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Quote Of The Day, If Not The Year

chiang mai

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Just when you think you have heard it all, along comes a gem and today this from PM Samak in the Bangkok Post on his statements about the number of students killed in the 1976 massacre:

"what they intended to ask me is when I was there, how many deaths I witnessed. So I told them I saw only one. This has been misinterpreted".

For me this puts a new slant on politicans answers to questions by journalists - it now means that politcians can say whatever they want as long as they qualify later the question the journalist really intended to ask, sureal.

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Just when you think you have heard it all, along comes a gem and today this from PM Samak in the Bangkok Post on his statements about the number of students killed in the 1976 massacre:

"what they intended to ask me is when I was there, how many deaths I witnessed. So I told them I saw only one. This has been misinterpreted".

For me this puts a new slant on politicans answers to questions by journalists - it now means that politcians can say whatever they want as long as they qualify later the question the journalist really intended to ask, sureal.


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Just when you think you have heard it all, along comes a gem and today this from PM Samak in the Bangkok Post on his statements about the number of students killed in the 1976 massacre:

"what they intended to ask me is when I was there, how many deaths I witnessed. So I told them I saw only one. This has been misinterpreted".

For me this puts a new slant on politicans answers to questions by journalists - it now means that politcians can say whatever they want as long as they qualify later the question the journalist really intended to ask, sureal.

Just for the sake of your own mental health, don't ask your wife or Thai friends if what he has said clears up the matter.

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Just when you think you have heard it all, along comes a gem and today this from PM Samak in the Bangkok Post on his statements about the number of students killed in the 1976 massacre:

"what they intended to ask me is when I was there, how many deaths I witnessed. So I told them I saw only one. This has been misinterpreted".

For me this puts a new slant on politicans answers to questions by journalists - it now means that politcians can say whatever they want as long as they qualify later the question the journalist really intended to ask, sureal.


Let me help you: Samak gave an interview on CNN where he claimed that only one student was killed in the 1976 whereas in reality some 47 were killed and everyone understands this to be true.

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Just when you think you have heard it all, along comes a gem and today this from PM Samak in the Bangkok Post on his statements about the number of students killed in the 1976 massacre:

"what they intended to ask me is when I was there, how many deaths I witnessed. So I told them I saw only one. This has been misinterpreted".

For me this puts a new slant on politicans answers to questions by journalists - it now means that politcians can say whatever they want as long as they qualify later the question the journalist really intended to ask, sureal.


Let me help you: Samak gave an interview on CNN where he claimed that only one student was killed in the 1976 whereas in reality some 47 were killed and everyone understands this to be true.

Now, that's clear for me...

And yes, it is surreal....I am with you on that

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Just when you think you have heard it all, along comes a gem and today this from PM Samak in the Bangkok Post on his statements about the number of students killed in the 1976 massacre:

"what they intended to ask me is when I was there, how many deaths I witnessed. So I told them I saw only one. This has been misinterpreted".

For me this puts a new slant on politicans answers to questions by journalists - it now means that politcians can say whatever they want as long as they qualify later the question the journalist really intended to ask, sureal.


Let me help you: Samak gave an interview on CNN where he claimed that only one student was killed in the 1976 whereas in reality some 47 were killed and everyone understands this to be true.

I was told the reality is: 47 was the official number, but the actual number of person killed was much higher than this.

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Dan must have been thinking he was interviewing a child

What chance has does that country have when it's supposed leader representing the people on the world political stage speaks english like a bar girl

The Thai's should just stick to what their good at and quit while they still have that

Degree not required to work that one out

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To the OP.... deja vu.... :D

From another thread:


Another international news media interview.... another round of :o and :D and :D

Video of Samak's interview with Selena Downes, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Bangkok:

Part 1:


Part 2:



Following his lies over 1976 on CNN, come the lies now about Tak Bai, etc.

The video of the CNN interview is now also available here:



Regarding the above interviews, we have a new explanation...

He's now answering questions based on what journalists intended to ask and not what they actually ask...

And if there's any misunderstandings that develop, it's all on their part, not his....

Government spokesman Jakrapob Penkair said Samak did not object to attempts to study the massacre. He also quoted Samak as telling cabinet members, some of them former student activists, that he did not mean to cause unease. A source in the cabinet said Samak told ministers not to worry about the row and that his remark was misinterpreted. "What they intended to ask me is when I was there, how many deaths I witnessed. So I told them I saw only one death. This has been misinterpreted," he was quoted as saying.


Truly an amazing bit of logic from the PM...

Edited by sriracha john
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Just watched the two parts of the Al Jazeera Samak interview and a couple of things struck me about the PM.

One, is he seemed rather proud when the interviewer was asking him a question about his past record in 1976, smirking like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and pretending that he was only intending to feel the cookie and not really steal it.

Secondly, was the old Toxin defense that if one is voted in with a majority, then it is impossible for one to put a foot wrong, either now or in the past, and any supposed misdeeds are really only misunderstandings on the part of the accuser. In this case, he tried to make her feel small, bad and wrong for being a/ foreign and therefore ignorant of Thailand; and b/ too young to have been around in 76 and therefore impossible to have known what went on then.

Thirdly, his ability to lie quite brazenly and unashamedly about 6 October, Takbai and Krue Se Mosque incidents was so repulsive and without scruple, that I was not sure about whether I was watching Idi Amin or some Burmese general back from a session of raping and pillaging an ethnic minority area or the new PM of Thailand.

The democracy fundamentalists who argue til the cows come home that this kind of person is what Thailand needs to set it on the road to "development" and maturity are deluding themselves. Cos Samak is just a teddy bear in comparison to the guile, thievery and deception that Uncle Toxin has, is and will dish up for the country under the mantle of "democracy". Enjoy the PPP picnic while it lasts guys. :o

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It's still only February so there's plenty of time and other contenders to compete with Samak. Mr Chalerm is proving himself to be a rival with his first ludicrous comment that the October 6 tragedy was caused by one drunken policeman firing a gun.

His very recent comment that it would be 'natural' if more than 2,500 died in his new drugs war is a new contender.

But Samak countered with his remark to journalists that all the drug war killings were the work of drug gangs themselves,( so how many of the big fish did Thaksin get then?!)

Now Chalerm is Interior Minister I urge him to find Ai Peud the man he claimed killed the undercover policeman whom his son was accused of killing. With his present authority surely it wouldn't be difficult to bring him to justice.

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Now Chalerm is Interior Minister I urge him to find Ai Peud the man he claimed killed the undercover policeman whom his son was accused of killing. With his present authority surely it wouldn't be difficult to bring him to justice.

sheesh... you got a heck of memory, Siripon, as I'd forgotten about that little gem of his from then...

and yes... absolutely as the powerful Interior Minister, Ai Peud should be located within the week.

Edited by sriracha john
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Another one. :o
"My government will decisively implement a policy against drug trafficking," he said. "Government officials must implement this policy 24 hours a day, but I will not set a target for how many people should die."

Link here.


Ah, the article reveals another gem, thanks Soundman: "He also denied that innocent people were killed. "If they were innocent, why were they killed?," he asked". This guys going to be a (real) journalist's dream come true. Seems like he's going to follow the polcies of Thaksin (later shafted) but without Thaksin's ability to manage, or even speak. I now revise my estimates and suggest coup number 28 (or overthrow) inside of eighteen months.

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Another one. :o
"My government will decisively implement a policy against drug trafficking," he said. "Government officials must implement this policy 24 hours a day, but I will not set a target for how many people should die."

Link here.


Ah, the article reveals another gem, thanks Soundman: "He also denied that innocent people were killed. "If they were innocent, why were they killed?," he asked". This guys going to be a (real) journalist's dream come true. Seems like he's going to follow the polcies of Thaksin (later shafted) but without Thaksin's ability to manage, or even speak. I now revise my estimates and suggest coup number 28 (or overthrow) inside of eighteen months.

18 months.........that's a bit conservative isn't it? This bunch of dangerous clowns won't even last 8 months I predict. If a coup doesn't oust 'em, people power will. :D

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