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People's Alliance For Democracy To Renew Movement

sriracha john

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PAD brands extensive rewriting of charter "Silent Coup"

The anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) described the government's plan to make extensive amendments to the Constitution as a "silent coup".

The group called for a national referendum to be organised to decide whether the charter needs to be rewritten at this time.

It also threatened to hold street protests against any bid to change the charter for self-interest and to begin a signature campaign against the MPs backing such an attempt.

In its statement, the PAD said the coalition parties had earlier planned to rewrite only a handful of clauses that threaten to cause certain government parties to be disbanded. However, after increasing suspicion that the changes are aimed at self-serving benefits rather than the public interest, the coalition has now opted for extensive amendments.

All five PAD leaders, Chamlong Srimuang, Sonthi Limthongkul, Somsak Kosaisuk, Piphob Dhongchai and Komkiate Pongpaiboon, who is also an MP in the opposition Democrat Party, attended yesterday's meeting.

Suriyasai Katasila, the PAD coordinator, read out their statement, which denounced the attempt to rewrite the charter for selfinterest. The PAD said the genuine targets of the amendment bid were Articles 237 and 309, with the goal of whitewashing the legal responsibilities from certain politicians and political parties.

The PAD said that in order to save the time, there was a plan to replace the current Constitution with the 1997 version, which was scrapped in the 2006 coup and described by exPM Thaksin Shinawatra's critics as severely abused during his time in power.

The PAD's statement said it was not against amending the charter as long as the goals were for public interest, not against the principle of good governance, and not affecting the balance of power between the Legislature, the Administration and the Judiciary.

In the amendment was needed, the group also called for a council to be set up and consist of representatives from all sectors in society, in addition to academics and experts. The PAD said the amendment should not be drafted by the current parliamentarians in order to avoid conflict of interest.

- The Nation (today)

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Karun Hosakul greets his supporters with the ‘I love you’ sign as he leaves Parliament yesterday

'I'm the victim!'

People Power Party MP Karun Hosakul insists he wasn't the one who began the parliamentary antics and says the Democrats are out to discredit him. *Reality check...his own previous actions actually have already done that for him*

Karun Hosakul says he's the victim in Wednesday's Parliament madness, and is demanding an apology from the man he allegedly attacked. :o

The People Powderpuff Party seems to be softening....

Democrat admits PPP tried to "settle" Karun case

Chief Opposition Whip Sathit Wongnongtoey has confirmed reports that executives of the PPP had tried to iron out differences with the Democrat Party following Karun Hosakul’s alleged attempt to kick Democrat MP Somkiat Pongpaibul. "Yes, someone from the PPP did approach us,” he said. “But if you asked any of the PPP members, they would all deny this.” Mr Somkiat has also confirmed reports that he will go ahead with plans to file a libel suit against Karun after his alleged attacker gave radio and television interviews accusing him of being borne from the military coup and that he had been bribed into entering the election race as a Democrat Party list MP. "I want to file this lawsuit to set the standard for future cases. MPs should be able to express their opinion in parliament without coming under physical attack," he said. He added: "I am certain that justice will be served. Each member on the sub-committee probing this issue is a well-respected political figure representing each political party so I am sure they will handle this case without prejudice,” he concluded. Karun was accused of trying to kick and punch Democrat member Somkiat on April 2 following a heated debate between the pair inside parliament earlier on. Mr Somkiat reportedly angered Karun by challenging fellow MPs to initiate a mass petition for his removal from the House if his participation in a People’s Alliance for Democracy gathering was against

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Somchai the Fix-It Man.... can't fix this one...

Brawling MP Faces More Charges

The Democrat Party refused to withdraw the charges it filed against ruling People Power Party MP, Karun Hosakul, who attacked the group's party-list MP, Somkiet Pongpaiboon. :o

Three Democrat MPs, including Sathit Wongnongteoi as the Opposition Whip's Chairman, Songkla MP Wirat Kalayasiri, and party-list MP Somkiet Pongpaiboon held a press conference today regarding their legal action against People Power Party Bangkok MP Karun Hosakul, who recently attacked Somkiet in the MP lounge.

Somkiet says the decision on whether to accept Karun's proposal to deliver an apology in return for the withdrawal of the case rests on key members of his party. * do not pass Go... go directly to... *

He also revealed that some respected Parliament members have asked him to withdraw his charges filed against Karun.

The respected Parliament member he referred to is believed to be Second Deputy House Speaker Apiwan Viriyachai. *hmmmm....* :D:D

Meanwhile, Sathit Wongnongtoei revealed that his party has been asked to withdraw its charges filed against Karun, but he insists the party will continue its legal action to ask for justice for all MPs. :D

- Thailand Outlook (today)

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The hammer could be coming down as soon as today...

EC expected to rule on future of Chart Thai, Matchima Thipataya parties Tuesday

The EC is expected to give rulings on the future of Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya parties on Tuesday.


*Edit. btw, if this does come to pass... I would expect a new thread on the topic other than this one.*

well, it took a few more days... but... BANG!


Election Commission Rules That Chart Thai & Matchima Thipataya Parties Be Dissolved

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PAD to seek impeachment of MPs who support charter amendments

The People's Alliance for Democracy will gather signatures of 20,000 voters to seek an impeachment of People Power Party MPs if they support a motion amend the Constitution to avoid their party dissolution.

Suriyasai Katasila, Secretary-General of the PAD said his group would initiate an impeachment process once the PPP submits a motion to Parliament to amend the charter to avoid party dissolution.

Suriyasai said such attempt would be regarded as a conflict of interest in charter amendments and MPs who are involved could be impeached.

- The Nation (today)

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Bangkok Post, Breaking News 13-04-2008


Charter 'was a trap'

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej described the 2007 constitution as a trap to kill the People's Power party, and promised to push for amendments.

In his regular weekly TV talk on Sunday, Mr Samak said that the charter, written during military rule, had managed to snag two smaller parties as it laid its trap for the PPP.

Mr Samak did not actually name any of the three political parties, referring to them as "a major party" and "two smaller parties". Clearly he meant PPP, as well as its coalition government partners the Chart Thai and Machimathipataya parties, all of which likely will be ordered dissolved because of electoral fraud by their executives.


Ref url for the rest of the article :-


You get the feeling all that is happening has gone before.

It has of course

Reminds me of the infamous Honest " Dishonest " mistake quote the surrogate leader made prior to buying his way into the CEO premiership of the TRT !!!

Hopefully the penalties they rightly paid re their disbandment will not be overturned via the dishonest endeavours to facilitate their obvious objectives this time.

One can only hope it doesn't have the same result for the lying, thieving, unethical, cheating, self serving B******S this time.


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Pracharaj Party Leader disagrees with PAD’s protest against charter amendment

Leader of Pracharaj Party Sanoh Thienthong says he does not agree with the People’s Alliance for Democracy’s (PAD) protest against the Constitution amendment.

However, Sanoh declined to say which articles of the Constitution should be revised. He said he believed that there will be no chaos if all sides have no agenda in amending the Constitution.

The Party Leader said he thinks that the 2007 Constitution contains biases against politician and this is the main reason why it should be amended.

Sanoh also called on the coalition parties to be united to resolve the country’s problems and says there is no need to reshuffle the Cabinet at present.

- ThaiNews (today)

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PAD to Discuss Opposing Charter Revision on Saturday

People's Alliance for Democracy coordinator, Suriyasai Katasila, said the PAD's executive members will hold a discussion on Saturday at the October 14, 1973 Memorial. The members will determine the PAD's strategy to resist the Constitutional amendment.

They will decide whether the alliance will set up rallies, tour the provinces, or collect names for a petition to oppose the revision. A press conference will be held at 3pm on the same day.

Suriyasai said the PAD sees no reason to organize a major gathering at the moment but will wait for the motion to be put forward at the House meeting.

Discussions will also be held among six government-monitoring committees on the committees' operations.

Siripan Noksuan, a professor at Chulalogkorn University's Faculty of Political Science, commented that the charter revision must not be conducive to violence or carried out for personal gain. She said revisions should be made to the entire charter and should invite public participation.

She suggested that establishing a constituent assembly comprising all sectors will help curb opposition from the public.

The government's bid to amend only sections 237 and 309 through the Upper and Lower Houses may be deemed an improper act. She says, therefore, that the administration should not use the majority votes as an excuse.

- Thailand Outlook / 16-04-08

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Pracharaj Party Leader disagrees with PAD’s protest against charter amendment

Leader of Pracharaj Party Sanoh Thienthong says he does not agree with the People’s Alliance for Democracy’s (PAD) protest against the Constitution amendment.

However, Sanoh declined to say which articles of the Constitution should be revised. He said he believed that there will be no chaos if all sides have no agenda in amending the Constitution.

The Party Leader said he thinks that the 2007 Constitution contains biases against politician and this is the main reason why it should be amended.

Sanoh also called on the coalition parties to be united to resolve the country’s problems and says there is no need to reshuffle the Cabinet at present.

- ThaiNews (today)

Sounds like he's got wind of a plan to shift the Mrs out the Cabinet.

From what he says he clearly believes there will be "chaos", as if political sides would not have an agenda in amending the Constitution. The old geezer should have gone the way of the dinosaurs long ago and be put out to graze in a Jurassic Park, along with Samak, Banharn, Chavalit, Vatana and a handful of other T-Rexes.

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PAD to hold a mass rally next Friday

People's Alliance for Democracy movement will hold a mass rally next Friday against Samak government's proposal to amend the constitution.

PAD's member Suriyasai Katasila said the rally will be held on April 25, he did not say where.

"The rally will be aimed at criticising the government's attempt to review the charter to whitewash themselves and banned former Thai Rak Thai Mps and executives.

- The Nation (today)

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Friday , April 18 , 2008

Blog TV...Rice price soaring? No problem, just amend the charter

Posted by Yoon , Reader : 171 , 08:11:15

Go to the following url and view / listen to what i consider fair comment and reality in reference to the PPP,s proposals to change various cluases of the constitution.


Click to watch Suthichai Yoon's video clip commenting on the desperate attempt by the ruling party, PPP, to amend certain clauses in the constitution to serve their own interests -- and have nothing to do with public interests or concern....



Well said that man and eloquently put, plain and to the point, IMHO of course.

marshbags :o

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PAD renews threats against government's attempt to amend constitution

BANGKOK, April 19 (TNA) - The leadership of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), a staunch critic of the coalition government of Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej, today stood firm against the government's plan to amend the constitution and threatened to hold a major rally against it.

The PAD's resolutions came after a closed door meeting with its allies organisations, held earlier in the day, which charged that the government's plan to amend the 2007 constitution, especially regarding Articles 237 and 309, could be interpreted as its attempt to block plans to dissolve three parties in the coalition government, including the coalition core People Power Party (PPP).

Article 309 legitimises all acts under the interim 2006 constitution and all related ruling announcements of the 2006 coup.

The change of Article 309 could lead to the dissolution of the Assets Scrutiny Committee that is investigating alleged corruption by members of the Thaksin government.

Article 237 concerns party dissolution as the supporters of the amendment believed that the article makes it too easy for a party to be dissolved.

The anti-amendment grouping said it would gather signatures of at least 20,000 eligible voters with the intention of impeaching the MPs who have endorsed the amendment plan and send the list of signatures to the Office of the Attorney General for its consideration.

Participants in the meeting agreed to meeting again on April 25 at Bangkok's Thammasat University to fully discuss their opposition to the government's plan to revise the constitution, which they charged would also clear away all charges related to the wrongdoings of ousted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, his family and cronies.

The PAD had conducted street protests for months which helped lead to the downfall of Thaksin's administration after the military carried out a bloodless coup on Sept 19, 2006.

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PAD says it will target MPs over charter

Signature campaign to be launched

The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) has threatened to hold a 20,000-signature collection campaign against MPs who join the bid by the government to amend the charter. The campaign will kick off at the PAD's second political forum on Friday at Thammasat University. PAD coordinator Suriyasai Katasila said the 20,000 signatures, which were expected to be gathered within 15 days, would be submitted to the Senate to impeach politicians supporting the move. He said the group would also ask the Office of the Attorney-General to rule on the proposed amendments. The PAD said confrontations were unavoidable in the next two months as PAD networks nationwide mobilise in mass demonstrations to oppose charter amendments, while the government presses ahead with the move. The PAD said MPs joining the bid to change the constitution would be violating Article 122, which stipulates that constitutional amendments by politicians must be made for the common interest of the people and be without any conflicts of interest. The government's attempts to rewrite the constitution are seen as a conflict of interest, it said. PM Samak suggested the need to revamp the Election Commission (EC) and the National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC). The PAD demanded the government hold a referendum on the proposed amendments.

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Police lay out groundwork in preparation for PAD rally on April 25th

Commander of the Metropolitan Police Bureau, Pol. Lt. Gen. Atsawin Kwanmuang, has met with Interior Minister Chalerm Yubamrung to discuss measures to tackle a demonstration by the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) on April 25th at Thammasat University.

The commander also expressed his belief that the demonstration will not escalate and will be arranged in line with laws. He says two rows of metal fences will be set up to prevent protestors at Sanam Luang from crossing the road to clash with PAD’s protestors at Thammasat University.

Pol. Lt. Gen. Atsawin stated further that the Rasisalai mob consisting of more than 400 people in front of the parliament house will not join PAD’s rally tomorrow.

- ThaiNews: 21 April 2008


alai RasisAlai? :o:D



ahhh.. ok... Dam protestors...

The Rasi Salai Declaration

04 December 2003

Endorsed at the Second International Meeting of Dam Affected People and their Allies, Rasi Salai, Thailand, 28 November - 4 December 2003

The Inspiration of Rasi Salai

We, more than 300 people from 62 countries throughout the world, peoples affected by dams, fighters against destructive dams, and activists for sustainable and equitable water and energy management, have met in Rasi Salai. We have met on land that is being restored to life after being flooded by a dam. The gates of the dam are now open, the river flows, the crops have ripened, the fish are starting to return, community life is becoming vibrant once more. The dam-affected people of Thailand offer to us and to all peoples an example of determination and struggle to preserve lives, rivers, territories, culture, and identities.

Water for life, not for death! The call made at the First International Meeting of People Affected by Dams, held in Curitiba, Brazil, 1997, has been realised in Rasi Salai, Thailand.


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SET Index falls 1.45% on political fears

Political concerns led Thai stocks to fall 1.45% yesterday even as most Asian markets posted gains. The Stock Exchange of Thailand Index closed at 837.66 points, down 12.36, in trade worth 25.76 billion baht. Phuvadol Lapudomsuk, a senior investment strategist at Asia Plus Securities, said investors were concerned about reports that the People's Alliance for Democracy would rally to protest against government plans to amend the 2007 constitution devised by the former military-backed government. The PAD, which led protest rallies in 2006 against former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, plans a political forum tomorrow at Thammasat University. Investor sentiment also fell yesterday afternoon on reports that an investigative committee would submit its final report to the Election Commission tomorrow on whether the ruling People's Power Party was an illegal nominee of the banned Thai Rak Thai party. In such a case, the PPP could be disbanded.

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Interior Minister monitors PAD’s rally on April 25th

Interior Minister Chalerm Yubamrung instructed the police to impose maximum security measures to control a demonstration by the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) on April 25th.

The minister said PAD protestors can stage a rally as they have the right to do so, but the government does not want to see confrontations during their demonstration on April 25th at Thammasat University.

As for the forest encroachment scandal, Chalerm dismissed the allegation that his cousins are involved in the case :D :D and asked the authorities to take legal action against the people who accused him.

- ThaiNews (today)


wasn't previously aware of that last little tidbit... :o

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Anti-Coup Group Ignites Unrest

This morning the September 19 Anti-Coup Network set their protest site in front of the Privy Council President's residence. They also planned to disrupt the People's Alliance for Democracy seminar this evening.

The September 19 Anti-Coup Network held a protest in front of Si Sao Theves Resident of General Prem Tinsulanonda, the Privy Council President, and hurled profanities at him despite strict security by police officers.

The Anti-Coup Network had annonced a plan to move to Ban Pra-Arthit, headquarters of the Manager Media group, to protest against PAD core leader Sondhi Limthongkul, but they decided to gather at Sanam Luang instead to interfere with the PAD's second seminar at Thammasat University's main auditorium this evening.

Anti-PAD groups also gathered at the first seminar of the PAD in March to raise posters against the movement. Some members of the group also hurled glass bottles at the seminar participants.

Meanwhile, Supreme Commander General Boonsarng Niempradit says the PAD's rally against the charter amendments is nothing to worry about as long as order is maintained at the seminar. He says soldiers will not provide security as it is the responsibility of the police.

- Thailand Outlook (today)

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After spewing profanities at the Privy Council President in front of his house, they moved over to spew profanities at the PAD seminar.....

Anti-PAD group confronts seminar

About 300 members of Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) gathered opposite the entrance of Thammasat University on Friday and hurled obscenties at an anti-government seminar by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD). About 500 members of the Metropolitan Police were on hand to try to keep the peace. No violence was reported from the scene. The PAD meeting was trying to organise resistance to a government plan to amend the constitution. DAAD opposes PAD and also supports the government.

Continued here:



Since there is no more "dictatorship"... isn't it time they update their organizational title?

In the interest of brevity and clarity, perhaps "Goons For Hire" is most appropriate.

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Good to see that Khun Sri Racha and Khun Tony (with an occasional cameo appearance from Marshbags, et al), manage to keep this thread towards the top of the News Clippings. Said thread would otherwise meet its demise from the otherwise apparent lack-of-interest that it is engendering.

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apparent lack-of-interest that it is

*yawn* :D Thaivisa software really does make it too easy to make others face reality...

one, two clicks gives...

Who posted in: People's Alliance For Democracy To Renew Movement

























Jai Dee



John K



Khun Jean







Old Man River
















sriracha john



Thai at Heart



Tony Clifton




....plus no fewer than a dozen more with the deleted colpyat's various reincarnations.


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Thaksin and his shameless zombies have sent their most proud, brightest and drunkest 'elite fighters' to the front line at Thamassat tonight, still throwing rocks, bricks, bottles, and, the latest weapon of choice, genitals. :D . :o

According to the last picture, it seems they're given free booze for attending.

Photos from manager.co.th

More here http://www.manager.co.th/Politics/ViewNews...D=9510000048686






Hellooo, I ruv youuu!

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After spewing profanities at the Privy Council President in front of his house, they moved over to spew profanities at the PAD seminar.....

Anti-PAD group confronts seminar

About 300 members of Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) gathered opposite the entrance of Thammasat University...


Since there is no more "dictatorship"... isn't it time they update their organizational title?

In the interest of brevity and clarity, perhaps "Goons For Hire" is most appropriate.

Living up to their new organizational name I see...





The above represents one of the most pitiful sights I've seen in the past 4 years. They shame all of Thailand.

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It's garnering the attention of the Thai media...

eg. from Matichon...


I could well imagine it going international.... a reflection and depiction of Thailand to the world stage. Well done, fellas...


To be fair...well done, ladies, too...


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Channel 7 reporter injured and hospitalized.

Upon seeing those pictures, I thought waving your genitals maybe had a special Thai meaning, such as showing the sole of your foot to someone in an angry situation. My wife says she's never heard of such a Thai custom related to whipping your genitals around in public.

Yet again, no one was arrested.

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Cussing.... Speaker Volume Wars... Goons for Hire Cursing Police... Death Threats... Weapons Assaults... Rock Throwing...

All in all, Thaksinistas at their finest....

From The Nation:

Police set up barriers on the pavements outside of Thammasat University, where the PAD gathering took place, and on one edge of Sanam Luang, just across a two-lane road from the university.

It was there that hundreds of a pro-amendment crowd gathered and shouted expletives at PAD leaders and their alleged bid to bring down an elected government for the sake of a "dictatorial constitution."

Supporters of the PAD gathering on Thammasat side showed their anger and some even cursed back.

As the confrontation grew tense, police brought in four buses used for transporting police detainees. Patriotic songs were then played repeatedly, including "Rak Kan Wai Therd" (Let's Love One Another).

The sound volume was raised until the blare submerged the noise from the pro-amendment demonstrators' amplifying system.

The protesters then cursed the police, saying they were siding with "thugs who robbed the country". They also threatened to storm into the university to "make it the last PAD gathering this time around."

Police installed 20 closed-circuit television cameras in front of the university and on the opposite side. About 500 officers were deployed to keep law and order.

Shortly after 7 pm, two catapult shots were propelled into the university and hit a wall of its Main Auditorium, where the PAD gathering was taking place.

Later, a man aged in his early 20s threw a stone from inside the university to the protesters at Sanam Luang. He then was overpowered by PAD supporters nearby and handed over to police.

Shortly before 8 pm, the number of Sanam Luang protesters dwindled to less than 50 due to a heavy rain.

Inside the university, thousands of people gathered to hear the PAD leaders and other panel speakers, in addition to stage performances.

The anti-amendment PAD held its previous gathering late last month, also at the university's Main Auditorium. Like this time, the previous event also drew much ire from supporters to the amendment bid. Hundreds of them gathered at the same place to shout curse words against PAD leaders.

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