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People's Alliance For Democracy To Renew Movement

sriracha john

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Don't worry I guess it's going to be peaceful today as usual, when the PAD people take to the streets.


You can watch the unfolding events here (partial mixed with other programs):


in English: click Live: TOC Logo

in Thai: click Live: NEWS1 Logo


Just 5 minutes ago on NEWS1 (ASTV) civilized people talking about the coming day, and corresponding topics

with an interview with Khun Suriyasai Katasila. I think he will be a big player in politics in the future (we hope).

They want to get about 20'000 people today on the streets, but I guess it will be not more than

1'-2'000 people (just my feeling) or so. Why not more I can't understand. If we had a Thaksin style manipulation in politics and other areas in Europe, like here in Thailand, I think there would big(er) masses on the streets.

Also I guess a bit a fatigue of Anti-Thaksin Demonstrations, as at the end of the day, they all jump (most politicians etc.) where the money flows.... unfortunately


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let's see what they day brings. :D

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Don't worry I guess it's going to be peaceful today as usual, when the PAD people take to the streets.


You can watch the unfolding events here (partial mixed with other programs):


in English: click Live: TOC Logo

in Thai: click Live: NEWS1 Logo


Just 5 minutes ago on NEWS1 (ASTV) civilized people talking about the coming day, and corresponding topics

with an interview with Khun Suriyasai Katasila. I think he will be a big player in politics in the future (we hope).

They want to get about 20'000 people today on the streets, but I guess it will be not more than

1'-2'000 people (just my feeling) or so. Why not more I can't understand. If we had a Thaksin style manipulation in politics and other areas in Europe, like here in Thailand, I think there would big(er) masses on the streets.

Also I guess a bit a fatigue of Anti-Thaksin Demonstrations, as at the end of the day, they all jump (most politicians etc.) where the money flows.... unfortunately


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let's see what they day brings. :D

look like a lot of people at the moment, but can't estimate....

My wife told "a lot of people" but what are "a lot"???

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Anti Thaksin = Current Thai Goverment - Demonstration

25 Mai 2008 - Bangkok (Democracy Monument)



It looks like they are now at least 5'000 - 6'000people there. Difficult to say from here.

Anyway getting more and more! Not bad.

Nice to hear the usual "Thaksin Ouk Pay = Thaksin Get out" cheering.

This time they seam to have a new one: "Thaksin Gou Cook" = Thaksin Go to jail"

they are shouting in their thousands, besides listening Thaksin's and the goverments

wrong doing (which could go on for one week or more, to finalize :o )

Very good atmosphere (besides 100 Thaksin fans who are trying to spoil the real

demonstrations, nearby with their usual obusive, holigian style aggressive behaviour)

Now back to music, with some governental (=Thaksin) critical songs...

Peaceful demo, as usual from the PAD side! :D

You can watch live here: http://www.astv-tv.com/

(click Live: NEWS1)


PS/ sorry for the bad image qualities - any better ones available ex yours?


Update now I see live some Thaksin supporter throwing some things towards to the peaceful demonstrations.

I'm afraid it could get nasty later in the evening. I just wonder why the Thaskin supporters "always and each time"!

have to make trouble! What are they there in the first place? Supporting corruption with the fist - how low IQ these guys are!?

The speakers are trying to tell the people to be friendly now. Can the Thaksin supporters listen and understand?

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It's difficult to say how much, anyhow more than those Pro-Thaksin supporters who always gather in never more than a view hundreds. People are also tired of demonstrating for months and months (2 years already now against Thaksin?) against these people who always find new ways to cheat them (new proxy goverment ruled actually by thaksin again) in their old usual way. I'm sure also in the eve now much more thousands will come out as it's cooler to demonstrate in the evening.

I think it's could be 10-15'000 later on maybe. Let's wait and see...what Chalerm want's to officialy declare... still more than any (non-paid) Thaksin - supporter violent hooligan meeting.



Location: Democracy Monument - Thanon Ratchadamnoen Klang

The monument is roughly halfway between Sanam Luang, the former royal cremation ground in front of Wat Phra Kaew, and the temple of the Golden Mount (Phu Kao Thong).

more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Monument

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It's difficult to say how much, anyhow more than those Pro-Thaksin supporters who always gather in never more than a view hundreds. People are also tired of demonstrating for months and months (2 years already now against Thaksin?) against these people who always find new ways to cheat them (new proxy goverment ruled actually by thaksin again) in their old usual way. I'm sure also in the eve now much more thousands will come out as it's cooler to demonstrate in the evening.

I think it's could be 10-15'000 later on maybe. Let's wait and see...what Chalerm want's to officialy declare... still more than any (non-paid) Thaksin - supporter violent hooligan meeting.



Location: Democracy Monument - Thanon Ratchadamnoen Klang

The monument is roughly halfway between Sanam Luang, the former royal cremation ground in front of Wat Phra Kaew, and the temple of the Golden Mount (Phu Kao Thong).

more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Monument

still not many, if only 10-15K than it is almost a desaster, as 20-30K are expected alone in my office 4 out of 3 people (+1 ex staff) went there) only our Isaan machine operator did not go.

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I can't remember seen a lot of demonstrations in Thailand, with over 20'000 people. Guess over 10'000 would already be a good success, considering that the most a people know, that their politicians never listen to them, so most of them prefer to stay home (which is of course wrong, if you want your government to change).

Some PAD Demonstrations had over 50'0000 up to 100'000 when Thaksin just amended the laws, to gain from his tax free deal with Shin Corp on the PAD heights. Otherwise there were the usual "paid" demonstrations, where Thaksin's people paid for each of them, and trucked mainly farmers in to join his pro-election campains etc.

Nice to hear your people in your office go there. Mostly at PAD and/or Anti-Demonstrations you find over 50% white-collar, middle-class people joing on their own costs. Thaksin pro election campaigns mostly only attracted no-unerstanding farmers or similar

and the middle-class stays at home and shakes their heads.

Let's not forget the main topic this evening:

The current proxy Thaksin government is trying to amend the constitution mainly, so Thaksin's corruption cases (still ongoing in trial etc. ), will be all stopped to be investigated. :o A good reason to show up there, no?

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I can't remember seen a lot of demonstrations in Thailand, with over 20'000 people. Guess over 10'000 would already be a good success, considering that the most a people know, that their politicians never listen to them, so most of them prefer to stay home (which is of course wrong, if you want your government to change).

Some PAD Demonstrations had over 50'0000 up to 100'000 when Thaksin just amended the laws, to gain from his tax free deal with Shin Corp on the PAD heights. Otherwise there were the usual "paid" demonstrations, where Thaksin's people paid for each of them, and trucked mainly farmers in to join his pro-election campains etc.

Nice to hear your people in your office go there. Mostly at PAD and/or Anti-Demonstrations you find over 50% white-collar, middle-class people joing on their own costs. Thaksin pro election campaigns mostly only attracted no-unerstanding farmers or similar

and the middle-class stays at home and shakes their heads.

Let's not forget the main topic this evening:

The current proxy Thaksin government is trying to amend the constitution mainly, so Thaksin's corruption cases (still ongoing in trial etc. ), will be all stopped to be investigated. :o A good reason to show up there, no?

Everywhere in the South at the Train-Station they have big screens and a lot people watching (sounds pretty strange for me). My wife sent around 5 Sat receiver for ASTV to the south, to small villages to see Sondi. The local Sat shops usually install them for free.

There are really a lot of people in the south just waiting and ready to come to Bangkok. Of course no one of these got any money, they pay all the travel costs themself.

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It figures that General Chamlong would show up at the pro-coup rally. No doubt he'll play a bigger role in the next coup, and reap the spoils! So much greed on one stage!

How can you explain greed and Chamlong??

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It figures that General Chamlong would show up at the pro-coup rally. No doubt he'll play a bigger role in the next coup, and reap the spoils! So much greed on one stage!

How can you explain greed and Chamlong??

You mean how could an Army General be greedy or power-hungry? Well, let's see how to explain... better not... just enjoy the junta kool-aid!

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sunrise - I have the same question for you? Greed and Chamlong a man living a modest life, supporting animals and poor people? Sunrise your posts never make any sense to me, can you be a bit more detailed please, if you want to contribute to TV, please?

I agree if you call Chamlong weird, it can be discussed, but the only thing he is for sure not is "greedy". Sunrise has either no idea or he get his Baht from PPP for the English postings.

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Hey, if Thaksin wore a blue denim shirt and fed 5,000 dogs I'd call him greedy too! Don't fall for the costume or the act, look at the corrupt politicians and fools like Sondhi that he's supported.

Sondi is another story. But which cases of corruption of Chamlong do you know?

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Hey, if Thaksin wore a blue denim shirt and fed 5,000 dogs I'd call him greedy too! Don't fall for the costume or the act, look at the corrupt politicians and fools like Sondhi that he's supported.

Sondi is another story. But which cases of corruption of Chamlong do you know?

You are asking questions better answered by a Thai prosecuting attorney than by a friendly foreigner! Seek and ye shall find!

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The same old caveman antics of the Thaksinistas returns... when do they start with even more violent acts??? and when do the police step in???

Pro-amendment demonstrators throw excrement at PAD demontrators

Pro-charter amendments threw bottles and bags of human excrement and urines at demonstrators led by the People's Alliance for Democrat for the second time at 5:35 pm.

This erupted in another exchange of object throwing for about 10 minutes.

The pro-charter amendment protesters rallied near the rally ground of the PAD at the Democracy Monument.

- The Nation

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Hey, if Thaksin wore a blue denim shirt and fed 5,000 dogs I'd call him greedy too! Don't fall for the costume or the act, look at the corrupt politicians and fools like Sondhi that he's supported.

Sondi is another story. But which cases of corruption of Chamlong do you know?

Save your breath, h90... He hasn't provided a straight answer in 19 months. That's why most people have quit asking long ago.

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Hey, if Thaksin wore a blue denim shirt and fed 5,000 dogs I'd call him greedy too! Don't fall for the costume or the act, look at the corrupt politicians and fools like Sondhi that he's supported.

Sondi is another story. But which cases of corruption of Chamlong do you know?

You are asking questions better answered by a Thai prosecuting attorney than by a friendly foreigner! Seek and ye shall find!

That means you don't know of any. There is nothing, nada, nichts, nischta?

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Hey, if Thaksin wore a blue denim shirt and fed 5,000 dogs I'd call him greedy too! Don't fall for the costume or the act, look at the corrupt politicians and fools like Sondhi that he's supported.

Sondi is another story. But which cases of corruption of Chamlong do you know?

Save your breath, h90... He hasn't provided a straight answer in 19 months. That's why most people have quit asking long ago.

Don't be so negative.....I was in Europe in contact with some people who act similar they were working for a huge promotion company. Posting today for the Dalai Lama, tomorrow for the Iraq war and than for nuclear power. I everyone ignores them, their supervisor kicks them out.

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:o nice one above. Already noticed this 2-3 years ago, when Thaksin was loosing his popularity in the city: suddelny strange pro-thaksin's posters were barking around (always rude, but with no details whatsover) in various forums, to any fact comment found, against their dear leader (or salary man).

By they way, can you still get ASTV online?


Unable to connect since 30min. :D

Are the Thaksin's boys, changing the media waves again? :D

A little bit late in the evening to start this, or is it because the police are out now in full force?

(I must say generally the police did in the last view years, always quiet a good job at nearly any demonstations, no matter what side was on the go. Except the Word Trade Cenre insidence).


rather disturbing above news quoted by Sriracha John, with Pro Thakin's groups throwing "toileteries"

among them. How low can you get? They did this before, and still no police arrest such people? This is most probably the lowest thing you can do, no matter where you are in the world.

Let's hope for some better discussions...

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Seems like the elite kids are out in force tonight - you know, the ones who can write in English (sort of). Not many of us 'farang' here like Thaksin or his vulgar sidekick Samak either. But we know exactly how your daddies paid for your education now don't we? So tell me - exactly - how are you and your cronyistic families any different from the PPP/TRT cronies?

I mean, you know, it's not like many of your families 'worked hard to make an honest living' now is it? So how exactly does inciting the throwing out of a popularly elected Government (yet again) in order to return Thai governance to the cosy little club of upper-class establishment Thai na-this and na-that crony families and all their guanxi dealings actually better the lot of the average poor Thai guy who thought democracy meant one person one vote?

Just wondering. If you don't know the answer, you could probably pay someone to write the answer for you though..Just like your Master's thesis

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To Thaigene2

Elite-kid? You are talking too, and your main point is, that Thaksin's election have been fair, and in the last 6 years he didn't misuse the Thai-media to make any election even fairer etc.? And all the corruption and human right stories are all fairy tales we shouldn't believe in? Or you just forgot to read all Thai and other newspapers (which thanks Buddha, Thaksin wasn't able to control all) in the last 5-6 years?

Or other question, do you think it's ok that a supposed to be busy FA football club owner, via phone and short visits to Thailand, decided currently the Thailand's future with his short-mind vision (well observed and studied?) of selfserving ideas, and with his puppets installed, who do nearly anything he says, just because his super-rich?

I think corruption dislike and believing in other peoples good actions & work (not all Thai politicians, or such as people out on the streets today are corrupt or wrong) is not a matter of race, age, sex or account balance status etc. Just my little opinion.

I guess if you would remove 80% of your post, and try to make a bit more a conversations, then strange race and/or status accusations, TV would make more sense to all, no? Even your so called Thai Elite Kids, whatever political force that might be, might have different opinions among themselves no?

All people should be welcome to discuss here, no matter what their language skills, race or family status is, agree, or you have a problem with that?

By the way, I already apologized in other posts, for my shortcomings of my English skills. Hope you can forgive us hopeless bunch, that not all of us are native English speakers. But happy to learn more about anything, even your opinions.

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:o nice one above. Already noticed this 2-3 years ago, when Thaksin was loosing his popularity in the city: suddelny strange pro-thaksin's posters were barking around (always rude, but with no details whatsover) in various forums, to any fact comment found, against their dear leader (or salary man).

By they way, can you still get ASTV online?


Unable to connect since 30min. :D

Are the Thaksin's boys, changing the media waves again? :D

A little bit late in the evening to start this, or is it because the police are out now in full force?

(I must say generally the police did in the last view years, always quiet a good job at nearly any demonstations, no matter what side was on the go. Except the Word Trade Cenre insidence).


rather disturbing above news quoted by Sriracha John, with Pro Thakin's groups throwing "toileteries"

among them. How low can you get? They did this before, and still no police arrest such people? This is most probably the lowest thing you can do, no matter where you are in the world.

Let's hope for some better discussions...

astv online is down.....

well if you have enough money you can get lobbiests (spelling) for everything and forums are one point of it. Thats not a secret. Just as always...hard to get good staff.

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Seems like the elite kids are out in force tonight - you know, the ones who can write in English (sort of). Not many of us 'farang' here like Thaksin or his vulgar sidekick Samak either. But we know exactly how your daddies paid for your education now don't we? So tell me - exactly - how are you and your cronyistic families any different from the PPP/TRT cronies?

I mean, you know, it's not like many of your families 'worked hard to make an honest living' now is it? So how exactly does inciting the throwing out of a popularly elected Government (yet again) in order to return Thai governance to the cosy little club of upper-class establishment Thai na-this and na-that crony families and all their guanxi dealings actually better the lot of the average poor Thai guy who thought democracy meant one person one vote?

Just wondering. If you don't know the answer, you could probably pay someone to write the answer for you though..Just like your Master's thesis

I must admit: I really don't understand what you want to tell. "how are you?" is adressing which who??

Which Government was really elected in say the last 8 years? What about the average poor guy who meant one vote one 500 Baht?

questions over questions...

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Seems like the elite kids are out in force tonight - you know, the ones who can write in English (sort of). Not many of us 'farang' here like Thaksin or his vulgar sidekick Samak either. But we know exactly how your daddies paid for your education now don't we? So tell me - exactly - how are you and your cronyistic families any different from the PPP/TRT cronies?

I mean, you know, it's not like many of your families 'worked hard to make an honest living' now is it? So how exactly does inciting the throwing out of a popularly elected Government (yet again) in order to return Thai governance to the cosy little club of upper-class establishment Thai na-this and na-that crony families and all their guanxi dealings actually better the lot of the average poor Thai guy who thought democracy meant one person one vote?

Just wondering. If you don't know the answer, you could probably pay someone to write the answer for you though..Just like your Master's thesis

Well - the rich and powerful families that control this country aren't that much different at all - but at least with the Democrats we didn't see the gross violations of human rights - Krue See and Tak Bai - nor the whole-sale, blatant and unashamed plundering of the nation's wealth by it's premier - nor the vicious attack on it's media and so-called independent bodies - in the judiciary - executive - and legislative branches of government that we saw under Thaksin and - now - Samak and Jakrapop Penkair.

PPP/TRT and Thaksin and Samak are something else - and now they're attempting to amend the constitution in favour of Thaksin and his ill-gotten assets!

Which - in short - means that even though Thaksin is as guilty as hel_l - he'll escape because of influence and money. Pretty disgusting really BUT then we all know this Thailand.

Good luck to the PAD - at least they've got the courage to stand up to what's really going on in this mainly cowardly and weak country.

I for one won't think any worse of any one who attends these PAD rallies. It's the right thing to do - even though there are those who think we should all knuckle down and obey!


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Elite-kid? You are talking too, and your main point is, that Thaksin's election have been fair, and in the last 6 years he didn't misuse the Thai-media to make an election even fairer etc.? And all the corruption and human right stories are all fairy tales we shouldn't believe in? Or you just forgot to read all Thai and other newspapers (which thanks Buddha, Thaksin wasn't able to control all) in the last 5-6 years?

I think corruption dislike and believing in other peoples good actions & work (not all Thai politicians, or such as people out on the streets today are corrupt) is not a matter of race, age, sex or account balance status etc. Just my little opinion.

I guess if you would remove 80% of your post, and try to make a bit more a conversations, then strange race or status accusations, TV would make more sense to all, no? Even your so called Thai Elite Kids, might have different opinions, no?

Welcome to the world, where not all posters not need to be any country-men/women, in order not to write English well. I already apologized by the way in other posts, for my shortcomings of my English skills.

While you were going to university and avoiding military service (maybe?) some guy named sombat that struggled to get to Pratom 6 was in the south of the country in a uniform hoping he wouldn't have his head cut off. He probably voted for Thaksin cause he 'thought' - righttly or wrongly - that Thaksin and TRT would help his village become more prosperous. Meanwhile, those going off to Uni here in Bangkok - or worse abroad - paid for, somehow, magically, by daddy's 35,000 baht per month as a "Senior" civil servant helped them get that advanced degree - were shouting into megaphones at rallies about how democracy had failed Thailand. Democracy hasn't failed Thailand - your corrupt, cronysitic system has failed your country. Blame it on Thaklsin? Blame it on your parents, blame it on Guanxi, blame it on your entire patronage system. All Thaksin did was perfect this rotten thing - and he ensured his survival by being the first senior Thai political leader to EVER do anything for poor Thais. You know what they say - if you can't beat me join em - hard to do that though if you hate the poor 'peasants' or their right to determine the future in "your" country.

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