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Hey Handsome Man


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they like me because they think I look like a movie star.

Im sure I will think im still a 10 in 20 plus years also

I think even those with movie star looks will become fat, ugly and bald when they get old, TheDon.

The only possible exception is a former poster whose good looks were legendary - the one and only DONZ! :D

Hey, I used to read his posts, but im not him. He was a great poster though


sure what ever you say

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you can come to Thailand and get a job teaching English for 30k a month which is what, 10 times the Thai minimum monthly wage? It creates that lottery winner effect. And while many lottery winners end up going bankrupt, many farang end up jumping out of condominiums. it is pretty sad though when you see a Thai girl with a farang and he is full of smiles and she looks like she would rather be elsewhere. So it goes.

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you can come to Thailand and get a job teaching English for 30k a month which is what, 10 times the Thai minimum monthly wage? It creates that lottery winner effect. And while many lottery winners end up going bankrupt, many farang end up jumping out of condominiums. it is pretty sad though when you see a Thai girl with a farang and he is full of smiles and she looks like she would rather be elsewhere. So it goes.

The ones jumping out of condos are usually the ones who have lived the full hedonist lifestyle here not tempered by any kind of work in Thailand. Money runs out.

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In the UK I used to get guys coming on to me as they thought I was gay. I worked on the basis that a compliment is a compliment wherever it comes from.

Now when i go out in Sukumvit (rarely) its women who come on to me. I know 100% it is my wallet they covet (even though I have all my hair and am not overweight at all) but you know what?? It is still really nice to get a compliment! Wherever it comes from.

I often look at the larger older chaps with lovely women on their arm and think " there is no way you would get within a 100 yards of her in the UK". Then I remind myself that this is not the UK so all power to him. WIth the old adage of a willing buyer and a willing seller at work; enjoy.

We are all prostitutes in some form so enjoy life and enjoy that others enjoy life too.

They say, "If you believe you can or if you believe you can't; you're right".

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In the UK I used to get guys coming on to me as they thought I was gay. I worked on the basis that a compliment is a compliment wherever it comes from.

Now when i go out in Sukumvit (rarely) its women who come on to me. I know 100% it is my wallet they covet (even though I have all my hair and am not overweight at all) but you know what?? It is still really nice to get a compliment! Wherever it comes from.

I often look at the larger older chaps with lovely women on their arm and think " there is no way you would get within a 100 yards of her in the UK". Then I remind myself that this is not the UK so all power to him. WIth the old adage of a willing buyer and a willing seller at work; enjoy.

We are all prostitutes in some form so enjoy life and enjoy that others enjoy life too.

They say, "If you believe you can or if you believe you can't; you're right".

Reminds me of that old tale:

Man. "Would you sleep with me for a million pounds?"

Woman. "Well, yeah; sure."

M. "Okay. Would you sleep with me for one pound?"

W. "<deleted> off, what sort of girl do you think I am?"

M. "We've already established that. All we're doing now is haggling over the price."

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I'd have thoughts of these poor girls that actually had sex with him, they must have really wanted that money to look at that ugly ass face of his.. I'm sure these girls he met would have preferred an overweight man that was halfway decent looking vice some dude that look like he was beat with an ugly stick..

Unfortunately, you may have a point there...


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i think if they dont call you hansum then you are ok looking.

hansum is reserved for the lower 25 % tile as far as looks go.

Just my observation while having beers outside "Any" bar....

You normally hear the BGs making their cat calls, nothing new.. You take a look to see what's up.. It's some middle to older aged farang, in shape or not, that appears to have been to Thailand a few times. The BGs can take'em or leave'em..

Then some times you hear a louder roar of women yelling out sexy man, handsome man, what ever.. You take a look to see what's coming down the street, and it's a group of dudes with polo shirts on, checking the girls out with that shit eating grin on their faces, like they're something special, when in the real world no one would give them the time of day..

Then you have your better than average looking Joe, and it appears some of the women will just let you walk on by, because they know you won't be interested in an average looking bar girl.. and think you're out looking for the hottest BG in Thailand... So, you get the free pass with little to no one calling you over..

Then on occasion, you hear that roar again, but coming from multiple bars with much more enthusiasm.. So you take a look what is so special coming down the street, and it's your typical stud type, good looking, tall, and in very good shape... That would be your rock star type the women want, even if they think you might be a cheap bastard, but they don't care. They want a change of pace from your average to less than average customer, and want to get nailed by someone that they're actually attracted to..

Then you have the young punk looking type, nothing special, maybe in good physical condition.. I think the BGs want nothing to do with them, because there is a very good chance that they are cheap bastards and can't trust them...

Just my opinion...

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Well, having spent all my time in LOS up here in the ulu, I'm not at all familiar with the whole BKK, Pattaya BG thing. Mind you, my wife's female friends and colleagues would always ooh and ahh when meeting me for the first time and tell her how handsome I was. I know it's absolute cobblers. I think they were just trying to cheer-up my wife, poor girl... :o

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I just go back to my days in the service. EYES FRONT!!

If my wife saw me doing anything else, the penalty of death would come as a welcome alternatuve. I know I'm PW'd [whip, CRACK!] :o

I can't get to the market down the street without being accosted by numerous cat calls from less than attractive women. Ahh to the days of being single.


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