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Russian Women


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Having just spent 3 years in Moscow, and having had to go through the lines in Moscow Airport (both of them) several times with packs of Russians, I can confirm that they all do it. The sport is to join someone you know that is just about to get served. It is accepted in Russia and no one cares too much. Once you have stood 1 to 1 1/2 hours waiting in line at the Russian immigration, you will appreciate the lines in Bangkok. For a meager 10.000 Baht or so, you can join the rich and go the VIP way. Car picks you up straight by the plane, whisks you via the tax free zone to a VIP area, where you have your own private Passport officer and they go and pick up your luggage for you. All you do is sit and sip a nice drink and have your driver stand by and take over the suitcase when they deliver it to you. Talk about decadence... I loved it... :)

As far as the ladies are concerned, we (my wife, who is not Russian, and I) still have Russian friends visiting us from Russia. I can confirm that they enjoy shopping very much in Thailand as the prices in Moscow are totally outrageous. Their dress code is quite daring and therefore are often mistaken for ladies of the night. Ultra short skirts and towering heels are a trade mark. Go see the ladies that work at the customs or other services in Moscow, they look yummy...

Let's not forget that Russians have made an art of standing in line, so much so that in the old days when there was a long line of people waiting. they sometimes joined to line without knowing what was for sale. They figured that if so many were waiting, it must be worthwhile.

Lastly, when I was in Moscow (I work for a bank), we had contracts with companies that provide people to stand in line for you (everywhere there are lines). You pay them by the hour.

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actiondell you have brought yourself down to their level by doing that. quite immature i'd say. yeah i'd be pissed if they cut in too but seriously abusing your govt. power is not what i'd expect of a grown man. just politely remind them that they have cut the line and i'm sure they would've obliged, try being civil at first.

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Sorry for Russian 9 Ladies. I am Russian and I do not approve that behaviour. But Russian Ladies get used that many men in Russia concede them seats in subway and buses, pay for them in restaurants, etc, so they think it is the same abroad. Awfully sorry again

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I think actiondell's response was a little harsh, but I'm pleased that he did something. I'm usually very laid back, but queue jumpers are something that really cracks my veneer.

I had something similar the last time I came back to BKK. This Eastern European woman was talking with her friends at the back of the line, which I guess was going too slowly for her. She left her group and proceeded to try to push right in front of me! I told her to get back to her spot in the line, and she glared red-hot death at me! And then tried to butt-in a few people back.

I'm not British, but if I have to wait for my turn in a line, then everyone else does too! I don't care who the person thinks they are, they aren't butting in front! :)

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Why the assumption that they're whores?

Agreed. Why, instead, didn't you assume they were all here to continue their Ph.D. program in Physics at Chulalongkorn Univ.? :)

No way, The Chula-theory is a very unlikely . They probably already have a master degree in quantum mechanic from Lomonosov University. Must be up to some sort of trick, unless of course they are just here on vacation with their family...... :D

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Whenever i go to Bangkok, men often ask if im Russian..and im not even jumping queues!

This happens to me too ... but it also happened when I lived in NYC.... people always assume that I'm Russian, Polish..or Eastern European..

I hope people don't think I'm some kind of line jumper.. because I personally hate it when I'm in line in the bathroom and the do the line up in front of each stall door thing....sometimes I have to go so bad...only to have whoever was in the stall before me #1 make me wait so long #2 watch everyone who came in after me finish before I even get to go #3 make me use a smelly stall =(

yeah..but I'm getting used to it!!!

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I HAD A similar thing happen to me last year when i was leaving the airport.

As i got thru the scanner thing,a couple of young Indian,bangladeshi i presume young guys just so ever without hesitation walked up to me and pushed in front of me

I was in a similar situation in 2007. 3 guys charged through to the front third of the line without regard to everyone who had been standing in the que for 15-20 minutes. Much to our delight, an immigration offical told them to get to the back of the line in no uncertain terms. Smiles from the the rest of us...a little order and civility make the queing easier to bear.

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