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Walls And Fences


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Mrs MB and I have just bought a house but it needs a wall/fence putting around it. Our first quote, for a complete 2.2m wall around the perimeter left us truly astounded being equal to about 20% of the cost of the house. We now have to consider other options.

Has anyone looked into the other options available wire/wooden fence and can anyone make any recommendations of people to put it up at a reasonable price. We need something to not just to keep baddies out but to keep our menagerie in.

Thanks for any suggestions

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Mrs MB and I have just bought a house but it needs a wall/fence putting around it. Our first quote, for a complete 2.2m wall around the perimeter left us truly astounded being equal to about 20% of the cost of the house. We now have to consider other options.

Has anyone looked into the other options available wire/wooden fence and can anyone make any recommendations of people to put it up at a reasonable price. We need something to not just to keep baddies out but to keep our menagerie in.

Thanks for any suggestions

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So.. 125 sq wah

Last year a 2+m wall around a 3 sided rectangle (700sq wah) cost me approx 300000. That included some paint and finish off for the fourth side of the rectangle (before you make fun of me the fourth side was already there but needed to be cemented over and painted).

I can't remember how many metres in length though.

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Price for a well constructed 2.2 m wall should start at about 1500 Bht per metre.

That is for labour and materials.

Is your wife Thai?

If so let her do the negotiating. Once a farang is known to be the sponsor then you are well aware the price suddenly goes up, especially in CM.

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MB- I faced the same problem. I am not much on fences anyway and I just couldn't swallow paying 300,000+ for something I don't like anyway. I built on 7 rai and my mother-in-law put a five strand barbed wire fence around the whole thing before we started building. I think that cost her only 60,000 but not sure. After getting 4 or 5 quotes for different types of fence and all about the same cost I hauled my arse to a big nursery in Non Sung and bought 150 bouganvillia plants at 30 baht each. The posts for the barbed wire fence are 2.5 meters apart so I left the barbed wire and spaced 6 plants between each post (19 posts across the front and 3 down each side). That was about 4 months ago and now most of the plants are up to the next to top wire and flowering like crazy, and it's not even dry season yet which is when they really take off. I figure in two years I will have a secure, maintence free fence and it will be pleasant to look at as well.

We have now planted around 75 rose bushes in the yard and after seeing the way they thrive, I wish I had alternated the bouganvillia with roses every other section of fence. Just something to ponder, especially if you like to garden as my wife and I do.

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Thanks T61. That's a great idea.

We love gardening although never have enough time :o to really indulge. We were going to plant the entire perimeter anyway.

Unfortunately it won't keep the dogs in or presumably other dogs out. but it has a great appeal and will allow us to look at the problem with fresh, and greener eyes. :D

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I bought some nylon mesh locally that comes in about 20 meter rolls for 600 baht. I anchored that to the 3rd strand of barbed wire then wove bamboo poles thru the bottom and spiked them to the ground. Dogs and/or chickens cannot come in. Not fancy but effective.

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I have done the same as track61 but instead of the mesh used some thin gauge galvanised wire with the strands running from the top to the bottom of the barbed wire. Yes it took some time to do this for a couple of hundred meters of fence but my wife found a little old lady in the village who worked away steadily - haven't seen her around for a while so maybe she is still going :o

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I recently had some men build tennis court like fencing 1.2 meters high, steel posts and steel across the top and bottom with the wire welded to that. Galvanized steel painted green. That will keep most dogs in/out. Came to about 500 Baht per meter but I would have to check the numbers again to be sure. PM me if you are interested and I will send you more details.

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If you go with a solid-wall. or half-height wall plus ironwork as we did, you can save a little by not rendering or painting the outside, except at the frontage onto the road. Why pay for your neighbour's side ? !

Barbed-wire/bamboo is certainly a good low-cost holding-option, but will of course rot eventually, and may be more liable to falling-over, than a solid wall. Especially if you've built-up your land, and your neighbour hasn't, and your post-digger only digs the post-holes the standard 12-inches deep !

Lastly, village/your dogs may still come & go, via the gate(s) unless you use solid-metal, not bars. That's life with dogs !

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MB- I faced the same problem. I am not much on fences anyway and I just couldn't swallow paying 300,000+ for something I don't like anyway. I built on 7 rai and my mother-in-law put a five strand barbed wire fence around the whole thing before we started building. I think that cost her only 60,000 but not sure. After getting 4 or 5 quotes for different types of fence and all about the same cost I hauled my arse to a big nursery in Non Sung and bought 150 bouganvillia plants at 30 baht each. The posts for the barbed wire fence are 2.5 meters apart so I left the barbed wire and spaced 6 plants between each post (19 posts across the front and 3 down each side). That was about 4 months ago and now most of the plants are up to the next to top wire and flowering like crazy, and it's not even dry season yet which is when they really take off. I figure in two years I will have a secure, maintence free fence and it will be pleasant to look at as well.

We have now planted around 75 rose bushes in the yard and after seeing the way they thrive, I wish I had alternated the bouganvillia with roses every other section of fence. Just something to ponder, especially if you like to garden as my wife and I do.

I planted tamarinds.

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Prices I see quoted above are scarey, I put a cement block wall around 280 sq. wah block of land for 100,000 baht (6 ft. - high). We put 7 wire barbed wire around 11 rai for 45,000 baht. The former was several years ago while the latter was 3 years ago. I know prices are increaseing but this is way more than I would expect. Most labor cost on block wall is quoted in 2.5 meter lengths (distance between vertical braces) with the standard height. Costs I have experienced would indicate you may try a couple more people that do this for a living and see what their labor costs are and you furnish material.

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