from my thinking that I wonder how many others think this way too? I don't mean that I dont value personality it's just that without great looks I dont stay interested. Actually to be honest I am surprised by how often I see men with very mediocre looking women. Especially in Thailand where any, well nearly any, decent man can get a real looker. Now this makes me sound shallow, but I am just being honest. Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

Aren't we in Asia partly to avoid having to put up with some sour faced donut in our bed?


Are you kidding isn't?

is it for you "a topic?"

are you BLONDE?



I mean u really sound like u hv quiet big empty space inside ur head..sorry to say that, but ummm.. how can you be just so superficial. well. you DO find attractive gals with brain. you do find uglys without brain, and all the random matches you want in this world. but you should know that when we (man, woman) get old, we all look the same. hahaha........

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>>How important is beauty to you ? <<

Very ,i could not fuc_k an ugly woman .Call be shallow if you will ,but thats the way i was built .

My point exactly. I'd rather be alone than just have someone I didn't find attractive because I couldn't get anyone better. Glad to hear that most posters find their partners attarctive because that is what is important, how you feel.

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To the people who say they dont rate women; you honestly don't rate people based on looks? Hmmm, there are mountains of research in psychological journals that suggest otherwise. I don't go around like a 16 year old giving people a mark out of 10. I just used that in this post to illustrate that I was no addonis or quasimodo.

Do you disagree that most people don't rate looks as important? Then how come nearly ALL rich men marry beauty? How come nearly all movie stars are great looking? (I never choose a movie based on this criteria btw) How come women spend so much on cosmetics if men dont care about looks?

Look around you, how many stunning women are not married by 30? Compare that to the uglies....Thailand and every other Asian country I know is full of hords of lovely but asthetically challenged women who have never even had a boyfriend. Left untouched they wither away. School offices are one place to find them.

And talking of evolution. Arthur Miller, Einstein and many others worshipped stunning women. What do you have to say about them?

I tell you what. Post your wife's picture and I'll post mine and I bet that every reader on here could and would in their head rate them both in their heads, even if they weren't honest enough to put it in apost.

Did you ever consider that women COULD put make up just for themselves? Because they can. Because THEY (LADIES) feel it enhances their complexion? Their eyes? Their lips, Their cheeks" Etc etc....

Without EVEN thinking about men????


(Of course, when us gals are going out dancing/pubbing etc, we wanna look good and may/will probably pull out all the stops with the ole makeup bag!) :D

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Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder.

I would rather be with a 6 with a great personality & will match me stroke for stroke when doing chores& have some one intelligent & caring over a bar ho that is a 9 or 10 that is worthless waits for me to give her 40,000 a month plus(high Maintenance) great at milking the dollar(goes for the states as well) when you get older- you are suppose to also get wiser.

You learn shallow superficialities are just that. I watch most of the farangs drunk on Hoy & lose their &lt;deleted&gt; as well as there brains A good mate to me much more important. And the people that Know my girl thinks she is very pretty as well as I do.

When I was younger I was pretty shallow, in a quirk of luck I realized good companionship is far better than a trophy wife! :o

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