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Living Expenses

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High again every1. Eye have decided 2 moove hear. Eye took care of my visa. Now eye am trying to budget myself to live near my brother in sukhumvit asok nana area. He has provided me with the following budget that he uses. Eye'd like feedback and comments please. Thank u all sew much. this is monthly and leaving nothing to chance

Rent 2BR Condo fairly knew: 35,000


transport (mass transit) 6,000

Food (eat in and out) 15,000

Nights out 30,000

g/f and family 30,000

medical exp ????

clothes and misc 10,000

entertainment 10,000

visa and visa running 5,000

total 149,000 baht

of course not including med exp and I'm likely leaving out some things. This is the budget I will work from. it sounds reasonable to me (less than my home country. cant beat that :o )

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Seems a bit steep to me. you can live and enjoy life on a lot less.. Eye'd ( dont you mean I'd?)utilities(elec,water,ubc,internet)8,000. Thats about the same as my bills with rent.

Food (eat in and out) 15,000. Where are you eating? Shit, thats half my salary for the month.

Nights out 30,000. Would this not come under entertainment?

If you've got money to burn then why not. But i would be looking to alot less than you expect.

Your med exp will be nothing unless you are old and on a medication.

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Deer missed-her Gaytz,

G its shur nyce 2 fine ally meet missed-her Microsoft.

When Warren Buffet cumz to Bangcock, u"l want to budget another 5000000 baht for the Bentley Mulsanne Turbo R, unles of coarse u preferr the Phantom 6 double cowl cabriolet, or the Lamborghini Murcielago.

Aynd bye th wai, snakestick, did u no that medical expenses kan ron lotz of muny?

Also, did you know that Murcielago is not only the name of a famous Spanish fighting bull, but also the word "bat" in Spanish, whence it is the only word in espanol to contain all 5 five vowels, including a dipthong?

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Deer missed-her Gaytz,

G its shur nyce 2 fine ally meet missed-her Microsoft.

When Warren Buffet cumz to Bangcock, u"l want to budget another 5000000 baht for the Bentley Mulsanne Turbo R, unles of coarse u preferr the Phantom 6 double cowl cabriolet, or the Lamborghini Murcielago.

Aynd bye th wai, snakestick, did u no that medical expenses kan ron lotz of muny?

Also, did you know that Murcielago is not only the name of a famous Spanish fighting bull, but also the word "bat" in Spanish, whence it is the only word in espanol to contain all 5 five vowels, including a dipthong?

eye take offense too your post, pieceblondie. y must u make a mockery about my bkk budget and the weigh eye right. ok sew eye'm knot perfect inn my written english yet butt eye'm getting their. by the weigh, eye will bee teaching english inn bkk too help me cover my budget. eye really dont think that forking out a measly $3750/month qualifies u 4 bill gates status. maybe u need 2 get out inn the world and work sew u can c that this budget is puny on a worldwide scale. eye'm sorry u have 2 live on a budget that wood knot reach welfair status in the US. my sincerest apology 2 ewe and every1 hoo looks like ewe

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Quoteing the US and a literacy of lettuce. :o

Seriously though, you can live a lot cheaper than that if you want to.

But then, if you consider $3750/month to be average, maybe you should go see more of the world.

Just remember one thing, Thailand isnt the west.

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I know that you are new in town, so let us get down to the basics. Inspite of your English, I think we all managed to understand your post. But please do not go and teach English - no offense.

If you have a girl friend, I cannot imagine you blowing this kind of money on a monthly budget.

1. Rent is ok, but can be cheaper depending on where you live. You can still find a very nice, comfortable and modern place for less than that - even in the same area.

2. In a 2BR condo, the only way you blow 8K on utilities is if you leave all 3 ACs ON all the time.

3. How can you spend 6K on mass transit. Mass transit is BTS and the subway (does not include taxis). If you buy the 30 trip card on the skytrain, or the B300 on the subway, I would be hard pressed to blow 6K, If I forget the BTS and the Subway, that is like spending B 200/day on taxis only. Why not blend the three (BTS, subway, taxi) - as it is the fastest way to get around BKK. But a taxi ride cannot be classified as mass transit.

4. At 15K per month, most days you are eating at fairly fancy places, or have a big appetite or both . This in fact might need to be revised higher, when I look at some of your other numbers.

5. Nights out and entertainment - 30K + 10K. Do you plan to go out every night?

6. Clothes and Misc - 10K. No more need for suits. Is this too much?

7. Visa Running - need only 2K per month, if you do not have a visa on your passport.

I do not know your life-style, but I can comfortably cut your budget in half, and still have a good time. Start thinking in Baht - do not think in Euros, or USD, etc.

If you are planning on throwing all this money around, maybe you would invite me to join you one evening.

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