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He's Got The Capital And The Businesshead...

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Hi Scamp

I would not think there is much money to be made from an internet site as this sort of thing is everywhere already.

The IT industry is suffering at the moment with post graduates all over the world working in call centres and doing menial jobs wherever they can.

The best way to think is what can i buy and then sell on at three times the price that i paid.

This is not difficult in Thailand as the prices compared to the west are only a fraction of what you would expect to pay.

But this is the hard bit? you need to find something that is in demand elsewhere and find buyers for whatever product or products you decide on, you also need a sound business plan and research your target group.

This applys to anything from a coffee shop to general export of goods. As others have said this involves a lot of hard work and the crossing of obsticles which you will always encounter along the way.

But with the right motivation and passion and of course belief it can be done.


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:D if someone posts on here and i want to comment,i will, ; even if you dont agree,so no i wont f## off :D i belive scampy wants it all on a plate,business is hard,and takes effort,has he got balls,i dont know,i hope he makes it but i doubt it,stop dreaming scamp and start doing,its the only way,you have some good advice on here,and some fans too :o hope you prove me wrong
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falong, myfriendu.

Much as I hate to slag anyone off here, as its far too easy when you are on the end of a keyboard.

If your friend was asking for advice would you take the same stance?

Scampy good or bad is just trying to do the best for himself, if you have nothing constructive to say, dont read it, dont post in it and just F#ck OFF


If a friend was asking for advice I would respond the same way if not I would even be tougher in my stance. Thats what friends are for--tell them the truth and they will accept.

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Sorry for being so silent on this thread. I was travelling to and from the UK for the past few days :D

Scampy is correct that we never met, and that's more than down to my own 'laziness'. Scampy, I'm happy to meet up and listen to your ideas/woes, if only so that I can tell you to go back to Blighty :D

But several of the posts have made the very important point that to start any business requires some capital injection. You don't have this, but the guy in the UK does. Certainly, there is the big risk that this guy could 'use' you to establish his business in LoS, and then drop you like a stone when it all starts to take off.

But let's meet and chat on this further. My new business as a Bar-Girl is going very well - ouch! :o - so maybe there is an opportunity for you in this area :D

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My new business as a Bar-Girl is going very well - ouch! :D - so maybe there is an opportunity for you in this area :D

Oops... I know which hole that "ouch" is coming from... :o:D

Right sorry about that .... back on topic now please.... carry on..

totster :D

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I'm still waiting for him to get back to me - I know he's busy and not very good at keeping in touch. I have not put all my efforts into trying to contact him because I have my own work life to sort out and I am not at this stage putting any of my eggs in his basket.

What has happened on this thread is that I started it to get some advice to pass on to him via e-mail.

Because of my 'Help' post earlier this year, it looks to many contributors to this thread that I am trying to start my own business but want everyone to look into the options for me because I'm too busy farting about with this Ning girl to get my head out of the clouds and do something about it.

Well that's not it.

My current situation work wise is NOT something I have made public on this forum, and what I am doing to look for a better means of making money is NOT something I am currently seekinghelp from on the forum.

If my contact in the U.K. is serious about starting a business (which he says he is but maybe he's the one who should be doing his own research instead of asking me asking the forum) then he will be in contact, but it's not something I'm waiting on.

He asked me what his options were - I (Scampy) am not a natural businessman so I handed the question over to all who have read this.

I am grateful for the replies but they are really replies that I am passing on to him (I e-mailed a link to this post) - in the meantime I AM sorting out, or trying to sort out my own problems and I have enough of them which is WHY I started this post because I doubted weather this guy would become a member himself and ask on the forum himself from his office in Huddersfield.

I'm still grateful for the replies and even the criticism - that which is constructive, and it's nice to know that people give a toss about me, BUT - are you sure your barking up the right tree because this is not and never was an extention or sequel to my 'Help' post.

When I get paid I will call him and ask if he's seen all this.

Hey, maybe he has and that's why he hasn't been in touch. :D:o

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I'm still waiting for him to get back to me - I know he's busy and not very good at keeping in touch. I have not put all my efforts into trying to contact him because I have my own work life to sort out and I am not at this stage putting any of my eggs in his basket.

What has happened on this thread is that I started it to get some advice to pass on to him via e-mail.

Because of my 'Help' post earlier this year, it looks to many contributors to this thread that I am trying to start my own business but want everyone to look into the options for me because I'm too busy farting about with this Ning girl to get my head out of the clouds and do something about it.

Well that's not it.

My current situation work wise is NOT something I have made public on this forum, and what I am doing to look for a better means of making money is NOT something I am currently seekinghelp from on the forum.

If my contact in the U.K. is serious about starting a business (which he says he is but maybe he's the one who should be doing his own research instead of asking me asking the forum) then he will be in contact, but it's not something I'm waiting on.

He asked me what his options were - I (Scampy) am not a natural businessman so I handed the question over to all who have read this.

I am grateful for the replies but they are really replies that I am passing on to him (I e-mailed a link to this post) - in the meantime I AM sorting out, or trying to sort out my own problems and I have enough of them which is WHY I started this post because I doubted weather this guy would become a member himself and ask on the forum himself from his office in Huddersfield.

I'm still grateful for the replies and even the criticism - that which is constructive, and it's nice to know that people give a toss about me, BUT - are you sure your barking up the right tree because this is not and never was an extention or sequel to my 'Help' post.

When I get paid I will call him and ask if he's seen all this.

Hey, maybe he has and that's why he hasn't been in touch. :D:o

Sorry to respond to your post and ruin your day but I just gotta say

Thats a nice avatar :D:D

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But several of the posts have made the very important point that to start any business requires some capital injection. You don't have this, but the guy in the UK does. Certainly, there is the big risk that this guy could 'use' you to establish his business in LoS, and then drop you like a stone when it all starts to take off.

Scamp, this is a second opinion that you should seriously take into consideration.

Be warned mate.

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One thing I cannot stand is confrontation like Falong dishes out. Why when scampi only want thoughts and ideas do you repond so? Give the guy a break. Falong if you cannot be constructive and reply in a civil manner with non aggressive communication then just leave it. Try to help, not hinder. Life is good if we all contribute and try to help each other. Life is bad if we fight.


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The International schools are charging a "bomb" for education in the english language for all subjects abt 300,000 per term correct me if I am wrong

If you can find a partner and open a school to tech all subjects in the english language there will be demand

I met this Thai lady and she is sending her children to schools in Singapore due to lessons conducted in english in Singapore , however she will retire in Thailand.

If you can run a school with cheaper fees using Asian Singapore english language teachers or get a retired Principal to run one, I am sure you will get alot of customers

I have friends that are finding the education system here too expensive (if taught in english)

I could be wrong, any one got any comments

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Well, have just come across this thread and did not take the time to go through all the contributions but rather read the beginning and then went right to the end.

Appears, despite a lot of input no real progress has been made.

Anyway, here some short and basic advice to both of you the "businessman" and "Scampy".

Businessman is surely not a clearly defined expression. The essential question is in WHAT business did he succeed back in the UK and made his money? Where is his knowledge and expertise? This is the first question to be answered and the next moves should be building up on this base.

Does it make sense if you are a physician in Europe to work as a lawyer in Thailand? In any case setting up a business abroad should not be about reinventing the wheel but rather taking advantage of previous endeavours and knowledge. Succeeding is not just a matter of how much money someone has but rather also (or primarily) a matter of the additional resources.

This businessman should asked himself

1. Where are my strenghts and what am I specialized in?

2. Where are links between my present business and engaging into activities in Thailand?

3. What will be the commercial advantages of engaging into business in Thailand?

If the answer is just because I like the country, the sun, the palms, the girls, the food etc. and there is no logical response from a commercial point of view investing can eventually only be disasterous or at most nothing better than just gambling.

Well, if the first step is taken number 2 will be evalutating the situation and defining the best approach to get things actually set up and this is where Scampy comes into play. To protect his interest it is now to come to an agreement on how he will be compensated for his efforts. Will there be a monthly payment or will there be compensation by actual for example timely efforts? Are there partial tasks and goals to be accomplished? In the affirmative, payment could be agreed upon when partial successes have been achieved.

Most important for Scampy as the service provider will be to keep control during the entire operation to avoid to be tricked out with time progressing. There should be steady financial compensation but when really getting into that set up job a lot of interesting and most valuable contacts and experiences will also be acquired by him that can always be used for his own benefit.

Scampy, if the businessman let's you down start to cook your own soup by using and/or selling the newly obtained wisdom on your own.

Also NEVER EVER give the strings out of your own hands but always make sure that you get and stay into a positon making yourself irreplacable for a deal to succeed. Make sure you keep control with any move you make because control is always a much much better option in business than faith.

Business is pretty much like chess. Try to predict all possible moves and do your counter moves accordingly. Lead instead of being led. Last but not least don't just go for the quick buck but rather think ahead and visualize your future and position.

Lot's of luck but having a potential investor on hand is already quite a good start out.



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