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Farang Gets Ripped Off

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Bar girls always want more. Once you buy everything you think you both need, they don't need you. They will find somebody else and start agian, and agian.... :D

I wish you the best of luck with what ever course of action you take. Revenge is sweet, but doing time in a Thai monkey house is far from sweet. Stay within the law. Time is the best healer, but on the outside.

What are your plans now regarding staying in Thailand? Find another woman and do it agian?

There are good women in Thailand, some who would never dream of working in a bar. Try finding one.

No matter if they're good or bad, proceed with cation, eyes wide open. :D

Good thread, some good replies, good to know we can get answers and advice here. :o

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Hang on Killer. In post one you say the money is not an issue.

She didn't put you in this mess; you put yourself in. Man up & take responsibility for your stupidity & poor judgment.

I think The Eagles wrote a song about this. It's called "Get Over It".

This is why Thai's refer to us as "Issan Buffalo" "Walking ATM" & "Sweet Pig". They been ripping off falang for decades.

Choke Dee.

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being an american ,you can own 1 rai of land to build a home on ,so you should have been safer than most.......

being an american does not confer this right.....I have never heard of any foreigner owning 1 rai of land for building a home....I have heard that at one time there was a law the made it theoretically possible but that the purchase required permission from the gov't and permission was never granted.


Actually it does confer that right, He's speaking of the american Amnity agreement. I does allow americans ONLY to have a business here in thailand without the need for a lot of thai partners. This in turn allows you to own the land through your company.

I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure an Amnity company cannot own land :o

I own an Amity Company... cannot purchase a house/land.

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being an american ,you can own 1 rai of land to build a home on ,so you should have been safer than most.......

being an american does not confer this right.....I have never heard of any foreigner owning 1 rai of land for building a home....I have heard that at one time there was a law the made it theoretically possible but that the purchase required permission from the gov't and permission was never granted.


Actually it does confer that right, He's speaking of the american Amnity agreement. I does allow americans ONLY to have a business here in thailand without the need for a lot of thai partners. This in turn allows you to own the land through your company.

I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure an Amnity company cannot own land :o

I own an Amity Company... cannot purchase a house/land.

I wish a Moderator would pin this - to put this old chestnut about Amity property 'rights' for Americans to bed once and for all.

Edited by thaigene2
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You never owned the house, you never owned the property. You are a foreigner who violated the rule of Thailand, that rule which cannot be broken.


Because, now its time to walk. Like thousands on thousands before you, hand someone the keys and pack your bag, its time to move on.

Life teaches us all lessons, some easy, some very hard. Be thankful you are alive to fight another day, many before you did not get a second chance or took an early flight off a high balcony.

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Wish you the best of luck. Could happen to probably most of us.

?? Could it?? WHY WHY WHY do these "poor farang" not learn form the mistakes of others??

And then use their commen sense...I just don't get it...maybe i'm the stupid one :o

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Frustrated falang comes to LOS, finds gorgeous hunk of meat called bar-girl and feels a spontaneous first sight luv for her.

After some time, two or three days, they decide for

a future together of course only after hubby has cautiously found out his sate of affairs

concerning bank accounts. If he tells her, can only rent condo, smile freezes

same when he thinks company way would be nice.

Since he not want to loose recent conquest, he is slowly driven out of protection

of his money. After all, she does have a winning nature.

When he then finds out her real nature, it is too late.

And the moral of the story, any freezing implies, she will leave anyway

and that should be, while your money is still on your account.

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

Yes it happen quite often in the land of smiles, a never by friend here in CMU has the same problem, Count your Blessings and move on friend, now you know how evil some people can be, in other WORDS: GREED< GREED GREED GREED. :D:D:D

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  • 2 weeks later...
"I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more..."

I'm sure that the reason that you didn't form a company to buy a home to keep it in your name, was that someone told you that the government might take your home away from you. That has never happened to a farang. Ever. Instead you choose to put the house in your Gf's name which absolutely guarantees that you'll lose your home. Excellent.

I did form a company and the money was used from the company account to pay for the land and house. I know this will take a long time to get resolved and I appreciate everyones comments. Yes she will have a story to tell to protect her right to ownership as the the Thai court has issued us both 50% of the property. She has commited adultry and purgered herself in court as well as other issues including stealing items from the home without my permission, yes I did file a Police report and I will get police approval/protection before I bulldoze the place.

i hope you video it and tkae before and after pics,we want to see!!!

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Heard this story many times my friend, a very few go through the courts and win but it can take years and years and cost you a huge extra wedge of money, your lawyer will tell you when we win we can claim a lot back [after paying big money up front to them] but by then all her assests are in the family name and she appears destitute.

Sorry but you have had an expensive lesson, never ever take on a bar girl for a long term relationship, they are expert at loving you but are really only interested in one thing. MONEY. Cut your losses and walk away.

To turn a bar girl into your dream is like a girl trying to turn a handsome gay man into someone straight, some try most fail.

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being an american ,you can own 1 rai of land to build a home on ,so you should have been safer than most.......

When did you dream this tale up Lazee ?

An American, like any foreign national, can own up to 1 Rai in Thailand for residential purposes. All you need to do is meet the requirements under Section 96 bis of the Land Code. Step One of which is to agree to invest 40M Baht in Thailand (in pre-approved investments) for a period of not less than 5 years.


Before you start making statements like this, you might want to research the legal definition of ownership. Here's one to get you started:

PROPERTY. The right and interest which a man has in lands and chattels to the exclusion of others. 6 Binn. 98; 4 Pet. 511; 17 Johns. 283; 14 East, 370; 11 East, 290, 518. It is the right to enjoy and to dispose of certain things in the most absolute manner as he pleases, provided he makes no use of them prohibited by law.

If your "ownership" doesn't pass this test, is it true legal ownership?

IOW, sell it to whomever and whenever you see fit?

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so just forget it - it seems it aint much anyway what a few million tops - you can loose more

on stocks etc etc

I am not one to say never buy for your wife - buy but its a gift given freely - if you take that

approach you dont get to hurt - ive probably given put in my wifes name around 20 mill baht

its my gift to her for over 6 years of happy marriage and if in end it all goes wrong then I will care

more about my broken heart than some money - however I do make sure as I did with my first wife

that I have enough left to get by (my first wife got about 70 million baht and I dont regret it at

all) My current wife is 35 years younger than me and is the most wonderful thing thats ever happened

- she could have walked away with a few million in early years and id have considered it lucky

just learn

People here who want to have a young wife but dont want to trust them should just keep a

mistress and not kid themselves

maybe ive just been lucky or maybe being older a lot wiser than most

Enjoy and stop moaning and if it goes wrong just move on

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so just forget it - it seems it aint much anyway what a few million tops - you can loose more

on stocks etc etc

I am not one to say never buy for your wife - buy but its a gift given freely - if you take that

approach you dont get to hurt - ive probably given put in my wifes name around 20 mill baht

its my gift to her for over 6 years of happy marriage and if in end it all goes wrong then I will care

more about my broken heart than some money - however I do make sure as I did with my first wife

that I have enough left to get by (my first wife got about 70 million baht and I dont regret it at

all) My current wife is 35 years younger than me and is the most wonderful thing thats ever happened

- she could have walked away with a few million in early years and id have considered it lucky

just learn

People here who want to have a young wife but dont want to trust them should just keep a

mistress and not kid themselves

maybe ive just been lucky or maybe being older a lot wiser than most

Enjoy and stop moaning and if it goes wrong just move on

Your first wife got over a £1m? :o


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ive probably given put in my wifes name around 20 mill baht

its my gift to her for over 6 years of happy marriage and if in end it all goes wrong then I will care

more about my broken heart than some money - however I do make sure as I did with my first wife

that I have enough left to get by (my first wife got about 70 million baht and I dont regret it at

all) My current wife is 35 years younger than me and is the most wonderful thing thats ever happened

- she could have walked away with a few million in early years and id have considered it lucky

just learn

People here who want to have a young wife but dont want to trust them should just keep a

mistress and not kid themselves

maybe ive just been lucky or maybe being older a lot wiser than most

Enjoy and stop moaning and if it goes wrong just move on

Just read your post one more time and you look like the perfect pigeon, for the same amount you could have had at least 4 thai girls in your bed every day for the last six years. For more than 9000 bahts a day your wife could be the most wonderful thing in your life as even in the west I don't know many who get this. And about trustworthy .... having an average monthly thai salary every day could help.

You're not a trustworthy example, sorry.

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If you truly own the building,that is what it is not a home,and you have no plans of staying in Thailand I say BULL DOZE IT.You own it, it is yours to do as you see fit.You had just better make sure that you do own it and you have a lot of back up when you do bulldoze it.I am sure that the "family" will be around to stop you.You are taking away their investment(their daughters work)Just do it without ever telling anyone the day.Just show up and git to it...Good luck!

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I am not one to say never buy for your wife - buy but its a gift given freely - if you take that

approach you dont get to hurt - ive probably given put in my wifes name around 20 mill baht

its my gift to her for over 6 years of happy marriage and if in end it all goes wrong then I will care

more about my broken heart than some money - however I do make sure as I did with my first wife

that I have enough left to get by (my first wife got about 70 million baht and I dont regret it at

all) My current wife is 35 years younger than me and is the most wonderful thing thats ever happened

- she could have walked away with a few million in early years and id have considered it lucky

First wife got 70 (seventy) million are you shure? How did you manage that. Is she wading in gold evermore?

Is the whole village wading in gold evermore? And the buffalos, walking around in Sunday attire all week long?

How does it concrete look like? You know, it’s just to get an idea or two for my next life, after all you never know,

do you. But you unlimited resources are to be envied.

That’s why you can allow yourself to be broken hearted when I would have been just broke.

And your present wify of six years 20 millions. And above all the noble notion as sung in ancient times

Je Ne Regrette Riene.

But then your consideration for yourself to get by (somehow) does indeed make sense.


Anyway People here who want to have a young wife but dont want to trust them should just keep a

mistress and not kid themselves True word.

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9000thb a day for the last 6 years.

Taking in the cost of living, she is coming out better than Heather Mills.

Good grief.

I don't think so..she fell on her foot when she married Sir Paul...someone asked him if he would ever go down on one knee again...he said he'd sooner refer to her as Heather..sorry off topic

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

And now I assume the property is in her/family name and you are no longer related. If you cause any harm to the property you will be charged and probably jailed, and the last place I would wish to end up for a few years is in a Thai prison. You got taken; move on and learn from the experience; do not dwell on it!

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

And now I assume the property is in her/family name and you are no longer related. If you cause any harm to the property you will be charged and probably jailed, and the last place I would wish to end up for a few years is in a Thai prison. You got taken; move on and learn from the experience; do not dwell on it!

Once a hooker, always a fuc_king hooker.

Can't you people dig that ????

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Not sure if this helps. A friend of mine had a similar situation but with a car and a small business. The car was in his ex's mothers name and the busines was in a joint name of him and his GF. They did the same thing and turned on him. He was threatened to be shot bla blah bla, but eventually went to a lawyer. The lawyer was very good and even though the car wasn't in his name, but he was paying for it by transfering funds from the UK to his ex's and her mums, the lawyer damanded proof as to how they were paying for it. In the meantime the police confiscated the car until the matter was resolve.

The family eventually walked away.

Edited by CCCP
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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

And now I assume the property is in her/family name and you are no longer related. If you cause any harm to the property you will be charged and probably jailed, and the last place I would wish to end up for a few years is in a Thai prison. You got taken; move on and learn from the experience; do not dwell on it!

Once a hooker, always a fuc_king hooker.

Can't you people dig that ????

How is it we can see it and they cant/dont want to ! :D
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Once a hooker, always a fuc_king hooker.

Can't you people dig that ????

I'd go so far as to say that you have given a STUPID answer. It's simply bullsh!t. Generalizing is usually wrong. I lived with six different Thai women before I found one who would put up with me. Most of them were bar girls. The MOST mercenary was an Surin country girl who had never been in a bar in her life. She was brought down from Surin to be a housekeeper for a good friend of mine. His Thai wife had just had a baby and wanted help cooking and taking care of the house. Another GOOD girl had been laid off from a Thai company who made hard drives. She was a VERY high maintenance lady who wanted it all. I couldn't afford her. The best one of the bunch was a former bar girl but I was too selfish to take care of her two children. We are still friends today.

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Once a hooker, always a fuc_king hooker.

Can't you people dig that ????

How is it we can see it and they cant/dont want to ! :o

Maybe because your intellect is roughly the size of the universe?

Read the post above mine. Morons like you are hugely unwelcome here. Reason? Wild generalizations.

This poor chap fell in with felons. That will not be the experience of everyone.

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