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Dr. Thaksin Still Number One In Popularity


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Thaksin's popular rating higher than that of Abhisit, Samak

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej and opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva trailed much behind former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in a latest opinion poll.

The survey carried out by the ABAC Social Innovation in Management and Business Analysis Centre found that Thaksin enjoyed the popular rating of 42.8 per cent compared with 30.4 per cent and 28.5 per cent for Abhisit and Samak respectively.

The survey by Abac Poll was conducted among 3,248 people in 18 provinces on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

The Nation

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Thaksin's popular rating higher than that of Abhisit, Samak

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej and opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva trailed much behind former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in a latest opinion poll.

The survey carried out by the ABAC Social Innovation in Management and Business Analysis Centre found that Thaksin enjoyed the popular rating of 42.8 per cent compared with 30.4 per cent and 28.5 per cent for Abhisit and Samak respectively.

The survey by Abac Poll was conducted among 3,248 people in 18 provinces on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

The Nation

As far as being more popular then Samak is concerned, i know of few who wouldn't win that contest. Not sure how much it says about the winner though.

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Thaksin's popular rating higher than that of Abhisit, Samak

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej and opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva trailed much behind former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in a latest opinion poll.

The survey carried out by the ABAC Social Innovation in Management and Business Analysis Centre found that Thaksin enjoyed the popular rating of 42.8 per cent compared with 30.4 per cent and 28.5 per cent for Abhisit and Samak respectively.

The survey by Abac Poll was conducted among 3,248 people in 18 provinces on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

The Nation

As far as being more popular then Samak is concerned, i know of few who wouldn't win that contest. Not sure how much it says about the winner though.

It says 42.8 per cent.

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Right on brother, Thaksin is the MAN whether we like it or not. :o:D

If you ask my colleagues, educated Thais, what they feel about G. Bush, their answer is "he's a good guy".

Most Thais are really happy Thaksin came back, he's actually seen as their savior.

Household debt has risen up to 140,000 baht per capita and that hurt them. Badly!

Thaksin will take away their debt, is the general (mis)perception, while only the minority of Thais understand that the increase in debt occurred under Thaksin's regime and that the savior himself preached consumer loans! Keeps the economy rolling bullshit.

The only way to solve your financial problems is to save the money you've left at the end of a month. Spend less than you earn. Simple ABC of sufficiency!

But he, explain that to the mass!

Hail Thaksin!

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Thaksin's popular rating higher than that of Abhisit, Samak

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej and opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva trailed much behind former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in a latest opinion poll.

The survey carried out by the ABAC Social Innovation in Management and Business Analysis Centre found that Thaksin enjoyed the popular rating of 42.8 per cent compared with 30.4 per cent and 28.5 per cent for Abhisit and Samak respectively.

The survey by Abac Poll was conducted among 3,248 people in 18 provinces on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

The Nation

Did it cost him 300 baht a head, as in the elections?

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Distance and time seem to affect the memory, of many people. When our dog or a wayward cousin runs away, or goes missing, we forget about the times we had to clean up their shit. When they return it comes back to us very quickly. I just wonder how long and who will get the honors, next time, a big tu.d is dropped in the kitchen.

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Thaksin does seem to cause strong views among everyone - both Thai's and farangs.

All the Thai's I work with are well educated professionals with degree's from overseas - either undergrad or post-grad.

I was with a few of them in Singapore last week and the girl who is probably my best pal out of the BKK office admitted she liked Thaksin but said she could not say that in the BKK office as they all hated him there.

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Thaksin enjoyed the popular rating of 42.8 per cent compared with 30.4 per cent and 28.5 per cent for Abhisit and Samak respectively.

As far as being more popular then Samak is concerned, i know of few who wouldn't win that contest.

Well, Abhisit, if I read correctly. :o

Edited by Polsevogn
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"The Abac Poll Research Centre put Thaksin's popularity rating at 42.8 per cent, compared with 30.4 per cent and 28.5 per cent for Abhisit and Samak respectively.

In spite of his popularity, half of those polled did not want Thaksin playing any role in government. Forty per cent did, and the remainder had no opinion."

And here lies the problem - half the country does not want him and will not accept him.

Quote from http://nationmultimedia.com/worldhotnews/r...newsid=30067042

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It just confirms for whom they were really voting back in December. Samak garners the lowest rating and yet he was voted-in. Well, well, well...

There's no way that it is comprehensible :o

Exactly. I bet most PPP supporters would be happier with Abhisit as PM but they saw the election as a vote against the CNS and/or a vote in favour of Thaksin. But hey, we've nothing to worry about; he's promised to keep clear of politics... :D

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I am curious as to how far ranging across the country their polling is or is it strictly Bangkok based?

almost 3,500 people in 18 provinces.

Any survey in the south would have been 80% pro Abhisit at a guess.

Any survey in Isaan or the north except possibly the border areas where farmer have been wiped out by the Chinese FTA would be 80-90% pro THaksin.

In the central areas, the horseshoe around bangkok might be where Samak gets some support.

The centre section, probably even split, probably Ahbisit a little ahead.

Prakanong - there are plenty of Bangkokians that love Thaksin; they are in the minority but there are still lots of them. There are plenty who love Samak as well. It is a fair bit more evenly spread. And some are well educated but still feel that Thaksin's policies were what Thailand needed. However, I haven't met too many from an economics background; mostly marketing and fields like that.

However, the reason that PPP is in power and the source of TRT's popularity is primarily the rural areas of the north and northeast; the other areas they have won in the past have only been faction based, not genuine 'much love' as is the case in places like Udon and Buriram, where people would rather have Thaksin and Newin than anyone else in the (still) Kingdom of Thailand to look up to.

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It just confirms for whom they were really voting back in December. Samak garners the lowest rating and yet he was voted-in. Well, well, well...

There's no way that it is comprehensible :D

Apart from the fact he made a big deal about a "vote for Samak is a vote for Thaksin" and said he liked the term "proxy" in his relationship with Tox.

Of course, now he's in and tasted power, he's changed his tune about being being a Toxin proxy, but it's obvious who's pulling the strings on this puppet govt and castrated PM who can't even remember which senator he was supposed to vote for, let alone the number of students his govt allowed to be lynched and murdered in 1976, or the findings of an govt commissioned committee as to the reasons for so many deaths at Takbai or Kruesae mosque. It's a miracle if he can even remember the list of ingredients for a good pad thai these days, nevermind the intricacies of running a State of 65 million people! :o

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... It's a miracle if he can even remember the list of ingredients for a good pad thai these days, nevermind the intricacies of running a State of 65 million people! :o

Well of course not, because as that song taking the pi$$ out of him goes, 'mai gin sen gor mai gin sen'

or something to that effect.

Kao pud....ok :-0

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Thaksin enjoyed the popular rating of 42.8 per cent compared with 30.4 per cent and 28.5 per cent for Abhisit and Samak respectively.

As far as being more popular then Samak is concerned, i know of few who wouldn't win that contest.

Well, Abhisit, if I read correctly. :o

True, but misleading. Samak's popularity is currently being massively distorted in his favour, by his affiliation with the great doctor. How many people actually like the man on his own merits? I venture a tiny minority, and certainly one that Abhisit would better.

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