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Isn't This Called Discrimination


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.All machines state of the art(not those old fashion and copy machines like tony)

Copy machines like Tony? Copy of what? 300 lb cable stacks, olympic bars with load of plates, heavy DBs to 135 lbs, Hammer Strength machines...these are not old fashioned at all.

You're probably talking about fitness training in contrast to real lifting in a hard core environment. It's a different sport.

I'll meet you down at Tony's one day and show you a real workout on "old-fashioned" equipment lol.

Edited by tropo
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Thanks , I will also be a new customer in a gym soon .

After reading this I'll go for California wow if they have the latest equipment.

Also I think Its under 500 Baht a month there.

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Haggle some more, you'll probably get a cheaper deal than that.

Thats the entire problem,they wont haggle..................but they will find that a brand new gym(california) with great equipment with lights/aircon on all its opening hours, is offering lifetime for a lot less than they are so they will lose existing customers and also potential new ones.........not only is he discriminating he is not using simple business sense ......if it was my gym i would at least like to be near the competitors price instead of 50 percent thereabouts higher.after initial crazy opening(california gym) looks like they are settling down and at least offering good deals for now..........there is already too many gyms in a smallish town like this so you gotta step up or step out........bye bye tony....maybe tony could take on that <deleted> manager from there and really nail his coffin :o

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.All machines state of the art(not those old fashion and copy machines like tony)

Copy machines like Tony? Copy of what? 300 lb cable stacks, olympic bars with load of plates, heavy DBs to 135 lbs, Hammer Strength machines...these are not old fashioned at all.

You're probably talking about fitness training in contrast to real lifting in a hard core environment. It's a different sport.

I'll meet you down at Tony's one day and show you a real workout on "old-fashioned" equipment lol.

You must meaning the rusty olympic bars,the dumbells that are falling apart,the hammerstrenght machines which are overpainted for the 25th time and with the cables that are so short that you need a step to reach them and then I am not talking yet about the machines that are copied from a catalog.

By the way I know from an employee of tony's that the most of the machines are made in thailand and counterfeit.

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  • 9 months later...
As a Canadian the first time I encountered dual pricing was in the USA,

Las Vegas and Hawaii have dual pricing at golf courses.. So how come in

the GREAT USA this is legal..

Was the policy implemented and applied on the basis of your skin color, as it is here in Thailand? If so, you can sue and win big!

You've missed the point.

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Of course this is discrimination and in my view entirely reasonable business practice.

I am very happy that I do not live in the sort of policially correct society that would employ army of bureaucrats to prevent private companies setting up whatever pricing policy they beleive is appropriate for their business.

This is Thailand. If you do not like their policy go somewhere else.

Personally, I think every businessman should have this choice. I do however, think that Tony is probably not someone I would want to be friends with since he chooses to use this type of policy. Not all Thais are poor and not all farang are rich. I just find it classless, but I don't think the government should force him to do otherwise if he does not want to.

It comes down to a personal choice of the type of person you want to be. Tony has made his choice.

Edited by dave9988
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You must meaning the rusty olympic bars,the dumbells that are falling apart,the hammerstrenght machines which are overpainted for the 25th time and with the cables that are so short that you need a step to reach them and then I am not talking yet about the machines that are copied from a catalog.

By the way I know from an employee of tony's that the most of the machines are made in thailand and counterfeit.

You should get down to a gym sometime and workout because you know nothing about gyms.

Short cables are essential so that tall people can get a full stretch on pulldown movements. If you're too short, they have extensions you can add to the cable. Just ask one of the staff to attach it if you're too lazy to jump up.

All the Hammer Strength machines are in perfect working order.

The DBs and Olympic bars are also in good condition. Of course you wouldn't know because you probably have never used them. I've loaded them up to 500 lbs with no problems at all and I use all the DB's up to 135 lbs.

For anyone who does serious lifting, Tony's Gym (Soi 16) is a fantastic gym. It's a pleasure to workout there. For anyone who likes shinny bullshit machines, go elsewhere and train with the girls.

Edited by tropo
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You must meaning the rusty olympic bars,the dumbells that are falling apart,the hammerstrenght machines which are overpainted for the 25th time and with the cables that are so short that you need a step to reach them and then I am not talking yet about the machines that are copied from a catalog.

By the way I know from an employee of tony's that the most of the machines are made in thailand and counterfeit.

You should get down to a gym sometime and workout because you know nothing about gyms.

Short cables are essential so that tall people can get a full stretch on pulldown movements. If you're too short, they have extensions you can add to the cable. Just ask one of the staff to attach it if you're too lazy to jump up.

All the Hammer Strength machines are in perfect working order.

The DBs and Olympic bars are also in good condition. Of course you wouldn't know because you probably have never used them. I've loaded them up to 500 lbs with no problems at all and I use all the DB's up to 135 lbs.

For anyone who does serious lifting, Tony's Gym (Soi 16) is a fantastic gym. It's a pleasure to workout there. For anyone who likes shinny bullshit machines, go elsewhere and train with the girls.

Jeez,took you almost a year to write a reply to my post.If I never used the gym then how could I figure out the condition of the equipment?However I was talking about the condition at the time of posting so things can have improved in the mean time.Probably because he lost too many customers to california gym.When you feel the heat.....

Also,because Olympic bars are rusty doesn't mean you can't load them up with weight.It's only a sign of cheap quality,bad maintenance and are unpleasant to use.

Regarding the shiny bullshit machines you mention,I'm not so sure if they are less effective as I have never seen so much pro bodybuilders in tony as I see every day in california wow.

Now next tell us that you use the 500 lbs for bench press mister superman.

Edited by basjke
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Hey Davethailand. Maybe this is a great marketing strategy. You could put up a sign - Heineken beer 330 cl cans - Thai 80 baht - Falang 100 baht.

heck we could institute a plan where Foodland Villa Tops Carrefor etc can start a system where every item has a tag with 2 prices. The lower one for Thai - the higher one for non Thai.

Next - Gas stations - you guessed it - dual priicing.

Let's take it a step further - the power company. Man I think you are onto a winner here.

I wonder how many of the bleeding hearts would be ok with "white skin 14,999 baht - brown & black skin 19,999 baht?

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....Perhaps farang run businesses should also adopt dual pricing and charge Thai's extra for the extra costs imposed by all the rules and regulations to set up a business here and having to employ 4 Thai staff to every foreigner employed. I know we live in Thailand, but the same argument of business choice and practices could be employed to defend the rights of the foreign business to equally determine their own pricing structures. This would not last long before a visit from an off duty ploliceman etc, but charging foreigners more is seen as completely acceptable!!


This statement highlights your complete lack of understanding of economics and how business actually works. :D

In reality, most of the alleged "discrimination" people feel they have been subjected to is merely free market pricing based on what the seller thinks the buyer will pay. No doubt that thinking is heavily based on nationality profiling (not racism). The problem is people have been raised in culture where "flexible" pricing has been pretty much done away with in past 50 years or so.

People, this is a different culture with different rules.

Get over it. :o


Lovely customer...next time you need a taxi from Pattaya or BKK please let me know as I will charge you a lot more as that seems to be OK.... :D

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As a Canadian the first time I encountered dual pricing was in the USA,

Las Vegas and Hawaii have dual pricing at golf courses.. So how come in

the GREAT USA this is legal..

Was the policy implemented and applied on the basis of your skin color, as it is here in Thailand? If so, you can sue and win big!

You've missed the point.

This has got to be the silliest post ever on TV, with a subtext of racism with the implication that Thais are of a different skin color than farangs! There are dark and light farangs and dark and light Thais, and everything in between. Shame on you!

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As a Canadian the first time I encountered dual pricing was in the USA,

Las Vegas and Hawaii have dual pricing at golf courses.. So how come in

the GREAT USA this is legal..

Was the policy implemented and applied on the basis of your skin color, as it is here in Thailand? If so, you can sue and win big!

You've missed the point.

This has got to be the silliest post ever on TV, with a subtext of racism with the implication that Thais are of a different skin color than farangs! There are dark and light farangs and dark and light Thais, and everything in between. Shame on you!

Yawn. Sorry, I was in a hurry and forgot to take into account the dearth of abstract reasoning capabilities among the membership that unfortunately does make them appear silly at times. Obviously, skin color was merely a metaphor for any identifying stereotypical "farang" racial characteristic as perceived by Thais that will be used to apply dual pricing. Got that now? Dual pricing is not INITIALLY applied--and sometimes never is at all--according to income level or ID card or passport or residence. Sometimes a dual pricing EXEMPTION is later made for a farang (after first being identified racially as a farang and told he/she will have to pay the farang tax) when proof of residence, such as a Thai drivers' licence, is presented; evidently, Tony's does not make that particular exemption.)

Dark foreigners of Asian ethnicity (say, Thai Americans, or Filipinos or Malaysians or Indonesians), if they keep their mouths shut, will initially be given the Thai discount; light Thais, if they appear otherwise Asian, will initially be given the discount. True, a light Chinese Thai could be mistaken for a non-Thai, i. e., a tourist, on a racial basis, but would speak Thai fluently, so dual pricing would not automatically be applied.

But light Thais such as Bill Heinecke, who definitely does not look Asian, will be initially charged the farang tax. I seriously doubt a Pattaya baht bus driver will even accept his Thai ID card for an exemption from dual pricing (surely think it's fake, too). Show Bill Heinecke's picture (from the web) to a Thai and ask him/her whether Bill is Thai. Watch the disbelief when you tell them that he is in fact Thai. Now, I'll give Tony's the benefit of the doubt and figure that Tony's would accept Bill's ID card. But initially he would be given the farang price, even though he's Thai, automatically on the basis of racial characteristics.

That's just the way it is. If you think it's not racism in application, then enjoy thinking that, just as Flat Earth society members enjoy thinking the earth is flat. Me, I've been the object of this little Thai social characterstic for years now, have explored all the workarounds, and I know exactly how it works.

Edited by JSixpack
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I use Tonys gym up off walking st and have to say the equipment is really top rate and much better than the crap machines that Fitness First use in Australia.

The Hammer strength machines are in very good condition.

99 baht for a casual visit with a towel thrown in is a good cheap price.

Fitness FIrst in Oz charge 20 dollars for a one off visit no towel.

I would never buy a life membership as Fitness Centres often go broke and there goes your life membership.

It is so cheap anyway for a years membership i would just leave it at that.

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You must meaning the rusty olympic bars,the dumbells that are falling apart,the hammerstrenght machines which are overpainted for the 25th time and with the cables that are so short that you need a step to reach them and then I am not talking yet about the machines that are copied from a catalog.

By the way I know from an employee of tony's that the most of the machines are made in thailand and counterfeit.

You should get down to a gym sometime and workout because you know nothing about gyms.

Short cables are essential so that tall people can get a full stretch on pulldown movements. If you're too short, they have extensions you can add to the cable. Just ask one of the staff to attach it if you're too lazy to jump up.

All the Hammer Strength machines are in perfect working order.

The DBs and Olympic bars are also in good condition. Of course you wouldn't know because you probably have never used them. I've loaded them up to 500 lbs with no problems at all and I use all the DB's up to 135 lbs.

For anyone who does serious lifting, Tony's Gym (Soi 16) is a fantastic gym. It's a pleasure to workout there. For anyone who likes shinny bullshit machines, go elsewhere and train with the girls.

Jeez,took you almost a year to write a reply to my post.If I never used the gym then how could I figure out the condition of the equipment?However I was talking about the condition at the time of posting so things can have improved in the mean time.Probably because he lost too many customers to california gym.When you feel the heat.....

Also,because Olympic bars are rusty doesn't mean you can't load them up with weight.It's only a sign of cheap quality,bad maintenance and are unpleasant to use.

Regarding the shiny bullshit machines you mention,I'm not so sure if they are less effective as I have never seen so much pro bodybuilders in tony as I see every day in california wow.

Now next tell us that you use the 500 lbs for bench press mister superman.

I didn't reply because I didn't see your post. I cannot let your bs to go unanswered so a late reply is better than none.

You should have let it go before showing your ignorance:

1. Putting aside you obvious sarcasm, have you ever heard of squats, deadlifts and shrugs? All heavy weight exercises. Come down to Tony's and I'll demonstrate an exercise in which I can use 500 lbs. Being able to load that much weight on a bar is a very good test of a bar's condition.

2. Nothing has changed in the gym in the last 2 years I've been there so your comment that things may have changed since your March 08 post is nonsense.

3. It would seem obvious that you've never trained there because you're relaying false info.

4. Olympic bars which have developed a corrosive film are far better to use than shiny new bars. They're easier to grip. Most heavy duty gyms have bars in exactly the same condition, but how would you know that? You'd have to get around some gyms to know. Having said this, there is a shiny olympic bar there that you are free to use. Most people don't like using it.

5. If you see any pro bodybuilders training at Wow, they're probably doing a holiday session, or have struck up a deal with management. It doesn't indicate which gym is better. The last serious pro bodybuilder (Mr Olympia contender) who made his home in Pattaya (Dennis James) trained at the old Universe Gym on Beach Road. No shiny equipment there.

Edited by tropo
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You must meaning the rusty olympic bars,the dumbells that are falling apart,the hammerstrenght machines which are overpainted for the 25th time and with the cables that are so short that you need a step to reach them and then I am not talking yet about the machines that are copied from a catalog.

By the way I know from an employee of tony's that the most of the machines are made in thailand and counterfeit.

You should get down to a gym sometime and workout because you know nothing about gyms.

Short cables are essential so that tall people can get a full stretch on pulldown movements. If you're too short, they have extensions you can add to the cable. Just ask one of the staff to attach it if you're too lazy to jump up.

All the Hammer Strength machines are in perfect working order.

The DBs and Olympic bars are also in good condition. Of course you wouldn't know because you probably have never used them. I've loaded them up to 500 lbs with no problems at all and I use all the DB's up to 135 lbs.

For anyone who does serious lifting, Tony's Gym (Soi 16) is a fantastic gym. It's a pleasure to workout there. For anyone who likes shinny bullshit machines, go elsewhere and train with the girls.

Jeez,you must be a big bloke,i wish i could move that kind of weight,and i'm not even close to your age.I guess you have been at it for awhile.In relation to the dual pricing,i think if Tony's Gym was to advertise "From such and such a price"then that would be acceptable.

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Would it be ok to set up a gym in Thailand and charge Thai's more than farangs or would this not go with the powers that be?

I love this idea! I am sure it is legal. why not. the other way is?

I think it is a good idea for European restaurants.

Coq au vin, farang 250 baht

Thai 500 baht

If asked why, too many Thai ask too many questions about what is the dish, and then they send it back because it is not spicy enough. Also, for the hiso Thai, it shows high face to pay the higher Thai price, as you know, wine is expensive in Thailand. Also the management has determined that Thais who really love European food have "money too much" and are much more able to pay the higher price than the typical farang, suffering from poor currency conversion rates. Also, as the Thai customers are much less than the European, the only way to profit from this small customer volume is to double the price (for the Thais). Should go over big time.

The other great thing about that is it would make the Thai press for sure, and then Thai people would talk about it, and likely be OUTRAGED by it (its so wrong, its so unfair, its racism), and some of them might even make the MENTAL CONNECTION.

Edited by Jingthing
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Would it be ok to set up a gym in Thailand and charge Thai's more than farangs or would this not go with the powers that be?

I love this idea! I am sure it is legal. why not. the other way is?

I think it is a good idea for European restaurants.

Coq au vin, farang 250 baht

Thai 500 baht

If asked why, too many Thai ask too many questions about what is the dish, and then they send it back because it is not spicy enough. Also, for the hiso Thai, it shows high face to pay the higher Thai price, as you know, wine is expensive in Thailand. Also the management has determined that Thais who really love European food have "money too much" and are much more able to pay the higher price than the typical farang, suffering from poor currency conversion rates. Also, as the Thai customers are much less than the European, the only way to profit from this small customer volume is to double the price (for the Thais). Should go over big time.

The other great thing about that is it would make the Thai press for sure, and then Thai people would talk about it, and likely be OUTRAGED by it (its so wrong, its so unfair, its racism), and some of them might even make the MENTAL CONNECTION.

You been smoking again??


Edited by Syl
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You must meaning the rusty olympic bars,the dumbells that are falling apart,the hammerstrenght machines which are overpainted for the 25th time and with the cables that are so short that you need a step to reach them and then I am not talking yet about the machines that are copied from a catalog.

By the way I know from an employee of tony's that the most of the machines are made in thailand and counterfeit.

You should get down to a gym sometime and workout because you know nothing about gyms.

Short cables are essential so that tall people can get a full stretch on pulldown movements. If you're too short, they have extensions you can add to the cable. Just ask one of the staff to attach it if you're too lazy to jump up.

All the Hammer Strength machines are in perfect working order.

The DBs and Olympic bars are also in good condition. Of course you wouldn't know because you probably have never used them. I've loaded them up to 500 lbs with no problems at all and I use all the DB's up to 135 lbs.

For anyone who does serious lifting, Tony's Gym (Soi 16) is a fantastic gym. It's a pleasure to workout there. For anyone who likes shinny bullshit machines, go elsewhere and train with the girls.

Jeez,took you almost a year to write a reply to my post.If I never used the gym then how could I figure out the condition of the equipment?However I was talking about the condition at the time of posting so things can have improved in the mean time.Probably because he lost too many customers to california gym.When you feel the heat.....

Also,because Olympic bars are rusty doesn't mean you can't load them up with weight.It's only a sign of cheap quality,bad maintenance and are unpleasant to use.

Regarding the shiny bullshit machines you mention,I'm not so sure if they are less effective as I have never seen so much pro bodybuilders in tony as I see every day in california wow.

Now next tell us that you use the 500 lbs for bench press mister superman.

I didn't reply because I didn't see your post. I cannot let your bs to go unanswered so a late reply is better than none.

You should have let it go before showing your ignorance:

1. Putting aside you obvious sarcasm, have you ever heard of squats, deadlifts and shrugs? All heavy weight exercises. Come down to Tony's and I'll demonstrate an exercise in which I can use 500 lbs. Being able to load that much weight on a bar is a very good test of a bar's condition.

2. Nothing has changed in the gym in the last 2 years I've been there so your comment that things may have changed since your March 08 post is nonsense.

3. It would seem obvious that you've never trained there because you're relaying false info.

4. Olympic bars which have developed a corrosive film are far better to use than shiny new bars. They're easier to grip. Most heavy duty gyms have bars in exactly the same condition, but how would you know that? You'd have to get around some gyms to know. Having said this, there is a shiny olympic bar there that you are free to use. Most people don't like using it.

5. If you see any pro bodybuilders training at Wow, they're probably doing a holiday session, or have struck up a deal with management. It doesn't indicate which gym is better. The last serious pro bodybuilder (Mr Olympia contender) who made his home in Pattaya (Dennis James) trained at the old Universe Gym on Beach Road. No shiny equipment there.

you two are arguing about 2 different gyms!!! basjke is talking about tonys 3rd road opposite exzyte disco(which is as basjke describes and still is hence cal wow doing so well as its now cheaper,newer,lighter,cooler) and tropo is talking about tonys soi 16 off walkin st.!!!!(which is as he described and looked ok when i used it) but location not ideal for me.

1. what exercise do you do with 500lb on an olympic bar....deadlifts i guess.....out of interest,how many reps.....and well done as you not a spring chicken.

2.you talkin about 2 different gyms!!!

3.still talkin about 2 different gyms(i realised from descriptions given that not same tony sgym)

4.a little rust is ok but not so pleasant when you get brown hands from the rust,maybe time to get a new bar !!

5.a lot of very good amateur bodybuilders now use cal wow ,tonys is cheaper on holiday sessions so im not sure why they go cal wow but the equipment is good and can train heavy if need be.

I still like tonys gym opposite exzyte for working out .........but not good value for money anymore(compared to some cal wow deals) and got pissed off with no air con,lights mostly off and music off or quiet when i went. im no big fan of cal wow in general and there sales techniques but got better deal than tonys and found out i could still get good workouts. i would still be at universe gym if they opened as late as i needed!!!!

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You must meaning the rusty olympic bars,the dumbells that are falling apart,the hammerstrenght machines which are overpainted for the 25th time and with the cables that are so short that you need a step to reach them and then I am not talking yet about the machines that are copied from a catalog.

By the way I know from an employee of tony's that the most of the machines are made in thailand and counterfeit.

You should get down to a gym sometime and workout because you know nothing about gyms.

Short cables are essential so that tall people can get a full stretch on pulldown movements. If you're too short, they have extensions you can add to the cable. Just ask one of the staff to attach it if you're too lazy to jump up.

All the Hammer Strength machines are in perfect working order.

The DBs and Olympic bars are also in good condition. Of course you wouldn't know because you probably have never used them. I've loaded them up to 500 lbs with no problems at all and I use all the DB's up to 135 lbs.

For anyone who does serious lifting, Tony's Gym (Soi 16) is a fantastic gym. It's a pleasure to workout there. For anyone who likes shinny bullshit machines, go elsewhere and train with the girls.

Jeez,took you almost a year to write a reply to my post.If I never used the gym then how could I figure out the condition of the equipment?However I was talking about the condition at the time of posting so things can have improved in the mean time.Probably because he lost too many customers to california gym.When you feel the heat.....

Also,because Olympic bars are rusty doesn't mean you can't load them up with weight.It's only a sign of cheap quality,bad maintenance and are unpleasant to use.

Regarding the shiny bullshit machines you mention,I'm not so sure if they are less effective as I have never seen so much pro bodybuilders in tony as I see every day in california wow.

Now next tell us that you use the 500 lbs for bench press mister superman.

I didn't reply because I didn't see your post. I cannot let your bs to go unanswered so a late reply is better than none.

You should have let it go before showing your ignorance:

1. Putting aside you obvious sarcasm, have you ever heard of squats, deadlifts and shrugs? All heavy weight exercises. Come down to Tony's and I'll demonstrate an exercise in which I can use 500 lbs. Being able to load that much weight on a bar is a very good test of a bar's condition.

2. Nothing has changed in the gym in the last 2 years I've been there so your comment that things may have changed since your March 08 post is nonsense.

3. It would seem obvious that you've never trained there because you're relaying false info.

4. Olympic bars which have developed a corrosive film are far better to use than shiny new bars. They're easier to grip. Most heavy duty gyms have bars in exactly the same condition, but how would you know that? You'd have to get around some gyms to know. Having said this, there is a shiny olympic bar there that you are free to use. Most people don't like using it.

5. If you see any pro bodybuilders training at Wow, they're probably doing a holiday session, or have struck up a deal with management. It doesn't indicate which gym is better. The last serious pro bodybuilder (Mr Olympia contender) who made his home in Pattaya (Dennis James) trained at the old Universe Gym on Beach Road. No shiny equipment there.

you two are arguing about 2 different gyms!!! basjke is talking about tonys 3rd road opposite exzyte disco(which is as basjke describes and still is hence cal wow doing so well as its now cheaper,newer,lighter,cooler) and tropo is talking about tonys soi 16 off walkin st.!!!!(which is as he described and looked ok when i used it) but location not ideal for me.

1. what exercise do you do with 500lb on an olympic bar....deadlifts i guess.....out of interest,how many reps.....and well done as you not a spring chicken.

2.you talkin about 2 different gyms!!!

3.still talkin about 2 different gyms(i realised from descriptions given that not same tony sgym)

4.a little rust is ok but not so pleasant when you get brown hands from the rust,maybe time to get a new bar !!

5.a lot of very good amateur bodybuilders now use cal wow ,tonys is cheaper on holiday sessions so im not sure why they go cal wow but the equipment is good and can train heavy if need be.

I still like tonys gym opposite exzyte for working out .........but not good value for money anymore(compared to some cal wow deals) and got pissed off with no air con,lights mostly off and music off or quiet when i went. im no big fan of cal wow in general and there sales techniques but got better deal than tonys and found out i could still get good workouts. i would still be at universe gym if they opened as late as i needed!!!!

1. Power shrugs at 500. I used to do olympic lifting when I was younger, so these are no trouble at all. Deadlifts 400. Squats 330. Bench 300. These are weights for at least 5 reps - I don't do singles. I've cut back recently due to some injuries and as you say I'm no spring chicken.

2. Basjke is talking about Hammer Strength machines. They only have Hammer Strength equipment at Soi 16.

4. It's not iron rust. It's oxidation of other metals in the alloy and doesn't come off in your hands. I can spend 1 hour training with these olympic bars and came away with clean hands.

Soi 16 does membersips at 3999 per year, so it's unlikely you'll get a better deal at California Wow...and it's open 24 hours. There's no point debating the cost of life memberships because we have no idea how long any of these gyms will stay open.

Edited by tropo
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This is meant as an open letter to Mr Tony,who is assumed to be a member of this forum,but I invite everyone to post their opinion.

I am a member of Tony's gym for several years but my membership is due to renewal.As I see daily the advertisements through pickup's and billboards for a lifetime membership at 14.999 baht I decided to take one.So up I went to Tony's fitness,the one with the pool,with my 14.999 baht and applied for a lifetime membership.

The staff overthere told me that this price only was for thai people and that the foreigner price was 19.999 baht.I told them that I lived in Thailand for over 10 years,had a company and paid taxes and carried a thai driver licence so in my opinion was entitled to the thai price.Also told them that if I showed my thai driver licence at the entrance of national parks or at underwater world I would presumably be charged the thai price.They went up to the manager,who is Mr Tony's brother,with my reply but returned with the message that they could not serve me at that price.

Later on I had the opportunity to talk with Tony's brother personally and asked him why Tony's had this policy.He told me that this was called marketing.I never knew that discrimination was a form of marketing and told him that if someone would do this in the western world they would face legal issues at least.Again he told me that this was their marketing strategy and that less then 20 % of their customers were thai.

All of Mr Tony's businesses are aimed at foreigners so doesn't he forget that it is us who made him to what he is today?Why bite the hand that feeds you?I also know that Mr Tony and many members of his family lived in the US and Europe for a considerable time so I wonder if they ever were threated with the same attitude when abroad.

I sincerely hope this topic is read by Mr Tony or is forwarded to him and that he will personaly respond at it on this open forum.In the mean time please post your opinions. :o

It is marketing many companies in the west have duel pricing polices and offer different customers flexiable deals your view is very shallow and I think borne of your dissappointment in not being able to wrangle a deal

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This is meant as an open letter to Mr Tony,who is assumed to be a member of this forum,but I invite everyone to post their opinion.

I am a member of Tony's gym for several years but my membership is due to renewal.As I see daily the advertisements through pickup's and billboards for a lifetime membership at 14.999 baht I decided to take one.So up I went to Tony's fitness,the one with the pool,with my 14.999 baht and applied for a lifetime membership.

The staff overthere told me that this price only was for thai people and that the foreigner price was 19.999 baht.I told them that I lived in Thailand for over 10 years,had a company and paid taxes and carried a thai driver licence so in my opinion was entitled to the thai price.Also told them that if I showed my thai driver licence at the entrance of national parks or at underwater world I would presumably be charged the thai price.They went up to the manager,who is Mr Tony's brother,with my reply but returned with the message that they could not serve me at that price.

Later on I had the opportunity to talk with Tony's brother personally and asked him why Tony's had this policy.He told me that this was called marketing.I never knew that discrimination was a form of marketing and told him that if someone would do this in the western world they would face legal issues at least.Again he told me that this was their marketing strategy and that less then 20 % of their customers were thai.

All of Mr Tony's businesses are aimed at foreigners so doesn't he forget that it is us who made him to what he is today?Why bite the hand that feeds you?I also know that Mr Tony and many members of his family lived in the US and Europe for a considerable time so I wonder if they ever were threated with the same attitude when abroad.

I sincerely hope this topic is read by Mr Tony or is forwarded to him and that he will personaly respond at it on this open forum.In the mean time please post your opinions. :o

It is marketing many companies in the west have duel pricing polices and offer different customers flexiable deals your view is very shallow and I think borne of your dissappointment in not being able to wrangle a deal

So do you think it's fair that the OP has been a member for many years and when someone never been there before walks in with different colored skin, they get a better deal? That is just wrong.

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