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Walking Street Closed At 2 Am


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Wow, Thailand seems to do all to support tourism...

Almost all venues at WS closed Saturday morning at 2 am (incl. Discos etc, where hardly anybody goes before 1 am).

Thank you Mr. Thaksin! :o

I heard some rumours that BBK BiB are in town for three days.

Edited by moo9
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are you still drunk at 3.45 PM ??????

what relation with the fact closed bar in walking street and Mr Shinawatra ( thaksin ) ?????????

Are you??????????

Because his puppet government have declared that they will be cracking down on night-time entertainment venues to ensure they are shut by 2am (which is still the law that was introduced when Thaksin was legitimately in power). Apparently they have started a crackdown in Bangkok, so it won't be long.

Probably better not to slag other posters off, when you patently have no idea what you're talking about, eh?

Edit: Oh, and his post said 2.45pm, you even managed to get that wrong.

Edited by sweetchariot
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I had a friend who was visiting last nite from Bangkok. After dinner buffet at the Sheraton Resort (just about everything was very bland but the dessert selection was top notch...he had a coupon for 2 people free) we did a little carousing. Went to sois 7 and 8 around 8-11 pm and noticed lots of police presence walking around and driving around in their pick-ups. Didn't look like Pattaya uniforms to me and never really seen it like this before.

Ended up at soi 6 around midnite and finished-up a very satisfactory session by 1 am :o The op's report explains the police I was seeing around town last nite...Good that I finished-up by 1 am and was on my way home already when the party ended!

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are you still drunk at 3.45 PM ??????

what relation with the fact closed bar in walking street and Mr Shinawatra ( thaksin ) ?????????

Hi, I think your question has been reasonably answered :o

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I had a friend who was visiting last nite from Bangkok. After dinner buffet at the Sheraton Resort (just about everything was very bland but the dessert selection was top notch...he had a coupon for 2 people free) we did a little carousing. Went to sois 7 and 8 around 8-11 pm and noticed lots of police presence walking around and driving around in their pick-ups. Didn't look like Pattaya uniforms to me and never really seen it like this before.

Ended up at soi 6 around midnite and finished-up a very satisfactory session by 1 am :D The op's report explains the police I was seeing around town last nite...Good that I finished-up by 1 am and was on my way home already when the party ended!

im glad everything Came out ok for you jonniebkk :D

just on soi 6 we had the beer police in last night checking all labels and bottles and emptys, looking for cigs (to be sold not smokers in bar) and we were given clean bill of health, think thats cos i wont there!!!

no doubt some bar on soi 6 will have had a 20,000 bill stuffed up em! :o


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Maybe it all has something to do with the fact that the Chonburi area went for the Democrats in the recent elections. I read in the local rags that the usual PPP (TRT in disguise) suspects were somewhat routed at the polls the last go around.

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Wow, Thailand seems to do all to support tourism...

Almost all venues at WS closed Saturday morning at 2 am (incl. Discos etc, where hardly anybody goes before 1 am).

Thank you Mr. Thaksin! :o

I heard some rumours that BBK BiB are in town for three days.

shut early wed and thurs night or should i say thurs and fri morn....ok it wasnt 2 am but a lot earlier than normal.i heard the bkk bib are here for a week...i think its how they get there yearly (extra extra)bonus and they seem to come this time of year every year......doesnt last too long as local bib miss there tea money too much :D

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Drowning my sorrows after the rugby last night, had a few beers in a friends bar on soi 9 (same soi as the cop shop). Got dragged home at 4am but there were many people there who were staying for a few more.

Maybe the 'crack down' has cracked. Or gone down. Or gone up someone's crack.

As the Irish (they lost as well) were telling me last night, its all about the craic!

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