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Chinese Embassy / Consulate


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and if so where is it please? Also does anyone have experience of getting a visa to the country. I need to go to Shenzhen soon and wanted to know the proceedure..

The Chinese Consulate is on Chang Lor Rd on the corner of Tipanet Rd opposite the Suanprung Gate.


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and if so where is it please? Also does anyone have experience of getting a visa to the country. I need to go to Shenzhen soon and wanted to know the proceedure..

The Chinese Consulate is on Chang Lor Rd on the corner of Tipanet Rd opposite the Suanprung Gate.


Thanks - I know where that is now.. Has anyone got a 1 year visa to China before? Does anyone know the costs and what paperwork is needed. It would be useful to know before I visit the consulate.



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and if so where is it please? Also does anyone have experience of getting a visa to the country. I need to go to Shenzhen soon and wanted to know the proceedure..




why thank you - darned useful site that Google..Shame the email address listed for the embassy is obsolete and the phone numbers just ring out. Anyway... Really all I wanted to know is do any "members" have personal experience in getting a temporary visa to china / Shenzhen? If so what paperwork is needed and what are the costs.

I guess I will just go down there or sift through google, However if anyone can enlighten me that would be great. Hence the reason for the post :o Otherwise no problemo - I can do it !!



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and if so where is it please? Also does anyone have experience of getting a visa to the country. I need to go to Shenzhen soon and wanted to know the proceedure..




why thank you - darned useful site that Google..Shame the email address listed for the embassy is obsolete and the phone numbers just ring out. Anyway... Really all I wanted to know is do any "members" have personal experience in getting a temporary visa to china / Shenzhen? If so what paperwork is needed and what are the costs.

I guess I will just go down there or sift through google, However if anyone can enlighten me that would be great. Hence the reason for the post :o Otherwise no problemo - I can do it !!



Would be interested to hear how you get on and whether you can do it in Chiang Mai.

Have looked at the Visa forum on TV - one or two useful bits, but take your point about the obsolete email address for the CM consulate.

Just spoken with a friend in Bangkok. His travel agent sorted out a tourist visa for China when he booked his flights. 24 hour turn round.

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  • 2 weeks later...
and if so where is it please? Also does anyone have experience of getting a visa to the country. I need to go to Shenzhen soon and wanted to know the proceedure..




why thank you - darned useful site that Google..Shame the email address listed for the embassy is obsolete and the phone numbers just ring out. Anyway... Really all I wanted to know is do any "members" have personal experience in getting a temporary visa to china / Shenzhen? If so what paperwork is needed and what are the costs.

I guess I will just go down there or sift through google, However if anyone can enlighten me that would be great. Hence the reason for the post :o Otherwise no problemo - I can do it !!



Would be interested to hear how you get on and whether you can do it in Chiang Mai.

Have looked at the Visa forum on TV - one or two useful bits, but take your point about the obsolete email address for the CM consulate.

Just spoken with a friend in Bangkok. His travel agent sorted out a tourist visa for China when he booked his flights. 24 hour turn round.

If your still interested Contractor, I got the visa on Friday, very easy to do. 2200 Baht for a six month multiple entry business visa. It takes 3-4 days to get or you can pay for an express service and they do it in a day. Friday's visit was interesting, lots of demonstrators out the front of the place with a load photographers and police - I guess to do with Tibet.. They closed off the embassy completely. Ten minutes before closing time they re-opened and thankfully I was able to get my passport back. Which was nice seeing as everything is booked for Monday and I would of been slightly screwed without a passport :D

P.S. The staff are gorgeous! Worth a visit for that alone :D

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If your still interested Contractor, I got the visa on Friday, very easy to do. 2200 Baht for a six month multiple entry business visa. It takes 3-4 days to get or you can pay for an express service and they do it in a day. Friday's visit was interesting, lots of demonstrators out the front of the place with a load photographers and police - I guess to do with Tibet.. They closed off the embassy completely. Ten minutes before closing time they re-opened and thankfully I was able to get my passport back. Which was nice seeing as everything is booked for Monday and I would of been slightly screwed without a passport :o

P.S. The staff are gorgeous! Worth a visit for that alone :D

Many thanks - very helpful.

Regards :D

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  • 7 months later...

Quick bump for this one, as I'll be heading to the Chinese consulate tomorrow, and forewarned is forearmed, etc.

Sledge71, was your visa a straight six months, or were there 30 / 60 / 90 day stay restrictions? F visas issued out of country usually have some kind of stay restriction, but perhaps Chiang Mai works differently. It's all a bit up in the air at the moment anyway it seems.

Will be happy if I can get a three month tourist visa with no restriction, but may be cheeky and see if a 6 month F visa is possible - I could write myself an invitation letter or something if necessary.

Any recent experiences?

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Just picked up a double entry tourist visa, 90 day stay each entry, THB1650, five day processing. No problems, very quiet and staff were efficient - even picked up on the fact that I'd completely missed the back of the form. Only open 9 to 11.30, as I found to my amusement at 11.38 the first day I attempted to go.

Has anyone recently got a one year visa from the consulate here?

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Has anyone recently got a one year visa from the consulate here?

I've had a couple of visas from the CM consulate. Agree, very efficient. The last one was a six month business visa. I may be confusing this with India but I had a feeling you couldn't get a one year one straight away and could only get six months first time you apply.

China visas were virtually impossible to get in the run up to the Olympics. I'm assuming things have relaxed again now?

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It very much depends. I've got about eight years worth of Chinese visas, but I didn't reckon I'd get a year visa from the consulate without an invitation letter - or if I did, it would have a 30 day stay restriction or something which effectively makes it near useless unless you live next to a border. Maybe I'm wrong though - kind of wish I'd tried my luck, but never mind.

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  • 4 months later...

Get a standard tourist visa, 30 or 90 day at the consulate in thailand. Once in china you simple get an agent to get you any other visa you need, and unless your obtaining a work permit you wont need to leave china for those visa's. or do visa run's.

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  • 1 year later...

Thought I'd bump this rather than start a new topic.

Anyone have recent (2010) experience of Chinese consulate in CM? Need to get a business Visa - wanted to check if everything is still the same (I've got them there before) but they ain't answering the phone :) Are they closed due to the political situation?

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