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Thailand's Gay Past


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I found it on google cached pages of BKK post

Temple murals show that homosexual relations are not a recent phenomena in Thai society


Mention homosexuality and many Thais will blame it on recent Western influences. Ask Varaporn Vichayarath what she thinks, however, and she would simply smile before providing a list of old temples with murals depicting same-sex courtship.

Yes, homosexual courtship between both men and women.

And yes, at temples.

"Contrary to conservative beliefs, homosexuality has long existed in our society, as evidenced by these mural paintings," said Varaporn, a book editor who has researched the topic.

Varaporn recently presented her findings at Thailand's first ever national conference on sexuality and sexual diversity, where she displayed photographs of murals painted on old temples in various parts of Thailand.

Varaporn started with images of the 18th century Buddhaisawan Chapel in the National Museum, where the sacred Buddha Sihing image is housed for public reverence. There, she found some murals with images of lesbianism. One, located on the middle of the left wall after the main entrance, depicts two mermaids frolicking with each other above the ocean waves. On the opposite wall is the scene on the Buddha's Great Renunciation, the night Prince Siddhartha decided to leave palace life to ordain. In the portion of the mural that shows a group of court ladies sleeping in front of the royal chamber some of the women are embracing one another.

Lesbian love is often seen in murals depicting the Great Renunciation, Varaporn explained.

"While it reflects what must have been a common phenomenon among court women in those days since they were barred from direct contact with men, it may also symbolise worldly lust, which the prince was leaving behind," she said.

Theres more here google cache

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I take issue with the last word in the subtitle. If there were influences, why does anyone have to blame anyone? I think it's your hetero world-and-life view subconsciously leaking through! :D

I'm sure there are plenty of conservative xenophobes in the Thai population who blame farangs for every ill this country has! That said, I didn't mean anything by this phraseology; it was just an attempt to succinctly summarize the article with a tounge-in-cheek tag line :o

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I found the article quite interesting and the photos of the temple murals very interesting. At least now I will look more closely at those murals the next time I find myself on another tour of some wat somewhere in Nakhon Nowhere :o

Also waiting to be offered a fag from some cute Thai fag :D

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