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Modem Screwed


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A storm can destroy pretty well anything that`s connected to an outlet inside your house. Same goes for a human holding a regular phone when lightning strikes :o

There can be spikes in the power going to your house that can damage equipment. A sudden drop and surge of power will also do the same.

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when you buy a new modem, buy a UPS ( uninteruptable power supply ) 2 - 2500baht for a cheapo.

plug one power board into it for your TV, dvd stereo.. etc and one power board for your computer(s). it also will have a socket(s) to pass your modem/phone line through.

Even without lightning ( which 000'd battery elec on my laptop ), bangkok power likes to dip and drop out like a tuk tuks engine. ( maybe that it what runs some of the generators

:o )

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Storms do whack modems. The internal modem in my previous laptop got fried by lightning, as was the power adapter, so I had to install a PC card modem and deactivate the IR and rearrange the virtual ports in the system (the system still found the old modem, but could not contact it for anything useful, and it was impossible to deactivate it. Now very happy with a spanking new laptop and a UPS... :o

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Lightning will often get into phone lines and cause problems. If your lines are old they may not even have lightning protector box or a ground from it so I would check outside and make sure that there is a fuse type box and that it has a ground wire. I have given up two line phones after losing three (ToT line has no protection).

Modems usually have guarantee so you may be able to get replaced or repaired.

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