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Work Permit And Bank Loans

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Im setting up a company basicly running an internet Cafe...just wanna know someting clear...Im married to a thai National and im from Singapore...

1) when i set up a company i will be eligible granted a work permit...But the question is ..with the work permit do i have to leave Thailand every 90 days or i could stay here till the work permit expire...

2) Having a Company in Thailand me as the MAnaging Director...Is my Company eligeble for a Housing loan,Purchacing a Vehicle loans, and shops house loans..??

And offcource i will pay a 20 percent of the down payment...Or is it wise for my Thai Wife to use her name for all this...My wife will be the shareholder for our company....

3)Where can i get the rules and regulation of how to operates an internet cafe in Bangkok ...Any tips ???? Please any 1 i could speak that have already experience setting up an ternet cafe in Bangkok....



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Even with a limited company there is no automatic right to a work permit ....

1st you must comply with the rules on amount invested and number of employees etc to qualify as a qualifying company eligible to employ foreigners

Then, you have to be doing a type of work permitted to foreigners and not excluded by either the Royal Decree or the Foreign Business Act - and they do contradict each other in some areas, especially in relation to the "professions"

For the best sources of info, a first stop should be the Board of Investment website at www.boi.go.th

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Owning an Internet Cafe is like owning a bar. you can manage it, spend money on it, but not work in it. You won't get a work permit based on owning an internet cafe.

As to your other questions, IF you get a work permit, then you change your visa status to a permission to stay status and avoid doing 90 day visa runs to the border (you still need to report to your local immigration office every 90 days to tell them your home address) and also visa renewals every year. You do need to renew your permission to stay status on a yearly basis.

Also, after 1 year of running a business you are eligible for a bank loan.

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