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Looking For A Second Opinion.

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Hi all, my first post here so please be kind :o

I currently hold a work permit with an extension of stay until Sept. 29, 2008. This was obtained on a multiple entry 12 month non-immigrant B visa that has an expiration date of April 28, 2008.

I intend on terminating my employment around March 30, 2008. At this point I believe my work permit and extension of stay will be terminated.

Will I need to get a new visa or is my original multi entry non-imm B still vaid? In other workds if I go to the border before April 28, 2008, will I get a 90 day stay stamp or a 30 day tourist stamp?

I have been told I will get the 90 day stamp by others but I am looking for second, third, etc. opinions to ease my level of tension.

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But notice that Lopburi3 said you would need to leave within 7 days because right now you are in Thailand on the basis of your extension to stay. That will go away. Your visa is still valid though, so you can leave and come back in on your visa.

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